gentree: add ability to create automatic backports
[openwrt/staging/blogic.git] /
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 #
3 # Generate the output tree into a specified directory.
4 #
6 import argparse, sys, os, errno, shutil, re, subprocess
8 # find self
9 source_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
10 sys.path.append(source_dir)
11 # and import libraries we have
12 from lib import kconfig, git, patch, make
15 def read_copy_list(copyfile):
16 """
17 Read a copy-list file and return a list of (source, target)
18 tuples. The source and target are usually the same, but in
19 the copy-list file there may be a rename included.
20 """
21 ret = []
22 for item in copyfile:
23 # remove leading/trailing whitespace
24 item = item.strip()
25 # comments
26 if not item or item[0] == '#':
27 continue
28 if item[0] == '/':
29 raise Exception("Input path '%s' is absolute path, this isn't allowed" % (item, ))
30 if ' -> ' in item:
31 srcitem, dstitem = item.split(' -> ')
32 if (srcitem[-1] == '/') != (dstitem[-1] == '/'):
33 raise Exception("Cannot copy file/dir to dir/file")
34 else:
35 srcitem = dstitem = item
36 ret.append((srcitem, dstitem))
37 return ret
40 def read_dependencies(depfilename):
41 """
42 Read a (the) dependency file and return the list of
43 dependencies as a dictionary, mapping a Kconfig symbol
44 to a list of kernel version dependencies. While reading
45 ignore blank/commented lines.
46 """
47 ret = {}
48 depfile = open(depfilename, 'r')
49 for item in depfile:
50 item = item.strip()
51 if not item or item[0] == '#':
52 continue
53 sym, dep = item.split()
54 if not sym in ret:
55 ret[sym] = [dep, ]
56 else:
57 ret[sym].append(dep)
58 return ret
61 def check_output_dir(d, clean):
62 """
63 Check that the output directory doesn't exist or is empty,
64 unless clean is True in which case it's nuked. This helps
65 sanity check the output when generating a tree, so usually
66 running with --clean isn't suggested.
67 """
68 if clean:
69 shutil.rmtree(d, ignore_errors=True)
70 try:
71 os.rmdir(d)
72 except OSError, e:
73 if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
74 raise
77 def copytree(src, dst, symlinks=False, ignore=None):
78 """
79 Copy a directory tree. This differs from shutil.copytree()
80 in that it allows destination directories to already exist.
81 """
82 names = os.listdir(src)
83 if ignore is not None:
84 ignored_names = ignore(src, names)
85 else:
86 ignored_names = set()
88 if not os.path.isdir(dst):
89 os.makedirs(dst)
90 errors = []
91 for name in names:
92 if name in ignored_names:
93 continue
94 srcname = os.path.join(src, name)
95 dstname = os.path.join(dst, name)
96 try:
97 if symlinks and os.path.islink(srcname):
98 linkto = os.readlink(srcname)
99 os.symlink(linkto, dstname)
100 elif os.path.isdir(srcname):
101 copytree(srcname, dstname, symlinks, ignore)
102 else:
103 shutil.copy2(srcname, dstname)
104 except (IOError, os.error) as why:
105 errors.append((srcname, dstname, str(why)))
106 # catch the Error from the recursive copytree so that we can
107 # continue with other files
108 except shutil.Error as err:
109 errors.extend(err.args[0])
110 try:
111 shutil.copystat(src, dst)
112 except WindowsError:
113 # can't copy file access times on Windows
114 pass
115 except OSError as why:
116 errors.extend((src, dst, str(why)))
117 if errors:
118 raise shutil.Error(errors)
121 def copy_files(srcpath, copy_list, outdir):
122 """
123 Copy the copy_list files and directories from the srcpath
124 to the outdir. The copy_list contains source and target
125 names.
127 For now, it also ignores any *~ editor backup files, though
128 this should probably be generalized (maybe using .gitignore?)
129 Similarly the code that only copies some files (*.c, *.h,
130 *.awk, Kconfig, Makefile) to avoid any build remnants in the
131 kernel if they should exist.
132 """
133 for srcitem, tgtitem in copy_list:
134 if tgtitem == '':
135 copytree(srcpath, outdir, ignore=shutil.ignore_patterns('*~'))
136 elif tgtitem[-1] == '/':
137 def copy_ignore(dir, entries):
138 r = []
139 for i in entries:
140 if i[-2] == '.o' or i[-1] == '~':
141 r.append(i)
142 return r
143 copytree(os.path.join(srcpath, srcitem),
144 os.path.join(outdir, tgtitem),
145 ignore=copy_ignore)
146 else:
147 try:
148 os.makedirs(os.path.join(outdir, os.path.dirname(tgtitem)))
149 except OSError, e:
150 # ignore dirs we might have created just now
151 if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
152 raise
153 shutil.copy(os.path.join(srcpath, srcitem),
154 os.path.join(outdir, tgtitem))
157 def copy_git_files(srcpath, copy_list, rev, outdir):
158 """
159 "Copy" files from a git repository. This really means listing them with
160 ls-tree and then using git show to obtain all the blobs.
161 """
162 for srcitem, tgtitem in copy_list:
163 for m, t, h, f in git.ls_tree(rev=rev, files=(srcitem,), tree=srcpath):
164 assert t == 'blob'
165 f = os.path.join(outdir, f.replace(srcitem, tgtitem))
166 d = os.path.dirname(f)
167 if not os.path.exists(d):
168 os.makedirs(d)
169 outf = open(f, 'w')
170 git.get_blob(h, outf, tree=srcpath)
171 outf.close()
172 os.chmod(f, int(m, 8))
175 def add_automatic_backports(args):
176 export = re.compile(r'^EXPORT_SYMBOL(_GPL)?\((?P<sym>[^\)]*)\)')
177 bpi = kconfig.get_backport_info(os.path.join(args.outdir, 'compat', 'Kconfig'))
178 for sym, vals in bpi.iteritems():
179 symtype, c_files, h_files = vals
181 # first copy files
182 files = []
183 for f in c_files:
184 files.append((f, os.path.join('compat', os.path.basename(f))))
185 for f in h_files:
186 files.append((os.path.join('include', f),
187 os.path.join('include', os.path.dirname(f), 'backport-' + os.path.basename(f))))
188 if args.git_revision:
189 copy_git_files(args.kerneldir, files, args.git_revision, args.outdir)
190 else:
191 copy_files(args.kerneldir, files, args.outdir)
193 # now add the Makefile line
194 mf = open(os.path.join(args.outdir, 'compat', 'Makefile'), 'a+')
195 o_files = [os.path.basename(f)[:-1] + 'o' for f in c_files]
196 if symtype == 'tristate':
197 mf.write('obj-$(CPTCFG_%s) += %s\n' % (sym, ' '.join(o_files)))
198 elif symtype == 'bool':
199 mf.write('compat-$(CPTCFG_%s) += %s\n' % (sym, ' '.join(o_files)))
201 # finally create the include file
202 syms = []
203 for f in c_files:
204 for l in open(os.path.join(args.outdir, 'compat', os.path.basename(f)), 'r'):
205 m = export.match(l)
206 if m:
207 syms.append('sym'))
208 for f in h_files:
209 outf = open(os.path.join(args.outdir, 'include', f), 'w')
210 outf.write('/* Automatically created during backport process */\n')
211 outf.write('#ifndef CPTCFG_%s\n' % sym)
212 outf.write('#include_next <%s>\n' % f)
213 outf.write('#else\n');
214 for s in syms:
215 outf.write('#undef %s\n' % s)
216 outf.write('#define %s LINUX_BACKPORT(%s)\n' % (s, s))
217 outf.write('#include <%s>\n' % (os.path.dirname(f) + '/backport-' + os.path.basename(f), ))
218 outf.write('#endif /* CPTCFG_%s */\n' % sym)
220 def git_debug_init(args):
221 """
222 Initialize a git repository in the output directory and commit the current
223 code in it. This is only used for debugging the transformations this code
224 will do to the output later.
225 """
226 if not args.gitdebug:
227 return
228 git.init(tree=args.outdir)
229 git.commit_all("Copied backport", tree=args.outdir)
232 def git_debug_snapshot(args, name):
233 """
234 Take a git snapshot for the debugging.
235 """
236 if not args.gitdebug:
237 return
238 git.commit_all(name, tree=args.outdir)
241 def _main():
242 # set up and parse arguments
243 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='generate backport tree')
244 parser.add_argument('kerneldir', metavar='<kernel tree>', type=str,
245 help='Kernel tree to copy drivers from')
246 parser.add_argument('outdir', metavar='<output directory>', type=str,
247 help='Directory to write the generated tree to')
248 parser.add_argument('--copy-list', metavar='<listfile>', type=argparse.FileType('r'),
249 default='copy-list',
250 help='File containing list of files/directories to copy, default "copy-list"')
251 parser.add_argument('--git-revision', metavar='<revision>', type=str,
252 help='git commit revision (see gitrevisions(7)) to take objects from.' +
253 'If this is specified, the kernel tree is used as git object storage ' +
254 'and we use git ls-tree to get the files.')
255 parser.add_argument('--clean', const=True, default=False, action="store_const",
256 help='Clean output directory instead of erroring if it isn\'t empty')
257 parser.add_argument('--refresh', const=True, default=False, action="store_const",
258 help='Refresh patches as they are applied, the source dir will be modified!')
259 parser.add_argument('--base-name', metavar='<name>', type=str, default='Linux',
260 help='name of base tree, default just "Linux"')
261 parser.add_argument('--gitdebug', const=True, default=False, action="store_const",
262 help='Use git, in the output tree, to debug the various transformation steps ' +
263 'that the tree generation makes (apply patches, ...)')
264 parser.add_argument('--verbose', const=True, default=False, action="store_const",
265 help='Print more verbose information')
266 parser.add_argument('--extra-driver', nargs=2, metavar=('<source dir>', '<copy-list>'), type=str,
267 action='append', default=[], help='Extra driver directory/copy-list.')
268 args = parser.parse_args()
270 def logwrite(msg):
271 sys.stdout.write(msg)
272 sys.stdout.write('\n')
273 sys.stdout.flush()
275 return process(args.kerneldir, args.outdir, args.copy_list,
276 git_revision=args.git_revision, clean=args.clean,
277 refresh=args.refresh, base_name=args.base_name,
278 gitdebug=args.gitdebug, verbose=args.verbose,
279 extra_driver=args.extra_driver, logwrite=logwrite)
281 def process(kerneldir, outdir, copy_list_file, git_revision=None,
282 clean=False, refresh=False, base_name="Linux", gitdebug=False,
283 verbose=False, extra_driver=[], logwrite=lambda x:None,
284 kernel_version_name=None, backport_version_name=None):
285 class Args(object):
286 def __init__(self, kerneldir, outdir, copy_list_file,
287 git_revision, clean, refresh, base_name,
288 gitdebug, verbose, extra_driver):
289 self.kerneldir = kerneldir
290 self.outdir = outdir
291 self.copy_list = copy_list_file
292 self.git_revision = git_revision
293 self.clean = clean
294 self.refresh = refresh
295 self.base_name = base_name
296 self.gitdebug = gitdebug
297 self.verbose = verbose
298 self.extra_driver = extra_driver
299 args = Args(kerneldir, outdir, copy_list_file,
300 git_revision, clean, refresh, base_name,
301 gitdebug, verbose, extra_driver)
302 # start processing ...
304 copy_list = read_copy_list(args.copy_list)
305 deplist = read_dependencies(os.path.join(source_dir, 'dependencies'))
307 # validate output directory
308 check_output_dir(args.outdir, args.clean)
310 # do the copy
311 backport_files = [(x, x) for x in [
312 'Kconfig', 'Makefile', '', 'Makefile.kernel', '.gitignore',
313 'Makefile.real', 'compat/', 'include/', 'kconfig/', 'defconfigs/',
314 ]]
315 if not args.git_revision:
316 logwrite('Copy original source files ...')
317 else:
318 logwrite('Get original source files from git ...')
320 copy_files(os.path.join(source_dir, 'backport'), backport_files, args.outdir)
322 git_debug_init(args)
324 add_automatic_backports(args)
325 git_debug_snapshot(args, 'Add automatic backports')
327 if not args.git_revision:
328 copy_files(args.kerneldir, copy_list, args.outdir)
329 else:
330 copy_git_files(args.kerneldir, copy_list, args.git_revision, args.outdir)
332 # FIXME: should we add a git version of this (e.g. --git-extra-driver)?
333 for src, copy_list in args.extra_driver:
334 copy_files(src, read_copy_list(open(copy_list, 'r')), args.outdir)
336 git_debug_snapshot(args, 'Add driver sources')
338 logwrite('Apply patches ...')
339 patchdirs = []
340 for root, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.join(source_dir, 'patches')):
341 if not dirs:
342 patchdirs.append(root)
343 patchdirs.sort()
344 for pdir in patchdirs:
345 l = os.listdir(pdir)
346 printed = False
347 for pfile in l:
348 # FIXME: again, use .gitignore?
349 if pfile[-1] == '~':
350 continue
351 pfile = os.path.join(pdir, pfile)
352 # read the patch file
353 p = patch.fromfile(pfile)
354 # if it is one ...
355 if not p:
356 continue
357 # check if the first file the patch touches exists, if so
358 # assume the patch needs to be applied -- otherwise continue
359 patched_file = '/'.join(p.items[0].source.split('/')[1:])
360 fullfn = os.path.join(args.outdir, patched_file)
361 if not os.path.exists(fullfn):
362 continue
363 if not printed:
364 if args.verbose:
365 logwrite("Applying changes from %s" % os.path.basename(pdir))
366 printed = True
367 if args.refresh:
368 # but for refresh, of course look at all files the patch touches
369 for patchitem in p.items:
370 patched_file = '/'.join(patchitem.source.split('/')[1:])
371 fullfn = os.path.join(args.outdir, patched_file)
372 shutil.copyfile(fullfn, fullfn + '.orig_file')
374 process = subprocess.Popen(['patch', '-p1'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
375 stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
376 close_fds=True, universal_newlines=True,
377 cwd=args.outdir)
378 output = process.communicate(input=open(pfile, 'r').read())[0]
379 output = output.split('\n')
380 if output[-1] == '':
381 output = output[:-1]
382 if args.verbose:
383 for line in output:
384 logwrite('> %s' % line)
385 if process.returncode != 0:
386 if not args.verbose:
387 logwrite("Failed to apply changes from %s" % os.path.basename(pdir))
388 for line in output:
389 logwrite('> %s' % line)
390 return 2
392 if args.refresh:
393 pfilef = open(pfile + '.tmp', 'w')
394 for patchitem in p.items:
395 patched_file = '/'.join(patchitem.source.split('/')[1:])
396 fullfn = os.path.join(args.outdir, patched_file)
397 process = subprocess.Popen(['diff', '-p', '-u', patched_file + '.orig_file', patched_file,
398 '--label', 'a/' + patched_file,
399 '--label', 'b/' + patched_file],
400 stdout=pfilef, close_fds=True,
401 universal_newlines=True, cwd=args.outdir)
402 process.wait()
403 os.unlink(fullfn + '.orig_file')
404 if not process.returncode in (0, 1):
405 logwrite("Diffing for refresh failed!")
406 pfilef.close()
407 os.unlink(pfile + '.tmp')
408 return 3
409 pfilef.close()
410 os.rename(pfile + '.tmp', pfile)
412 # remove orig/rej files that patch sometimes creates
413 for root, dirs, files in os.walk(args.outdir):
414 for f in files:
415 if f[-5:] == '.orig' or f[-4:] == '.rej':
416 os.unlink(os.path.join(root, f))
417 if not printed:
418 if args.verbose:
419 logwrite("Not applying changes from %s, not needed" % (os.path.basename(pdir),))
420 else:
421 git_debug_snapshot(args, "apply backport patches from %s" % (os.path.basename(pdir),))
423 # some post-processing is required
424 configtree = kconfig.ConfigTree(os.path.join(args.outdir, 'Kconfig'))
425 logwrite('Modify Kconfig tree ...')
426 configtree.prune_sources(ignore=['Kconfig.kernel', 'Kconfig.versions'])
427 git_debug_snapshot(args, "prune Kconfig tree")
428 configtree.force_tristate_modular()
429 git_debug_snapshot(args, "force tristate options modular")
430 configtree.modify_selects()
431 git_debug_snapshot(args, "convert select to depends on")
433 # write the versioning file
434 backports_version = backport_version_name or git.describe(tree=source_dir)
435 kernel_version = kernel_version_name or git.describe(rev=args.git_revision or 'HEAD',
436 tree=args.kerneldir)
437 f = open(os.path.join(args.outdir, 'versions'), 'w')
438 f.write('BACKPORTS_VERSION="%s"\n' % backports_version)
439 f.write('BACKPORTED_KERNEL_VERSION="%s"\n' % kernel_version)
440 f.write('BACKPORTED_KERNEL_NAME="%s"\n' % args.base_name)
441 f.close()
443 symbols = configtree.symbols()
445 # write local symbol list -- needed during build
446 f = open(os.path.join(args.outdir, '.local-symbols'), 'w')
447 for sym in symbols:
448 f.write('%s=\n' % sym)
449 f.close()
451 git_debug_snapshot(args, "add versions/symbols files")
453 logwrite('Rewrite Makefiles and Kconfig files ...')
455 # rewrite Makefile and source symbols
456 regexes = []
457 for some_symbols in [symbols[i:i + 50] for i in range(0, len(symbols), 50)]:
458 r = 'CONFIG_((' + '|'.join([s + '(_MODULE)?' for s in some_symbols]) + ')([^A-Za-z0-9_]|$))'
459 regexes.append(re.compile(r, re.MULTILINE))
460 for root, dirs, files in os.walk(args.outdir):
461 # don't go into .git dir (possible debug thing)
462 if '.git' in dirs:
463 dirs.remove('.git')
464 for f in files:
465 data = open(os.path.join(root, f), 'r').read()
466 for r in regexes:
467 data = r.sub(r'CPTCFG_\1', data)
468 fo = open(os.path.join(root, f), 'w')
469 fo.write(data)
470 fo.close()
472 git_debug_snapshot(args, "rename config symbol usage")
474 # disable unbuildable Kconfig symbols and stuff Makefiles that doesn't exist
475 maketree = make.MakeTree(os.path.join(args.outdir, 'Makefile.kernel'))
476 disable_kconfig = []
477 disable_makefile = []
478 for sym in maketree.get_impossible_symbols():
479 disable_kconfig.append(sym[7:])
480 disable_makefile.append(sym[7:])
482 configtree.disable_symbols(disable_kconfig)
483 git_debug_snapshot(args, "disable impossible kconfig symbols")
485 # add kernel version dependencies to Kconfig, from the dependency list
486 # we read previously
487 for sym in tuple(deplist.keys()):
488 new = []
489 for dep in deplist[sym]:
490 new.append('!BACKPORT_KERNEL_%s' % dep.replace('.', '_'))
491 deplist[sym] = new
492 configtree.add_dependencies(deplist)
493 git_debug_snapshot(args, "add kernel version dependencies")
495 # disable things in makefiles that can't be selected and that the
496 # build shouldn't recurse into because they don't exist -- if we
497 # don't do that then a symbol from the kernel could cause the build
498 # to attempt to recurse and fail
499 #
500 # Note that we split the regex after 50 symbols, this is because of a
501 # limitation in the regex implementation (it only supports 100 nested
502 # groups -- 50 seemed safer and is still fast)
503 regexes = []
504 for some_symbols in [disable_makefile[i:i + 50] for i in range(0, len(disable_makefile), 50)]:
505 r = '((CPTCFG|CONFIG)_(' + '|'.join([s for s in some_symbols]) + '))'
506 regexes.append(re.compile(r, re.MULTILINE))
507 for f in maketree.get_makefiles():
508 data = open(f, 'r').read()
509 for r in regexes:
510 data = r.sub(r'IMPOSSIBLE_\3', data)
511 fo = open(f, 'w')
512 fo.write(data)
513 fo.close()
514 git_debug_snapshot(args, "disable unsatisfied Makefile parts")
516 logwrite('Done!')
517 return 0
519 if __name__ == '__main__':
520 ret = _main()
521 if ret:
522 sys.exit(ret)