[project/luci.git] / applications / luci-app-mwan3 / luasrc / controller / mwan3.lua
1 module("luci.controller.mwan3", package.seeall)
3 sys = require "luci.sys"
4 ut = require "luci.util"
6 ip = "ip -4 "
8 function index()
9 if not nixio.fs.access("/etc/config/mwan3") then
10 return
11 end
13 entry({"admin", "status", "mwan"},
14 alias("admin", "status", "mwan", "overview"),
15 _("Load Balancing"), 600)
17 entry({"admin", "status", "mwan", "overview"},
18 template("mwan/status_interface"))
19 entry({"admin", "status", "mwan", "detail"},
20 template("mwan/status_detail"))
21 entry({"admin", "status", "mwan", "diagnostics"},
22 template("mwan/status_diagnostics"))
23 entry({"admin", "status", "mwan", "troubleshooting"},
24 template("mwan/status_troubleshooting"))
25 entry({"admin", "status", "mwan", "interface_status"},
26 call("mwan_Status"))
27 entry({"admin", "status", "mwan", "detailed_status"},
28 call("detailedStatus"))
29 entry({"admin", "status", "mwan", "diagnostics_display"},
30 call("diagnosticsData"), nil).leaf = true
31 entry({"admin", "status", "mwan", "troubleshooting_display"},
32 call("troubleshootingData"))
35 entry({"admin", "network", "mwan"},
36 alias("admin", "network", "mwan", "interface"),
37 _("Load Balancing"), 600)
39 entry({"admin", "network", "mwan", "globals"},
40 cbi("mwan/globalsconfig"),
41 _("Globals"), 5).leaf = true
42 entry({"admin", "network", "mwan", "interface"},
43 arcombine(cbi("mwan/interface"), cbi("mwan/interfaceconfig")),
44 _("Interfaces"), 10).leaf = true
45 entry({"admin", "network", "mwan", "member"},
46 arcombine(cbi("mwan/member"), cbi("mwan/memberconfig")),
47 _("Members"), 20).leaf = true
48 entry({"admin", "network", "mwan", "policy"},
49 arcombine(cbi("mwan/policy"), cbi("mwan/policyconfig")),
50 _("Policies"), 30).leaf = true
51 entry({"admin", "network", "mwan", "rule"},
52 arcombine(cbi("mwan/rule"), cbi("mwan/ruleconfig")),
53 _("Rules"), 40).leaf = true
54 entry({"admin", "network", "mwan", "notify"},
55 cbi("mwan/notify"),
56 _("Notification"), 50).leaf = true
57 end
59 function mwan_Status()
60 local status = ut.ubus("mwan3", "status", {})
62 luci.http.prepare_content("application/json")
63 if status ~= nil then
64 luci.http.write_json(status)
65 else
66 luci.http.write_json({})
67 end
68 end
70 function detailedStatus()
71 local mArray = {}
73 -- detailed mwan status
74 local detailStatusInfo = ut.trim(sys.exec("/usr/sbin/mwan3 status"))
75 if detailStatusInfo ~= "" then
76 mArray.mwandetail = { detailStatusInfo }
77 end
79 luci.http.prepare_content("application/json")
80 luci.http.write_json(mArray)
81 end
83 function diagnosticsData(interface, tool, task)
84 function getInterfaceNumber()
85 local number = 0
86 uci.cursor():foreach("mwan3", "interface",
87 function (section)
88 number = number+1
89 if section[".name"] == interface then
90 interfaceNumber = number
91 end
92 end
93 )
94 end
96 local mArray = {}
98 local results = ""
99 if tool == "service" then
100 os.execute("/usr/sbin/mwan3 " .. task)
101 if task == "restart" then
102 results = "MWAN3 restarted"
103 elseif task == "stop" then
104 results = "MWAN3 stopped"
105 else
106 results = "MWAN3 started"
107 end
108 else
109 local interfaceDevice = ut.trim(sys.exec("uci -q -p /var/state get network." .. interface .. ".ifname"))
110 if interfaceDevice ~= "" then
111 if tool == "ping" then
112 local gateway = ut.trim(sys.exec("route -n | awk '{if ($8 == \"" .. interfaceDevice .. "\" && $1 == \"\" && $3 == \"\") print $2}'"))
113 if gateway ~= "" then
114 if task == "gateway" then
115 local pingCommand = "ping -c 3 -W 2 -I " .. interfaceDevice .. " " .. gateway
116 results = pingCommand .. "\n\n" .. sys.exec(pingCommand)
117 else
118 local tracked = ut.trim(sys.exec("uci -q -p /var/state get mwan3." .. interface .. ".track_ip"))
119 if tracked ~= "" then
120 for z in tracked:gmatch("[^ ]+") do
121 local pingCommand = "ping -c 3 -W 2 -I " .. interfaceDevice .. " " .. z
122 results = results .. pingCommand .. "\n\n" .. sys.exec(pingCommand) .. "\n\n"
123 end
124 else
125 results = "No tracking IP addresses configured on " .. interface
126 end
127 end
128 else
129 results = "No default gateway for " .. interface .. " found. Default route does not exist or is configured incorrectly"
130 end
131 elseif tool == "rulechk" then
132 getInterfaceNumber()
133 local rule1 = sys.exec(ip .. "rule | grep $(echo $((" .. interfaceNumber .. " + 1000)))")
134 local rule2 = sys.exec(ip .. "rule | grep $(echo $((" .. interfaceNumber .. " + 2000)))")
135 if rule1 ~= "" and rule2 ~= "" then
136 results = "All required interface IP rules found:\n\n" .. rule1 .. rule2
137 elseif rule1 ~= "" or rule2 ~= "" then
138 results = "Missing 1 of the 2 required interface IP rules\n\n\nRules found:\n\n" .. rule1 .. rule2
139 else
140 results = "Missing both of the required interface IP rules"
141 end
142 elseif tool == "routechk" then
143 getInterfaceNumber()
144 local routeTable = sys.exec(ip .. "route list table " .. interfaceNumber)
145 if routeTable ~= "" then
146 results = "Interface routing table " .. interfaceNumber .. " was found:\n\n" .. routeTable
147 else
148 results = "Missing required interface routing table " .. interfaceNumber
149 end
150 elseif tool == "hotplug" then
151 if task == "ifup" then
152 os.execute("/usr/sbin/mwan3 ifup " .. interface)
153 results = "Hotplug ifup sent to interface " .. interface .. "..."
154 else
155 os.execute("/usr/sbin/mwan3 ifdown " .. interface)
156 results = "Hotplug ifdown sent to interface " .. interface .. "..."
157 end
158 end
159 else
160 results = "Unable to perform diagnostic tests on " .. interface .. ". There is no physical or virtual device associated with this interface"
161 end
162 end
163 if results ~= "" then
164 results = ut.trim(results)
165 mArray.diagnostics = { results }
166 end
168 luci.http.prepare_content("application/json")
169 luci.http.write_json(mArray)
170 end
172 function troubleshootingData()
173 local ver = require "luci.version"
175 local mArray = {}
177 -- software versions
178 local wrtRelease = ut.trim(ver.distversion)
179 if wrtRelease ~= "" then
180 wrtRelease = "OpenWrt - " .. wrtRelease
181 else
182 wrtRelease = "OpenWrt - unknown"
183 end
184 local luciRelease = ut.trim(ver.luciversion)
185 if luciRelease ~= "" then
186 luciRelease = "\nLuCI - " .. luciRelease
187 else
188 luciRelease = "\nLuCI - unknown"
189 end
190 local mwanVersion = ut.trim(sys.exec("opkg info mwan3 | grep Version | awk '{print $2}'"))
191 if mwanVersion ~= "" then
192 mwanVersion = "\n\nmwan3 - " .. mwanVersion
193 else
194 mwanVersion = "\n\nmwan3 - unknown"
195 end
196 local mwanLuciVersion = ut.trim(sys.exec("opkg info luci-app-mwan3 | grep Version | awk '{print $2}'"))
197 if mwanLuciVersion ~= "" then
198 mwanLuciVersion = "\nmwan3-luci - " .. mwanLuciVersion
199 else
200 mwanLuciVersion = "\nmwan3-luci - unknown"
201 end
202 mArray.versions = { wrtRelease .. luciRelease .. mwanVersion .. mwanLuciVersion }
204 -- mwan config
205 local mwanConfig = ut.trim(sys.exec("cat /etc/config/mwan3"))
206 if mwanConfig == "" then
207 mwanConfig = "No data found"
208 end
209 mArray.mwanconfig = { mwanConfig }
211 -- network config
212 local networkConfig = ut.trim(sys.exec("cat /etc/config/network | sed -e 's/.*username.*/ USERNAME HIDDEN/' -e 's/.*password.*/ PASSWORD HIDDEN/'"))
213 if networkConfig == "" then
214 networkConfig = "No data found"
215 end
216 mArray.netconfig = { networkConfig }
218 -- wireless config
219 local wirelessConfig = ut.trim(sys.exec("cat /etc/config/wireless | sed -e 's/.*username.*/ USERNAME HIDDEN/' -e 's/.*password.*/ PASSWORD HIDDEN/' -e 's/.*key.*/ KEY HIDDEN/'"))
220 if wirelessConfig == "" then
221 wirelessConfig = "No data found"
222 end
223 mArray.wificonfig = { wirelessConfig }
225 -- ifconfig
226 local ifconfig = ut.trim(sys.exec("ifconfig"))
227 if ifconfig == "" then
228 ifconfig = "No data found"
229 end
230 mArray.ifconfig = { ifconfig }
232 -- route -n
233 local routeShow = ut.trim(sys.exec("route -n"))
234 if routeShow == "" then
235 routeShow = "No data found"
236 end
237 mArray.routeshow = { routeShow }
239 -- ip rule show
240 local ipRuleShow = ut.trim(sys.exec(ip .. "rule show"))
241 if ipRuleShow == "" then
242 ipRuleShow = "No data found"
243 end
244 mArray.iprule = { ipRuleShow }
246 -- ip route list table 1-250
247 local routeList, routeString = ut.trim(sys.exec(ip .. "rule | sed 's/://g' 2>/dev/null | awk '$1>=2001 && $1<=2250' | awk '{print $NF}'")), ""
248 if routeList ~= "" then
249 for line in routeList:gmatch("[^\r\n]+") do
250 routeString = routeString .. line .. "\n" .. sys.exec(ip .. "route list table " .. line)
251 end
252 routeString = ut.trim(routeString)
253 else
254 routeString = "No data found"
255 end
256 mArray.routelist = { routeString }
258 -- default firewall output policy
259 local firewallOut = ut.trim(sys.exec("uci -q -p /var/state get firewall.@defaults[0].output"))
260 if firewallOut == "" then
261 firewallOut = "No data found"
262 end
263 mArray.firewallout = { firewallOut }
265 -- iptables
266 local iptables = ut.trim(sys.exec("iptables -L -t mangle -v -n"))
267 if iptables == "" then
268 iptables = "No data found"
269 end
270 mArray.iptables = { iptables }
272 luci.http.prepare_content("application/json")
273 luci.http.write_json(mArray)
274 end