Updated XML translation system, fixed some errors with multiline-translations
[project/luci.git] / applications / luci-statistics / luasrc / i18n / statistics.en.lua
1 stat_statistics = [[Statistics]]
2 stat_systemplugins = [[System plugins]]
3 stat_networkplugins = [[Network plugins]]
4 stat_outputplugins = [[Output plugins]]
5 stat_showtimespan = [[Display timespan ยป]]
6 stat_graphs = [[Graphs]]
7 stat_collectd = [[Collectd]]
8 stat_cpu = [[Processor]]
9 stat_ping = [[Ping]]
10 stat_iptables = [[Firewall]]
11 stat_netlink = [[Netlink]]
12 stat_processes = [[Processes]]
13 stat_wireless = [[Wireless]]
14 stat_tcpconns = [[TCP Connections]]
15 stat_interface = [[Interfaces]]
16 stat_df = [[Disk Space Usage]]
17 stat_irq = [[Interrupts]]
18 stat_disk = [[Disk Usage]]
19 stat_exec = [[Exec]]
20 stat_rrdtool = [[RRDTool]]
21 stat_network = [[Network]]
22 stat_csv = [[CSV Output]]
23 stat_load = [[System Load]]
24 stat_dg_title_wireless__signal_noise = [[%H: Wireless - Signal Noise Ratio]]
25 stat_dg_label_wireless__signal_noise = [[dBm]]
26 stat_ds_signal_noise = [[Noise Level]]
27 stat_ds_signal_power = [[Signal Strength]]
28 stat_dg_title_wireless__signal_quality = [[%H: Wireless - Signal Quality]]
29 stat_dg_label_wireless__signal_quality = [[n]]
30 stat_ds_signal_quality = [[Signal Quality]]
31 stat_dg_title_ping = [[%H: ICMP Roundtrip Times]]
32 stat_dg_label_ping = [[ms]]
33 stat_ds_ping = [[%di]]
34 stat_dg_title_iptables__ipt_packets = [[%H: Firewall - Processed Packets]]
35 stat_dg_label_iptables__ipt_packets = [[Packets/s]]
36 stat_ds_ipt_packets = [[Chain "%di"]]
37 stat_dg_title_netlink__if_octets = [[%H: Netlink - Transfer on %pi]]
38 stat_dg_label_netlink__if_octets = [[Bytes/s]]
39 stat_ds_if_octets = [[Bytes (%ds)]]
40 stat_dg_title_netlink__if_packets = [[%H: Netlink - Packets on %pi]]
41 stat_dg_label_netlink__if_packets = [[Packets/s]]
42 stat_ds_if_packets = [[Processed (%ds)]]
43 stat_ds_if_dropped = [[Dropped (%ds)]]
44 stat_ds_if_errors = [[Errors (%ds)]]
45 stat_dg_title_netlink__if_multicast = [[%H: Netlink - Multicast on %pi]]
46 stat_dg_label_netlink__if_multicast = [[Packets/s]]
47 stat_ds_if_multicast = [[Packets]]
48 stat_dg_title_netlink__if_collisions = [[%H: Netlink - Collisions on %pi]]
49 stat_dg_label_netlink__if_collisions = [[Collisions/s]]
50 stat_ds_if_collisions = [[Collisions]]
51 stat_dg_title_netlink__if_tx_errors = [[%H: Netlink - Errors on %pi]]
52 stat_dg_label_netlink__if_tx_errors = [[Errors/s]]
53 stat_ds_if_tx_errors = [[%di]]
54 stat_ds_if_rx_errors = [[%di]]
55 stat_dg_title_processes = [[%H: Processes]]
56 stat_dg_label_processes = [[Processes/s]]
57 stat_ds_ps_state = [[%di]]
58 stat_dg_title_processes__ps_cputime = [[%H: Process %pi - used cpu time]]
59 stat_dg_label_processes__ps_cputime = [[Jiffies]]
60 stat_ds_ps_cputime__syst = [[system]]
61 stat_ds_ps_cputime__user = [[user]]
62 stat_dg_title_processes__ps_count = [[%H: Process %pi - threads and processes]]
63 stat_dg_label_processes__ps_count = [[Count]]
64 stat_ds_ps_count = [[%ds]]
65 stat_dg_title_processes__ps_pagefaults = [[%H: Process %pi - page faults]]
66 stat_dg_label_processes__ps_pagefaults = [[Pagefaults]]
67 stat_ds_ps_pagefaults = [[page faults]]
68 stat_dg_title_processes__ps_rss = [[%H: Process %pi - virtual memory size]]
69 stat_dg_label_processes__ps_rss = [[Bytes]]
70 stat_ds_ps_rss = [[virtual memory]]
71 stat_dg_title_cpu = [[%H: Usage on Processor #%pi]]
72 stat_dg_label_cpu = [[%]]
73 stat_ds_cpu = [[%di]]
74 stat_dg_title_interface__if_octets = [[%H: Transfer on %di]]
75 stat_dg_label_interface__if_octets = [[Bytes/s]]
76 stat_dg_title_interface__if_packets = [[%H: Packets on %di]]
77 stat_dg_label_interface__if_packets = [[Packets/s]]
78 stat_dg_title_tcpconns = [[%H: TCP-Connections to Port %pi]]
79 stat_dg_label_tcpconns = [[Connections/s]]
80 stat_ds_tcp_connections = [[%di]]
81 stat_dg_title_df = [[%H: Disk Space Usage on %di]]
82 stat_dg_label_df = [[Bytes]]
83 stat_ds_df__free = [[%ds]]
84 stat_ds_df__used = [[%ds]]
85 stat_dg_title_irq = [[%H: Interrupts]]
86 stat_dg_label_irq = [[Issues/s]]
87 stat_ds_irq = [[IRQ %di]]
88 stat_dg_title_load = [[%H: System Load]]
89 stat_dg_label_load = [[Load]]
90 stat_ds_load__shortterm = [[1 min]]
91 stat_ds_load__midterm = [[5 min]]
92 stat_ds_load__longterm = [[15 min]]
93 lucistatistics = [[Statistics]]
94 lucistatistics_collectd = [[Collectd Settings]]
95 lucistatistics_collectd_desc = [[Collectd is a small daeomon for collecting data from various sources through different plugins. On this page you can change general settings for the collectd daemon.]]
96 lucistatistics_collectd_hostname = [[Hostname]]
97 lucistatistics_collectd_basedir = [[Base Directory]]
98 lucistatistics_collectd_include = [[Directory for sub-configurations]]
99 lucistatistics_collectd_plugindir = [[Directory for collectd plugins]]
100 lucistatistics_collectd_pidfile = [[Used PID file]]
101 lucistatistics_collectd_typesdb = [[Datasets definition file]]
102 lucistatistics_collectd_interval = [[Data collection interval]]
103 lucistatistics_collectd_interval_desc = [[Seconds]]
104 lucistatistics_collectd_readthreads = [[Number of threads for data collection]]
105 lucistatistics_collectd_fqdnlookup = [[Try to lookup fully qualified hostname]]
106 lucistatistics_collectdcpu = [[CPU Plugin Configuration]]
107 lucistatistics_collectdcpu_desc = [[The cpu plugin collects basic statistics about the processor usage.]]
108 lucistatistics_collectdcpu_enable = [[Enable this plugin]]
109 lucistatistics_collectdcsv = [[CSV Plugin Configuration]]
110 lucistatistics_collectdcsv_desc = [[The csv plugin stores collected data in csv file format for further processing by external programs.]]
111 lucistatistics_collectdcsv_enable = [[Enable this plugin]]
112 lucistatistics_collectdcsv_datadir = [[Storage directory for the csv files]]
113 lucistatistics_collectdcsv_storerates = [[Store data values as rates instead of absolute values]]
114 lucistatistics_collectddf = [[DF Plugin Configuration]]
115 lucistatistics_collectddf_desc = [[The df plugin collects statistics about the disk space usage on different devices, mount points or filesystem types.]]
116 lucistatistics_collectddf_enable = [[Enable this plugin]]
117 lucistatistics_collectddf_devices = [[Monitor devices]]
118 lucistatistics_collectddf_devices_desc = [[multiple separated by space]]
119 lucistatistics_collectddf_mountpoints = [[Monitor mount points]]
120 lucistatistics_collectddf_mountpoints_desc = [[multiple separated by space]]
121 lucistatistics_collectddf_fstypes = [[Monitor filesystem types]]
122 lucistatistics_collectddf_fstypes_desc = [[multiple separated by space]]
123 lucistatistics_collectddf_ignoreselected = [[Monitor all except selected ones]]
124 lucistatistics_collectddisk = [[Disk Plugin Configuration]]
125 lucistatistics_collectddisk_desc = [[The disk plugin collects detailled usage statistics for selected partitions or whole disks.]]
126 lucistatistics_collectddisk_enable = [[Enable this plugin]]
127 lucistatistics_collectddisk_disks = [[Monitor disks and partitions]]
128 lucistatistics_collectddisk_disks_desc = [[multiple separated by space]]
129 lucistatistics_collectddisk_ignoreselected = [[Monitor all except selected ones]]
130 lucistatistics_collectddns = [[DNS Plugin Configuration]]
131 lucistatistics_collectddns_desc = [[The dns plugin collects detailled statistics about dns related traffic on selected interfaces.]]
132 lucistatistics_collectddns_enable = [[Enable this plugin]]
133 lucistatistics_collectddns_interfaces = [[Monitor interfaces]]
134 lucistatistics_collectddns_interfaces_desc = [[multiple separated by space]]
135 lucistatistics_collectddns_ignoresources = [[Ignore source addresses]]
136 lucistatistics_collectddns_ignoresources_desc = [[multiple separated by space]]
137 lucistatistics_collectdemail = [[E-Mail Plugin Configuration]]
138 lucistatistics_collectdemail_desc = [[The email plugin creates a unix socket which can be used to transmit email-statistics to a running collectd daemon. This plugin is primarily intended to be used in conjunction with Mail::SpamAssasin::Plugin::Collectd but can be used in other ways as well.]]
139 lucistatistics_collectdemail_enable = [[Enable this plugin]]
140 lucistatistics_collectdemail_socketfile = [[Filepath of the unix socket]]
141 lucistatistics_collectdemail_socketgroup = [[Group ownership of the unix socket]]
142 lucistatistics_collectdemail_socketgroup_desc = [[group name]]
143 lucistatistics_collectdemail_socketperms = [[File permissions of the unix socket]]
144 lucistatistics_collectdemail_socketperms_desc = [[octal]]
145 lucistatistics_collectdemail_maxconns = [[Maximum allowed connections]]
146 lucistatistics_collectdexec = [[Exec Plugin Configuration]]
147 lucistatistics_collectdexec_desc = [[The exec plugin starts external commands to read values from or to notify external processes when certain threshold values have been reached.]]
148 lucistatistics_collectdexec_enable = [[Enable this plugin]]
149 lucistatistics_collectdexecinput = [[Add command for reading values]]
150 lucistatistics_collectdexecinput_desc = [[Here you can define external commands which will be started by collectd in order to read certain values. The values will be read from stdout.]]
151 lucistatistics_collectdexecinput_cmdline = [[Commandline]]
152 lucistatistics_collectdexecinput_cmduser = [[Run as user]]
153 lucistatistics_collectdexecinput_cmdgroup = [[Run as group]]
154 lucistatistics_collectdexecnotify = [[Add notification command]]
155 lucistatistics_collectdexecnotify_desc = [[Here you can define external commands which will be started by collectd when certain threshold values have been reached. The values leading to invokation will be feeded to the the called programs stdin.]]
156 lucistatistics_collectdexecnotify_cmdline = [[Commandline]]
157 lucistatistics_collectdexecnotify_cmduser = [[Run as user]]
158 lucistatistics_collectdexecnotify_cmdgroup = [[Run as group]]
159 lucistatistics_collectdinterface = [[Interface Plugin Configuration]]
160 lucistatistics_collectdinterface_desc = [[The interface plugin collects traffic statistics on selected interfaces.]]
161 lucistatistics_collectdinterface_enable = [[Enable this plugin]]
162 lucistatistics_collectdinterface_interfaces = [[Monitor interfaces]]
163 lucistatistics_collectdinterface_interfaces_desc = [[hold Ctrl while clicking to select multiple interfaces]]
164 lucistatistics_collectdinterface_ignoreselected = [[Monitor all except selected ones]]
165 lucistatistics_collectdiptables = [[Iptables Plugin Configuration]]
166 lucistatistics_collectdiptables_desc = [[The iptables plugin will monitor selected firewall rules and collect informations about processed bytes and packets per rule.]]
167 lucistatistics_collectdiptables_enable = [[Enable this plugin]]
168 lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch = [[Add matching rule]]
169 lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_desc = [[Here you can define various criteria by which the monitored iptables rules are selected.]]
170 lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_name = [[Name of the rule]]
171 lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_name_desc = [[max. 16 chars]]
172 lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_table = [[Table]]
173 lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_chain = [[Chain]]
174 lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_target = [[Action (target)]]
175 lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_protocol = [[Network protocol]]
176 lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_source = [[Source ip range]]
177 lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_source_desc = [[CIDR notation]]
178 lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_destination = [[Destination ip range]]
179 lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_destination_desc = [[CIDR notation]]
180 lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_inputif = [[Incoming interface]]
181 lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_inputif_desc = [[e.g. br-lan]]
182 lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_outputif = [[Outgoing interface]]
183 lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_outputif_desc = [[e.g. br-ff]]
184 lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_options = [[Options]]
185 lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_options_desc = [[e.g. reject-with tcp-reset]]
186 lucistatistics_collectdirq = [[IRQ Plugin Configuration]]
187 lucistatistics_collectdirq_desc = [[The irq plugin will monitor the rate of issues per second for each selected interrupt. If no interrupt is selected then all interrupts are monitored.]]
188 lucistatistics_collectdirq_enable = [[Enable this plugin]]
189 lucistatistics_collectdirq_irqs = [[Monitor interrupts]]
190 lucistatistics_collectdirq_irqs_desc = [[multiple separated by space]]
191 lucistatistics_collectdirq_ignoreselected = [[Monitor all except selected ones]]
192 lucistatistics_collectdload = [[Load Plugin Configuration]]
193 lucistatistics_collectdload_desc = [[The load plugin collects statistics about the general system load.]]
194 lucistatistics_collectdload_enable = [[Enable this plugin]]
195 lucistatistics_collectdnetlink = [[Netlink Plugin Configuration]]
196 lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_desc = [[The netlink plugin collects extended informations like qdisc-, class- and filter-statistics for selected interfaces.]]
197 lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_enable = [[Enable this plugin]]
198 lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_interfaces = [[Basic monitoring]]
199 lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_interfaces_desc = [[hold Ctrl while clicking to select multiple interfaces]]
200 lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_verboseinterfaces = [[Verbose monitoring]]
201 lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_verboseinterfaces_desc = [[hold Ctrl while clicking to select multiple interfaces]]
202 lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_qdiscs = [[Qdisc monitoring]]
203 lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_qdiscs_desc = [[hold Ctrl while clicking to select multiple interfaces]]
204 lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_classes = [[Shaping class monitoring]]
205 lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_classes_desc = [[hold Ctrl while clicking to select multiple interfaces]]
206 lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_filters = [[Filter class monitoring]]
207 lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_filters_desc = [[hold Ctrl while clicking to select multiple interfaces]]
208 lucistatistics_collectdnetwork = [[Network Plugin Configuration]]
209 lucistatistics_collectdnetwork_desc = [[The network plugin provides network based communication between different collectd instances. Collectd can operate both in client and server mode. In client mode locally collected date is transferred to a collectd server instance, in server mode the local instance receives data from other hosts.]]
210 lucistatistics_collectdnetwork_enable = [[Enable this plugin]]
211 lucistatistics_collectdnetworklisten = [[Listener interfaces]]
212 lucistatistics_collectdnetworklisten_desc = [[This section defines on which interfaces collectd will wait for incoming connections.]]
213 lucistatistics_collectdnetworklisten_host = [[Listen host]]
214 lucistatistics_collectdnetworklisten_host_desc = [[host-, ip- or ip6 address]]
215 lucistatistics_collectdnetworklisten_port = [[Listen port]]
216 lucistatistics_collectdnetworklisten_port_desc = [[0 - 65535]]
217 lucistatistics_collectdnetworkserver = [[server interfaces]]
218 lucistatistics_collectdnetworkserver_desc = [[This section defines to which servers the locally collected data is sent to.]]
219 lucistatistics_collectdnetworkserver_host = [[Server host]]
220 lucistatistics_collectdnetworkserver_host_desc = [[host-, ip- or ip6 address]]
221 lucistatistics_collectdnetworkserver_port = [[Server port]]
222 lucistatistics_collectdnetworkserver_port_desc = [[0 - 65535]]
223 lucistatistics_collectdnetwork_timetolive = [[TTL for network packets]]
224 lucistatistics_collectdnetwork_timetolive_desc = [[0 - 255]]
225 lucistatistics_collectdnetwork_forward = [[Forwarding between listen and server addresses]]
226 lucistatistics_collectdnetwork_cacheflush = [[Cache flush interval]]
227 lucistatistics_collectdnetwork_cacheflush_desc = [[seconds]]
228 lucistatistics_collectdping = [[Ping Plugin Configuration]]
229 lucistatistics_collectdping_desc = [[The ping plugin will send icmp echo replies to selected hosts and measure the roundtrip time for each host.]]
230 lucistatistics_collectdping_enable = [[Enable this plugin]]
231 lucistatistics_collectdping_hosts = [[Monitor hosts]]
232 lucistatistics_collectdping_hosts_desc = [[multiple separated by space]]
233 lucistatistics_collectdping_ttl = [[TTL for ping packets]]
234 lucistatistics_collectdping_ttl_desc = [[0 - 255]]
235 lucistatistics_collectdprocesses = [[Processes Plugin Configuration]]
236 lucistatistics_collectdprocesses_desc = [[The processes plugin collects informations like cpu time, page faults and memory usage of selected processes.]]
237 lucistatistics_collectdprocesses_enable = [[Enable this plugin]]
238 lucistatistics_collectdprocesses_processes = [[Monitor processes]]
239 lucistatistics_collectdprocesses_processes_desc = [[multiple separated by space]]
240 lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool = [[RRDTool Plugin Configuration]]
241 lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_desc = [[The rrdtool plugin stores the collected data in rrd database files, the foundation of the diagrams.<br /><br /><strong>Warning: Setting the wrong values will result in a very high memory consumption in the temporary directory. This can render the device unusable!</strong>]]
242 lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_enable = [[Enable this plugin]]
243 lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_datadir = [[Storage directory]]
244 lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_stepsize = [[RRD step interval]]
245 lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_stepsize_desc = [[seconds]]
246 lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_heartbeat = [[RRD heart beat interval]]
247 lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_heartbeat_desc = [[seconds]]
248 lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_rrasingle = [[Only create average RRAs]]
249 lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_rrasingle_desc = [[reduces rrd size]]
250 lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_rratimespans = [[Stored timespans]]
251 lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_rratimespans_desc = [[seconds; multiple separated by space]]
252 lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_rrarows = [[Rows per RRA]]
253 lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_xff = [[RRD XFiles Factor]]
254 lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_cachetimeout = [[Cache collected data for]]
255 lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_cachetimeout_desc = [[seconds]]
256 lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_cacheflush = [[Flush cache after]]
257 lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_cacheflush_desc = [[seconds]]
258 lucistatistics_collectdtcpconns = [[TCPConns Plugin Configuration]]
259 lucistatistics_collectdtcpconns_desc = [[The tcpconns plugin collects informations about open tcp connections on selected ports.]]
260 lucistatistics_collectdtcpconns_enable = [[Enable this plugin]]
261 lucistatistics_collectdtcpconns_listeningports = [[Monitor all local listen ports]]
262 lucistatistics_collectdtcpconns_localports = [[Monitor local ports]]
263 lucistatistics_collectdtcpconns_localports_desc = [[0 - 65535; multiple separated by space]]
264 lucistatistics_collectdtcpconns_remoteports = [[Monitor remote ports]]
265 lucistatistics_collectdtcpconns_remoteports_desc = [[0 - 65535; multiple separated by space]]
266 lucistatistics_collectdunixsock = [[Unixsock Plugin Configuration]]
267 lucistatistics_collectdunixsock_desc = [[The unixsock plugin creates a unix socket which can be used to read collected data from a running collectd instance.]]
268 lucistatistics_collectdunixsock_enable = [[Enable this plugin]]
269 lucistatistics_collectdunixsock_socketfile = [[Filepath of the unix socket]]
270 lucistatistics_collectdunixsock_socketgroup = [[Group ownership of the unix socket]]
271 lucistatistics_collectdunixsock_socketgroup_desc = [[group name]]
272 lucistatistics_collectdunixsock_socketperms = [[File permissions of the unix socket]]
273 lucistatistics_collectdunixsock_socketperms_desc = [[octal]]
274 lucistatistics_collectdwireless = [[Wireless Plugin Configuration]]
275 lucistatistics_collectdwireless_desc = [[The wireless plugin collects statistics about wireless signal strength, noise and quality.]]
276 lucistatistics_collectdwireless_enable = [[Enable this plugin]]