luci-0.8: merge r4715
[project/luci.git] / i18n / english / luasrc / i18n / admin-core.en.lua
1 uci_applied = 'The following changes have been applied'
2 uci_reverted = 'The following changes have been reverted'
3 a_i_ui = 'User Interface'
4 c_lucidesc = '<abbr title="Lua Configuration Interface">LuCI</abbr> is a collection of free Lua software including an <abbr title="Model-View-Controller">MVC</abbr>-Webframework and webinterface for embedded devices. <abbr title="Lua Configuration Interface">LuCI</abbr> is licensed under the Apache-License.'
5 c_projecthome = 'Project Homepage'
6 c_leaddev = 'Lead Development'
7 c_contributors = 'Contributing Developers'
8 c_thanksto = 'Thanks To'
9 a_i_i_hello = 'Hello!'
10 a_i_i_admin1 = 'This is the administration area of <abbr title="Lua Configuration Interface">LuCI</abbr>.'
11 a_i_i_admin2 = '<abbr title="Lua Configuration Interface">LuCI</abbr> is a free, flexible, and user friendly graphical interface for configuring OpenWrt Kamikaze.'
12 a_i_i_admin3 = 'On the following pages you can adjust all important settings of your router.'
13 a_i_i_admin4 = 'Notice: In <abbr title="Lua Configuration Interface">LuCI</abbr> changes have to be confirmed by clicking Changes - Save &amp; Apply before being applied.'
14 a_i_i_admin5 = 'As we always want to improve this interface we are looking forward to your feedback and suggestions.'
15 a_i_i_admin6 = 'And now have fun with your router!'
16 a_i_i_team = 'The <abbr title="Lua Configuration Interface">LuCI</abbr> Team'
17 a_i_luci1 = 'Here you can customize the settings and the functionality of <abbr title="Lua Configuration Interface">LuCI</abbr>.'
18 a_i_ucicommit = 'Post-commit actions'
19 a_i_ucicommit1 = 'These commands will be executed automatically when a given <abbr title="Unified Configuration Interface">UCI</abbr> configuration is committed allowing changes to be applied instantly.'
20 a_i_keepflash = 'Files to be kept when flashing a new firmware'
21 a_i_keepflash1 = 'When flashing a new firmware with <abbr title="Lua Configuration Interface">LuCI</abbr> these files will be added to the new firmware installation.'
22 a_st_i_status1 = 'Here you can find information about the current system status like <abbr title="Central Processing Unit">CPU</abbr> clock frequency, memory usage or network interface data.'
23 a_st_i_status2 = 'Also kernel or service logfiles can be viewed here to get an overview over their current state.'
24 iwscan = '<abbr title="Wireless Local Area Network">WLAN</abbr>-Scan'
25 iwscan1 = 'Wifi networks in your local environment'
26 iwscan_encr = '<abbr title="Encrypted">Encr.</abbr>'
27 iwscan_link = 'Link'
28 iwscan_signal = 'Signal'
29 iwscan_noise = 'Noise'
30 routes = 'Routes'
31 routes_netmask = 'Netmask'
32 routes_gateway = 'Gateway'
33 routes_metric = 'Metric'
34 a_s_desc = 'Here you can configure the basic aspects of your device like its hostname or the timezone.'
35 a_s_packages = 'Software'
36 a_s_changepw = 'Admin Password'
37 a_s_p_ipkg = 'OPKG-Configuration'
38 a_s_sshkeys = '<abbr title="Secure Shell">SSH</abbr>-Keys'
39 a_s_fstab = 'Mount Points'
40 a_s_i_system1 = 'Change settings related to the system itself, its identification, installed hard- and software, authentication or mount points.'
41 a_s_i_system2 = 'These settings define the base of your system.'
42 a_s_i_system3 = 'Pay attention as any misconfiguration here may prevent your device from booting or may lock yourself out of it.'
43 a_s_if = 'Interfaces'
44 a_s_if_bridge = 'Bridge'
45 a_s_if_bridge_id = 'ID'
46 a_s_if_bridge_port = 'Bridge Port'
47 a_s_if_bridge_stp = 'STP'
48 a_s_if_device = 'Device'
49 a_s_if_ethbridge = 'Ethernet Bridge'
50 a_s_if_ethdev = 'Ethernet Adapter'
51 a_s_if_ethswitch = 'Ethernet Switch'
52 a_s_if_interface = 'Interface'
53 a_s_if_ipconfig = 'IP Configuration'
54 a_s_if_ipconfig_alias = 'Alias'
55 a_s_if_ipconfig_dhcp = 'DHCP assigned'
56 a_s_if_ipconfig_ipv6 = 'IPv6'
57 a_s_if_ipconfig_none = 'Not configured'
58 a_s_if_ipconfig_primary = 'Primary'
59 a_s_if_iwchannel = 'Channel'
60 a_s_if_iwmode = 'Mode'
61 a_s_if_iwmode_adhoc = 'Ad-Hoc'
62 a_s_if_iwmode_ahdemo = 'Pseudo Ad-Hoc'
63 a_s_if_iwmode_ap = 'Master'
64 a_s_if_iwmode_apwds = 'Master + WDS'
65 a_s_if_iwmode_sta = 'Client'
66 a_s_if_iwmode_stawds = 'Client + WDS'
67 a_s_if_iwmode_wds = 'WDS'
68 a_s_if_iwssid = 'SSID'
69 a_s_if_mac = 'MAC'
70 a_s_if_pkts = 'Pkts.'
71 a_s_if_status = 'Interface Status'
72 a_s_if_transfer = 'Transfer'
73 a_s_if_transfer_rx = 'RX'
74 a_s_if_transfer_tx = 'TX'
75 a_s_if_type = 'Type'
76 a_s_if_vlan = 'VLAN'
77 a_s_if_vlanports = 'Ports'
78 a_s_if_wifidev = 'Wireless Adapter'
79 a_s_ipt = 'Firewall'
80 a_s_ipt_actions = 'Actions'
81 a_s_ipt_bytes = 'Traffic'
82 a_s_ipt_chain = 'Chain'
83 a_s_ipt_destination = 'Destination'
84 a_s_ipt_flags = 'Flags'
85 a_s_ipt_inputif = 'In'
86 a_s_ipt_nochains = 'No chains in this table'
87 a_s_ipt_norules = 'No Rules in this chain'
88 a_s_ipt_options = 'Options'
89 a_s_ipt_outputif = 'Out'
90 a_s_ipt_packets = 'Packets'
91 a_s_ipt_pkts = 'Pkts.'
92 a_s_ipt_policy = 'Policy'
93 a_s_ipt_prot = 'Prot.'
94 a_s_ipt_references = 'References'
95 a_s_ipt_reset = 'Reset Counters'
96 a_s_ipt_restart = 'Restart Firewall'
97 a_s_ipt_rulenum = '#'
98 a_s_ipt_source = 'Source'
99 a_s_ipt_status = 'Firewall Status'
100 a_s_ipt_table = 'Table'
101 a_s_ipt_target = 'Target'
102 a_s_packages_do = 'Perform Actions'
103 a_s_packages_install = 'Install'
104 a_s_packages_installurl = 'Download and install package'
105 a_s_packages_ipkg = 'Edit package lists and installation targets'
106 a_s_packages_name = 'Package name'
107 a_s_packages_remove = 'Remove'
108 a_s_packages_search = 'Find package'
109 a_s_packages_update = 'Package lists updated'
110 a_s_packages_updatelist = 'Update package lists'
111 a_s_packages_upgrade = 'Upgrade installed packages'
112 a_s_p_ipkg_pkglists = 'Package lists'
113 a_s_p_ipkg_targets = 'Installation targets'
114 a_s_changepw1 = 'Change the password of the system administrator (User <code>root</code>)'
115 a_s_changepw_changed = 'Password successfully changed'
116 a_s_changepw_nomatch = 'Error: Passwords do not match'
117 a_s_sshkeys1 = 'Here you can paste public <abbr title="Secure Shell">SSH</abbr>-Keys (one per line) for <abbr title="Secure Shell">SSH</abbr> public-key authentication.'
118 a_s_fstab_mountpoints = 'Mount Points'
119 a_s_fstab_mountpoints1 = 'Mount Points define at which point a memory device will be attached to the filesystem'
120 a_s_fstab_active = 'Mounted file systems'
121 a_s_fstab_used = 'Used'
122 a_s_fstab_avail = 'Available'
123 a_s_fstab_mountpoint = 'Mount Point'
124 a_s_fstab_device1 = 'The device file of the memory or partition (<abbr title="for example">e.g.</abbr> <code>/dev/sda1</code>)'
125 a_s_fstab_fs1 = 'The filesystem that was used to format the memory (<abbr title="for example">e.g.</abbr> <samp><abbr title="Third Extended Filesystem">ext3</abbr></samp>)'
126 a_s_fstab_swap1 = 'If your physical memory is insufficient unused data can be temporarily swapped to a swap-device resulting in a higher amount of usable <abbr title="Random Access Memory">RAM</abbr>. Be aware that swapping data is a very slow process as the swap-device cannot be accessed with the high datarates of the <abbr title="Random Access Memory">RAM</abbr>.'
127 a_s_reboot1 = 'Reboots the operating system of your device'
128 a_s_reboot_do = 'Perform reboot'
129 a_s_reboot_running = 'Please wait: Device rebooting...'
130 a_s_reboot_u = 'Warning: There are unsaved changes that will be lost while rebooting!'
131 a_s_applyreboot1 = 'Changes applied.'
132 a_s_backup = 'Backup / Restore'
133 a_s_backup_backup = 'Create backup'
134 a_s_backup_archive = 'Backup Archive'
135 a_s_backup_reset = 'Reset router to defaults'
136 a_s_backup_reset1 = 'Proceed reverting all settings and resetting to firmware defaults?'
137 a_s_backup_restore = 'Restore backup'
138 a_s_backup1 = 'Here you can backup and restore your router configuration and - if possible - reset the router to the default settings.'
139 a_srv_http = '<abbr title="Hypertext Transfer Protocol">HTTP</abbr>-Server'
140 a_srv_ssh = '<abbr title="Secure Shell">SSH</abbr>-Server'
141 a_srv_services1 = 'Services and daemons perform certain tasks on your device.'
142 a_srv_services2 = 'Most of them are network servers, that offer a certain service for your device or network like shell access, serving webpages like <abbr title="Lua Configuration Interface">LuCI</abbr>, doing mesh routing, sending e-mails, ...'
143 a_srv_http1 = 'A small webserver which can be used to serve <abbr title="Lua Configuration Interface">LuCI</abbr>.'
144 a_srv_http_authrealm = 'Authentication Realm'
145 a_srv_http_authrealm1 = 'The realm which will be displayed at the authentication prompt for protected pages.'
146 a_srv_http_config1 = 'defaults to <code>/etc/httpd.conf</code>'
147 a_srv_http_root = 'Document root'
148 a_srv_dropbear1 = 'Dropbear offers <abbr title="Secure Shell">SSH</abbr> network shell access and an integrated <abbr title="Secure Copy">SCP</abbr> server'
149 a_srv_d_pwauth = 'Password authentication'
150 a_srv_d_pwauth1 = 'Allow <abbr title="Secure Shell">SSH</abbr> password authentication'
151 a_w_channel = 'Channel'
152 a_w_wifi1 = 'On this pages you can find configuration options for <abbr title="Wireless Local Area Network">WLAN</abbr> based wireless networks.'
153 a_w_wifi2 = 'You can easily integrate your 802.11a/b/g/n-devices into your physical network and use the virtual adapter support to build wireless repeaters or offer several networks with one device.'
154 a_w_wifi3 = 'There is support for Managed, Client, Ad-Hoc and <abbr title="Wireless Distribution System">WDS</abbr> operating modes as well as <abbr title="Wi-Fi Protected Access">WPA</abbr> and <abbr title="Wi-Fi Protected Access 2">WPA2</abbr> encryption for secure communnication.'
155 a_w_devices1 = 'Here you can configure installed wifi devices.'
156 a_w_txantenna = 'Transmit Antenna'
157 a_w_rxantenna = 'Receive Antenna'
158 a_w_distance1 = 'Distance to furthest station (in meter)'
159 a_w_diversity = 'Diversity'
160 a_w_countrycode = 'Country Code'
161 a_w_connlimit = 'Connection Limit'
162 a_w_networks1 = 'You can run several wifi networks with one device. Be aware that there are certain hardware and driverspecific restrictions. Normally you can operate 1 Ad-Hoc or up to 3 Master-Mode and 1 Client-Mode network simultaneously.'
163 a_w_netid = 'Network Name (<abbr title="Extended Service Set Identifier">ESSID</abbr>)'
164 a_w_network1 = 'Add the Wifi network to physical network'
165 a_w_netmanual = ' - Create new Network - '
166 a_w_txpwr = 'Transmit Power'
167 a_w_brcmburst = 'Broadcom Frameburst'
168 a_w_athburst = 'Atheros Frameburst'
169 a_w_radiussrv = 'RadiusServer'
170 a_w_radiusport = 'Radius-Port'
171 a_w_apisolation = 'AP-Isolation'
172 a_w_apisolation1 = 'Prevents Client to Client communication'
173 a_w_hideessid = 'Hide <abbr title="Extended Service Set Identifier">ESSID</abbr>'
174 a_w_ap = 'Access Point'
175 a_w_adhoc = 'Ad-Hoc'
176 a_w_ahdemo = 'Pseudo Ad-Hoc (ahdemo)'
177 a_w_client = 'Client'
178 a_w_wds = 'WDS'
179 a_w_monitor = 'Monitor'
180 dhcp_dnsmasq_desc = 'Dnsmasq is a combined <abbr title="Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol">DHCP</abbr>-Server and <abbr title="Domain Name System">DNS</abbr>-Forwarder for <abbr title="Network Address Translation">NAT</abbr> firewalls'
181 dhcp_dnsmasq_domainneeded = 'Domain required'
182 dhcp_dnsmasq_domainneeded_desc = 'Don&#39;t forward <abbr title="Domain Name System">DNS</abbr>-Requests without <abbr title="Domain Name System">DNS</abbr>-Name'
183 dhcp_dnsmasq_authoritative = 'Authoritative'
184 dhcp_dnsmasq_authoritative_desc = 'This is the only <abbr title="Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol">DHCP</abbr> in the local network'
185 dhcp_dnsmasq_boguspriv = 'Filter private'
186 dhcp_dnsmasq_boguspriv_desc = 'Don&#39;t forward reverse lookups for local networks'
187 dhcp_dnsmasq_filterwin2k = 'Filter useless'
188 dhcp_dnsmasq_filterwin2k_desc = 'filter useless <abbr title="Domain Name System">DNS</abbr>-queries of Windows-systems'
189 dhcp_dnsmasq_localisequeries = 'Localise queries'
190 dhcp_dnsmasq_localisequeries_desc = 'localises the hostname depending on its subnet'
191 dhcp_dnsmasq_local = 'Local Server'
192 dhcp_dnsmasq_domain = 'Local Domain'
193 dhcp_dnsmasq_expandhosts = 'Expand Hosts'
194 dhcp_dnsmasq_expandhosts_desc = 'adds domain names to hostentries in the resolv file'
195 dhcp_dnsmasq_nonegcache = 'don&#39;t cache unknown'
196 dhcp_dnsmasq_nonegcache_desc = 'prevents caching of negative <abbr title="Domain Name System">DNS</abbr>-replies'
197 dhcp_dnsmasq_readethers = 'Use <code>/etc/ethers</code>'
198 dhcp_dnsmasq_readethers_desc = 'Read <code>/etc/ethers</code> to configure the <abbr title="Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol">DHCP</abbr>-Server'
199 dhcp_dnsmasq_leasefile = 'Leasefile'
200 dhcp_dnsmasq_leasefile_desc = 'file where given <abbr title="Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol">DHCP</abbr>-leases will be stored'
201 dhcp_dnsmasq_resolvfile = 'Resolvfile'
202 dhcp_dnsmasq_resolvfile_desc = 'local <abbr title="Domain Name System">DNS</abbr> file'
203 dhcp_dnsmasq_nohosts = 'Ignore <code>/etc/hosts</code>'
204 dhcp_dnsmasq_strictorder = 'Strict order'
205 dhcp_dnsmasq_strictorder_desc = '<abbr title="Domain Name System">DNS</abbr>-Server will be queried in the order of the resolvfile'
206 dhcp_dnsmasq_logqueries = 'Log queries'
207 dhcp_dnsmasq_noresolv = 'Ignore resolve file'
208 dhcp_dnsmasq_dnsforwardmax = 'concurrent queries'
209 dhcp_dnsmasq_port = '<abbr title="Domain Name System">DNS</abbr>-Port'
210 dhcp_dnsmasq_ednspacket_max = '<abbr title="maximal">max.</abbr> <abbr title="Extension Mechanisms for Domain Name System">EDNS0</abbr> paket size'
211 dhcp_dnsmasq_dhcpleasemax = '<abbr title="maximal">max.</abbr> <abbr title="Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol">DHCP</abbr>-Leases'
212 dhcp_dnsmasq_addnhosts = 'additional hostfile'
213 dhcp_dnsmasq_queryport = 'query port'
214 dhcp_dnsmasq_enabletftp = 'Enable TFTP-Server'
215 dhcp_dnsmasq_tftproot = 'TFTP-Server Root'
216 dhcp_dnsmasq_dhcpboot = 'Network Boot Image'
217 a_n_switch = 'Switch'
218 a_n_conntrack = 'Active Connections'
219 a_n_conntrack_desc = 'This page gives an overview over currently active network connections.'
220 a_n_routes = 'Routes'
221 a_n_routes4 = 'IPv4 Routes'
222 a_n_routes6 = 'IPv6 Routes'
223 a_network1 = 'In this area you find all network-related settings.'
224 a_network2 = 'On most routers the network switch can be freely configured and splitted up into several <abbr title="Virtual Local Area Network">VLAN</abbr>s.'
225 a_network3 = 'Interfaces and <abbr title="Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet">PPPoE</abbr> / <abbr title="Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol">PPTP</abbr>-Settings allow a custom organisation of the network and connections to other networks like the internet.'
226 a_network4 = 'With <abbr title="Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol">DHCP</abbr> devices in your local network can be automatically configured for network communication.'
227 a_network5 = 'Firewall and portforwarding can be used to secure your network while providing services to external networks.'
228 a_n_switch1 = 'The network ports on your router can be combined to several <abbr title="Virtual Local Area Network">VLAN</abbr>s in which computers can communicate directly with each other. <abbr title="Virtual Local Area Network">VLAN</abbr>s are often used to separate different network segments. Often there is by default one Uplink port for a connection to the next greater network like the internet and other ports for a local network.'
229 network_switch_desc = 'Ports belonging to a <abbr title="Virtual Local Area Network">VLAN</abbr> are separated with spaces. The port with the highest number (usually 5) is oftern the connection to the internal network interface of the router. On devices with 5 ports often the one with the lowest number (0) is the predefined Uplink port.'
230 a_n_ifaces1 = 'On this page you can configure the network interfaces. You can bridge several interfaces by ticking the &quot;bridge interfaces&quot; field and enter the names of several network interfaces separated by spaces. You can also use <abbr title="Virtual Local Area Network">VLAN</abbr> notation <samp>INTERFACE.VLANNR</samp> (<abbr title="for example">e.g.</abbr>: <samp>eth0.1</samp>).'
231 a_n_i_bridge = 'Bridge interfaces'
232 a_n_i_bridge1 = 'creates a bridge over specified interface(s)'
233 a_n_i_stp = 'Enable <abbr title="Spanning Tree Protocol">STP</abbr>'
234 a_n_i_stp1 = 'Enables the Spanning Tree Protocol on this bridge'
235 dhcp_desc = 'With <abbr title="Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol">DHCP</abbr> network members can automatically receive their network settings (<abbr title="Internet Protocol">IP</abbr>-address, netmask, <abbr title="Domain Name System">DNS</abbr>-server, ...).'
236 dhcp_dhcp_leasetime = 'Leasetime'
237 dhcp_dhcp_dynamicdhcp = 'Dynamic <abbr title="Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol">DHCP</abbr>'
238 dhcp_dhcp_ignore = 'Ignore interface'
239 dhcp_dhcp_ignore_desc = 'disable <abbr title="Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol">DHCP</abbr> for this interface'
240 dhcp_dhcp_force = 'Force'
241 dhcp_dhcp_start_desc = 'first address (last octet)'
242 dhcp_dhcp_limit_desc = 'number of leased addresses -1'
243 dhcp_dhcp_dhcpoption = 'DHCP-Options'
244 dhcp_dhcp_dhcpoption_desc = 'See &quot;dnsmasq --help dhcp&quot; for a list of available options.'
245 dhcp_leases = 'Leases'
246 luci_ethers = 'Static Leases'
247 dhcp_timeremain = 'Leasetime remaining'
248 dhcp_leases_active = 'Active Leases'
249 a_n_ptp = 'Point-to-Point Connections'
250 a_n_ptp1 = 'Point-to-Point connections with <abbr title="Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet">PPPoE</abbr> or <abbr title="Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol">PPTP</abbr> are often used to connect a device over <abbr title="Digital Subscriber Line">DSL</abbr> or similar technologies to an internet access point.'
251 network_interface_prereq = 'You need to install &quot;comgt&quot; for UMTS/GPRS, &quot;ppp-mod-pppoe&quot; for PPPoE, &quot;ppp-mod-pppoa&quot; for PPPoA or &quot;pptp&quot; for PPtP support'
252 network_interface_prereq_mini = 'You need to install &quot;ppp-mod-pppoe&quot; for PPPoE or &quot;pptp&quot; for PPtP support'
253 network_interface_server = '<abbr title="Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol">PPTP</abbr>-Server'
254 network_interface_demand = 'Automatic Disconnect'
255 network_interface_demand_desc = 'Time (in seconds) after which an unused connection will be closed'
256 network_interface_keepalive = 'Keep-Alive'
257 network_interface_keepalive_desc = 'Number of failed connection tests to initiate automatic reconnect'
258 network_interface_device = 'Modem device'
259 network_interface_device_desc = 'The device node of your modem, e.g. /dev/ttyUSB0'
260 network_interface_defaultroute = 'Replace default route'
261 network_interface_defaultroute_desc = 'Let pppd replace the current default route to use the PPP interface after successful connect'
262 network_interface_peerdns = 'Use peer DNS'
263 network_interface_peerdns_desc = 'Configure the local DNS server to use the name servers adverticed by the PPP peer'
264 network_interface_ipv6 = 'Enable IPv6 on PPP link'
265 network_interface_connect = 'Connect script'
266 network_interface_connect_desc = 'Let pppd run this script after establishing the PPP link'
267 network_interface_disconnect = 'Disconnect script'
268 network_interface_disconnect_desc = 'Let pppd run this script before tearing down the PPP link'
269 network_interface_pppd_options = 'Additional pppd options'
270 network_interface_pppd_options_desc = 'Specify additional command line arguments for pppd here'
271 network_interface_apn = 'Access point (APN)'
272 network_interface_pincode = 'PIN code'
273 network_interface_pincode_desc = 'Make sure that you provide the correct pin code here or you might lock your sim card!'
274 network_interface_service = 'Service type'
275 network_interface_maxwait = 'Setup wait time'
276 network_interface_maxwait_desc = 'Seconds to wait for the modem to become ready before attempting to connect'
277 network_interface_encaps = 'PPPoA Encapsulation'
278 a_n_r_routes1 = 'Routes specify over which interface and gateway a certain host or network can be reached.'
279 a_n_routes_static = 'Static Routes'
280 a_n_routes_static4 = 'Static IPv4 Routes'
281 a_n_routes_static6 = 'Static IPv6 Routes'
282 a_n_routes_kernel4 = 'Active <abbr title="Internet Protocol Version 4">IPv4</abbr>-Routes'
283 a_n_routes_kernel6 = 'Active <abbr title="Internet Protocol Version 6">IPv6</abbr>-Routes'
284 a_n_r_target1 = 'Host-<abbr title="Internet Protocol Address">IP</abbr> or Network'
285 a_n_r_target6 = '<abbr title="Internet Protocol Version 6">IPv6</abbr>-Address or Network (CIDR)'
286 a_n_r_netmask1 = 'if target is a network'
287 m_n_inet = 'Internet Connection'
288 m_n_local = 'Local Network'
289 m_n_route = 'Route'
290 m_n_brdige = 'Bridge'
291 m_w_ap = 'Provide (Access Point)'
292 m_w_adhoc = 'Independent (Ad-Hoc)'
293 m_w_client = 'Join (Client)'
294 m_w_wds = 'Distributed (<abbr title="Wireless Distribution System">WDS</abbr>)'
295 m_w_clientmode = 'Clientmode'
296 system_system_logsize = 'System log buffer size'
297 system_system_logip = 'External system log server'
298 system_system_conloglevel = 'Log output level'
299 system_system_conloglevel_desc = 'Level of log messages on the console'
300 m_i_processor = 'Processor'
301 m_i_memory = 'Memory'
302 m_i_systemtime = 'Local Time'
303 m_i_uptime = 'Uptime'
304 m_n_d_firstaddress = 'First leased address'
305 m_n_d_numleases = 'Number of leased addresses'
306 routingtable = 'Routing table'
307 wlanscan = 'Wifi scan'
308 frequency = 'Frequency'
309 power = 'Power'
310 noise = 'Noise'
311 signal = 'Signal'
312 link = 'Link'
313 frag = '<abbr title="Fragmentation">Frag.</abbr>'
314 rts = '<abbr title="Request To Send">RTS</abbr>'
315 bitrate = 'Bitrate'
316 m_n_keepalive = 'automatically reconnect'
317 m_n_dialondemand = 'disconnect when idle for'
318 m_n_pptp_server = '<abbr title="Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol">PPTP</abbr>-Server'
319 leds = '<abbr title="Light Emitting Diode">LED</abbr> Configuration'
320 leds_desc = 'Customizes the behaviour of the device <abbr title="Light Emitting Diode">LED</abbr>s if possible.'
321 system_led_name = '<abbr title="Light Emitting Diode">LED</abbr> Name'
322 system_led_sysfs = '<abbr title="Light Emitting Diode">LED</abbr> Device'
323 system_led_default = 'Default state'
324 system_led_default_desc = 'ticked = on'
325 system_led_trigger = 'Trigger'
326 system_led_trigger_none = 'None'
327 system_led_trigger_defaulton = 'Default On'
328 system_led_trigger_timer = 'Timer'
329 system_led_trigger_heartbeat = 'Heartbeat (Load Average)'
330 system_led_trigger_netdev = 'Network Device'
331 system_led_delayoff = 'Off-State Delay'
332 system_led_delayoff_desc = 'Time (in ms) the <abbr title="Light Emitting Diode">LED</abbr> is off'
333 system_led_delayon = 'On-State Delay'
334 system_led_delayon_desc = 'Time (in ms) the <abbr title="Light Emitting Diode">LED</abbr> is on'
335 system_led_dev = 'Device'
336 system_led_mode = 'Trigger Mode'
337 system_led_mode_link = 'Link On'
338 system_led_mode_tx = 'Transmit'
339 system_led_mode_rx = 'Receive'
340 network_interface_up = 'Active'
341 network_interface_hwaddr = '<abbr title="Media Access Control">MAC</abbr>-Address'
342 network_interface_hwaddr_desc = 'Hardware Address'
343 network_interface_txrx = 'Traffic'
344 network_interface_txrx_desc = 'transmitted / received'
345 network_interface_err = 'Errors'
346 network_interface_err_desc = 'TX / RX'
347 network_interface_fwzone = 'Create / Assign firewall-zone'
348 network_interface_fwzone_desc = 'This interface does not belong to any firewall zone yet.'
349 process_head = 'Processes'
350 process_descr = 'This list gives an overview over currently running system processes and their status.'
351 process_pid = 'PID'
352 process_owner = 'Owner'
353 process_command = 'Command'
354 process_cpu = 'CPU usage (%)'
355 process_mem = 'Memory usage (%)'
356 process_hup = 'Hang Up'
357 process_term = 'Terminate'
358 process_kill = 'Kill'
359 mem_cached = 'cached'
360 mem_buffered = 'buffered'
361 mem_free = 'free'
362 a_s_crontab = 'Scheduled Tasks'
363 a_s_crontab1 = 'This is the system crontab in which scheduled tasks can be defined.'
364 a_w_nasid = 'NAS ID'
365 a_w_cacert = 'Path to CA-Certificate'
366 a_w_eaptype = 'EAP-Method'
367 a_w_tlsprivkey = 'Path to Private Key'
368 a_w_tlsprivkeypwd = 'Password of Private Key'
369 a_w_peapauth = 'Authentication'
370 a_w_peapidentity = 'Identity'
371 a_w_peappassword = 'Password'
372 a_w_create = 'Create Network'
373 hostnames = 'Hostnames'
374 hostnames_entries = 'Host entries'
375 hostnames_hostname = 'Hostname'
376 hostnames_address = 'IP address'
377 m_n_mssfix = 'Clamp Segment Size'
378 m_n_mssfix_desc = 'Fixes problems with unreachable websites, submitting forms or other unexpected behaviour for some ISPs.'
379 admin_upgrade = 'Flash Firmware'
380 admin_upgrade_badimage = 'The uploaded image file does not contain a supported format. Make sure that you choose the generic image format for your platform.'
381 admin_upgrade_checksum = 'Checksum'
382 admin_upgrade_desc = 'Upload an OpenWrt image file to reflash the device.'
383 admin_upgrade_filesize = 'Size'
384 admin_upgrade_fwimage = 'Firmware image'
385 admin_upgrade_keepcfg = 'Keep configuration files'
386 admin_upgrade_nosupport = 'Sorry. OpenWrt does not support a system upgrade on this platform.<br /> You need to manually flash your device.'
387 admin_upgrade_running = 'The system is flashing now.<br /> DO NOT POWER OFF THE DEVICE!<br /> Wait a few minutes until you try to reconnect. It might be necessary to renew the address of your computer to reach the device again, depending on your settings.'
388 admin_upgrade_spaceavail = ' (%s available)'
389 admin_upgrade_toolarge = 'It appears that you try to flash an image that does not fit into the flash memory, please verify the image file!'
390 admin_upgrade_upload = 'Upload image'
391 admin_upgrade_uploaded = 'The flash image was uploaded. Below is the checksum and file size listed, compare them with the original file to ensure data integrity.<br /> Click "Proceed" below to start the flash procedure.'