cbi: Increare responsiveness of "Save & Apply"
[project/luci.git] / i18n / english / luasrc / i18n / cbi.en.lua
1 cbi_add = 'Add entry'
2 cbi_del = 'Remove entry'
3 cbi_invalid = 'Invalid input value'
4 cbi_invalid_section = '<strong>Validation failed:</strong> Please check any input fields for mistakes.'
5 cbi_missing = 'This field is mandatory'
6 cbi_deperror = '<strong>Validation failed:</strong> At least one mandatory field has no or an invalid value'
7 cbi_reqerror = 'A requirement for this option was not met'
8 cbi_addopt = '-- Additional Field --'
9 cbi_optional = ' (optional)'
10 cbi_sectempty = 'This section contains no values yet'
11 cbi_manual = '-- custom --'
12 cbi_select = '-- Please choose --'
13 cbi_gorel = 'Go to relevant configuration page'
14 cbi_applying = 'Applying changes'