Commit from LuCI Translation Portal by user jow.: 4 of 4 messages translated (0 fuzzy).
[project/luci.git] / contrib / luasrcdiet / lua / lparser.lua
1 --[[--------------------------------------------------------------------
3 lparser.lua: Lua 5.1 parser in Lua
4 This file is part of LuaSrcDiet, based on Yueliang material.
6 Copyright (c) 2008 Kein-Hong Man <>
7 The COPYRIGHT file describes the conditions
8 under which this software may be distributed.
10 See the ChangeLog for more information.
12 ----------------------------------------------------------------------]]
14 --[[--------------------------------------------------------------------
15 -- NOTES:
16 -- * This is a version of the native 5.1.x parser from Yueliang 0.4.0,
17 -- with significant modifications to handle LuaSrcDiet's needs:
18 -- (1) needs pre-built token tables instead of a module.method
19 -- (2) lparser.error is an optional error handler (from llex)
20 -- (3) not full parsing, currently fakes raw/unlexed constants
21 -- (4) parser() returns globalinfo, localinfo tables
22 -- * Please read technotes.txt for more technical details.
23 -- * NO support for 'arg' vararg functions (LUA_COMPAT_VARARG)
24 -- * A lot of the parser is unused, but might later be useful for
25 -- full-on parsing and analysis for a few measly bytes saved.
26 ----------------------------------------------------------------------]]
28 local base = _G
29 local string = require "string"
30 module "lparser"
31 local _G = base.getfenv()
33 --[[--------------------------------------------------------------------
34 -- variable and data structure initialization
35 ----------------------------------------------------------------------]]
37 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
38 -- initialization: main variables
39 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
41 local toklist, -- grammar-only token tables (token table,
42 seminfolist, -- semantic information table, line number
43 toklnlist, -- table, cross-reference table)
44 xreflist,
45 tpos, -- token position
47 line, -- start line # for error messages
48 lastln, -- last line # for ambiguous syntax chk
49 tok, seminfo, ln, xref, -- token, semantic info, line
50 nameref, -- proper position of <name> token
51 fs, -- current function state
52 top_fs, -- top-level function state
54 globalinfo, -- global variable information table
55 globallookup, -- global variable name lookup table
56 localinfo, -- local variable information table
57 ilocalinfo, -- inactive locals (prior to activation)
58 ilocalrefs -- corresponding references to activate
60 -- forward references for local functions
61 local explist1, expr, block, exp1, body, chunk
63 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
64 -- initialization: data structures
65 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
67 local gmatch = string.gmatch
69 local block_follow = {} -- lookahead check in chunk(), returnstat()
70 for v in gmatch("else elseif end until <eof>", "%S+") do
71 block_follow[v] = true
72 end
74 local stat_call = {} -- lookup for calls in stat()
75 for v in gmatch("if while do for repeat function local return break", "%S+") do
76 stat_call[v] = v.."_stat"
77 end
79 local binopr_left = {} -- binary operators, left priority
80 local binopr_right = {} -- binary operators, right priority
81 for op, lt, rt in gmatch([[
82 {+ 6 6}{- 6 6}{* 7 7}{/ 7 7}{% 7 7}
83 {^ 10 9}{.. 5 4}
84 {~= 3 3}{== 3 3}
85 {< 3 3}{<= 3 3}{> 3 3}{>= 3 3}
86 {and 2 2}{or 1 1}
87 ]], "{(%S+)%s(%d+)%s(%d+)}") do
88 binopr_left[op] = lt + 0
89 binopr_right[op] = rt + 0
90 end
92 local unopr = { ["not"] = true, ["-"] = true,
93 ["#"] = true, } -- unary operators
94 local UNARY_PRIORITY = 8 -- priority for unary operators
96 --[[--------------------------------------------------------------------
97 -- support functions
98 ----------------------------------------------------------------------]]
100 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
101 -- formats error message and throws error (duplicated from llex)
102 -- * a simplified version, does not report what token was responsible
103 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
105 local function errorline(s, line)
106 local e = error or base.error
107 e(string.format("(source):%d: %s", line or ln, s))
108 end
110 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
111 -- handles incoming token, semantic information pairs
112 -- * NOTE: 'nextt' is named 'next' originally
113 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
115 -- reads in next token
116 local function nextt()
117 lastln = toklnlist[tpos]
118 tok, seminfo, ln, xref
119 = toklist[tpos], seminfolist[tpos], toklnlist[tpos], xreflist[tpos]
120 tpos = tpos + 1
121 end
123 -- peek at next token (single lookahead for table constructor)
124 local function lookahead()
125 return toklist[tpos]
126 end
128 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
129 -- throws a syntax error, or if token expected is not there
130 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
132 local function syntaxerror(msg)
133 local tok = tok
134 if tok ~= "<number>" and tok ~= "<string>" then
135 if tok == "<name>" then tok = seminfo end
136 tok = "'"..tok.."'"
137 end
138 errorline(msg.." near "..tok)
139 end
141 local function error_expected(token)
142 syntaxerror("'"..token.."' expected")
143 end
145 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
146 -- tests for a token, returns outcome
147 -- * return value changed to boolean
148 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
150 local function testnext(c)
151 if tok == c then nextt(); return true end
152 end
154 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
155 -- check for existence of a token, throws error if not found
156 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
158 local function check(c)
159 if tok ~= c then error_expected(c) end
160 end
162 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
163 -- verify existence of a token, then skip it
164 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
166 local function checknext(c)
167 check(c); nextt()
168 end
170 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
171 -- throws error if condition not matched
172 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
174 local function check_condition(c, msg)
175 if not c then syntaxerror(msg) end
176 end
178 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
179 -- verifies token conditions are met or else throw error
180 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
182 local function check_match(what, who, where)
183 if not testnext(what) then
184 if where == ln then
185 error_expected(what)
186 else
187 syntaxerror("'"..what.."' expected (to close '"..who.."' at line "..where..")")
188 end
189 end
190 end
192 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
193 -- expect that token is a name, return the name
194 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
196 local function str_checkname()
197 check("<name>")
198 local ts = seminfo
199 nameref = xref
200 nextt()
201 return ts
202 end
204 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
205 -- adds given string s in string pool, sets e as VK
206 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
208 local function codestring(e, s)
209 e.k = "VK"
210 end
212 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
213 -- consume a name token, adds it to string pool
214 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
216 local function checkname(e)
217 codestring(e, str_checkname())
218 end
220 --[[--------------------------------------------------------------------
221 -- variable (global|local|upvalue) handling
222 -- * to track locals and globals, we can extend Yueliang's minimal
223 -- variable management code with little trouble
224 -- * entry point is singlevar() for variable lookups
225 -- * lookup tables (bl.locallist) are maintained awkwardly in the basic
226 -- block data structures, PLUS the function data structure (this is
227 -- an inelegant hack, since bl is nil for the top level of a function)
228 ----------------------------------------------------------------------]]
230 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
231 -- register a local variable, create local variable object, set in
232 -- to-activate variable list
233 -- * used in new_localvarliteral(), parlist(), fornum(), forlist(),
234 -- localfunc(), localstat()
235 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
237 local function new_localvar(name, special)
238 local bl =
239 local locallist
240 -- locate locallist in current block object or function root object
241 if bl then
242 locallist = bl.locallist
243 else
244 locallist = fs.locallist
245 end
246 -- build local variable information object and set localinfo
247 local id = #localinfo + 1
248 localinfo[id] = { -- new local variable object
249 name = name, -- local variable name
250 xref = { nameref }, -- xref, first value is declaration
251 decl = nameref, -- location of declaration, = xref[1]
252 }
253 if special then -- "self" must be not be changed
254 localinfo[id].isself = true
255 end
256 -- this can override a local with the same name in the same scope
257 -- but first, keep it inactive until it gets activated
258 local i = #ilocalinfo + 1
259 ilocalinfo[i] = id
260 ilocalrefs[i] = locallist
261 end
263 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
264 -- actually activate the variables so that they are visible
265 -- * remember Lua semantics, e.g. RHS is evaluated first, then LHS
266 -- * used in parlist(), forbody(), localfunc(), localstat(), body()
267 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
269 local function adjustlocalvars(nvars)
270 local sz = #ilocalinfo
271 -- i goes from left to right, in order of local allocation, because
272 -- of something like: local a,a,a = 1,2,3 which gives a = 3
273 while nvars > 0 do
274 nvars = nvars - 1
275 local i = sz - nvars
276 local id = ilocalinfo[i] -- local's id
277 local obj = localinfo[id]
278 local name = -- name of local
279 obj.act = xref -- set activation location
280 ilocalinfo[i] = nil
281 local locallist = ilocalrefs[i] -- ref to lookup table to update
282 ilocalrefs[i] = nil
283 local existing = locallist[name] -- if existing, remove old first!
284 if existing then -- do not overlap, set special
285 obj = localinfo[existing] -- form of rem, as -id
286 obj.rem = -id
287 end
288 locallist[name] = id -- activate, now visible to Lua
289 end
290 end
292 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
293 -- remove (deactivate) variables in current scope (before scope exits)
294 -- * zap entire locallist tables since we are not allocating registers
295 -- * used in leaveblock(), close_func()
296 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
298 local function removevars()
299 local bl =
300 local locallist
301 -- locate locallist in current block object or function root object
302 if bl then
303 locallist = bl.locallist
304 else
305 locallist = fs.locallist
306 end
307 -- enumerate the local list at current scope and deactivate 'em
308 for name, id in base.pairs(locallist) do
309 local obj = localinfo[id]
310 obj.rem = xref -- set deactivation location
311 end
312 end
314 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
315 -- creates a new local variable given a name
316 -- * skips internal locals (those starting with '('), so internal
317 -- locals never needs a corresponding adjustlocalvars() call
318 -- * special is true for "self" which must not be optimized
319 -- * used in fornum(), forlist(), parlist(), body()
320 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
322 local function new_localvarliteral(name, special)
323 if string.sub(name, 1, 1) == "(" then -- can skip internal locals
324 return
325 end
326 new_localvar(name, special)
327 end
329 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
330 -- search the local variable namespace of the given fs for a match
331 -- * returns localinfo index
332 -- * used only in singlevaraux()
333 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
335 local function searchvar(fs, n)
336 local bl =
337 local locallist
338 if bl then
339 locallist = bl.locallist
340 while locallist do
341 if locallist[n] then return locallist[n] end -- found
342 bl = bl.prev
343 locallist = bl and bl.locallist
344 end
345 end
346 locallist = fs.locallist
347 return locallist[n] or -1 -- found or not found (-1)
348 end
350 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
351 -- handle locals, globals and upvalues and related processing
352 -- * search mechanism is recursive, calls itself to search parents
353 -- * used only in singlevar()
354 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
356 local function singlevaraux(fs, n, var)
357 if fs == nil then -- no more levels?
358 var.k = "VGLOBAL" -- default is global variable
359 return "VGLOBAL"
360 else
361 local v = searchvar(fs, n) -- look up at current level
362 if v >= 0 then
363 var.k = "VLOCAL"
364 = v
365 -- codegen may need to deal with upvalue here
366 return "VLOCAL"
367 else -- not found at current level; try upper one
368 if singlevaraux(fs.prev, n, var) == "VGLOBAL" then
369 return "VGLOBAL"
370 end
371 -- else was LOCAL or UPVAL, handle here
372 var.k = "VUPVAL" -- upvalue in this level
373 return "VUPVAL"
374 end--if v
375 end--if fs
376 end
378 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
379 -- consume a name token, creates a variable (global|local|upvalue)
380 -- * used in prefixexp(), funcname()
381 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
383 local function singlevar(v)
384 local name = str_checkname()
385 singlevaraux(fs, name, v)
386 ------------------------------------------------------------------
387 -- variable tracking
388 ------------------------------------------------------------------
389 if v.k == "VGLOBAL" then
390 -- if global being accessed, keep track of it by creating an object
391 local id = globallookup[name]
392 if not id then
393 id = #globalinfo + 1
394 globalinfo[id] = { -- new global variable object
395 name = name, -- global variable name
396 xref = { nameref }, -- xref, first value is declaration
397 }
398 globallookup[name] = id -- remember it
399 else
400 local obj = globalinfo[id].xref
401 obj[#obj + 1] = nameref -- add xref
402 end
403 else
404 -- local/upvalue is being accessed, keep track of it
405 local id =
406 local obj = localinfo[id].xref
407 obj[#obj + 1] = nameref -- add xref
408 end
409 end
411 --[[--------------------------------------------------------------------
412 -- state management functions with open/close pairs
413 ----------------------------------------------------------------------]]
415 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
416 -- enters a code unit, initializes elements
417 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
419 local function enterblock(isbreakable)
420 local bl = {} -- per-block state
421 bl.isbreakable = isbreakable
422 bl.prev =
423 bl.locallist = {}
424 = bl
425 end
427 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
428 -- leaves a code unit, close any upvalues
429 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
431 local function leaveblock()
432 local bl =
433 removevars()
434 = bl.prev
435 end
437 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
438 -- opening of a function
439 -- * top_fs is only for anchoring the top fs, so that parser() can
440 -- return it to the caller function along with useful output
441 -- * used in parser() and body()
442 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
444 local function open_func()
445 local new_fs -- per-function state
446 if not fs then -- top_fs is created early
447 new_fs = top_fs
448 else
449 new_fs = {}
450 end
451 new_fs.prev = fs -- linked list of function states
452 = nil
453 new_fs.locallist = {}
454 fs = new_fs
455 end
457 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
458 -- closing of a function
459 -- * used in parser() and body()
460 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
462 local function close_func()
463 removevars()
464 fs = fs.prev
465 end
467 --[[--------------------------------------------------------------------
468 -- other parsing functions
469 -- * for table constructor, parameter list, argument list
470 ----------------------------------------------------------------------]]
472 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
473 -- parse a function name suffix, for function call specifications
474 -- * used in primaryexp(), funcname()
475 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
477 local function field(v)
478 -- field -> ['.' | ':'] NAME
479 local key = {}
480 nextt() -- skip the dot or colon
481 checkname(key)
482 v.k = "VINDEXED"
483 end
485 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
486 -- parse a table indexing suffix, for constructors, expressions
487 -- * used in recfield(), primaryexp()
488 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
490 local function yindex(v)
491 -- index -> '[' expr ']'
492 nextt() -- skip the '['
493 expr(v)
494 checknext("]")
495 end
497 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
498 -- parse a table record (hash) field
499 -- * used in constructor()
500 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
502 local function recfield(cc)
503 -- recfield -> (NAME | '['exp1']') = exp1
504 local key, val = {}, {}
505 if tok == "<name>" then
506 checkname(key)
507 else-- tok == '['
508 yindex(key)
509 end
510 checknext("=")
511 expr(val)
512 end
514 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
515 -- emit a set list instruction if enough elements (LFIELDS_PER_FLUSH)
516 -- * note: retained in this skeleton because it modifies cc.v.k
517 -- * used in constructor()
518 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
520 local function closelistfield(cc)
521 if cc.v.k == "VVOID" then return end -- there is no list item
522 cc.v.k = "VVOID"
523 end
525 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
526 -- parse a table list (array) field
527 -- * used in constructor()
528 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
530 local function listfield(cc)
531 expr(cc.v)
532 end
534 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
535 -- parse a table constructor
536 -- * used in funcargs(), simpleexp()
537 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
539 local function constructor(t)
540 -- constructor -> '{' [ field { fieldsep field } [ fieldsep ] ] '}'
541 -- field -> recfield | listfield
542 -- fieldsep -> ',' | ';'
543 local line = ln
544 local cc = {}
545 cc.v = {}
546 cc.t = t
547 t.k = "VRELOCABLE"
548 cc.v.k = "VVOID"
549 checknext("{")
550 repeat
551 if tok == "}" then break end
552 -- closelistfield(cc) here
553 local c = tok
554 if c == "<name>" then -- may be listfields or recfields
555 if lookahead() ~= "=" then -- look ahead: expression?
556 listfield(cc)
557 else
558 recfield(cc)
559 end
560 elseif c == "[" then -- constructor_item -> recfield
561 recfield(cc)
562 else -- constructor_part -> listfield
563 listfield(cc)
564 end
565 until not testnext(",") and not testnext(";")
566 check_match("}", "{", line)
567 -- lastlistfield(cc) here
568 end
570 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
571 -- parse the arguments (parameters) of a function declaration
572 -- * used in body()
573 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
575 local function parlist()
576 -- parlist -> [ param { ',' param } ]
577 local nparams = 0
578 if tok ~= ")" then -- is 'parlist' not empty?
579 repeat
580 local c = tok
581 if c == "<name>" then -- param -> NAME
582 new_localvar(str_checkname())
583 nparams = nparams + 1
584 elseif c == "..." then
585 nextt()
586 fs.is_vararg = true
587 else
588 syntaxerror("<name> or '...' expected")
589 end
590 until fs.is_vararg or not testnext(",")
591 end--if
592 adjustlocalvars(nparams)
593 end
595 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
596 -- parse the parameters of a function call
597 -- * contrast with parlist(), used in function declarations
598 -- * used in primaryexp()
599 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
601 local function funcargs(f)
602 local args = {}
603 local line = ln
604 local c = tok
605 if c == "(" then -- funcargs -> '(' [ explist1 ] ')'
606 if line ~= lastln then
607 syntaxerror("ambiguous syntax (function call x new statement)")
608 end
609 nextt()
610 if tok == ")" then -- arg list is empty?
611 args.k = "VVOID"
612 else
613 explist1(args)
614 end
615 check_match(")", "(", line)
616 elseif c == "{" then -- funcargs -> constructor
617 constructor(args)
618 elseif c == "<string>" then -- funcargs -> STRING
619 codestring(args, seminfo)
620 nextt() -- must use 'seminfo' before 'next'
621 else
622 syntaxerror("function arguments expected")
623 return
624 end--if c
625 f.k = "VCALL"
626 end
628 --[[--------------------------------------------------------------------
629 -- mostly expression functions
630 ----------------------------------------------------------------------]]
632 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
633 -- parses an expression in parentheses or a single variable
634 -- * used in primaryexp()
635 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
637 local function prefixexp(v)
638 -- prefixexp -> NAME | '(' expr ')'
639 local c = tok
640 if c == "(" then
641 local line = ln
642 nextt()
643 expr(v)
644 check_match(")", "(", line)
645 elseif c == "<name>" then
646 singlevar(v)
647 else
648 syntaxerror("unexpected symbol")
649 end--if c
650 end
652 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
653 -- parses a prefixexp (an expression in parentheses or a single
654 -- variable) or a function call specification
655 -- * used in simpleexp(), assignment(), expr_stat()
656 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
658 local function primaryexp(v)
659 -- primaryexp ->
660 -- prefixexp { '.' NAME | '[' exp ']' | ':' NAME funcargs | funcargs }
661 prefixexp(v)
662 while true do
663 local c = tok
664 if c == "." then -- field
665 field(v)
666 elseif c == "[" then -- '[' exp1 ']'
667 local key = {}
668 yindex(key)
669 elseif c == ":" then -- ':' NAME funcargs
670 local key = {}
671 nextt()
672 checkname(key)
673 funcargs(v)
674 elseif c == "(" or c == "<string>" or c == "{" then -- funcargs
675 funcargs(v)
676 else
677 return
678 end--if c
679 end--while
680 end
682 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
683 -- parses general expression types, constants handled here
684 -- * used in subexpr()
685 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
687 local function simpleexp(v)
688 -- simpleexp -> NUMBER | STRING | NIL | TRUE | FALSE | ... |
689 -- constructor | FUNCTION body | primaryexp
690 local c = tok
691 if c == "<number>" then
692 v.k = "VKNUM"
693 elseif c == "<string>" then
694 codestring(v, seminfo)
695 elseif c == "nil" then
696 v.k = "VNIL"
697 elseif c == "true" then
698 v.k = "VTRUE"
699 elseif c == "false" then
700 v.k = "VFALSE"
701 elseif c == "..." then -- vararg
702 check_condition(fs.is_vararg == true,
703 "cannot use '...' outside a vararg function");
704 v.k = "VVARARG"
705 elseif c == "{" then -- constructor
706 constructor(v)
707 return
708 elseif c == "function" then
709 nextt()
710 body(v, false, ln)
711 return
712 else
713 primaryexp(v)
714 return
715 end--if c
716 nextt()
717 end
719 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
720 -- Parse subexpressions. Includes handling of unary operators and binary
721 -- operators. A subexpr is given the rhs priority level of the operator
722 -- immediately left of it, if any (limit is -1 if none,) and if a binop
723 -- is found, limit is compared with the lhs priority level of the binop
724 -- in order to determine which executes first.
725 -- * recursively called
726 -- * used in expr()
727 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
729 local function subexpr(v, limit)
730 -- subexpr -> (simpleexp | unop subexpr) { binop subexpr }
731 -- * where 'binop' is any binary operator with a priority
732 -- higher than 'limit'
733 local op = tok
734 local uop = unopr[op]
735 if uop then
736 nextt()
737 subexpr(v, UNARY_PRIORITY)
738 else
739 simpleexp(v)
740 end
741 -- expand while operators have priorities higher than 'limit'
742 op = tok
743 local binop = binopr_left[op]
744 while binop and binop > limit do
745 local v2 = {}
746 nextt()
747 -- read sub-expression with higher priority
748 local nextop = subexpr(v2, binopr_right[op])
749 op = nextop
750 binop = binopr_left[op]
751 end
752 return op -- return first untreated operator
753 end
755 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
756 -- Expression parsing starts here. Function subexpr is entered with the
757 -- left operator (which is non-existent) priority of -1, which is lower
758 -- than all actual operators. Expr information is returned in parm v.
759 -- * used in cond(), explist1(), index(), recfield(), listfield(),
760 -- prefixexp(), while_stat(), exp1()
761 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
763 -- this is a forward-referenced local
764 function expr(v)
765 -- expr -> subexpr
766 subexpr(v, 0)
767 end
769 --[[--------------------------------------------------------------------
770 -- third level parsing functions
771 ----------------------------------------------------------------------]]
773 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
774 -- parse a variable assignment sequence
775 -- * recursively called
776 -- * used in expr_stat()
777 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
779 local function assignment(v)
780 local e = {}
781 local c = v.v.k
782 check_condition(c == "VLOCAL" or c == "VUPVAL" or c == "VGLOBAL"
783 or c == "VINDEXED", "syntax error")
784 if testnext(",") then -- assignment -> ',' primaryexp assignment
785 local nv = {} -- expdesc
786 nv.v = {}
787 primaryexp(nv.v)
788 -- lparser.c deals with some register usage conflict here
789 assignment(nv)
790 else -- assignment -> '=' explist1
791 checknext("=")
792 explist1(e)
793 return -- avoid default
794 end
795 e.k = "VNONRELOC"
796 end
798 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
799 -- parse a for loop body for both versions of the for loop
800 -- * used in fornum(), forlist()
801 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
803 local function forbody(nvars, isnum)
804 -- forbody -> DO block
805 checknext("do")
806 enterblock(false) -- scope for declared variables
807 adjustlocalvars(nvars)
808 block()
809 leaveblock() -- end of scope for declared variables
810 end
812 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
813 -- parse a numerical for loop, calls forbody()
814 -- * used in for_stat()
815 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
817 local function fornum(varname)
818 -- fornum -> NAME = exp1, exp1 [, exp1] DO body
819 local line = line
820 new_localvarliteral("(for index)")
821 new_localvarliteral("(for limit)")
822 new_localvarliteral("(for step)")
823 new_localvar(varname)
824 checknext("=")
825 exp1() -- initial value
826 checknext(",")
827 exp1() -- limit
828 if testnext(",") then
829 exp1() -- optional step
830 else
831 -- default step = 1
832 end
833 forbody(1, true)
834 end
836 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
837 -- parse a generic for loop, calls forbody()
838 -- * used in for_stat()
839 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
841 local function forlist(indexname)
842 -- forlist -> NAME {, NAME} IN explist1 DO body
843 local e = {}
844 -- create control variables
845 new_localvarliteral("(for generator)")
846 new_localvarliteral("(for state)")
847 new_localvarliteral("(for control)")
848 -- create declared variables
849 new_localvar(indexname)
850 local nvars = 1
851 while testnext(",") do
852 new_localvar(str_checkname())
853 nvars = nvars + 1
854 end
855 checknext("in")
856 local line = line
857 explist1(e)
858 forbody(nvars, false)
859 end
861 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
862 -- parse a function name specification
863 -- * used in func_stat()
864 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
866 local function funcname(v)
867 -- funcname -> NAME {field} [':' NAME]
868 local needself = false
869 singlevar(v)
870 while tok == "." do
871 field(v)
872 end
873 if tok == ":" then
874 needself = true
875 field(v)
876 end
877 return needself
878 end
880 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
881 -- parse the single expressions needed in numerical for loops
882 -- * used in fornum()
883 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
885 -- this is a forward-referenced local
886 function exp1()
887 -- exp1 -> expr
888 local e = {}
889 expr(e)
890 end
892 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
893 -- parse condition in a repeat statement or an if control structure
894 -- * used in repeat_stat(), test_then_block()
895 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
897 local function cond()
898 -- cond -> expr
899 local v = {}
900 expr(v) -- read condition
901 end
903 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
904 -- parse part of an if control structure, including the condition
905 -- * used in if_stat()
906 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
908 local function test_then_block()
909 -- test_then_block -> [IF | ELSEIF] cond THEN block
910 nextt() -- skip IF or ELSEIF
911 cond()
912 checknext("then")
913 block() -- 'then' part
914 end
916 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
917 -- parse a local function statement
918 -- * used in local_stat()
919 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
921 local function localfunc()
922 -- localfunc -> NAME body
923 local v, b = {}
924 new_localvar(str_checkname())
925 v.k = "VLOCAL"
926 adjustlocalvars(1)
927 body(b, false, ln)
928 end
930 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
931 -- parse a local variable declaration statement
932 -- * used in local_stat()
933 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
935 local function localstat()
936 -- localstat -> NAME {',' NAME} ['=' explist1]
937 local nvars = 0
938 local e = {}
939 repeat
940 new_localvar(str_checkname())
941 nvars = nvars + 1
942 until not testnext(",")
943 if testnext("=") then
944 explist1(e)
945 else
946 e.k = "VVOID"
947 end
948 adjustlocalvars(nvars)
949 end
951 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
952 -- parse a list of comma-separated expressions
953 -- * used in return_stat(), localstat(), funcargs(), assignment(),
954 -- forlist()
955 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
957 -- this is a forward-referenced local
958 function explist1(e)
959 -- explist1 -> expr { ',' expr }
960 expr(e)
961 while testnext(",") do
962 expr(e)
963 end
964 end
966 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
967 -- parse function declaration body
968 -- * used in simpleexp(), localfunc(), func_stat()
969 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
971 -- this is a forward-referenced local
972 function body(e, needself, line)
973 -- body -> '(' parlist ')' chunk END
974 open_func()
975 checknext("(")
976 if needself then
977 new_localvarliteral("self", true)
978 adjustlocalvars(1)
979 end
980 parlist()
981 checknext(")")
982 chunk()
983 check_match("end", "function", line)
984 close_func()
985 end
987 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
988 -- parse a code block or unit
989 -- * used in do_stat(), while_stat(), forbody(), test_then_block(),
990 -- if_stat()
991 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
993 -- this is a forward-referenced local
994 function block()
995 -- block -> chunk
996 enterblock(false)
997 chunk()
998 leaveblock()
999 end
1001 --[[--------------------------------------------------------------------
1002 -- second level parsing functions, all with '_stat' suffix
1003 -- * since they are called via a table lookup, they cannot be local
1004 -- functions (a lookup table of local functions might be smaller...)
1005 -- * stat() -> *_stat()
1006 ----------------------------------------------------------------------]]
1008 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1009 -- initial parsing for a for loop, calls fornum() or forlist()
1010 -- * removed 'line' parameter (used to set debug information only)
1011 -- * used in stat()
1012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1014 function for_stat()
1015 -- stat -> for_stat -> FOR (fornum | forlist) END
1016 local line = line
1017 enterblock(true) -- scope for loop and control variables
1018 nextt() -- skip 'for'
1019 local varname = str_checkname() -- first variable name
1020 local c = tok
1021 if c == "=" then
1022 fornum(varname)
1023 elseif c == "," or c == "in" then
1024 forlist(varname)
1025 else
1026 syntaxerror("'=' or 'in' expected")
1027 end
1028 check_match("end", "for", line)
1029 leaveblock() -- loop scope (`break' jumps to this point)
1030 end
1032 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1033 -- parse a while-do control structure, body processed by block()
1034 -- * used in stat()
1035 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1037 function while_stat()
1038 -- stat -> while_stat -> WHILE cond DO block END
1039 local line = line
1040 nextt() -- skip WHILE
1041 cond() -- parse condition
1042 enterblock(true)
1043 checknext("do")
1044 block()
1045 check_match("end", "while", line)
1046 leaveblock()
1047 end
1049 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1050 -- parse a repeat-until control structure, body parsed by chunk()
1051 -- * originally, repeatstat() calls breakstat() too if there is an
1052 -- upvalue in the scope block; nothing is actually lexed, it is
1053 -- actually the common code in breakstat() for closing of upvalues
1054 -- * used in stat()
1055 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1057 function repeat_stat()
1058 -- stat -> repeat_stat -> REPEAT block UNTIL cond
1059 local line = line
1060 enterblock(true) -- loop block
1061 enterblock(false) -- scope block
1062 nextt() -- skip REPEAT
1063 chunk()
1064 check_match("until", "repeat", line)
1065 cond()
1066 -- close upvalues at scope level below
1067 leaveblock() -- finish scope
1068 leaveblock() -- finish loop
1069 end
1071 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1072 -- parse an if control structure
1073 -- * used in stat()
1074 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1076 function if_stat()
1077 -- stat -> if_stat -> IF cond THEN block
1078 -- {ELSEIF cond THEN block} [ELSE block] END
1079 local line = line
1080 local v = {}
1081 test_then_block() -- IF cond THEN block
1082 while tok == "elseif" do
1083 test_then_block() -- ELSEIF cond THEN block
1084 end
1085 if tok == "else" then
1086 nextt() -- skip ELSE
1087 block() -- 'else' part
1088 end
1089 check_match("end", "if", line)
1090 end
1092 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1093 -- parse a return statement
1094 -- * used in stat()
1095 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1097 function return_stat()
1098 -- stat -> return_stat -> RETURN explist
1099 local e = {}
1100 nextt() -- skip RETURN
1101 local c = tok
1102 if block_follow[c] or c == ";" then
1103 -- return no values
1104 else
1105 explist1(e) -- optional return values
1106 end
1107 end
1109 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1110 -- parse a break statement
1111 -- * used in stat()
1112 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1114 function break_stat()
1115 -- stat -> break_stat -> BREAK
1116 local bl =
1117 nextt() -- skip BREAK
1118 while bl and not bl.isbreakable do -- find a breakable block
1119 bl = bl.prev
1120 end
1121 if not bl then
1122 syntaxerror("no loop to break")
1123 end
1124 end
1126 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1127 -- parse a function call with no returns or an assignment statement
1128 -- * the struct with .prev is used for name searching in lparse.c,
1129 -- so it is retained for now; present in assignment() also
1130 -- * used in stat()
1131 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1133 function expr_stat()
1134 -- stat -> expr_stat -> func | assignment
1135 local v = {}
1136 v.v = {}
1137 primaryexp(v.v)
1138 if v.v.k == "VCALL" then -- stat -> func
1139 -- call statement uses no results
1140 else -- stat -> assignment
1141 v.prev = nil
1142 assignment(v)
1143 end
1144 end
1146 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1147 -- parse a function statement
1148 -- * used in stat()
1149 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1151 function function_stat()
1152 -- stat -> function_stat -> FUNCTION funcname body
1153 local line = line
1154 local v, b = {}, {}
1155 nextt() -- skip FUNCTION
1156 local needself = funcname(v)
1157 body(b, needself, line)
1158 end
1160 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1161 -- parse a simple block enclosed by a DO..END pair
1162 -- * used in stat()
1163 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1165 function do_stat()
1166 -- stat -> do_stat -> DO block END
1167 local line = line
1168 nextt() -- skip DO
1169 block()
1170 check_match("end", "do", line)
1171 end
1173 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1174 -- parse a statement starting with LOCAL
1175 -- * used in stat()
1176 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1178 function local_stat()
1179 -- stat -> local_stat -> LOCAL FUNCTION localfunc
1180 -- -> LOCAL localstat
1181 nextt() -- skip LOCAL
1182 if testnext("function") then -- local function?
1183 localfunc()
1184 else
1185 localstat()
1186 end
1187 end
1189 --[[--------------------------------------------------------------------
1190 -- main functions, top level parsing functions
1191 -- * accessible functions are: init(lexer), parser()
1192 -- * [entry] -> parser() -> chunk() -> stat()
1193 ----------------------------------------------------------------------]]
1195 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1196 -- initial parsing for statements, calls '_stat' suffixed functions
1197 -- * used in chunk()
1198 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1200 local function stat()
1201 -- stat -> if_stat while_stat do_stat for_stat repeat_stat
1202 -- function_stat local_stat return_stat break_stat
1203 -- expr_stat
1204 line = ln -- may be needed for error messages
1205 local c = tok
1206 local fn = stat_call[c]
1207 -- handles: if while do for repeat function local return break
1208 if fn then
1209 _G[fn]()
1210 -- return or break must be last statement
1211 if c == "return" or c == "break" then return true end
1212 else
1213 expr_stat()
1214 end
1215 return false
1216 end
1218 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1219 -- parse a chunk, which consists of a bunch of statements
1220 -- * used in parser(), body(), block(), repeat_stat()
1221 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1223 -- this is a forward-referenced local
1224 function chunk()
1225 -- chunk -> { stat [';'] }
1226 local islast = false
1227 while not islast and not block_follow[tok] do
1228 islast = stat()
1229 testnext(";")
1230 end
1231 end
1233 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1234 -- performs parsing, returns parsed data structure
1235 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1237 function parser()
1238 open_func()
1239 fs.is_vararg = true -- main func. is always vararg
1240 nextt() -- read first token
1241 chunk()
1242 check("<eof>")
1243 close_func()
1244 return globalinfo, localinfo
1245 end
1247 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1248 -- initialization function
1249 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1251 function init(tokorig, seminfoorig, toklnorig)
1252 tpos = 1 -- token position
1253 top_fs = {} -- reset top level function state
1254 ------------------------------------------------------------------
1255 -- set up grammar-only token tables; impedance-matching...
1256 -- note that constants returned by the lexer is source-level, so
1257 -- for now, fake(!) constant tokens (TK_NUMBER|TK_STRING|TK_LSTRING)
1258 ------------------------------------------------------------------
1259 local j = 1
1260 toklist, seminfolist, toklnlist, xreflist = {}, {}, {}, {}
1261 for i = 1, #tokorig do
1262 local tok = tokorig[i]
1263 local yep = true
1264 if tok == "TK_KEYWORD" or tok == "TK_OP" then
1265 tok = seminfoorig[i]
1266 elseif tok == "TK_NAME" then
1267 tok = "<name>"
1268 seminfolist[j] = seminfoorig[i]
1269 elseif tok == "TK_NUMBER" then
1270 tok = "<number>"
1271 seminfolist[j] = 0 -- fake!
1272 elseif tok == "TK_STRING" or tok == "TK_LSTRING" then
1273 tok = "<string>"
1274 seminfolist[j] = "" -- fake!
1275 elseif tok == "TK_EOS" then
1276 tok = "<eof>"
1277 else
1278 -- non-grammar tokens; ignore them
1279 yep = false
1280 end
1281 if yep then -- set rest of the information
1282 toklist[j] = tok
1283 toklnlist[j] = toklnorig[i]
1284 xreflist[j] = i
1285 j = j + 1
1286 end
1287 end--for
1288 ------------------------------------------------------------------
1289 -- initialize data structures for variable tracking
1290 ------------------------------------------------------------------
1291 globalinfo, globallookup, localinfo = {}, {}, {}
1292 ilocalinfo, ilocalrefs = {}, {}
1293 end
1295 return _G