[project/luci.git] / modules / luci-base / luasrc / sys.lua
1 -- Copyright 2008 Steven Barth <steven@midlink.org>
2 -- Licensed to the public under the Apache License 2.0.
4 local io = require "io"
5 local os = require "os"
6 local table = require "table"
7 local nixio = require "nixio"
8 local fs = require "nixio.fs"
9 local uci = require "luci.model.uci"
11 local luci = {}
12 luci.util = require "luci.util"
13 luci.ip = require "luci.ip"
15 local tonumber, ipairs, pairs, pcall, type, next, setmetatable, require, select, unpack =
16 tonumber, ipairs, pairs, pcall, type, next, setmetatable, require, select, unpack
19 module "luci.sys"
21 function call(...)
22 return os.execute(...) / 256
23 end
25 exec = luci.util.exec
27 -- containing the whole environment is returned otherwise this function returns
28 -- the corresponding string value for the given name or nil if no such variable
29 -- exists.
30 getenv = nixio.getenv
32 function hostname(newname)
33 if type(newname) == "string" and #newname > 0 then
34 fs.writefile( "/proc/sys/kernel/hostname", newname )
35 return newname
36 else
37 return nixio.uname().nodename
38 end
39 end
41 function httpget(url, stream, target)
42 if not target then
43 local source = stream and io.popen or luci.util.exec
44 return source("wget -qO- %s" % luci.util.shellquote(url))
45 else
46 return os.execute("wget -qO %s %s" %
47 {luci.util.shellquote(target), luci.util.shellquote(url)})
48 end
49 end
51 function reboot()
52 return os.execute("reboot >/dev/null 2>&1")
53 end
55 function syslog()
56 return luci.util.exec("logread")
57 end
59 function dmesg()
60 return luci.util.exec("dmesg")
61 end
63 function uniqueid(bytes)
64 local rand = fs.readfile("/dev/urandom", bytes)
65 return rand and nixio.bin.hexlify(rand)
66 end
68 function uptime()
69 return nixio.sysinfo().uptime
70 end
73 net = {}
75 local function _nethints(what, callback)
76 local _, k, e, mac, ip, name, duid, iaid
77 local cur = uci.cursor()
78 local ifn = { }
79 local hosts = { }
80 local lookup = { }
82 local function _add(i, ...)
83 local k = select(i, ...)
84 if k then
85 if not hosts[k] then hosts[k] = { } end
86 hosts[k][1] = select(1, ...) or hosts[k][1]
87 hosts[k][2] = select(2, ...) or hosts[k][2]
88 hosts[k][3] = select(3, ...) or hosts[k][3]
89 hosts[k][4] = select(4, ...) or hosts[k][4]
90 end
91 end
93 luci.ip.neighbors(nil, function(neigh)
94 if neigh.mac and neigh.family == 4 then
95 _add(what, neigh.mac:string(), neigh.dest:string(), nil, nil)
96 elseif neigh.mac and neigh.family == 6 then
97 _add(what, neigh.mac:string(), nil, neigh.dest:string(), nil)
98 end
99 end)
101 if fs.access("/etc/ethers") then
102 for e in io.lines("/etc/ethers") do
103 mac, name = e:match("^([a-fA-F0-9:-]+)%s+(%S+)")
104 mac = luci.ip.checkmac(mac)
105 if mac and name then
106 if luci.ip.checkip4(name) then
107 _add(what, mac, name, nil, nil)
108 else
109 _add(what, mac, nil, nil, name)
110 end
111 end
112 end
113 end
115 cur:foreach("dhcp", "dnsmasq",
116 function(s)
117 if s.leasefile and fs.access(s.leasefile) then
118 for e in io.lines(s.leasefile) do
119 mac, ip, name = e:match("^%d+ (%S+) (%S+) (%S+)")
120 mac = luci.ip.checkmac(mac)
121 if mac and ip then
122 _add(what, mac, ip, nil, name ~= "*" and name)
123 end
124 end
125 end
126 end
127 )
129 cur:foreach("dhcp", "odhcpd",
130 function(s)
131 if type(s.leasefile) == "string" and fs.access(s.leasefile) then
132 for e in io.lines(s.leasefile) do
133 duid, iaid, name, _, ip = e:match("^# %S+ (%S+) (%S+) (%S+) (-?%d+) %S+ %S+ ([0-9a-f:.]+)/[0-9]+")
134 mac = net.duid_to_mac(duid)
135 if mac then
136 if ip and iaid == "ipv4" then
137 _add(what, mac, ip, nil, name ~= "*" and name)
138 elseif ip then
139 _add(what, mac, nil, ip, name ~= "*" and name)
140 end
141 end
142 end
143 end
144 end
145 )
147 cur:foreach("dhcp", "host",
148 function(s)
149 for mac in luci.util.imatch(s.mac) do
150 mac = luci.ip.checkmac(mac)
151 if mac then
152 _add(what, mac, s.ip, nil, s.name)
153 end
154 end
155 end)
157 for _, e in ipairs(nixio.getifaddrs()) do
158 if e.name ~= "lo" then
159 ifn[e.name] = ifn[e.name] or { }
160 if e.family == "packet" and e.addr and #e.addr == 17 then
161 ifn[e.name][1] = e.addr:upper()
162 elseif e.family == "inet" then
163 ifn[e.name][2] = e.addr
164 elseif e.family == "inet6" then
165 ifn[e.name][3] = e.addr
166 end
167 end
168 end
170 for _, e in pairs(ifn) do
171 if e[what] and (e[2] or e[3]) then
172 _add(what, e[1], e[2], e[3], e[4])
173 end
174 end
176 for _, e in pairs(hosts) do
177 lookup[#lookup+1] = (what > 1) and e[what] or (e[2] or e[3])
178 end
180 if #lookup > 0 then
181 lookup = luci.util.ubus("network.rrdns", "lookup", {
182 addrs = lookup,
183 timeout = 250,
184 limit = 1000
185 }) or { }
186 end
188 for _, e in luci.util.kspairs(hosts) do
189 callback(e[1], e[2], e[3], lookup[e[2]] or lookup[e[3]] or e[4])
190 end
191 end
193 -- Each entry contains the values in the following order:
194 -- [ "mac", "name" ]
195 function net.mac_hints(callback)
196 if callback then
197 _nethints(1, function(mac, v4, v6, name)
198 name = name or v4
199 if name and name ~= mac then
200 callback(mac, name or v4)
201 end
202 end)
203 else
204 local rv = { }
205 _nethints(1, function(mac, v4, v6, name)
206 name = name or v4
207 if name and name ~= mac then
208 rv[#rv+1] = { mac, name or v4 }
209 end
210 end)
211 return rv
212 end
213 end
215 -- Each entry contains the values in the following order:
216 -- [ "ip", "name" ]
217 function net.ipv4_hints(callback)
218 if callback then
219 _nethints(2, function(mac, v4, v6, name)
220 name = name or mac
221 if name and name ~= v4 then
222 callback(v4, name)
223 end
224 end)
225 else
226 local rv = { }
227 _nethints(2, function(mac, v4, v6, name)
228 name = name or mac
229 if name and name ~= v4 then
230 rv[#rv+1] = { v4, name }
231 end
232 end)
233 return rv
234 end
235 end
237 -- Each entry contains the values in the following order:
238 -- [ "ip", "name" ]
239 function net.ipv6_hints(callback)
240 if callback then
241 _nethints(3, function(mac, v4, v6, name)
242 name = name or mac
243 if name and name ~= v6 then
244 callback(v6, name)
245 end
246 end)
247 else
248 local rv = { }
249 _nethints(3, function(mac, v4, v6, name)
250 name = name or mac
251 if name and name ~= v6 then
252 rv[#rv+1] = { v6, name }
253 end
254 end)
255 return rv
256 end
257 end
259 function net.host_hints(callback)
260 if callback then
261 _nethints(1, function(mac, v4, v6, name)
262 if mac and mac ~= "00:00:00:00:00:00" and (v4 or v6 or name) then
263 callback(mac, v4, v6, name)
264 end
265 end)
266 else
267 local rv = { }
268 _nethints(1, function(mac, v4, v6, name)
269 if mac and mac ~= "00:00:00:00:00:00" and (v4 or v6 or name) then
270 local e = { }
271 if v4 then e.ipv4 = v4 end
272 if v6 then e.ipv6 = v6 end
273 if name then e.name = name end
274 rv[mac] = e
275 end
276 end)
277 return rv
278 end
279 end
281 function net.conntrack(callback)
282 local ok, nfct = pcall(io.lines, "/proc/net/nf_conntrack")
283 if not ok or not nfct then
284 return nil
285 end
287 local line, connt = nil, (not callback) and { }
288 for line in nfct do
289 local fam, l3, l4, rest =
290 line:match("^(ipv[46]) +(%d+) +%S+ +(%d+) +(.+)$")
292 local timeout, tuples = rest:match("^(%d+) +(.+)$")
294 if not tuples then
295 tuples = rest
296 end
298 if fam and l3 and l4 and timeout and not tuples:match("^TIME_WAIT ") then
299 l4 = nixio.getprotobynumber(l4)
301 local entry = {
302 bytes = 0,
303 packets = 0,
304 layer3 = fam,
305 layer4 = l4 and l4.name or "unknown",
306 timeout = tonumber(timeout, 10)
307 }
309 local key, val
310 for key, val in tuples:gmatch("(%w+)=(%S+)") do
311 if key == "bytes" or key == "packets" then
312 entry[key] = entry[key] + tonumber(val, 10)
313 elseif key == "src" or key == "dst" then
314 if entry[key] == nil then
315 entry[key] = luci.ip.new(val):string()
316 end
317 elseif key == "sport" or key == "dport" then
318 if entry[key] == nil then
319 entry[key] = val
320 end
321 elseif val then
322 entry[key] = val
323 end
324 end
326 if callback then
327 callback(entry)
328 else
329 connt[#connt+1] = entry
330 end
331 end
332 end
334 return callback and true or connt
335 end
337 function net.devices()
338 local devs = {}
339 local seen = {}
340 for k, v in ipairs(nixio.getifaddrs()) do
341 if v.name and not seen[v.name] then
342 seen[v.name] = true
343 devs[#devs+1] = v.name
344 end
345 end
346 return devs
347 end
349 function net.duid_to_mac(duid)
350 local b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6
352 if type(duid) == "string" then
353 -- DUID-LLT / Ethernet
354 if #duid == 28 then
355 b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6 = duid:match("^00010001(%x%x)(%x%x)(%x%x)(%x%x)(%x%x)(%x%x)%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x$")
357 -- DUID-LL / Ethernet
358 elseif #duid == 20 then
359 b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6 = duid:match("^00030001(%x%x)(%x%x)(%x%x)(%x%x)(%x%x)(%x%x)$")
361 -- DUID-LL / Ethernet (Without Header)
362 elseif #duid == 12 then
363 b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6 = duid:match("^(%x%x)(%x%x)(%x%x)(%x%x)(%x%x)(%x%x)$")
364 end
365 end
367 return b1 and luci.ip.checkmac(table.concat({ b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6 }, ":"))
368 end
370 process = {}
372 function process.info(key)
373 local s = {uid = nixio.getuid(), gid = nixio.getgid()}
374 return not key and s or s[key]
375 end
377 function process.list()
378 local data = {}
379 local k
380 local ps = luci.util.execi("/bin/busybox top -bn1")
382 if not ps then
383 return
384 end
386 for line in ps do
387 local pid, ppid, user, stat, vsz, mem, cpu, cmd = line:match(
388 "^ *(%d+) +(%d+) +(%S.-%S) +([RSDZTW][<NW ][<N ]) +(%d+m?) +(%d+%%) +(%d+%%) +(.+)"
389 )
391 local idx = tonumber(pid)
392 if idx and not cmd:match("top %-bn1") then
393 data[idx] = {
394 ['PID'] = pid,
395 ['PPID'] = ppid,
396 ['USER'] = user,
397 ['STAT'] = stat,
398 ['VSZ'] = vsz,
399 ['%MEM'] = mem,
400 ['%CPU'] = cpu,
401 ['COMMAND'] = cmd
402 }
403 end
404 end
406 return data
407 end
409 function process.setgroup(gid)
410 return nixio.setgid(gid)
411 end
413 function process.setuser(uid)
414 return nixio.setuid(uid)
415 end
417 process.signal = nixio.kill
419 local function xclose(fd)
420 if fd and fd:fileno() > 2 then
421 fd:close()
422 end
423 end
425 function process.exec(command, stdout, stderr, nowait)
426 local out_r, out_w, err_r, err_w
427 if stdout then out_r, out_w = nixio.pipe() end
428 if stderr then err_r, err_w = nixio.pipe() end
430 local pid = nixio.fork()
431 if pid == 0 then
432 nixio.chdir("/")
434 local null = nixio.open("/dev/null", "w+")
435 if null then
436 nixio.dup(out_w or null, nixio.stdout)
437 nixio.dup(err_w or null, nixio.stderr)
438 nixio.dup(null, nixio.stdin)
439 xclose(out_w)
440 xclose(out_r)
441 xclose(err_w)
442 xclose(err_r)
443 xclose(null)
444 end
446 nixio.exec(unpack(command))
447 os.exit(-1)
448 end
450 local _, pfds, rv = nil, {}, { code = -1, pid = pid }
452 xclose(out_w)
453 xclose(err_w)
455 if out_r then
456 pfds[#pfds+1] = {
457 fd = out_r,
458 cb = type(stdout) == "function" and stdout,
459 name = "stdout",
460 events = nixio.poll_flags("in", "err", "hup")
461 }
462 end
464 if err_r then
465 pfds[#pfds+1] = {
466 fd = err_r,
467 cb = type(stderr) == "function" and stderr,
468 name = "stderr",
469 events = nixio.poll_flags("in", "err", "hup")
470 }
471 end
473 while #pfds > 0 do
474 local nfds, err = nixio.poll(pfds, -1)
475 if not nfds and err ~= nixio.const.EINTR then
476 break
477 end
479 local i
480 for i = #pfds, 1, -1 do
481 local rfd = pfds[i]
482 if rfd.revents > 0 then
483 local chunk, err = rfd.fd:read(4096)
484 if chunk and #chunk > 0 then
485 if rfd.cb then
486 rfd.cb(chunk)
487 else
488 rfd.buf = rfd.buf or {}
489 rfd.buf[#rfd.buf + 1] = chunk
490 end
491 else
492 table.remove(pfds, i)
493 if rfd.buf then
494 rv[rfd.name] = table.concat(rfd.buf, "")
495 end
496 rfd.fd:close()
497 end
498 end
499 end
500 end
502 if not nowait then
503 _, _, rv.code = nixio.waitpid(pid)
504 end
506 return rv
507 end
510 user = {}
512 -- { "uid", "gid", "name", "passwd", "dir", "shell", "gecos" }
513 user.getuser = nixio.getpw
515 function user.getpasswd(username)
516 local pwe = nixio.getsp and nixio.getsp(username) or nixio.getpw(username)
517 local pwh = pwe and (pwe.pwdp or pwe.passwd)
518 if not pwh or #pwh < 1 then
519 return nil, pwe
520 else
521 return pwh, pwe
522 end
523 end
525 function user.checkpasswd(username, pass)
526 local pwh, pwe = user.getpasswd(username)
527 if pwe then
528 return (pwh == nil or nixio.crypt(pass, pwh) == pwh)
529 end
530 return false
531 end
533 function user.setpasswd(username, password)
534 return os.execute("(echo %s; sleep 1; echo %s) | passwd %s >/dev/null 2>&1" %{
535 luci.util.shellquote(password),
536 luci.util.shellquote(password),
537 luci.util.shellquote(username)
538 })
539 end
542 wifi = {}
544 function wifi.getiwinfo(ifname)
545 local ntm = require "luci.model.network"
547 ntm.init()
549 local wnet = ntm:get_wifinet(ifname)
550 if wnet and wnet.iwinfo then
551 return wnet.iwinfo
552 end
554 local wdev = ntm:get_wifidev(ifname)
555 if wdev and wdev.iwinfo then
556 return wdev.iwinfo
557 end
559 return { ifname = ifname }
560 end
563 init = {}
564 init.dir = "/etc/init.d/"
566 function init.names()
567 local names = { }
568 for name in fs.glob(init.dir.."*") do
569 names[#names+1] = fs.basename(name)
570 end
571 return names
572 end
574 function init.index(name)
575 name = fs.basename(name)
576 if fs.access(init.dir..name) then
577 return call("env -i sh -c 'source %s%s enabled; exit ${START:-255}' >/dev/null"
578 %{ init.dir, name })
579 end
580 end
582 local function init_action(action, name)
583 name = fs.basename(name)
584 if fs.access(init.dir..name) then
585 return call("env -i %s%s %s >/dev/null" %{ init.dir, name, action })
586 end
587 end
589 function init.enabled(name)
590 return (init_action("enabled", name) == 0)
591 end
593 function init.enable(name)
594 return (init_action("enable", name) == 0)
595 end
597 function init.disable(name)
598 return (init_action("disable", name) == 0)
599 end
601 function init.start(name)
602 return (init_action("start", name) == 0)
603 end
605 function init.stop(name)
606 return (init_action("stop", name) == 0)
607 end
609 function init.restart(name)
610 return (init_action("restart", name) == 0)
611 end
613 function init.reload(name)
614 return (init_action("reload", name) == 0)
615 end