# # Copyright (C) 2009-2013 OpenWrt.org # # This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2. # See /LICENSE for more information. # define Profile/WNDAP360 NAME:=NETGEAR WNDAP360 PACKAGES:= endef define Profile/WNDAP360/Description Package set optimized for the NETGEAR WNDAP360 endef $(eval $(call Profile,WNDAP360)) define Profile/WNDR3700 NAME:=NETGEAR WNDR3700/WNDR3800/WNDRMAC PACKAGES:=kmod-usb-core kmod-usb-ohci kmod-usb2 kmod-ledtrig-usbdev kmod-leds-wndr3700-usb endef define Profile/WNDR3700/Description Package set optimized for the NETGEAR WNDR3700/WNDR3800/WNDRMAC endef $(eval $(call Profile,WNDR3700)) define Profile/WNR2000V3 NAME:=NETGEAR WNR2000V3 PACKAGES:= -kmod-usb-core -kmod-usb-ohci -kmod-usb2 -kmod-ledtrig-usbdev endef define Profile/WNR2000V3/Description Package set optimized for the NETGEAR WNR2000V3 endef $(eval $(call Profile,WNR2000V3)) define Profile/WNR2000V4 NAME:=NETGEAR WNR2000V4 PACKAGES:=kmod-usb-core kmod-usb2 kmod-ledtrig-usbdev endef define Profile/WNR2000V4/Description Package set optimized for the NETGEAR WNR2000V4 endef $(eval $(call Profile,WNR2000V4)) define Profile/WNR612V2 NAME:=NETGEAR WNR612V2 / On Networks N150 endef define Profile/WNR612V2/Description Package set optimized for the NETGEAR WNR612V2 / On Networks N150 endef $(eval $(call Profile,WNR612V2)) define Profile/WNR1000V2 NAME:=NETGEAR WNR1000V2 endef define Profile/WNR1000V2/Description Package set optimized for the NETGEAR WNR1000V2 endef $(eval $(call Profile,WNR1000V2)) define Profile/WNR2200 NAME:=NETGEAR WNR2200 endef define Profile/WNR2200/Description Package set optimized for the NETGEAR WNR2200 endef $(eval $(call Profile,WNR2200)) define Profile/WPN824N NAME:=NETGEAR WPN824N endef define Profile/WPN824N/Description Package set optimized for the NETGEAR WPN824N endef $(eval $(call Profile,WPN824N))