luci-app-mwan3: rename status page files
[project/luci.git] / applications / luci-app-mwan3 / luasrc / controller / mwan3.lua
1 module("luci.controller.mwan3", package.seeall)
3 sys = require "luci.sys"
4 ut = require "luci.util"
6 ip = "ip -4 "
8 function index()
9 if not nixio.fs.access("/etc/config/mwan3") then
10 return
11 end
13 entry({"admin", "status", "mwan"},
14 alias("admin", "status", "mwan", "overview"),
15 _("Load Balancing"), 600)
17 entry({"admin", "status", "mwan", "overview"},
18 template("mwan/status_interface"))
19 entry({"admin", "status", "mwan", "detail"},
20 template("mwan/status_detail"))
21 entry({"admin", "status", "mwan", "diagnostics"},
22 template("mwan/status_diagnostics"))
23 entry({"admin", "status", "mwan", "troubleshooting"},
24 template("mwan/status_troubleshooting"))
25 entry({"admin", "status", "mwan", "interface_status"},
26 call("interfaceStatus"))
27 entry({"admin", "status", "mwan", "detailed_status"},
28 call("detailedStatus"))
29 entry({"admin", "status", "mwan", "diagnostics_display"},
30 call("diagnosticsData"), nil).leaf = true
31 entry({"admin", "status", "mwan", "troubleshooting_display"},
32 call("troubleshootingData"))
35 entry({"admin", "network", "mwan"},
36 alias("admin", "network", "mwan", "configuration"),
37 _("Load Balancing"), 600)
39 entry({"admin", "network", "mwan", "configuration"},
40 alias("admin", "network", "mwan", "configuration", "interface"),
41 _("Configuration"), 20)
42 entry({"admin", "network", "mwan", "configuration", "globals"},
43 cbi("mwan/globalsconfig"),_("Globals"), 5).leaf = true
44 entry({"admin", "network", "mwan", "configuration", "interface"},
45 arcombine(cbi("mwan/interface"), cbi("mwan/interfaceconfig")),
46 _("Interfaces"), 10).leaf = true
47 entry({"admin", "network", "mwan", "configuration", "member"},
48 arcombine(cbi("mwan/member"), cbi("mwan/memberconfig")),
49 _("Members"), 20).leaf = true
50 entry({"admin", "network", "mwan", "configuration", "policy"},
51 arcombine(cbi("mwan/policy"), cbi("mwan/policyconfig")),
52 _("Policies"), 30).leaf = true
53 entry({"admin", "network", "mwan", "configuration", "rule"},
54 arcombine(cbi("mwan/rule"), cbi("mwan/ruleconfig")),
55 _("Rules"), 40).leaf = true
56 entry({"admin", "network", "mwan", "configuration", "notify"},
57 cbi("mwan/notify"),
58 _("Notification"), 50).leaf = true
60 entry({"admin", "network", "mwan", "advanced"},
61 alias("admin", "network", "mwan", "advanced", "mwanconfig"),
62 _("Advanced"), 100)
63 entry({"admin", "network", "mwan", "advanced", "mwanconfig"},
64 form("mwan/advanced_mwanconfig"))
65 entry({"admin", "network", "mwan", "advanced", "networkconfig"},
66 form("mwan/advanced_networkconfig"))
67 entry({"admin", "network", "mwan", "advanced", "wirelessconfig"},
68 form("mwan/advanced_wirelessconfig"))
69 end
71 function getInterfaceStatus(ruleNumber, interfaceName)
72 if ut.trim(sys.exec("uci -q -p /var/state get mwan3." .. interfaceName .. ".enabled")) == "1" then
73 if ut.trim(sys.exec(ip .. "route list table " .. ruleNumber)) ~= "" then
74 if ut.trim(sys.exec("uci -q -p /var/state get mwan3." .. interfaceName .. ".track_ip")) ~= "" then
75 return "online"
76 else
77 return "notMonitored"
78 end
79 else
80 return "offline"
81 end
82 else
83 return "notEnabled"
84 end
85 end
87 function getInterfaceName()
88 local ruleNumber, status = 0, ""
89 uci.cursor():foreach("mwan3", "interface",
90 function (section)
91 ruleNumber = ruleNumber+1
92 status = status .. section[".name"] .. "[" .. getInterfaceStatus(ruleNumber, section[".name"]) .. "]"
93 end
94 )
95 return status
96 end
98 function interfaceStatus()
99 local ntm = require "".init()
101 local mArray = {}
103 -- overview status
104 local statusString = getInterfaceName()
105 if statusString ~= "" then
106 mArray.wans = {}
107 wansid = {}
109 for wanName, interfaceState in string.gfind(statusString, "([^%[]+)%[([^%]]+)%]") do
110 local wanInterfaceName = ut.trim(sys.exec("uci -q -p /var/state get network." .. wanName .. ".ifname"))
111 if wanInterfaceName == "" then
112 wanInterfaceName = "X"
113 end
114 local wanDeviceLink = ntm:get_interface(wanInterfaceName)
115 wanDeviceLink = wanDeviceLink and wanDeviceLink:get_network()
116 wanDeviceLink = wanDeviceLink and wanDeviceLink:adminlink() or "#"
117 wansid[wanName] = #mArray.wans + 1
118 mArray.wans[wansid[wanName]] = { name = wanName, link = wanDeviceLink, ifname = wanInterfaceName, status = interfaceState }
119 end
120 end
122 -- overview status log
123 local mwanLog = ut.trim(sys.exec("logread | grep mwan3 | tail -n 50 | sed 'x;1!H;$!d;x' 2>/dev/null"))
124 if mwanLog ~= "" then
125 mArray.mwanlog = { mwanLog }
126 end
128 luci.http.prepare_content("application/json")
129 luci.http.write_json(mArray)
130 end
132 function detailedStatus()
133 local mArray = {}
135 -- detailed mwan status
136 local detailStatusInfo = ut.trim(sys.exec("/usr/sbin/mwan3 status"))
137 if detailStatusInfo ~= "" then
138 mArray.mwandetail = { detailStatusInfo }
139 end
141 luci.http.prepare_content("application/json")
142 luci.http.write_json(mArray)
143 end
145 function diagnosticsData(interface, tool, task)
146 function getInterfaceNumber()
147 local number = 0
148 uci.cursor():foreach("mwan3", "interface",
149 function (section)
150 number = number+1
151 if section[".name"] == interface then
152 interfaceNumber = number
153 end
154 end
155 )
156 end
158 local mArray = {}
160 local results = ""
161 if tool == "service" then
162 os.execute("/usr/sbin/mwan3 " .. task)
163 if task == "restart" then
164 results = "MWAN3 restarted"
165 elseif task == "stop" then
166 results = "MWAN3 stopped"
167 else
168 results = "MWAN3 started"
169 end
170 else
171 local interfaceDevice = ut.trim(sys.exec("uci -q -p /var/state get network." .. interface .. ".ifname"))
172 if interfaceDevice ~= "" then
173 if tool == "ping" then
174 local gateway = ut.trim(sys.exec("route -n | awk '{if ($8 == \"" .. interfaceDevice .. "\" && $1 == \"\" && $3 == \"\") print $2}'"))
175 if gateway ~= "" then
176 if task == "gateway" then
177 local pingCommand = "ping -c 3 -W 2 -I " .. interfaceDevice .. " " .. gateway
178 results = pingCommand .. "\n\n" .. sys.exec(pingCommand)
179 else
180 local tracked = ut.trim(sys.exec("uci -q -p /var/state get mwan3." .. interface .. ".track_ip"))
181 if tracked ~= "" then
182 for z in tracked:gmatch("[^ ]+") do
183 local pingCommand = "ping -c 3 -W 2 -I " .. interfaceDevice .. " " .. z
184 results = results .. pingCommand .. "\n\n" .. sys.exec(pingCommand) .. "\n\n"
185 end
186 else
187 results = "No tracking IP addresses configured on " .. interface
188 end
189 end
190 else
191 results = "No default gateway for " .. interface .. " found. Default route does not exist or is configured incorrectly"
192 end
193 elseif tool == "rulechk" then
194 getInterfaceNumber()
195 local rule1 = sys.exec(ip .. "rule | grep $(echo $((" .. interfaceNumber .. " + 1000)))")
196 local rule2 = sys.exec(ip .. "rule | grep $(echo $((" .. interfaceNumber .. " + 2000)))")
197 if rule1 ~= "" and rule2 ~= "" then
198 results = "All required interface IP rules found:\n\n" .. rule1 .. rule2
199 elseif rule1 ~= "" or rule2 ~= "" then
200 results = "Missing 1 of the 2 required interface IP rules\n\n\nRules found:\n\n" .. rule1 .. rule2
201 else
202 results = "Missing both of the required interface IP rules"
203 end
204 elseif tool == "routechk" then
205 getInterfaceNumber()
206 local routeTable = sys.exec(ip .. "route list table " .. interfaceNumber)
207 if routeTable ~= "" then
208 results = "Interface routing table " .. interfaceNumber .. " was found:\n\n" .. routeTable
209 else
210 results = "Missing required interface routing table " .. interfaceNumber
211 end
212 elseif tool == "hotplug" then
213 if task == "ifup" then
214 os.execute("/usr/sbin/mwan3 ifup " .. interface)
215 results = "Hotplug ifup sent to interface " .. interface .. "..."
216 else
217 os.execute("/usr/sbin/mwan3 ifdown " .. interface)
218 results = "Hotplug ifdown sent to interface " .. interface .. "..."
219 end
220 end
221 else
222 results = "Unable to perform diagnostic tests on " .. interface .. ". There is no physical or virtual device associated with this interface"
223 end
224 end
225 if results ~= "" then
226 results = ut.trim(results)
227 mArray.diagnostics = { results }
228 end
230 luci.http.prepare_content("application/json")
231 luci.http.write_json(mArray)
232 end
234 function troubleshootingData()
235 local ver = require "luci.version"
237 local mArray = {}
239 -- software versions
240 local wrtRelease = ut.trim(ver.distversion)
241 if wrtRelease ~= "" then
242 wrtRelease = "OpenWrt - " .. wrtRelease
243 else
244 wrtRelease = "OpenWrt - unknown"
245 end
246 local luciRelease = ut.trim(ver.luciversion)
247 if luciRelease ~= "" then
248 luciRelease = "\nLuCI - " .. luciRelease
249 else
250 luciRelease = "\nLuCI - unknown"
251 end
252 local mwanVersion = ut.trim(sys.exec("opkg info mwan3 | grep Version | awk '{print $2}'"))
253 if mwanVersion ~= "" then
254 mwanVersion = "\n\nmwan3 - " .. mwanVersion
255 else
256 mwanVersion = "\n\nmwan3 - unknown"
257 end
258 local mwanLuciVersion = ut.trim(sys.exec("opkg info luci-app-mwan3 | grep Version | awk '{print $2}'"))
259 if mwanLuciVersion ~= "" then
260 mwanLuciVersion = "\nmwan3-luci - " .. mwanLuciVersion
261 else
262 mwanLuciVersion = "\nmwan3-luci - unknown"
263 end
264 mArray.versions = { wrtRelease .. luciRelease .. mwanVersion .. mwanLuciVersion }
266 -- mwan config
267 local mwanConfig = ut.trim(sys.exec("cat /etc/config/mwan3"))
268 if mwanConfig == "" then
269 mwanConfig = "No data found"
270 end
271 mArray.mwanconfig = { mwanConfig }
273 -- network config
274 local networkConfig = ut.trim(sys.exec("cat /etc/config/network | sed -e 's/.*username.*/ USERNAME HIDDEN/' -e 's/.*password.*/ PASSWORD HIDDEN/'"))
275 if networkConfig == "" then
276 networkConfig = "No data found"
277 end
278 mArray.netconfig = { networkConfig }
280 -- wireless config
281 local wirelessConfig = ut.trim(sys.exec("cat /etc/config/wireless | sed -e 's/.*username.*/ USERNAME HIDDEN/' -e 's/.*password.*/ PASSWORD HIDDEN/' -e 's/.*key.*/ KEY HIDDEN/'"))
282 if wirelessConfig == "" then
283 wirelessConfig = "No data found"
284 end
285 mArray.wificonfig = { wirelessConfig }
287 -- ifconfig
288 local ifconfig = ut.trim(sys.exec("ifconfig"))
289 if ifconfig == "" then
290 ifconfig = "No data found"
291 end
292 mArray.ifconfig = { ifconfig }
294 -- route -n
295 local routeShow = ut.trim(sys.exec("route -n"))
296 if routeShow == "" then
297 routeShow = "No data found"
298 end
299 mArray.routeshow = { routeShow }
301 -- ip rule show
302 local ipRuleShow = ut.trim(sys.exec(ip .. "rule show"))
303 if ipRuleShow == "" then
304 ipRuleShow = "No data found"
305 end
306 mArray.iprule = { ipRuleShow }
308 -- ip route list table 1-250
309 local routeList, routeString = ut.trim(sys.exec(ip .. "rule | sed 's/://g' 2>/dev/null | awk '$1>=2001 && $1<=2250' | awk '{print $NF}'")), ""
310 if routeList ~= "" then
311 for line in routeList:gmatch("[^\r\n]+") do
312 routeString = routeString .. line .. "\n" .. sys.exec(ip .. "route list table " .. line)
313 end
314 routeString = ut.trim(routeString)
315 else
316 routeString = "No data found"
317 end
318 mArray.routelist = { routeString }
320 -- default firewall output policy
321 local firewallOut = ut.trim(sys.exec("uci -q -p /var/state get firewall.@defaults[0].output"))
322 if firewallOut == "" then
323 firewallOut = "No data found"
324 end
325 mArray.firewallout = { firewallOut }
327 -- iptables
328 local iptables = ut.trim(sys.exec("iptables -L -t mangle -v -n"))
329 if iptables == "" then
330 iptables = "No data found"
331 end
332 mArray.iptables = { iptables }
334 luci.http.prepare_content("application/json")
335 luci.http.write_json(mArray)
336 end