1) Replaced trim with luci.util.trim in pbx-calls.lua
[project/luci.git] / applications / luci-pbx / luasrc / model / cbi / pbx.lua
1 --[[
2 Copyright 2011 Iordan Iordanov <iiordanov (AT) gmail.com>
4 This file is part of luci-pbx.
6 luci-pbx is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
9 (at your option) any later version.
11 luci-pbx is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 GNU General Public License for more details.
16 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17 along with luci-pbx. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
18 ]]--
20 modulename = "pbx"
22 if nixio.fs.access("/etc/init.d/asterisk") then
23 server = "asterisk"
24 elseif nixio.fs.access("/etc/init.d/freeswitch") then
25 server = "freeswitch"
26 else
27 server = ""
28 end
30 -- My implementation of the function which splits a string into tokens
31 -- at the specified separator and returns a table containing the tokens.
32 function mysplit(inputstr, sep)
33 if sep == nil then
34 sep = "%s"
35 end
36 t={} ; i=1
37 for str in string.gmatch(inputstr, "([^"..sep.."]+)") do
38 t[i] = str
39 i = i + 1
40 end
41 return t
42 end
44 -- Returns formatted output of string containing only the words at the indices
45 -- specified in the table "indices".
46 function format_indices(string, indices)
47 if indices == nil then
48 return "Error: No indices to format specified.\n"
49 end
51 -- Split input into separate lines.
52 lines = mysplit(string, "\n")
54 -- Split lines into separate words.
55 splitlines = {}
56 for lpos,line in ipairs(lines) do
57 splitlines[lpos] = mysplit(line, " ")
58 end
60 -- For each split line, if the word at all indices specified
61 -- to be formatted are not null, add the formatted line to the
62 -- gathered output.
63 output = ""
64 for lpos,splitline in ipairs(splitlines) do
65 loutput = ""
66 for ipos,index in ipairs(indices) do
67 if splitline[index] ~= nil then
68 loutput = loutput .. string.format("%-50s", splitline[index])
69 else
70 loutput = nil
71 break
72 end
73 end
75 if loutput ~= nil then
76 output = output .. loutput .. "\n"
77 end
78 end
79 return output
80 end
83 m = Map (modulename, translate("PBX Main Page"),
84 translate("This configuration page allows you to configure a phone system (PBX) service which\
85 permits making phone calls through multiple Google and SIP (like Sipgate,\
86 SipSorcery, and Betamax) accounts and sharing them among many SIP devices. \
87 Note that Google accounts, SIP accounts, and local user accounts are configured in the \
88 \"Google Accounts\", \"SIP Accounts\", and \"User Accounts\" sub-sections. \
89 You must add at least one User Account to this PBX, and then configure a SIP device or \
90 softphone to use the account, in order to make and receive calls with your Google/SIP \
91 accounts. Configuring multiple users will allow you to make free calls between all users,\
92 and share the configured Google and SIP accounts. If you have more than one Google and SIP \
93 accounts set up, you should probably configure how calls to and from them are routed in \
94 the \"Call Routing\" page. If you're interested in using your own PBX from anywhere in the\
95 world, then visit the \"Remote Usage\" section in the \"Advanced Settings\" page."))
97 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
98 s = m:section(NamedSection, "connection_status", "main",
99 translate("Service Control and Connection Status"))
100 s.anonymous = true
102 s:option (DummyValue, "status", translate("Service Status"))
104 sts = s:option(DummyValue, "_sts")
105 sts.template = "cbi/tvalue"
106 sts.rows = 20
108 function sts.cfgvalue(self, section)
110 if server == "asterisk" then
111 regs = luci.sys.exec("asterisk -rx 'sip show registry' | sed 's/peer-//'")
112 jabs = luci.sys.exec("asterisk -rx 'jabber show connections' | grep onnected")
113 usrs = luci.sys.exec("asterisk -rx 'sip show users'")
114 chan = luci.sys.exec("asterisk -rx 'core show channels'")
116 return format_indices(regs, {1, 5}) ..
117 format_indices(jabs, {2, 4}) .. "\n" ..
118 format_indices(usrs, {1} ) .. "\n" .. chan
120 elseif server == "freeswitch" then
121 return "Freeswitch is not supported yet.\n"
122 else
123 return "Neither Asterisk nor FreeSwitch discovered, please install Asterisk, as Freeswitch is not supported yet.\n"
124 end
125 end
127 return m