treewide: avoid double-escaping CBI section labels
[project/luci.git] / contrib / package / freifunk-gwcheck / files / usr / sbin /
1 #!/bin/sh
2 # Copyright 2013 Manuel Munz <freifunk at somakoma dot de>
3 # Licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) v3
4 # This script monitors the local internet gateway
6 . /lib/
7 . /lib/functions/
8 . /usr/share/libubox/
10 # exit if dyngw_plain is not enabled or RtTable is not (254 or unset)
11 config_load olsrd
13 check_dyngw_plain()
14 {
15 local cfg="$1"
16 config_get library "$cfg" library
17 if [ "${library#olsrd_dyn_gw_plain}" != "$library" ]; then
18 config_get ignore "$cfg" ignore
19 config_get RtTable "$cfg" RtTable
20 if [ "$ignore" != "1" ] && [ -z "$RtTable" -o "$RtTable" = "254" ]; then
21 exit=0
22 fi
23 fi
24 }
26 exit=1
27 config_foreach check_dyngw_plain LoadPlugin
28 [ "$exit" = "1" ] && exit 1
30 #Exit if this script is already running
31 pid="$(pidof"
32 if [ ${#pid} -gt 5 ]; then
33 logger -p debug -t gwcheck "Gateway check script is already running, exit now"
34 exit 1
35 fi
37 # exit if there is no defaultroute with metric=0 in main or gw-check table.
38 defroutemain="$(ip route show |grep default |grep -v metric)"
39 defroutegwcheck="$(ip route show table gw-check |grep default |grep -v metric)"
40 if [ -z "$defroutegwcheck" -a -z "$defroutemain" ]; then
41 exit 1
42 fi
44 # get and shuffle list of testservers
45 testserver="$(uci -q get"
46 [ -z "$testserver" ] && echo "No testservers found, exit" && exit
48 testserver="$(for t in $testserver; do echo $t; done | awk 'BEGIN {
49 srand();
50 }
51 {
52 l[NR] = $0;
53 }
55 END {
56 for (i = 1; i <= NR; i++) {
57 n = int(rand() * (NR - i + 1)) + i;
58 print l[n];
59 l[n] = l[i];
60 }
61 }')"
63 check_internet() {
64 for t in $testserver; do
65 local test
66 test=$(wget -q http://$t/conntest.html -O -| grep "Internet_works")
67 if [ "$test" == "Internet_works" ]; then
68 echo 0
69 break
70 else
71 logger -p debug -t gw-check "Could not fetch http://$t/conntest.html"
72 fi
73 done
74 }
76 resolve() {
77 echo "$(nslookup $1 2>/dev/null |grep 'Address' |grep -v '' |awk '{ print $3 }')"
78 }
80 get_dnsservers() {
81 # this gets all dns servers for the interface which has the default route
83 dns=""
84 if [ ! -x /bin/ubus ]; then
85 # ubus not present (versions before Attitude): fallback to get these from /var/state/network.
86 # We always assume that wan is the default route interface here
87 dns="$(grep network.wan.resolv_dns /var/state/network | cut -d "=" -f 2)"
88 else
89 network_find_wan wan
90 network_get_dnsserver dns $wan
91 fi
92 }
94 iw=$(check_internet)
96 if [ "$iw" == 0 ]; then
97 # Internet available again, restore default route and remove ip rules
98 if [ -n "$defroutegwcheck" ]; then
99 ip route add $defroutegwcheck
100 ip route del $defroutegwcheck table gw-check
101 for host in $testserver; do
102 ips="$(resolve $host)"
103 for ip in $ips; do
104 [ -n "$(ip rule show | grep "to $ip lookup gw-check")" ] && ip rule del to $ip table gw-check
105 done
106 done
107 get_dnsservers
108 for d in $dns; do
109 [ -n "$(ip rule show | grep "to $d lookup gw-check")" ] && ip rule del to $d table gw-check
110 done
111 logger -p err -t gw-check "Internet is available again, default route restored ( $defroutegwcheck)"
112 fi
114 else
115 # Check failed. Move default route to table gw-check and setup ip rules.
116 if [ -z "$(ip rule show | grep gw-check)" -a -n "$defroutemain" ]; then
117 ip route add $defroutemain table gw-check
118 ip route del $defroutemain
119 logger -p err -t gw-check "Internet is not available, default route deactivated ( $defroutemain)"
120 fi
121 for host in $testserver; do
122 ips="$(resolve $host)"
123 for ip in $ips; do
124 [ -z "$(ip rule show | grep "to $ip lookup gw-check")" ] && ip rule add to $ip table gw-check
125 done
126 done
127 get_dnsservers
128 for d in $dns; do
129 [ -z "$(ip rule show | grep "to $d lookup gw-check")" ] && ip rule add to $d table gw-check
130 done
131 logger -p err -t gw-check "Check your internet connection!"
132 fi