[project/luci.git] / applications / luci-statistics / luasrc / i18n / statistics.en.lua
1 stat_statistics = [[Statistics]]
2 stat_systemplugins = [[System plugins]]
3 stat_networkplugins = [[Network plugins]]
4 stat_outputplugins = [[Output plugins]]
5 stat_showtimespan = [[Display timespan ยป]]
6 stat_graphs = [[Graphs]]
7 stat_collectd = [[Collectd]]
8 stat_cpu = [[Processor]]
9 stat_ping = [[Ping]]
10 stat_iptables = [[Firewall]]
11 stat_netlink = [[Netlink]]
12 stat_processes = [[Processes]]
13 stat_wireless = [[Wireless]]
14 stat_tcpconns = [[TCP Connections]]
15 stat_interface = [[Interfaces]]
16 stat_df = [[Disk Space Usage]]
17 stat_irq = [[Interrupts]]
18 stat_disk = [[Disk Usage]]
19 stat_exec = [[Exec]]
20 stat_rrdtool = [[RRDTool]]
21 stat_network = [[Network]]
22 stat_csv = [[CSV Output]]
23 stat_load = [[System Load]]
24 stat_dg_title_wireless__signal_noise = [[%H: Wireless - Signal Noise Ratio]]
25 stat_dg_label_wireless__signal_noise = [[dBm]]
26 stat_ds_signal_noise = [[Noise Level]]
27 stat_ds_signal_power = [[Signal Strength]]
28 stat_dg_title_wireless__signal_quality = [[%H: Wireless - Signal Quality]]
29 stat_dg_label_wireless__signal_quality = [[n]]
30 stat_ds_signal_quality = [[Signal Quality]]
31 stat_dg_title_ping = [[%H: ICMP Roundtrip Times]]
32 stat_dg_label_ping = [[ms]]
33 stat_ds_ping = [[%di]]
34 stat_dg_title_iptables__ipt_packets = [[%H: Firewall - Processed Packets]]
35 stat_dg_label_iptables__ipt_packets = [[Packets/s]]
36 stat_dg_title_netlink__if_octets = [[%H: Netlink - Transfer on %pi]]
37 stat_dg_label_netlink__if_octets = [[Bytes/s]]
38 stat_ds_if_octets = [[Bytes (%ds)]]
39 stat_dg_title_netlink__if_packets = [[%H: Netlink - Packets on %pi]]
40 stat_dg_label_netlink__if_packets = [[Packets/s]]
41 stat_ds_if_packets = [[Processed (%ds)]]
42 stat_ds_if_dropped = [[Dropped (%ds)]]
43 stat_ds_if_errors = [[Errors (%ds)]]
44 stat_dg_title_netlink__if_multicast = [[%H: Netlink - Multicast on %pi]]
45 stat_dg_label_netlink__if_multicast = [[Packets/s]]
46 stat_ds_if_multicast = [[Packets]]
47 stat_dg_title_netlink__if_collisions = [[%H: Netlink - Collisions on %pi]]
48 stat_dg_label_netlink__if_collisions = [[Collisions/s]]
49 stat_ds_if_collisions = [[Collisions]]
50 stat_dg_title_netlink__if_tx_errors = [[%H: Netlink - Errors on %pi]]
51 stat_dg_label_netlink__if_tx_errors = [[Errors/s]]
52 stat_ds_if_tx_errors = [[%di]]
53 stat_ds_if_rx_errors = [[%di]]
54 stat_dg_title_processes = [[%H: Processes]]
55 stat_dg_label_processes = [[Processes/s]]
56 stat_ds_ps_state = [[%di]]
57 stat_dg_title_processes__ps_cputime = [[%H: Process %pi - used cpu time]]
58 stat_dg_label_processes__ps_cputime = [[Jiffies]]
59 stat_ds_ps_cputime__syst = [[system]]
60 stat_ds_ps_cputime__user = [[user]]
61 stat_dg_title_processes__ps_count = [[%H: Process %pi - threads and processes]]
62 stat_dg_label_processes__ps_count = [[Count]]
63 stat_ds_ps_count = [[%ds]]
64 stat_dg_title_processes__ps_pagefaults = [[%H: Process %pi - page faults]]
65 stat_dg_label_processes__ps_pagefaults = [[Pagefaults]]
66 stat_ds_ps_pagefaults = [[page faults]]
67 stat_dg_title_processes__ps_rss = [[%H: Process %pi - virtual memory size]]
68 stat_dg_label_processes__ps_rss = [[Bytes]]
69 stat_ds_ps_rss = [[virtual memory]]
70 stat_dg_title_cpu = [[%H: Usage on Processor #%pi]]
71 stat_dg_label_cpu = [[%]]
72 stat_ds_cpu = [[%di]]
73 stat_dg_title_interface__if_octets = [[%H: Transfer on %di]]
74 stat_dg_label_interface__if_octets = [[Bytes/s]]
75 stat_dg_title_interface__if_packets = [[%H: Packets on %di]]
76 stat_dg_label_interface__if_packets = [[Packets/s]]
77 stat_dg_title_tcpconns = [[%H: TCP-Connections to Port %pi]]
78 stat_dg_label_tcpconns = [[Connections/s]]
79 stat_ds_tcp_connections = [[%di]]
80 stat_dg_title_df = [[%H: Disk Space Usage on %di]]
81 stat_dg_label_df = [[Bytes]]
82 stat_ds_df__free = [[%ds]]
83 stat_ds_df__used = [[%ds]]
84 stat_dg_title_irq = [[%H: Interrupts]]
85 stat_dg_label_irq = [[Issues/s]]
86 stat_ds_irq = [[IRQ %di]]
87 stat_dg_title_load = [[%H: System Load]]
88 stat_dg_label_load = [[Load]]
89 stat_ds_load__shortterm = [[1 min]]
90 stat_ds_load__midterm = [[5 min]]
91 stat_ds_load__longterm = [[15 min]]
92 lucistatistics = [[Statistics]]
93 lucistatistics_collectd = [[Collectd Settings]]
94 lucistatistics_collectd_hostname = [[Hostname]]
95 lucistatistics_collectd_basedir = [[Base Directory]]
96 lucistatistics_collectd_include = [[Directory for sub-configurations]]
97 lucistatistics_collectd_plugindir = [[Directory for collectd plugins]]
98 lucistatistics_collectd_pidfile = [[Used PID file]]
99 lucistatistics_collectd_typesdb = [[Datasets definition file]]
100 lucistatistics_collectd_interval = [[Data collection interval]]
101 lucistatistics_collectd_interval_desc = [[Seconds]]
102 lucistatistics_collectd_readthreads = [[Number of threads for data collection]]
103 lucistatistics_collectd_fqdnlookup = [[Try to lookup fully qualified hostname]]
104 lucistatistics_collectdcpu = [[CPU Plugin Configuration]]
105 lucistatistics_collectdcpu_desc = [[The cpu plugin collects basic statistics about the processor usage.]]
106 lucistatistics_collectdcpu_enable = [[Enable this plugin]]
107 lucistatistics_collectdcsv = [[CSV Plugin Configuration]]
108 lucistatistics_collectdcsv_desc = [[The csv plugin stores collected data in csv file format for further processing by external programs.]]
109 lucistatistics_collectdcsv_enable = [[Enable this plugin]]
110 lucistatistics_collectdcsv_datadir = [[Storage directory for the csv files]]
111 lucistatistics_collectdcsv_storerates = [[Store data values as rates instead of absolute values]]
112 lucistatistics_collectddf = [[DF Plugin Configuration]]
113 lucistatistics_collectddf_desc = [[The df plugin collects statistics about the disk space usage on different devices, mount points or filesystem types.]]
114 lucistatistics_collectddf_enable = [[Enable this plugin]]
115 lucistatistics_collectddf_devices = [[Monitor devices]]
116 lucistatistics_collectddf_devices_desc = [[multiple separated by space]]
117 lucistatistics_collectddf_mountpoints = [[Monitor mount points]]
118 lucistatistics_collectddf_mountpoints_desc = [[multiple separated by space]]
119 lucistatistics_collectddf_fstypes = [[Monitor filesystem types]]
120 lucistatistics_collectddf_fstypes_desc = [[multiple separated by space]]
121 lucistatistics_collectddf_ignoreselected = [[Monitor all except selected ones]]
122 lucistatistics_collectddisk = [[Disk Plugin Configuration]]
123 lucistatistics_collectddisk_desc = [[The disk plugin collects detailled usage statistics for selected partitions or whole disks.]]
124 lucistatistics_collectddisk_enable = [[Enable this plugin]]
125 lucistatistics_collectddisk_disks = [[Monitor disks and partitions]]
126 lucistatistics_collectddisk_disks_desc = [[multiple separated by space]]
127 lucistatistics_collectddisk_ignoreselected = [[Monitor all except selected ones]]
128 lucistatistics_collectddns = [[DNS Plugin Configuration]]
129 lucistatistics_collectddns_desc = [[The dns plugin collects detailled statistics about dns related traffic on selected interfaces.]]
130 lucistatistics_collectddns_enable = [[Enable this plugin]]
131 lucistatistics_collectddns_interfaces = [[Monitor interfaces]]
132 lucistatistics_collectddns_interfaces_desc = [[multiple separated by space]]
133 lucistatistics_collectddns_ignoresources = [[Ignore source addresses]]
134 lucistatistics_collectddns_ignoresources_desc = [[multiple separated by space]]
135 lucistatistics_collectdemail = [[E-Mail Plugin Configuration]]
136 lucistatistics_collectdemail_enable = [[Enable this plugin]]
137 lucistatistics_collectdemail_socketfile = [[Filepath of the unix socket]]
138 lucistatistics_collectdemail_socketgroup = [[Group ownership of the unix socket]]
139 lucistatistics_collectdemail_socketgroup_desc = [[group name]]
140 lucistatistics_collectdemail_socketperms = [[File permissions of the unix socket]]
141 lucistatistics_collectdemail_socketperms_desc = [[octal]]
142 lucistatistics_collectdemail_maxconns = [[Maximum allowed connections]]
143 lucistatistics_collectdexec = [[Exec Plugin Configuration]]
144 lucistatistics_collectdexec_enable = [[Enable this plugin]]
145 lucistatistics_collectdexecinput = [[Add command for reading values]]
146 lucistatistics_collectdexecinput_cmdline = [[Commandline]]
147 lucistatistics_collectdexecinput_cmduser = [[Run as user]]
148 lucistatistics_collectdexecinput_cmdgroup = [[Run as group]]
149 lucistatistics_collectdexecnotify = [[Add notification command]]
150 lucistatistics_collectdexecnotify_cmdline = [[Commandline]]
151 lucistatistics_collectdexecnotify_cmduser = [[Run as user]]
152 lucistatistics_collectdexecnotify_cmdgroup = [[Run as group]]
153 lucistatistics_collectdinterface = [[Interface Plugin Configuration]]
154 lucistatistics_collectdinterface_desc = [[The interface plugin collects traffic statistics on selected interfaces.]]
155 lucistatistics_collectdinterface_enable = [[Enable this plugin]]
156 lucistatistics_collectdinterface_interfaces = [[Monitor interfaces]]
157 lucistatistics_collectdinterface_interfaces_desc = [[hold Ctrl while clicking to select multiple interfaces]]
158 lucistatistics_collectdinterface_ignoreselected = [[Monitor all except selected ones]]
159 lucistatistics_collectdiptables = [[Iptables Plugin Configuration]]
160 lucistatistics_collectdiptables_enable = [[Enable this plugin]]
161 lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch = [[Add matching rule]]
162 lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_name = [[Name of the rule]]
163 lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_name_desc = [[max. 16 chars]]
164 lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_table = [[Table]]
165 lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_chain = [[Chain]]
166 lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_target = [[Action (target)]]
167 lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_protocol = [[Network protocol]]
168 lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_source = [[Source ip range]]
169 lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_source_desc = [[CIDR notation]]
170 lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_destination = [[Destination ip range]]
171 lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_destination_desc = [[CIDR notation]]
172 lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_inputif = [[Incoming interface]]
173 lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_inputif_desc = [[e.g. br-lan]]
174 lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_outputif = [[Outgoing interface]]
175 lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_outputif_desc = [[e.g. br-ff]]
176 lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_options = [[Options]]
177 lucistatistics_collectdiptablesmatch_options_desc = [[e.g. reject-with tcp-reset]]
178 lucistatistics_collectdirq = [[IRQ Plugin Configuration]]
179 lucistatistics_collectdirq_enable = [[Enable this plugin]]
180 lucistatistics_collectdirq_irqs = [[Monitor interrupts]]
181 lucistatistics_collectdirq_irqs_desc = [[multiple separated by space]]
182 lucistatistics_collectdirq_ignoreselected = [[Monitor all except selected ones]]
183 lucistatistics_collectdload = [[Load Plugin Configuration]]
184 lucistatistics_collectdload_enable = [[Enable this plugin]]
185 lucistatistics_collectdnetlink = [[Netlink Plugin Configuration]]
186 lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_enable = [[Enable this plugin]]
187 lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_interfaces = [[Basic monitoring]]
188 lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_interfaces_desc = [[hold Ctrl while clicking to select multiple interfaces]]
189 lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_verboseinterfaces = [[Verbose monitoring]]
190 lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_verboseinterfaces_desc = [[hold Ctrl while clicking to select multiple interfaces]]
191 lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_qdiscs = [[Qdisc monitoring]]
192 lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_qdiscs_desc = [[hold Ctrl while clicking to select multiple interfaces]]
193 lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_classes = [[Shaping class monitoring]]
194 lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_classes_desc = [[hold Ctrl while clicking to select multiple interfaces]]
195 lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_filters = [[Filter class monitoring]]
196 lucistatistics_collectdnetlink_filters_desc = [[hold Ctrl while clicking to select multiple interfaces]]
197 lucistatistics_collectdnetwork = [[Network Plugin Configuration]]
198 lucistatistics_collectdnetwork_enable = [[Enable this plugin]]
199 lucistatistics_collectdnetworklisten = [[Listener interfaces]]
200 lucistatistics_collectdnetworklisten_desc = [[This section defines on which interfaces collectd will wait for incoming connections.]]
201 lucistatistics_collectdnetworklisten_host = [[Listen host]]
202 lucistatistics_collectdnetworklisten_host_desc = [[host-, ip- or ip6 address]]
203 lucistatistics_collectdnetworklisten_port = [[Listen port]]
204 lucistatistics_collectdnetworklisten_port_desc = [[0 - 65535]]
205 lucistatistics_collectdnetworkserver = [[server interfaces]]
206 lucistatistics_collectdnetworkserver_desc = [[This section defines to which servers the locally collected data is sent to.]]
207 lucistatistics_collectdnetworkserver_host = [[Server host]]
208 lucistatistics_collectdnetworkserver_host_desc = [[host-, ip- or ip6 address]]
209 lucistatistics_collectdnetworkserver_port = [[Server port]]
210 lucistatistics_collectdnetworkserver_port_desc = [[0 - 65535]]
211 lucistatistics_collectdnetwork_timetolive = [[TTL for network packets]]
212 lucistatistics_collectdnetwork_timetolive_desc = [[0 - 255]]
213 lucistatistics_collectdnetwork_forward = [[Forwarding between listen and server addresses]]
214 lucistatistics_collectdnetwork_cacheflush = [[Cache flush interval]]
215 lucistatistics_collectdnetwork_cacheflush_desc = [[seconds]]
216 lucistatistics_collectdping = [[Ping Plugin Configuration]]
217 lucistatistics_collectdping_enable = [[Enable this plugin]]
218 lucistatistics_collectdping_hosts = [[Monitor hosts]]
219 lucistatistics_collectdping_hosts_desc = [[multiple separated by space]]
220 lucistatistics_collectdping_ttl = [[TTL for ping packets]]
221 lucistatistics_collectdping_ttl_desc = [[0 - 255]]
222 lucistatistics_collectdprocesses = [[Processes Plugin Configuration]]
223 lucistatistics_collectdprocesses_enable = [[Enable this plugin]]
224 lucistatistics_collectdprocesses_processes = [[Monitor processes]]
225 lucistatistics_collectdprocesses_processes_desc = [[multiple separated by space]]
226 lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool = [[RRDTool Plugin Configuration]]
227 lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_enable = [[Enable this plugin]]
228 lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_datadir = [[Storage directory]]
229 lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_stepsize = [[RRD step interval]]
230 lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_stepsize_desc = [[seconds]]
231 lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_heartbeat = [[RRD heart beat interval]]
232 lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_heartbeat_desc = [[seconds]]
233 lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_rrasingle = [[Only create average RRAs]]
234 lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_rrasingle_desc = [[reduces rrd size]]
235 lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_rratimespans = [[Stored timespans]]
236 lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_rratimespans_desc = [[seconds; multiple separated by space]]
237 lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_rrarows = [[Rows per RRA]]
238 lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_xff = [[RRD XFiles Factor]]
239 lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_cachetimeout = [[Cache collected data for]]
240 lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_cachetimeout_desc = [[seconds]]
241 lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_cacheflush = [[Flush cache after]]
242 lucistatistics_collectdrrdtool_cacheflush_desc = [[seconds]]
243 lucistatistics_collectdtcpconns = [[TCPConns Plugin Configuration]]
244 lucistatistics_collectdtcpconns_enable = [[Enable this plugin]]
245 lucistatistics_collectdtcpconns_listeningports = [[Monitor all local listen ports]]
246 lucistatistics_collectdtcpconns_localports = [[Monitor local ports]]
247 lucistatistics_collectdtcpconns_localports_desc = [[0 - 65535; multiple separated by space]]
248 lucistatistics_collectdtcpconns_remoteports = [[Monitor remote ports]]
249 lucistatistics_collectdtcpconns_remoteports_desc = [[0 - 65535; multiple separated by space]]
250 lucistatistics_collectdunixsock = [[Unixsock Plugin Configuration]]
251 lucistatistics_collectdunixsock_enable = [[Enable this plugin]]
252 lucistatistics_collectdunixsock_socketfile = [[Filepath of the unix socket]]
253 lucistatistics_collectdunixsock_socketgroup = [[Group ownership of the unix socket]]
254 lucistatistics_collectdunixsock_socketgroup_desc = [[group name]]
255 lucistatistics_collectdunixsock_socketperms = [[File permissions of the unix socket]]
256 lucistatistics_collectdunixsock_socketperms_desc = [[octal]]
257 lucistatistics_collectdwireless = [[Wireless Plugin Configuration]]
258 lucistatistics_collectdwireless_enable = [[Enable this plugin]]