oonf-dlep-proxy: add PKG_MIRROR_HASH
[feed/routing.git] / alfred / files / bat-hosts.lua
1 #!/usr/bin/lua
3 local type_id = 64 -- bat-hosts
5 function get_hostname()
6 local hostfile = io.open("/proc/sys/kernel/hostname", "r")
7 local ret_string = hostfile:read()
8 hostfile:close()
9 return ret_string
10 end
12 function get_interfaces_names()
13 local ret = {}
15 for name in io.popen("ls -1 /sys/class/net/"):lines() do
16 table.insert(ret, name)
17 end
19 return ret
20 end
22 function get_interface_address(name)
23 local addressfile = io.open("/sys/class/net/"..name.."/address", "r")
24 local ret_string = addressfile:read()
25 addressfile:close()
26 return ret_string
27 end
30 local function generate_bat_hosts()
31 -- get hostname and interface macs/names
32 -- then return a table containing valid bat-hosts lines
33 local n, i
34 local ifaces, ret = {}, {}
36 local hostname = get_hostname()
38 for n, i in ipairs(get_interfaces_names()) do
39 local address = get_interface_address(i)
40 if not ifaces[address] then ifaces[address] = i end
41 end
43 for mac, iname in pairs(ifaces) do
44 if mac:match("^%x%x:%x%x:%x%x:%x%x:%x%x:%x%x$") and not mac:match("00:00:00:00:00:00") then
45 table.insert(ret, mac.." "..hostname.."_"..iname.."\n")
46 end
47 end
49 return ret
50 end
52 local function publish_bat_hosts()
53 -- pass a raw chunk of data to alfred
54 local fd = io.popen("alfred -s " .. type_id, "w")
55 if fd then
56 local ret = generate_bat_hosts()
57 if ret then
58 fd:write(table.concat(ret))
59 end
60 fd:close()
61 end
62 end
64 local function write_bat_hosts(rows)
65 local content = { "### /tmp/bat-hosts generated by alfred-bat-hosts\n",
66 "### /!\\ This file is overwritten every 5 minutes /!\\\n",
67 "### (To keep manual changes, replace /etc/bat-hosts symlink with a static file)\n" }
69 -- merge the chunks from all nodes, de-escaping newlines
70 for _, row in ipairs(rows) do
71 local node, value = unpack(row)
72 table.insert(content, "# Node ".. node .. "\n")
73 table.insert(content, value:gsub("\x0a", "\n") .. "\n")
74 end
76 -- write parsed content down to disk
77 local fd = io.open("/tmp/bat-hosts", "w")
78 if fd then
79 fd:write(table.concat(content))
80 fd:close()
81 end
83 -- try to make a symlink in /etc pointing to /tmp,
84 -- if it exists, ln will do nothing.
85 os.execute("ln -ns /tmp/bat-hosts /etc/bat-hosts 2>/dev/null")
86 end
88 local function receive_bat_hosts()
89 -- read raw chunks from alfred, convert them to a nested table and call write_bat_hosts
90 -- "alfred -r" can fail in slave nodes (returns empty stdout), so:
91 -- check output is not null before writing /tmp/bat-hosts, and retry 3 times before giving up.
92 for n = 1, 3 do
93 local fd = io.popen("alfred -r " .. type_id)
94 --[[ this command returns something like
95 { "54:e6:fc:b9:cb:37", "00:11:22:33:44:55 ham_wlan0\x0a00:22:33:22:33:22 ham_eth0\x0a" },
96 { "90:f6:52:bb:ec:57", "00:22:33:22:33:23 spam\x0a" },
97 ]]--
99 if fd then
100 local output = fd:read("*a")
101 fd:close()
102 if output and output ~= "" then
103 assert(loadstring("rows = {" .. output .. "}"))()
104 write_bat_hosts(rows)
105 break
106 end
107 end
108 end
109 end
111 publish_bat_hosts()
112 receive_bat_hosts()