udpate translations
[web/firmware-selector-openwrt-org.git] / i18n.js
2 var translations = {
3 'de': {
4 'tr-load': 'Lade die OpenWrt Firmware für dein Gerät!',
5 'tr-title': 'OpenWrt Firmware Selector',
6 'tr-message': 'Bitte benutze die Eingabe um die passende Firmware zu finden!',
7 'tr-release-build': 'Release Build',
8 'tr-custom-build': 'Custom Build',
9 'tr-customize': 'Customize',
10 'tr-request-build': 'Request Build',
11 'tr-model': 'Model:',
12 'tr-target': 'Target',
13 'tr-version': 'Version:',
14 'tr-downloads': 'Downloads',
15 'tr-factory-help': 'Factory Abbilder werden über die Weboberfläche der originalen Firmware eingespielt.',
16 'tr-sysupgrade-help': 'Sysupgrade Abbilder werden für Geräte verwendet, die bereits OpenWrt laufen haben. Es ist möglich, existierende Einstellungen beizubehalten.',
17 'tr-kernel-help': 'Linux Kernel als separates Abbild.',
18 'tr-rootfs-help': 'Das Root Dateisystem als separates Abbild.',
19 'tr-sdcard-help': 'Image für SD Speicherkarten.',
20 'tr-tftp-help': 'TFTP Dateien können verwendet werden, um ein Gerät über die TFTP Method des Bootloader zu flashen.',
21 'tr-other-help': 'Sonstiger Imagetyp.'
22 },
23 'en': {
24 'tr-load': 'Download OpenWrt firmware for your device!',
25 'tr-title': 'OpenWrt Firmware Selector',
26 'tr-message': 'Please use the input below to download firmware for your device!',
27 'tr-release-build': 'Build',
28 'tr-custom-build': 'Custom Build',
29 'tr-customize': 'Customize',
30 'tr-request-build': 'Request Build',
31 'tr-model': 'Modell:',
32 'tr-target': 'Platform:',
33 'tr-version': 'Version:',
34 'tr-release-downloads': 'Downloads',
35 'tr-custom-downloads': 'Custom Downloads',
36 'tr-factory-help': 'Factory images are for flashing routers with OpenWrt for the first time. Usually via the web interface of the original firmware.',
37 'tr-sysupgrade-help': 'Sysupgrade images are for flashing routers that already run OpenWrt. The image can be applied using the web interface or the terminal.',
38 'tr-kernel-help': 'Linux kernel as a separate image.',
39 'tr-rootfs-help': 'Root file system as a separate image.',
40 'tr-sdcard-help': 'Image that is meant to be flashed onto a SD-Card.',
41 'tr-tftp-help': 'TFTP images are used to flash a device via the TFTP method of the bootloader.',
42 'tr-other-help': 'Other image type.'
43 }
44 };
46 // Complement translations based on other translations
47 //translations['en'] = Object.assign({}, translations['de'], translations['en']);