[project/luci.git] / applications / luci-coovachilli / root / lib / uci / schema / default / coovachilli
1 package coovachilli
3 config section
4 option name 'general'
5 option title 'Section general'
6 option description 'General CoovaChilli settings'
7 option package 'coovachilli'
8 option unique true
9 option required true
11 config variable
12 option name 'interval'
13 option title 'Config refresh interval'
14 option description 'Re-read configuration file and do DNS lookups every interval seconds. This has the same effect as sending the HUP signal. If interval is 0 (zero) this feature is disabled. '
15 option section 'coovachilli.general'
16 option datatype 'uint'
18 config variable
19 option name 'pidfile'
20 option title 'Pid file'
21 option description 'Filename to put the process id'
22 option section 'coovachilli.general'
23 option datatype 'string'
25 config variable
26 option name 'statedir'
27 option title 'State directory'
28 option description 'Directory of non-volatile data'
29 option section 'coovachilli.general'
30 option datatype 'directory'
32 config variable
33 option name 'cmdsock'
34 option title 'Command socket'
35 option description 'UNIX socket used for communication with chilli_query'
36 option section 'coovachilli.general'
37 option datatype 'string'
40 config section
41 option name 'tun'
42 option title 'Section tun'
43 option description 'Network/Tun configuration'
44 option package 'coovachilli'
45 option unique true
46 option required true
48 config variable
49 option name 'txqlen'
50 option title 'TX queue length'
51 option description 'The TX queue length to set on the TUN/TAP interface'
52 option section 'coovachilli.tun'
53 option datatype 'uint'
55 config variable
56 option name 'usetap'
57 option title 'Use TAP device'
58 option description 'Use the TAP interface instead of TUN'
59 option section 'coovachilli.tun'
60 option datatype 'boolean'
62 config variable
63 option name 'tundev'
64 option title 'TUN/TAP device'
65 option description 'The specific device to use for the TUN/TAP interface'
66 option section 'coovachilli.tun'
67 option datatype 'file'
69 config variable
70 option name 'net'
71 option title 'Uplink subnet'
72 option description 'Network address of the uplink interface (CIDR notation)'
73 option section 'coovachilli.tun'
74 option datatype 'ip4addr'
76 config variable
77 option name 'statip'
78 option title 'Static IP address pool'
79 option description 'Specifies a pool of static IP addresses'
80 option section 'coovachilli.tun'
81 option datatype 'ip4addr'
83 config variable
84 option name 'dynip'
85 option title 'Dynamic IP address pool'
86 option description 'Specifies a pool of dynamic IP addresses'
87 option section 'coovachilli.tun'
88 option datatype 'ip4addr'
90 config variable
91 option name 'dns1'
92 option title 'Primary DNS Server'
93 option description 'Is used to inform the client about the DNS address to use for host name resolution'
94 option section 'coovachilli.tun'
95 option datatype 'host'
97 config variable
98 option name 'dns2'
99 option title 'Secondary DNS Server'
100 option description 'Is used to inform the client about the DNS address to use for host name resolution'
101 option section 'coovachilli.tun'
102 option datatype 'host'
104 config variable
105 option name 'domain'
106 option title 'Domain name'
107 option description 'Is used to inform the client about the domain name to use for DNS lookups'
108 option section 'coovachilli.tun'
109 option datatype 'string'
111 config variable
112 option name 'ipdown'
113 option title 'IP down script'
114 option description 'Script executed after the tun network interface has been taken down'
115 option section 'coovachilli.tun'
116 option datatype 'file'
118 config variable
119 option name 'ipup'
120 option title 'IP up script'
121 option description 'Script executed after the TUN/TAP network interface has been brought up'
122 option section 'coovachilli.tun'
123 option datatype 'file'
125 config variable
126 option name 'condown'
127 option title 'Network down script'
128 option description 'Script executed after a session has moved from authorized state to unauthorized'
129 option section 'coovachilli.tun'
130 option datatype 'file'
132 config variable
133 option name 'conup'
134 option title 'Network up script'
135 option description 'Script executed after the tun network interface has been brought up'
136 option section 'coovachilli.tun'
137 option datatype 'file'
140 config section
141 option name 'dhcp'
142 option title 'DHCP configuration'
143 option description 'Set DHCP options for connecting clients'
144 option package 'coovachilli'
145 option unique true
146 option required true
148 config variable
149 option name 'dhcpif'
150 option title 'DHCP interface'
151 option description 'Ethernet interface to listen to for the downlink interface'
152 option section 'coovachilli.dhcp'
153 option datatype 'string'
154 option required true
156 config variable
157 option name 'dhcpmac'
158 option title 'Listen MAC address'
159 option description 'MAC address to listen to. If not specified the MAC address of the interface will be used'
160 option section 'coovachilli.dhcp'
161 option datatype 'macaddr'
163 config variable
164 option name 'lease'
165 option title 'Leasetime'
166 option description 'Use a DHCP lease of seconds (default 600)'
167 option section 'coovachilli.dhcp'
168 option datatype 'uint'
170 config variable
171 option name 'dhcpstart'
172 option title 'DHCP start number'
173 option description 'Where to start assigning IP addresses (default 10)'
174 option section 'coovachilli.dhcp'
175 option datatype 'uint'
177 config variable
178 option name 'dhcpend'
179 option title 'DHCP end number'
180 option description 'Where to stop assigning IP addresses (default 254)'
181 option section 'coovachilli.dhcp'
182 option datatype 'uint'
184 config variable
185 option name 'eapolenable'
186 option title 'Enable IEEE 802.1x'
187 option description 'Enable IEEE 802.1x authentication and listen for EAP requests'
188 option section 'coovachilli.dhcp'
189 option datatype 'boolean'
192 config section
193 option name 'macauth'
194 option title 'Section macauth'
195 option description 'Configure MAC authentication'
196 option package 'coovachilli'
197 option unique true
198 option required true
200 config variable
201 option name 'macauth'
202 option title 'Enable MAC authentification'
203 option description 'Try to authenticate all users based on their mac address alone'
204 option section 'coovachilli.macauth'
205 option datatype 'boolean'
207 config variable
208 option name 'macallowlocal'
209 option title 'Authenticate locally allowed MACs'
210 option description 'Authenticate allowed MAC addresses without the use of RADIUS'
211 option section 'coovachilli.macauth'
212 option datatype 'boolean'
214 config variable
215 option name 'macallowed'
216 option title 'Allowed MAC addresses'
217 option description 'List of MAC addresses for which MAC authentication will be performed'
218 option section 'coovachilli.macauth'
219 option datatype 'string'
220 option type 'lazylist'
222 config variable
223 option name 'macpasswd'
224 option title 'Password'
225 option description 'Password used when performing MAC authentication'
226 option section 'coovachilli.macauth'
227 option datatype 'string'
229 config variable
230 option name 'macsuffix'
231 option title 'Suffix'
232 option description 'Suffix to add to the MAC address in order to form the User-Name, which is sent to the radius server'
233 option section 'coovachilli.macauth'
234 option datatype 'string'
237 config section
238 option name 'radius'
239 option title 'Section radius'
240 option description ''
241 option package 'coovachilli'
242 option unique true
243 option required true
245 config variable
246 option name 'acctupdate'
247 option title 'Allow session update through RADIUS'
248 option description 'Allow updating of session parameters with RADIUS attributes sent in Accounting-Response'
249 option section 'coovachilli.radius'
250 option datatype 'boolean'
252 config variable
253 option name 'radiusacctport'
254 option title 'Option radiusacctport'
255 option description ''
256 option section 'coovachilli.radius'
257 option datatype 'port'
259 config variable
260 option name 'radiusauthport'
261 option title 'Option radiusauthport'
262 option description ''
263 option section 'coovachilli.radius'
264 option datatype 'port'
266 config variable
267 option name 'radiuscalled'
268 option title 'Option radiuscalled'
269 option description ''
270 option section 'coovachilli.radius'
271 option datatype 'string'
273 config variable
274 option name 'radiuslisten'
275 option title 'Option radiuslisten'
276 option description ''
277 option section 'coovachilli.radius'
278 option datatype 'ip4addr'
280 config variable
281 option name 'radiuslocationid'
282 option title 'Option radiuslocationid'
283 option description ''
284 option section 'coovachilli.radius'
285 option datatype 'string'
287 config variable
288 option name 'radiuslocationname'
289 option title 'Option radiuslocationname'
290 option description ''
291 option section 'coovachilli.radius'
292 option datatype 'string'
294 config variable
295 option name 'radiusnasid'
296 option title 'Option radiusnasid'
297 option description ''
298 option section 'coovachilli.radius'
299 option datatype 'string'
301 config variable
302 option name 'radiusnasip'
303 option title 'Option radiusnasip'
304 option description ''
305 option section 'coovachilli.radius'
306 option datatype 'ip4addr'
308 config variable
309 option name 'radiussecret'
310 option title 'Option radiussecret'
311 option description ''
312 option section 'coovachilli.radius'
313 option datatype 'string'
315 config variable
316 option name 'radiusserver1'
317 option title 'Option radiusserver1'
318 option description ''
319 option section 'coovachilli.radius'
320 option datatype 'host'
322 config variable
323 option name 'radiusserver2'
324 option title 'Option radiusserver2'
325 option description ''
326 option section 'coovachilli.radius'
327 option datatype 'host'
330 config section
331 option name 'proxy'
332 option title 'Section proxy'
333 option description ''
334 option package 'coovachilli'
335 option unique true
336 option required true
338 config variable
339 option name 'proxyclient'
340 option title 'Option proxyclient'
341 option description ''
342 option section 'coovachilli.proxy'
343 option datatype 'ip4addr'
345 config variable
346 option name 'proxylisten'
347 option title 'Option proxylisten'
348 option description ''
349 option section 'coovachilli.proxy'
350 option datatype 'ip4addr'
352 config variable
353 option name 'proxyport'
354 option title 'Option proxyport'
355 option description ''
356 option section 'coovachilli.proxy'
357 option datatype 'port'
359 config variable
360 option name 'proxysecret'
361 option title 'Option proxysecret'
362 option description ''
363 option section 'coovachilli.proxy'
364 option datatype 'string'
367 config section
368 option name 'remoteconfig'
369 option title 'Section remoteconfig'
370 option description ''
371 option package 'coovachilli'
372 option unique true
373 option required true
375 config variable
376 option name 'confpassword'
377 option title 'Option confpassword'
378 option description ''
379 option section 'coovachilli.remoteconfig'
380 option datatype 'string'
382 config variable
383 option name 'confusername'
384 option title 'Option confusername'
385 option description ''
386 option section 'coovachilli.remoteconfig'
387 option datatype 'string'
390 config section
391 option name 'uam'
392 option title 'UAM settings'
393 option description 'Unified Configuration Method settings'
394 option package 'coovachilli'
395 option unique true
396 option required true
398 config variable
399 option name 'uamanydns'
400 option title 'Allow any DNS server'
401 option description 'Allow any DNS server for unauthenticated clients'
402 option section 'coovachilli.uam'
403 option datatype 'boolean'
405 config variable
406 option name 'uamanyip'
407 option title 'Allow any IP address'
408 option description 'Allow clients to use any IP settings they wish by spoofing ARP (experimental)'
409 option section 'coovachilli.uam'
410 option datatype 'boolean'
412 config variable
413 option name 'dnsparanoia'
414 option title 'Inspect DNS traffic'
415 option description 'Inspect DNS packets and drop responses with any non- A, CNAME, SOA, or MX records to prevent dns tunnels (experimental)'
416 option section 'coovachilli.uam'
417 option datatype 'boolean'
419 config variable
420 option name 'nouamsuccess'
421 option title 'Do not redirect to UAM server'
422 option description 'Do not return to UAM server on login success, just redirect to original URL'
423 option section 'coovachilli.uam'
424 option datatype 'boolean'
426 config variable
427 option name 'nouamwispr'
428 option title 'Do not do WISPr'
429 option description 'Do not do any WISPr XML, assume the back-end is doing this instead'
430 option section 'coovachilli.uam'
431 option datatype 'boolean'
433 config variable
434 option name 'usestatusfile'
435 option title 'Use status file'
436 option description 'Write the status of clients in a non-volatile state file (experimental)'
437 option section 'coovachilli.uam'
438 option datatype 'boolean'
440 config variable
441 option name 'chillixml'
442 option title 'Use Chilli XML'
443 option description 'Return the so-called Chilli XML along with WISPr XML'
444 option section 'coovachilli.uam'
445 option datatype 'boolean'
447 config variable
448 option name 'uamui'
449 option title 'UAM user interface'
450 option description 'An init.d style program to handle local content on the uamuiport web server'
451 option section 'coovachilli.uam'
452 option datatype 'file'
454 config variable
455 option name 'uamallowed'
456 option title 'Allowed resources'
457 option description 'List of resources the client can access without first authenticating'
458 option section 'coovachilli.uam'
459 option datatype 'string'
460 option type 'list'
462 config variable
463 option name 'uamdomain'
464 option title 'Allowed domains'
465 option description 'Defines a list of domain names to automatically add to the walled garden'
466 option section 'coovachilli.uam'
467 option datatype 'string'
468 option type 'list'
470 config variable
471 option name 'uamhomepage'
472 option title 'UAM homepage'
473 option description 'URL of homepage to redirect unauthenticated users to'
474 option section 'coovachilli.uam'
475 option datatype 'string'
477 config variable
478 option name 'uamlisten'
479 option title 'UAM listening address'
480 option description 'IP address to listen to for authentication of clients'
481 option section 'coovachilli.uam'
482 option datatype 'host'
484 config variable
485 option name 'uamport'
486 option title 'UAM listening port'
487 option description 'TCP port to bind to for authenticating clients (default 3990)'
488 option section 'coovachilli.uam'
489 option datatype 'port'
491 config variable
492 option name 'uamiport'
493 option title 'UAM static content port'
494 option description 'TCP port to bind to for only serving embedded content'
495 option section 'coovachilli.uam'
496 option datatype 'port'
498 config variable
499 option name 'uamsecret'
500 option title 'UAM secret'
501 option description 'Shared secret between uamserver and chilli'
502 option section 'coovachilli.uam'
503 option datatype 'string'
504 option required true
506 config variable
507 option name 'uamserver'
508 option title 'UAM server'
509 option description 'URL of web server to use for authenticating clients'
510 option section 'coovachilli.uam'
511 option datatype 'string'
513 config variable
514 option name 'uamlogoutip'
515 option title 'UAM logout IP'
516 option description 'Use this IP address to instantly logout a client accessing it (defaults to'
517 option section 'coovachilli.uam'
518 option datatype 'ip4addr'
520 config variable
521 option name 'wisprlogin'
522 option title 'WISPr login url'
523 option description 'Specific URL to be given in WISPr XML LoginURL'
524 option section 'coovachilli.uam'
525 option datatype 'string'
527 config variable
528 option name 'defsessiontimeout'
529 option title 'Default session timeout'
530 option description 'Default session timeout unless otherwise set by RADIUS (defaults to 0)'
531 option section 'coovachilli.uam'
532 option datatype 'uint'
534 config variable
535 option name 'defidletimeout'
536 option title 'Default idle timeout'
537 option description 'Default idle timeout unless otherwise set by RADIUS (defaults to 0)'
538 option section 'coovachilli.uam'
539 option datatype 'uint'
541 config variable
542 option name 'definteriminterval'
543 option title 'Default interim interval'
544 option description 'Default interim-interval for RADIUS accounting unless otherwise set by RADIUS (defaults to 0)'
545 option section 'coovachilli.uam'
546 option datatype 'uint'
548 config variable
549 option name 'wwwdir'
550 option title 'Web content directory'
551 option description 'Directory where embedded local web content is placed'
552 option section 'coovachilli.uam'
553 option datatype 'directory'
555 config variable
556 option name 'wwwbin'
557 option title 'CGI program'
558 option description 'Executable to run as a CGI type program (like haserl) for URLs with extention .chi'
559 option section 'coovachilli.uam'
560 option datatype 'file'
562 config variable
563 option name 'localusers'
564 option title 'Local users file'
565 option description 'A colon seperated file containing usernames and passwords of locally authenticated users'
566 option section 'coovachilli.uam'
567 option datatype 'file'
569 config variable
570 option name 'postauthproxy'
571 option title 'Post auth proxy'
572 option description 'Used with postauthproxyport to define a post authentication HTTP proxy server'
573 option section 'coovachilli.uam'
574 option datatype 'file'
576 config variable
577 option name 'postauthproxyport'
578 option title 'Post auth proxy port'
579 option description 'Used with postauthproxy to define a post authentication HTTP proxy server'
580 option section 'coovachilli.uam'
581 option datatype 'file'
583 config variable
584 option name 'locationname'
585 option title 'Location name'
586 option description 'Human readable location name used in JSON interface'
587 option section 'coovachilli.uam'
588 option datatype 'file'