luci-base: fix dependency handling of optionals (#645)
[project/luci.git] / modules / luci-base / luasrc / view / cbi / ucisection.htm
1 <%-
2 if type(self.hidden) == "table" then
3 for k, v in pairs(self.hidden) do
4 -%>
5 <input type="hidden" id="<%=k%>" name="<%=k%>" value="<%=pcdata(v)%>" />
6 <%-
7 end
8 end
9 %>
11 <% if self.tabs then %>
12 <%+cbi/tabcontainer%>
13 <% else %>
14 <% self:render_children(section, scope or {}) %>
15 <% end %>
17 <% if self.error and self.error[section] then -%>
18 <div class="cbi-section-error" data-index="<%=#self.children + 1%>">
19 <ul><% for _, e in ipairs(self.error[section]) do -%>
20 <li>
21 <%- if e == "invalid" then -%>
22 <%:One or more fields contain invalid values!%>
23 <%- elseif e == "missing" then -%>
24 <%:One or more required fields have no value!%>
25 <%- else -%>
26 <%=pcdata(e)%>
27 <%- end -%>
28 </li>
29 <%- end %></ul>
30 </div>
31 <%- end %>
33 <% if self.optionals[section] and #self.optionals[section] > 0 or self.dynamic then %>
34 <div class="cbi-optionals" data-index="<%=#self.children + 1%>">
35 <% if self.dynamic then %>
36 <input type="text" id="cbi.opt.<%=self.config%>.<%=section%>" name="cbi.opt.<%=self.config%>.<%=section%>" />
37 <% if self.optionals[section] and #self.optionals[section] > 0 then %>
38 <script type="text/javascript">
39 cbi_combobox_init('cbi.opt.<%=self.config%>.<%=section%>', {
40 <%-
41 for i, val in pairs(self.optionals[section]) do
42 -%>
43 <%-=string.format("%q", val.option) .. ":" .. string.format("%q", striptags(val.title))-%>
44 <%-if next(self.optionals[section], i) then-%>,<%-end-%>
45 <%-
46 end
47 -%>
48 }, '', '<%-: -- custom -- -%>');
49 </script>
50 <% end %>
51 <% else %>
52 <select id="cbi.opt.<%=self.config%>.<%=section%>" name="cbi.opt.<%=self.config%>.<%=section%>" data-optionals="true">
53 <option><%: -- Additional Field -- %></option>
54 <% for key, val in pairs(self.optionals[section]) do -%>
55 <option id="cbi-<%=self.config.."-"..section.."-"..val.option%>" value="<%=val.option%>" data-index="<%=val.index%>" data-depends="<%=pcdata(val:deplist2json(section))%>"><%=striptags(val.title)%></option>
56 <%- end %>
57 </select>
58 <% end %>
59 <input type="submit" class="cbi-button cbi-button-fieldadd" value="<%:Add%>" />
60 </div>
61 <% end %>