[project/bcm63xx/atf.git] / bl32 / sp_min / aarch32 / entrypoint.S
1 /*
2 * Copyright (c) 2016-2018, ARM Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved.
3 *
4 * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
5 */
7 #include <arch.h>
8 #include <asm_macros.S>
9 #include <bl_common.h>
10 #include <context.h>
11 #include <el3_common_macros.S>
12 #include <runtime_svc.h>
13 #include <smccc_helpers.h>
14 #include <smccc_macros.S>
15 #include <xlat_tables_defs.h>
17 .globl sp_min_vector_table
18 .globl sp_min_entrypoint
19 .globl sp_min_warm_entrypoint
20 .globl sp_min_handle_smc
21 .globl sp_min_handle_fiq
23 .macro route_fiq_to_sp_min reg
24 /* -----------------------------------------------------
25 * FIQs are secure interrupts trapped by Monitor and non
26 * secure is not allowed to mask the FIQs.
27 * -----------------------------------------------------
28 */
29 ldcopr \reg, SCR
30 orr \reg, \reg, #SCR_FIQ_BIT
31 bic \reg, \reg, #SCR_FW_BIT
32 stcopr \reg, SCR
33 .endm
35 .macro clrex_on_monitor_entry
36 #if (ARM_ARCH_MAJOR == 7)
37 /*
38 * ARMv7 architectures need to clear the exclusive access when
39 * entering Monitor mode.
40 */
41 clrex
42 #endif
43 .endm
45 vector_base sp_min_vector_table
46 b sp_min_entrypoint
47 b plat_panic_handler /* Undef */
48 b sp_min_handle_smc /* Syscall */
49 b plat_panic_handler /* Prefetch abort */
50 b plat_panic_handler /* Data abort */
51 b plat_panic_handler /* Reserved */
52 b plat_panic_handler /* IRQ */
53 b sp_min_handle_fiq /* FIQ */
56 /*
57 * The Cold boot/Reset entrypoint for SP_MIN
58 */
59 func sp_min_entrypoint
61 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------
62 * Preceding bootloader has populated r0 with a pointer to a
63 * 'bl_params_t' structure & r1 with a pointer to platform
64 * specific structure
65 * ---------------------------------------------------------------
66 */
67 mov r9, r0
68 mov r10, r1
69 mov r11, r2
70 mov r12, r3
72 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
73 * For !RESET_TO_SP_MIN systems, only the primary CPU ever reaches
74 * sp_min_entrypoint() during the cold boot flow, so the cold/warm boot
75 * and primary/secondary CPU logic should not be executed in this case.
76 *
77 * Also, assume that the previous bootloader has already initialised the
78 * SCTLR, including the CPU endianness, and has initialised the memory.
79 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
80 */
81 el3_entrypoint_common \
82 _init_sctlr=0 \
83 _warm_boot_mailbox=0 \
84 _secondary_cold_boot=0 \
85 _init_memory=0 \
86 _init_c_runtime=1 \
87 _exception_vectors=sp_min_vector_table
89 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
90 * Relay the previous bootloader's arguments to the platform layer
91 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
92 */
93 #else
94 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
95 * For RESET_TO_SP_MIN systems which have a programmable reset address,
96 * sp_min_entrypoint() is executed only on the cold boot path so we can
97 * skip the warm boot mailbox mechanism.
98 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
99 */
100 el3_entrypoint_common \
101 _init_sctlr=1 \
102 _warm_boot_mailbox=!PROGRAMMABLE_RESET_ADDRESS \
103 _secondary_cold_boot=!COLD_BOOT_SINGLE_CPU \
104 _init_memory=1 \
105 _init_c_runtime=1 \
106 _exception_vectors=sp_min_vector_table
108 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
109 * For RESET_TO_SP_MIN systems, BL32 (SP_MIN) is the first bootloader
110 * to run so there's no argument to relay from a previous bootloader.
111 * Zero the arguments passed to the platform layer to reflect that.
112 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
113 */
114 mov r9, #0
115 mov r10, #0
116 mov r11, #0
117 mov r12, #0
119 #endif /* RESET_TO_SP_MIN */
122 route_fiq_to_sp_min r4
123 #endif
125 mov r0, r9
126 mov r1, r10
127 mov r2, r11
128 mov r3, r12
129 bl sp_min_early_platform_setup2
130 bl sp_min_plat_arch_setup
132 /* Jump to the main function */
133 bl sp_min_main
135 /* -------------------------------------------------------------
136 * Clean the .data & .bss sections to main memory. This ensures
137 * that any global data which was initialised by the primary CPU
138 * is visible to secondary CPUs before they enable their data
139 * caches and participate in coherency.
140 * -------------------------------------------------------------
141 */
142 ldr r0, =__DATA_START__
143 ldr r1, =__DATA_END__
144 sub r1, r1, r0
145 bl clean_dcache_range
147 ldr r0, =__BSS_START__
148 ldr r1, =__BSS_END__
149 sub r1, r1, r0
150 bl clean_dcache_range
152 bl smc_get_next_ctx
154 /* r0 points to `smc_ctx_t` */
155 /* The PSCI cpu_context registers have been copied to `smc_ctx_t` */
156 b sp_min_exit
157 endfunc sp_min_entrypoint
160 /*
161 * SMC handling function for SP_MIN.
162 */
163 func sp_min_handle_smc
164 /* On SMC entry, `sp` points to `smc_ctx_t`. Save `lr`. */
165 str lr, [sp, #SMC_CTX_LR_MON]
167 smccc_save_gp_mode_regs
169 clrex_on_monitor_entry
171 /*
172 * `sp` still points to `smc_ctx_t`. Save it to a register
173 * and restore the C runtime stack pointer to `sp`.
174 */
175 mov r2, sp /* handle */
176 ldr sp, [r2, #SMC_CTX_SP_MON]
178 ldr r0, [r2, #SMC_CTX_SCR]
179 and r3, r0, #SCR_NS_BIT /* flags */
181 /* Switch to Secure Mode*/
182 bic r0, #SCR_NS_BIT
183 stcopr r0, SCR
184 isb
186 /*
187 * Set PMCR.DP to 1 to prohibit cycle counting whilst in Secure Mode.
188 * Also, the PMCR.LC field has an architecturally UNKNOWN value on reset
189 * and so set to 1 as ARM has deprecated use of PMCR.LC=0.
190 */
191 ldcopr r0, PMCR
192 orr r0, r0, #(PMCR_LC_BIT | PMCR_DP_BIT)
193 stcopr r0, PMCR
195 ldr r0, [r2, #SMC_CTX_GPREG_R0] /* smc_fid */
196 /* Check whether an SMC64 is issued */
198 beq 1f
199 /* SMC32 is not detected. Return error back to caller */
200 mov r0, #SMC_UNK
201 str r0, [r2, #SMC_CTX_GPREG_R0]
202 mov r0, r2
203 b sp_min_exit
204 1:
205 /* SMC32 is detected */
206 mov r1, #0 /* cookie */
207 bl handle_runtime_svc
209 /* `r0` points to `smc_ctx_t` */
210 b sp_min_exit
211 endfunc sp_min_handle_smc
213 /*
214 * Secure Interrupts handling function for SP_MIN.
215 */
216 func sp_min_handle_fiq
218 b plat_panic_handler
219 #else
220 /* FIQ has a +4 offset for lr compared to preferred return address */
221 sub lr, lr, #4
222 /* On SMC entry, `sp` points to `smc_ctx_t`. Save `lr`. */
223 str lr, [sp, #SMC_CTX_LR_MON]
225 smccc_save_gp_mode_regs
227 clrex_on_monitor_entry
229 /* load run-time stack */
230 mov r2, sp
231 ldr sp, [r2, #SMC_CTX_SP_MON]
233 /* Switch to Secure Mode */
234 ldr r0, [r2, #SMC_CTX_SCR]
235 bic r0, #SCR_NS_BIT
236 stcopr r0, SCR
237 isb
239 /*
240 * Set PMCR.DP to 1 to prohibit cycle counting whilst in Secure Mode.
241 * Also, the PMCR.LC field has an architecturally UNKNOWN value on reset
242 * and so set to 1 as ARM has deprecated use of PMCR.LC=0.
243 */
244 ldcopr r0, PMCR
245 orr r0, r0, #(PMCR_LC_BIT | PMCR_DP_BIT)
246 stcopr r0, PMCR
248 push {r2, r3}
249 bl sp_min_fiq
250 pop {r0, r3}
252 b sp_min_exit
253 #endif
254 endfunc sp_min_handle_fiq
256 /*
257 * The Warm boot entrypoint for SP_MIN.
258 */
259 func sp_min_warm_entrypoint
260 /*
261 * On the warm boot path, most of the EL3 initialisations performed by
262 * 'el3_entrypoint_common' must be skipped:
263 *
264 * - Only when the platform bypasses the BL1/BL32 (SP_MIN) entrypoint by
265 * programming the reset address do we need to initialied the SCTLR.
266 * In other cases, we assume this has been taken care by the
267 * entrypoint code.
268 *
269 * - No need to determine the type of boot, we know it is a warm boot.
270 *
271 * - Do not try to distinguish between primary and secondary CPUs, this
272 * notion only exists for a cold boot.
273 *
274 * - No need to initialise the memory or the C runtime environment,
275 * it has been done once and for all on the cold boot path.
276 */
277 el3_entrypoint_common \
279 _warm_boot_mailbox=0 \
280 _secondary_cold_boot=0 \
281 _init_memory=0 \
282 _init_c_runtime=0 \
283 _exception_vectors=sp_min_vector_table
285 /*
286 * We're about to enable MMU and participate in PSCI state coordination.
287 *
288 * The PSCI implementation invokes platform routines that enable CPUs to
289 * participate in coherency. On a system where CPUs are not
290 * cache-coherent without appropriate platform specific programming,
291 * having caches enabled until such time might lead to coherency issues
292 * (resulting from stale data getting speculatively fetched, among
293 * others). Therefore we keep data caches disabled even after enabling
294 * the MMU for such platforms.
295 *
296 * On systems with hardware-assisted coherency, or on single cluster
297 * platforms, such platform specific programming is not required to
298 * enter coherency (as CPUs already are); and there's no reason to have
299 * caches disabled either.
300 */
302 mov r0, #0
303 #else
304 mov r0, #DISABLE_DCACHE
305 #endif
306 bl bl32_plat_enable_mmu
309 route_fiq_to_sp_min r0
310 #endif
312 bl sp_min_warm_boot
313 bl smc_get_next_ctx
314 /* r0 points to `smc_ctx_t` */
315 /* The PSCI cpu_context registers have been copied to `smc_ctx_t` */
316 b sp_min_exit
317 endfunc sp_min_warm_entrypoint
319 /*
320 * The function to restore the registers from SMC context and return
321 * to the mode restored to SPSR.
322 *
323 * Arguments : r0 must point to the SMC context to restore from.
324 */
325 func sp_min_exit
326 monitor_exit
327 endfunc sp_min_exit