luci-app-advanced-reboot: support 5.10 kernel on Zyxel
[project/luci.git] / applications / luci-app-advanced-reboot / root / usr / libexec / rpcd / luci.advanced_reboot
1 #!/bin/sh
2 # Copyright 2017-2020 Stan Grishin (
3 # shellcheck disable=SC2039,SC1091
5 readonly devices_dir="/usr/share/advanced-reboot/devices/"
7 . /lib/
8 . /usr/share/libubox/
10 logger() { /usr/bin/logger -t advanced-reboot "$1"; }
11 is_present() { command -v "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1; }
13 is_alt_mountable() {
14 local p1_mtd="$1" p2_mtd="$2"
15 if [ "${p1_mtd:0:3}" = "mtd" ] && [ "${p2_mtd:0:3}" = "mtd" ] && \
16 is_present 'ubiattach' && \
17 is_present 'ubiblock' && \
18 is_present 'mount'; then
19 return 0
20 else
21 return 1
22 fi
23 }
25 alt_partition_mount() {
26 local ubi_dev op_ubi="$1"
27 mkdir -p /var/alt_rom
28 ubi_dev="$(ubiattach -m "$op_ubi")"
29 ubi_dev="$(echo "$ubi_dev" | sed -n "s/^UBI device number\s*\(\d*\),.*$/\1/p")"
30 if [ -z "$ubi_dev" ]; then
31 ubidetach -m "$op_ubi"
32 return 1
33 fi
34 ubiblock --create "/dev/ubi${ubi_dev}_0" && \
35 mount -t squashfs -r "/dev/ubiblock${ubi_dev}_0" /var/alt_rom
36 }
38 alt_partition_unmount() {
39 local mtdCount i=0 op_ubi="$1"
40 mtdCount="$(ubinfo | grep 'Present UBI devices' | tr ',' '\n' | grep -c 'ubi')"
41 [ -z "$mtdCount" ] && mtdCount=10
42 [ -d /var/alt_rom ] && umount /var/alt_rom
43 while [ "$i" -le "$mtdCount" ]; do
44 if [ ! -e "/sys/devices/virtual/ubi/ubi${i}/mtd_num" ]; then
45 break
46 fi
47 ubi_mtd="$(cat /sys/devices/virtual/ubi/ubi${i}/mtd_num)"
48 if [ -n "$ubi_mtd" ] && [ "$ubi_mtd" = "$op_ubi" ]; then
49 ubiblock --remove /dev/ubi${i}_0
50 ubidetach -m "$op_ubi"
51 rm -rf /var/alt_rom
52 fi
53 i=$((i + 1))
54 done
55 }
57 get_main_partition_os_info(){
58 local cp_info
59 if [ -s "/etc/os-release" ]; then
60 cp_info="$(. /etc/os-release && echo "$PRETTY_NAME")"
61 if [ "${cp_info//SNAPSHOT}" != "$cp_info" ]; then
62 cp_info="$(. /etc/os-release && echo "${OPENWRT_RELEASE%%-*}")"
63 fi
64 fi
65 echo "$cp_info"
66 }
68 get_alt_partition_os_info(){
69 local op_info op_ubi="$1"
70 logger "attempting to mount alternative partition (mtd${op_ubi})"
71 alt_partition_unmount "$op_ubi"
72 alt_partition_mount "$op_ubi"
73 if [ -s "/var/alt_rom/etc/os-release" ]; then
74 op_info="$(. /var/alt_rom/etc/os-release && echo "$PRETTY_NAME")"
75 if [ "${op_info//SNAPSHOT}" != "$op_info" ]; then
76 op_info="$(. /var/alt_rom/etc/os-release && echo "${OPENWRT_RELEASE%%-*}")"
77 fi
78 fi
79 logger "attempting to unmount alternative partition (mtd${op_ubi})"
80 alt_partition_unmount "$op_ubi"
81 echo "$op_info"
82 }
84 find_device_data(){
85 local boardNames filename i romBoardName="$1"
86 for filename in "${devices_dir}"*.json; do
87 [ "$filename" = "${devices_dir}*.json" ] && return
88 json_load_file "$filename"
89 json_get_values boardNames 'boardNames'
90 json_cleanup
91 for i in $boardNames; do
92 if [ "$i" = "$romBoardName" ]; then
93 echo "$filename"
94 return
95 fi
96 done
97 done
98 }
100 print_json() { json_init; json_add_string "$1" "$2"; json_dump; json_cleanup; }
102 obtain_device_info(){
103 local romBoardName p zyxelFlagPartition i
104 local vendorName deviceName partition1MTD partition2MTD labelOffset
105 local bootEnv1 bootEnv1Partition1Value bootEnv1Partition2Value
106 local bootEnv2 bootEnv2Partition1Value bootEnv2Partition2Value
107 local p1_label p1_version p2_label p2_version p1_os p2_os
108 local current_partition op_ubi cp_info op_info
110 romBoardName="$(cat /tmp/sysinfo/board_name)"
111 if [ -z "$romBoardName" ]; then
112 print_json 'error' 'NO_BOARD_NAME'
113 return
114 fi
116 p="$(find_device_data "$romBoardName")"
117 if [ -z "$p" ] || [ ! -s "$p" ]; then
118 print_json 'rom_board_name' "$romBoardName"
119 return
120 fi
122 json_load_file "$p"
123 for i in vendorName deviceName partition1MTD partition2MTD labelOffset \
124 bootEnv1 bootEnv1Partition1Value bootEnv1Partition2Value \
125 bootEnv2 bootEnv2Partition1Value bootEnv2Partition2Value; do
126 json_get_var $i "$i"
127 done
128 json_cleanup
130 if [ -n "$labelOffset" ]; then
131 if [ -n "$partition1MTD" ]; then
132 p1_label="$(dd if="/dev/${partition1MTD}" bs=1 skip="${labelOffset}" count=64 2>/dev/null)"
133 if [ -n "$p1_label" ]; then
134 p1_version="$(echo "$p1_label" | sed -n "s/\(.*\)Linux-\([0-9.]\+\).*$/\2/p")"
135 if [ "${p1_label//LEDE}" != "$p1_label" ]; then p1_os="LEDE"; fi
136 if [ "${p1_label//OpenWrt}" != "$p1_label" ]; then p1_os="OpenWrt"; fi
137 if [ -n "$vendorName" ] && [ "${p1_label//$vendorName}" != "$p1_label" ]; then
138 p1_os="$vendorName"
139 fi
140 fi
141 if [ -z "$p1_os" ]; then
142 p1_os="${vendorName:-Unknown}/Unknown"
143 fi
144 fi
146 if [ -n "$partition2MTD" ]; then
147 p2_label="$(dd if="/dev/${partition2MTD}" bs=1 skip="${labelOffset}" count=64 2>/dev/null)"
148 if [ -n "$p2_label" ]; then
149 p2_version="$(echo "$p2_label" | sed -n "s/\(.*\)Linux-\([0-9.]\+\).*$/\2/p")"
150 if [ "${p2_label//LEDE}" != "$p2_label" ]; then p2_os="LEDE"; fi
151 if [ "${p2_label//OpenWrt}" != "$p2_label" ]; then p2_os="OpenWrt"; fi
152 if [ -n "$vendorName" ] && [ "${p2_label//$vendorName}" != "$p2_label" ]; then
153 p2_os="$vendorName"
154 fi
155 fi
156 if [ -z "$p2_os" ]; then
157 p2_os="${vendorName:-Unknown}/Unknown"
158 fi
159 fi
160 else
161 p1_os="${vendorName}/Unknown (Compressed)"
162 p2_os="${vendorName}/Unknown (Compressed)"
163 fi
165 if [ -n "$bootEnv1" ]; then
166 if [ -x "/usr/sbin/fw_printenv" ] && [ -x "/usr/sbin/fw_setenv" ]; then
167 current_partition="$(/usr/sbin/fw_printenv -n "${bootEnv1}")"
168 fi
169 else
170 for i in '0:dual_flag' '0:DUAL_FLAG'; do
171 zyxelFlagPartition="$(find_mtd_part "$i" 2>/dev/null)"
172 [ -n "$zyxelFlagPartition" ] && break
173 done
174 if [ -z "$zyxelFlagPartition" ]; then
175 print_json 'error' 'NO_DUAL_FLAG'
176 logger "Unable to find Dual Boot Environment or Dual Boot Flag Partition."
177 return
178 elif [ ! -b "$zyxelFlagPartition" ]; then
179 print_json 'error' 'NO_DUAL_FLAG_BLOCK'
180 logger "The Dual Boot Flag Partition: $zyxelFlagPartition is not block device."
181 return
182 else
183 current_partition="$(dd if="${zyxelFlagPartition}" bs=1 count=1 2>/dev/null | hexdump -n 1 -e '1/1 "%d"')"
184 fi
185 fi
187 if is_alt_mountable "$partition1MTD" "$partition2MTD"; then
188 if [ "$current_partition" = "$bootEnv1Partition1Value" ]; then
189 op_ubi=$(( ${partition2MTD:3:3} + 1 ))
190 else
191 op_ubi=$(( ${partition1MTD:3:3} + 1 ))
192 fi
193 cp_info="$(get_main_partition_os_info $op_ubi)"
194 op_info="$(get_alt_partition_os_info $op_ubi)"
195 if [ "$current_partition" = "$bootEnv1Partition1Value" ]; then
196 p1_os="${cp_info:-$p1_os}"
197 p2_os="${op_info:-$p2_os}"
198 else
199 p1_os="${op_info:-$p1_os}"
200 p2_os="${cp_info:-$p2_os}"
201 fi
202 fi
203 if [ -n "$p1_os" ] && [ -n "$p1_version" ]; then
204 p1_os="$p1_os (Linux ${p1_version})"
205 fi
206 if [ -n "$p2_os" ] && [ -n "$p2_version" ]; then
207 p2_os="$p2_os (Linux ${p2_version})"
208 fi
210 json_init
211 json_add_int 'current_partition' "$current_partition"
212 json_add_string 'device_name' "$vendorName $deviceName"
213 json_add_array 'partitions'
214 json_add_object
215 if [ "$bootEnv1Partition1Value" = "$current_partition" ]; then
216 json_add_string 'state' "Current"
217 else
218 json_add_string 'state' "Alternative"
219 fi
220 json_add_string 'os' "$p1_os"
221 json_add_int 'number' "$bootEnv1Partition1Value"
222 json_close_object
223 json_add_object
224 if [ "$bootEnv1Partition2Value" = "$current_partition" ]; then
225 json_add_string 'state' "Current"
226 else
227 json_add_string 'state' "Alternative"
228 fi
229 json_add_string 'os' "$p2_os"
230 json_add_int 'number' "$bootEnv1Partition2Value"
231 json_close_object
232 json_close_array
233 json_add_string 'rom_board_name' "$romBoardName"
234 json_dump; json_cleanup;
235 }
237 toggle_boot_partition(){
238 local zyxelFlagPartition i zyxelBootFlag zyxelNewBootFlag curEnvSetting newEnvSetting
239 local romBoardName p
240 local bev1 bev2 bev1p1 bev1p2 bev2p1 bev2p2
241 local vendorName deviceName partition1MTD partition2MTD labelOffset
242 local bootEnv1 bootEnv1Partition1Value bootEnv1Partition2Value
243 local bootEnv2 bootEnv2Partition1Value bootEnv2Partition2Value
245 romBoardName="$(cat /tmp/sysinfo/board_name)"
246 if [ -z "$romBoardName" ]; then
247 print_json 'error' 'NO_BOARD_NAME'
248 return
249 fi
251 p="$(find_device_data "$romBoardName")"
252 if [ -z "$p" ] || [ ! -s "$p" ]; then
253 print_json 'rom_board_name' "$romBoardName"
254 return
255 fi
257 json_load_file "$p"
258 for i in vendorName deviceName partition1MTD partition2MTD labelOffset \
259 bootEnv1 bootEnv1Partition1Value bootEnv1Partition2Value \
260 bootEnv2 bootEnv2Partition1Value bootEnv2Partition2Value; do
261 json_get_var $i "$i"
262 done
263 json_cleanup
265 bev1="$bootEnv1"
266 bev2="$bootEnv2"
268 if [ -n "${bev1}${bev2}" ]; then # Linksys devices
269 if [ -n "$bev1" ]; then
270 curEnvSetting="$(fw_printenv -n "${bev1}")"
271 if [ -z "$curEnvSetting" ]; then
272 logger "$(printf "Unable to obtain firmware environment variable: %s." "$bev1")"
273 json_init
274 json_add_string 'error' 'NO_FIRM_ENV'
275 json_add_array 'args'
276 json_add_string "$bev1"
277 json_close_array
278 json_add_string 'rom_board_name' "$romBoardName"
279 json_dump; json_cleanup;
280 return
281 else
282 bev1p1="$bootEnv1Partition1Value"
283 bev1p2="$bootEnv1Partition2Value"
284 if [ "$curEnvSetting" = "$bev1p1" ]; then
285 newEnvSetting="$bev1p2"
286 else
287 newEnvSetting="$bev1p1"
288 fi
289 if ! fw_setenv "$bev1" "$newEnvSetting"; then
290 logger "$(printf "Unable to set firmware environment variable: %s to %s." "$bev1" "$newEnvSetting")"
291 json_init
292 json_add_string 'error' 'ERR_SET_ENV'
293 json_add_array 'args'
294 json_add_string "$bev1"
295 json_add_string "$newEnvSetting"
296 json_close_array
297 json_add_string 'rom_board_name' "$romBoardName"
298 json_dump; json_cleanup;
299 return
300 fi
301 fi
302 fi
303 if [ -n "$bev2" ]; then
304 curEnvSetting="$(fw_printenv -n "${bev2}")"
305 if [ -z "$curEnvSetting" ]; then
306 logger "$(printf "Unable to obtain firmware environment variable: %s." "$bev2")"
307 json_init
308 json_add_string 'error' 'NO_FIRM_ENV'
309 json_add_array 'args'
310 json_add_string "$bev2"
311 json_close_array
312 json_add_string 'rom_board_name' "$romBoardName"
313 json_dump; json_cleanup;
314 return
315 else
316 bev2p1="$bootEnv2Partition1Value"
317 bev2p2="$bootEnv2Partition2Value"
318 if [ "$curEnvSetting" = "$bev2p1" ]; then
319 newEnvSetting="$bev2p2"
320 else
321 newEnvSetting="$bev2p1"
322 fi
323 if ! fw_setenv "$bev2" "$newEnvSetting"; then
324 logger "$(printf "Unable to set firmware environment variable: %s to %s." "$bev2" "$newEnvSetting")"
325 json_init
326 json_add_string 'error' 'ERR_SET_ENV'
327 json_add_array 'args'
328 json_add_string "$bev2"
329 json_add_string "$newEnvSetting"
330 json_close_array
331 json_add_string 'rom_board_name' "$romBoardName"
332 json_dump; json_cleanup;
333 return
334 fi
335 fi
336 fi
337 json_init
338 json_dump; json_cleanup;
339 else # NetGear device
340 for i in '0:dual_flag' '0:DUAL_FLAG'; do
341 zyxelFlagPartition="$(find_mtd_part "$i" 2>/dev/null)"
342 [ -n "$zyxelFlagPartition" ] && break
343 done
344 if [ -z "$zyxelFlagPartition" ]; then
345 print_json 'error' 'NO_DUAL_FLAG'
346 logger "Unable to find Dual Boot Environment or Dual Boot Flag Partition."
347 return
348 elif [ ! -b "$zyxelFlagPartition" ]; then
349 print_json 'error' 'NO_DUAL_FLAG_BLOCK'
350 logger "The Dual Boot Flag Partition: $zyxelFlagPartition is not block device."
351 return
352 else
353 zyxelBootFlag="$(dd if="${zyxelFlagPartition}" bs=1 count=1 2>/dev/null | hexdump -n 1 -e '1/1 "%d"')"
354 if [ "$zyxelBootFlag" = "1" ]; then
355 zyxelNewBootFlag="\\xff"
356 else
357 zyxelNewBootFlag="\\x01"
358 fi
359 if [ -n "$zyxelNewBootFlag" ]; then
360 if ! printf "%b" "$zyxelNewBootFlag" > "$zyxelFlagPartition"; then
361 logger "$(printf "Unable to set Dual Boot Flag Partition entry for partition: %s." "$zyxelFlagPartition")"
362 json_init
363 json_add_string 'error' 'ERR_SET_DUAL_FLAG'
364 json_add_array 'args'
365 json_add_string "$zyxelFlagPartition"
366 json_close_array
367 json_add_string 'rom_board_name' "$romBoardName"
368 json_dump; json_cleanup;
369 return
370 fi
371 fi
372 fi
373 json_init
374 json_dump; json_cleanup;
375 fi
376 }
378 case "$1" in
379 list)
380 json_init
381 json_add_object "obtain_device_info"
382 json_close_object
383 json_add_object "toggle_boot_partition"
384 json_close_object
385 json_dump
386 json_cleanup
387 ;;
388 call)
389 case "$2" in
390 obtain_device_info)
391 obtain_device_info;;
392 toggle_boot_partition)
393 toggle_boot_partition;;
394 esac
395 ;;
396 esac