# # Copyright (C) 2007-2010 OpenWrt.org # # This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2. # See /LICENSE for more information. # include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk PKG_NAME:=iperf PKG_VERSION:=2.0.9 PKG_VERSION_SUFFIX:=a PKG_RELEASE:=1 PKG_SOURCE:=$(PKG_NAME)-$(PKG_VERSION)$(PKG_VERSION_SUFFIX).tar.gz # Temporary URL change - iperf upstream altered the already released target # without bumping the version number. The new tarball is renamed to avoid # conflicts with existing mirrored files. # PKG_SOURCE_URL:=@SF/iperf2 PKG_SOURCE_URL:=http://mirror2.openwrt.org/sources PKG_MD5SUM:=db02911f35686e808ed247160dfa766e08ae3f59d1e7dcedef0ffb2a6643f0bf PKG_MAINTAINER:=Felix Fietkau PKG_LICENSE:=BSD-3-Clause PKG_BUILD_PARALLEL:=1 include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/uclibc++.mk include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/package.mk define Package/iperf SECTION:=net CATEGORY:=Network DEPENDS:= $(CXX_DEPENDS) +libpthread TITLE:=Internet Protocol bandwidth measuring tool URL:=http://sourceforge.net/projects/iperf2/ endef define Package/iperf/description Iperf is a modern alternative for measuring TCP and UDP bandwidth performance, allowing the tuning of various parameters and characteristics. endef TARGET_CFLAGS += -D_GNU_SOURCE CONFIGURE_ARGS += --disable-multicast CONFIGURE_VARS += CXXFLAGS="$$$$CXXFLAGS -fno-rtti" CONFIGURE_VARS += LIBS="-lpthread -lm" define Package/iperf/install $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/bin $(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/src/iperf $(1)/usr/bin/iperf endef $(eval $(call BuildPackage,iperf))