Merge pull request #16152 from BKPepe/miniupnpnd-remove-not-upstreamed-patch
[feed/packages.git] / net / banip / files /
1 <!-- markdownlint-disable -->
3 # banIP - ban incoming and/or outgoing ip adresses via ipsets
5 ## Description
6 IP address blocking is commonly used to protect against brute force attacks, prevent disruptive or unauthorized address(es) from access or it can be used to restrict access to or from a particular geographic area — for example.
8 ## Main Features
9 * Support of the following fully pre-configured domain blocklist sources (free for private usage, for commercial use please check their individual licenses)
11 | Source | Focus | Information |
12 | :------------------ | :----------------------------: | :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
13 | asn | ASN block | [Link]( |
14 | bogon | Bogon prefixes | [Link]( |
15 | country | Country blocks | [Link]( |
16 | darklist | blocks suspicious attacker IPs | [Link]( |
17 | debl | Fail2ban IP blacklist | [Link]( |
18 | doh | Public DoH-Provider | [Link]( |
19 | drop | Spamhaus drop compilation | [Link]( |
20 | dshield | Dshield IP blocklist | [Link]( |
21 | edrop | Spamhaus edrop compilation | [Link]( |
22 | feodo | Feodo Tracker | [Link]( |
23 | firehol1 | Firehol Level 1 compilation | [Link]( |
24 | firehol2 | Firehol Level 2 compilation | [Link]( |
25 | firehol3 | Firehol Level 3 compilation | [Link]( |
26 | firehol4 | Firehol Level 4 compilation | [Link]( |
27 | greensnow | blocks suspicious server IPs | [Link]( |
28 | iblockads | Advertising blocklist | [Link]( |
29 | iblockspy | Malicious spyware blocklist | [Link]( |
30 | myip | Myip Live IP blacklist | [Link]( |
31 | nixspam | iX spam protection | [Link]( |
32 | proxy | Firehol list of open proxies | [Link]( |
33 | ssbl | SSL botnet IP blacklist | [Link]( |
34 | talos | Cisco Talos IP Blacklist | [Link]( |
35 | threat | Emerging Threats | [Link]( |
36 | tor | Tor exit nodes | [Link]( |
37 | uceprotect1 | Spam protection level 1 | [Link]( |
38 | uceprotect2 | Spam protection level 2 | [Link]( |
39 | voip | VoIP fraud blocklist | [Link]( |
40 | yoyo | Ad protection blacklist | [Link]( |
42 * zero-conf like automatic installation & setup, usually no manual changes needed
43 * automatically selects one of the following supported download utilities: aria2c, curl, uclient-fetch, wget
44 * fast downloads & list processing as they are handled in parallel as background jobs in a configurable 'Download Queue'
45 * full IPv4 and IPv6 support
46 * ipsets (one per source) are used to ban a large number of IP addresses
47 * supports blocking by ASN numbers
48 * supports blocking by iso country codes
49 * supports local black- & whitelist (IPv4, IPv6, CIDR notation or domain names)
50 * auto-add unsuccessful LuCI, nginx or ssh login attempts via 'dropbear'/'sshd' to local blacklist
51 * auto-add the uplink subnet to local whitelist
52 * black- and whitelist also accept domain names as input to allow IP filtering based on these names
53 * supports a 'whitelist only' mode, this option allows to restrict Internet access from/to a small number of secure websites/IPs
54 * provides a small background log monitor to ban unsuccessful login attempts in real-time
55 * per source configuration of SRC (incoming) and DST (outgoing)
56 * integrated IPSet-Lookup
57 * integrated bgpview-Lookup
58 * blocklist source parsing by fast & flexible regex rulesets
59 * minimal status & error logging to syslog, enable debug logging to receive more output
60 * procd based init system support (start/stop/restart/reload/refresh/status)
61 * procd network interface trigger support
62 * automatic blocklist backup & restore, they will be used in case of download errors or during startup
63 * provides comprehensive runtime information
64 * provides a detailed IPSet Report
65 * provides a powerful query function to quickly find blocked IPs/CIDR in banIP related IPSets
66 * provides an easily configurable blocklist update scheduler called 'Refresh Timer'
67 * strong LuCI support
68 * optional: add new banIP sources on your own
70 ## Prerequisites
71 * [OpenWrt](, tested with the stable release series (21.02.x) and with the latest rolling snapshot releases. On turris devices it has been successfully tested with TurrisOS 5.2.x
72 <b>Please note:</b> Ancient OpenWrt releases like 18.06.x or 17.01.x are _not_ supported!
73 <b>Please note:</b> Devices with less than 128 MByte RAM are _not_ supported!
74 <b>Please note:</b> If you're updating from former banIP 0.3x please manually remove your config (/etc/config/banip) before you start!
75 * A download utility with SSL support: 'wget', 'uclient-fetch' with one of the 'libustream-*' ssl libraries, 'aria2c' or 'curl' is required
76 * A certificate store like 'ca-bundle', as banIP checks the validity of the SSL certificates of all download sites by default
77 * Optional E-Mail notification support: for E-Mail notifications you need to install and setup the additional 'msmtp' package
79 ## Installation & Usage
80 * Update your local opkg repository (_opkg update_)
81 * Install 'banip' (_opkg install banip_). The banIP service is disabled by default
82 * Install the LuCI companion package 'luci-app-banip' (_opkg install luci-app-banip_)
83 * It's strongly recommended to use the LuCI frontend to easily configure all aspects of banIP, the application is located in LuCI under the 'Services' menu
85 ## banIP CLI
86 * All important banIP functions are accessible via CLI as well.
87 <pre><code>
88 ~# /etc/init.d/banip
89 Syntax: /etc/init.d/banip [command]
91 Available commands:
92 start Start the service
93 stop Stop the service
94 restart Restart the service
95 reload Reload configuration files (or restart if service does not implement reload)
96 enable Enable service autostart
97 disable Disable service autostart
98 enabled Check if service is started on boot
99 refresh Refresh ipsets without new list downloads
100 suspend Suspend banIP processing
101 resume Resume banIP processing
102 query &lt;IP&gt; Query active banIP IPSets for a specific IP address
103 report [&lt;cli&gt;|&lt;mail&gt;|&lt;gen&gt;|&lt;json&gt;] Print banIP related IPset statistics
104 list [&lt;add&gt;|&lt;add_asn&gt;|&lt;add_country&gt;|&lt;remove>|&lt;remove_asn&gt;|&lt;remove_country&gt;] &lt;source(s)&gt; List/Edit available sources
105 timer [&lt;add&gt; &lt;tasks&gt; &lt;hour&gt; [&lt;minute&gt;] [&lt;weekday&gt;]]|[&lt;remove&gt; &lt;line no.&gt;] List/Edit cron update intervals
106 version Print version information
107 running Check if service is running
108 status Service status
109 trace Start with syscall trace
110 </code></pre>
112 ## banIP config options
113 * Usually the auto pre-configured banIP setup works quite well and no manual overrides are needed
115 | Option | Type | Default | Description |
116 | :---------------------- | :----- | :---------------------------- | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
117 | ban_enabled | option | 0 | enable the banIP service |
118 | ban_autodetect | option | 1 | auto-detect wan interfaces, devices and subnets |
119 | ban_debug | option | 0 | enable banIP related debug logging |
120 | ban_mail_enabled | option | 0 | enable the mail service |
121 | ban_monitor_enabled | option | 0 | enable the log monitor, e.g. to catch failed ssh/luci logins |
122 | ban_logsrc_enabled | option | 0 | enable the src-related logchain |
123 | ban_logdst_enabled | option | 0 | enable the dst-related logchain |
124 | ban_autoblacklist | option | 1 | add suspicious IPs automatically to the local blacklist |
125 | ban_autowhitelist | option | 1 | add wan IPs/subnets automatically to the local whitelist |
126 | ban_whitelistonly | option | 0 | allow to restrict Internet access from/to a small number of secure websites/IPs |
127 | ban_maxqueue | option | 4 | size of the download queue to handle downloads and processing in parallel |
128 | ban_reportdir | option | /tmp/banIP-Report | directory where banIP stores the report files |
129 | ban_backupdir | option | /tmp/banIP-Backup | directory where banIP stores the compressed backup files |
130 | ban_ifaces | list | - | list option to add logical wan interfaces manually |
131 | ban_sources | list | - | list option to add banIP sources |
132 | ban_countries | list | - | list option to add certain countries as an alpha-2 ISO code, e.g. 'de' for germany |
133 | ban_asns | list | - | list option to add certain ASNs (autonomous system number), e.g. '32934' for facebook |
134 | ban_chain | option | banIP | name of the root chain used by banIP |
135 | ban_global_settype | option | src+dst | global settype as default for all sources |
136 | ban_settype_src | list | - | special SRC settype for a certain sources |
137 | ban_settype_dst | list | - | special DST settype for a certain sources |
138 | ban_settype_all | list | - | special SRC+DST settype for a certain sources |
139 | ban_target_src | option | DROP | default src action (used by log chains as well) |
140 | ban_target_dst | option | REJECT | default dst action (used by log chains as well) |
141 | ban_lan_inputchains_4 | list | input_lan_rule | list option to add IPv4 lan input chains |
142 | ban_lan_inputchains_6 | list | input_lan_rule | list option to add IPv6 lan input chains |
143 | ban_lan_forwardchains_4 | list | forwarding_lan_rule | list option to add IPv4 lan forward chains |
144 | ban_lan_forwardchains_6 | list | forwarding_lan_rule | list option to add IPv6 lan forward chains |
145 | ban_wan_inputchains_4 | list | input_wan_rule | list option to add IPv4 wan input chains |
146 | ban_wan_inputchains_6 | list | input_wan_rule | list option to add IPv6 wan input chains |
147 | ban_wan_forwardchains_4 | list | forwarding_wan_rule | list option to add IPv4 wan forward chains |
148 | ban_wan_forwardchains_6 | list | forwarding_wan_rule | list option to add IPv6 wan forward chains |
149 | ban_fetchutil | option | -, auto-detected | 'uclient-fetch', 'wget', 'curl' or 'aria2c' |
150 | ban_fetchparm | option | -, auto-detected | manually override the config options for the selected download utility |
151 | ban_fetchinsecure | option | 0, disabled | don't check SSL server certificates during download |
152 | ban_mailreceiver | option | - | receiver address for banIP related notification E-Mails |
153 | ban_mailsender | option | no-reply@banIP | sender address for banIP related notification E-Mails |
154 | ban_mailtopic | option | banIP notification | topic for banIP related notification E-Mails |
155 | ban_mailprofile | option | ban_notify | mail profile used in 'msmtp' for banIP related notification E-Mails |
156 | ban_srcarc | option | /etc/banip/banip.sources.gz | full path to the compressed source archive file used by banIP |
157 | ban_localsources | list | maclist, whitelist, blacklist | limit the selection to certain local sources |
158 | ban_extrasources | list | - | add additional, non-banIP related IPSets e.g. for reporting or queries |
159 | ban_maclist_timeout | option | - | individual maclist IPSet timeout |
160 | ban_whitelist_timeout | option | - | individual whitelist IPSet timeout |
161 | ban_blacklist_timeout | option | - | individual blacklist IPSet timeout |
162 | ban_logterms | list | dropbear, sshd, luci, nginx | limit the log monitor to certain log terms |
163 | ban_loglimit | option | 100 | parse only the last stated number of log entries for suspicious events |
164 | ban_ssh_logcount | option | 3 | number of the failed ssh login repetitions of the same ip in the log before banning |
165 | ban_luci_logcount | option | 3 | number of the failed luci login repetitions of the same ip in the log before banning |
166 | ban_nginx_logcount | option | 5 | number of the failed nginx requests of the same ip in the log before banning |
168 ## Examples
169 **list/edit banIP sources:**
170 <pre><code>
171 ~# /etc/init.d/banip list
172 ::: Available banIP sources
173 :::
174 Name Enabled Focus Info URL
175 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
176 + asn ASN blocks
177 + bogon Bogon prefixes
178 + country x Country blocks
179 + darklist x Blocks suspicious attacker IPs
180 + debl x Fail2ban IP blacklist
181 + doh x Public DoH-Provider
182 + drop x Spamhaus drop compilation
183 + dshield x Dshield IP blocklist
184 + edrop Spamhaus edrop compilation
185 + feodo x Feodo Tracker
186 + firehol1 x Firehol Level 1 compilation
187 + firehol2 Firehol Level 2 compilation
188 + firehol3 Firehol Level 3 compilation
189 + firehol4 Firehol Level 4 compilation
190 + greensnow x Blocks suspicious server IPs
191 + iblockads Advertising blocklist
192 + iblockspy x Malicious spyware blocklist
193 + myip Myip Live IP blacklist
194 + nixspam x iX spam protection
195 + proxy Firehol list of open proxies
196 + sslbl x SSL botnet IP blacklist
197 + talos x Cisco Talos IP Blacklist
198 + threat x Emerging Threats
199 + tor x Tor exit nodes
200 + uceprotect1 x Spam protection level 1
201 + uceprotect2 Spam protection level 2
202 + voip x VoIP fraud blocklist
203 + yoyo x Ad protection blacklist
204 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
205 * Configured ASNs: -
206 * Configured Countries: af, bd, br, cn, hk, hu, id, il, in, iq, ir, kp, kr, no, pk, pl, ro, ru, sa, th, tr, ua, gb
207 </code></pre>
209 **receive banIP runtime information:**
210 <pre><code>
211 ~# /etc/init.d/banip status
212 ::: banIP runtime information
213 + status : enabled
214 + version : 0.7.7
215 + ipset_info : 2 IPSets with 30 IPs/Prefixes
216 + active_sources : whitelist
217 + active_devs : wlan0
218 + active_ifaces : trm_wwan, trm_wwan6
219 + active_logterms : dropbear, sshd, luci, nginx
220 + active_subnets :, xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xx::xxx/128
221 + run_infos : settype: src+dst, backup_dir: /tmp/banIP-Backup, report_dir: /tmp/banIP-Report
222 + run_flags : protocols (4/6): ✔/✔, log (src/dst): ✔/✘, monitor: ✔, mail: ✘, whitelist only: ✔
223 + last_run : restart, 0m 3s, 122/30/14, 21.04.2021 20:14:36
224 + system : TP-Link RE650 v1, OpenWrt SNAPSHOT r16574-f7e00d81bc
225 </code></pre>
227 **black-/whitelist handling:**
228 banIP supports a local black & whitelist (IPv4, IPv6, CIDR notation or domain names), located by default in /etc/banip/banip.whitelist and /etc/banip/banip.blacklist.
229 Unsuccessful LuCI logins, suspicious nginx request or ssh login attempts via 'dropbear'/'sshd' could be tracked and automatically added to the local blacklist (see the 'ban_autoblacklist' option). Furthermore the uplink subnet could be automatically added to local whitelist (see 'ban_autowhitelist' option). The list behaviour could be further tweaked with different timeout and counter options (see the config options section above).
230 Last but not least, both lists also accept domain names as input to allow IP filtering based on these names. The corresponding IPs (IPv4 & IPv6) will be resolved in a detached background process and added to the IPsets. The detached name lookup takes place only during 'restart' or 'reload' action, 'start' and 'refresh' actions are using an auto-generated backup instead.
232 **whitelist-only mode:**
233 banIP supports a "whitelist only" mode. This option allows to restrict the internet access from/to a small number of secure websites/IPs, and block access from/to the rest of the internet. All IPs and Domains which are _not_ listed in the whitelist are blocked. Please note: suspend/resume does not work in this mode.
235 **Manually override the download options:**
236 By default banIP uses the following pre-configured download options:
237 * aria2c: <code>--timeout=20 --allow-overwrite=true --auto-file-renaming=false --log-level=warn --dir=/ -o</code>
238 * curl: <code>--connect-timeout 20 --silent --show-error --location -o</code>
239 * uclient-fetch: <code>--timeout=20 -O</code>
240 * wget: <code>--no-cache --no-cookies --max-redirect=0 --timeout=20 -O</code>
242 To override the default set 'ban_fetchparm' manually to your needs.
244 **generate an IPSet report:**
245 <pre><code>
246 ~# /etc/init.d/banip report
247 :::
248 ::: report on all banIP related IPSets
249 :::
250 + Report timestamp ::: 04.02.2021 06:24:41
251 + Number of all IPSets ::: 24
252 + Number of all entries ::: 302448
253 + Number of IP entries ::: 224748
254 + Number of CIDR entries ::: 77700
255 + Number of MAC entries ::: 0
256 + Number of accessed entries ::: 36
257 :::
258 ::: IPSet details
259 :::
260 Name Type Count Cnt_IP Cnt_CIDR Cnt_MAC Cnt_ACC Entry details (Entry/Count)
261 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
262 whitelist_4 src+dst 1 0 1 0 1
263 85
264 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
265 whitelist_6 src+dst 2 0 2 0 1
266 xxxx:xxxx:xxxx::/64 29
267 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
268 blacklist_4 src+dst 513 513 0 0 2
269 3
270 1
271 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
272 blacklist_6 src+dst 1 1 0 0 0
273 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
274 country_4 src 52150 0 52150 0 23
275 1
276 1
277 1
278 1
279 1
280 1
281 1
282 1
283 1
284 1
285 1
286 1
287 1
288 1
289 1
290 1
291 1
292 1
293 1
294 1
295 1
296 1
297 1
298 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
299 country_6 src 20099 0 20099 0 0
300 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
301 debl_4 src+dst 29389 29389 0 0 1
302 4
303 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
304 debl_6 src+dst 64 64 0 0 0
305 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
306 doh_4 src+dst 168 168 0 0 0
307 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
308 doh_6 src+dst 122 122 0 0 0
309 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
310 drop_4 src+dst 965 0 965 0 0
311 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
312 drop_6 src+dst 36 0 36 0 0
313 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
314 dshield_4 src+dst 20 0 20 0 1
315 1
316 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
317 feodo_4 src+dst 325 325 0 0 0
318 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
319 firehol1_4 src+dst 2763 403 2360 0 0
320 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
321 iblockspy_4 src+dst 3650 2832 818 0 0
322 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
323 nixspam_4 src+dst 9577 9577 0 0 0
324 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
325 sslbl_4 src+dst 104 104 0 0 0
326 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
327 threat_4 src+dst 1300 315 985 0 0
328 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
329 tor_4 src+dst 1437 1437 0 0 0
330 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
331 tor_6 src+dst 478 478 0 0 0
332 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
333 uceprotect1_4 src+dst 156249 156249 0 0 6
334 1
335 1
336 1
337 1
338 2
339 1
340 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
341 voip_4 src+dst 12563 12299 264 0 0
342 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
343 yoyo_4 src+dst 10472 10472 0 0 1
344 2
345 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
346 </code></pre>
348 **Enable E-Mail notification via 'msmtp':**
349 To use the email notification you have to install & configure the package 'msmtp'.
350 Modify the file '/etc/msmtprc', e.g.:
351 <pre><code>
352 [...]
353 defaults
354 auth on
355 tls on
356 tls_certcheck off
357 timeout 5
358 syslog LOG_MAIL
359 [...]
360 account ban_notify
361 host
362 port 587
363 from &lt;address&gt;
364 user &lt;gmail-user&gt;
365 password &lt;password&gt;
366 </code></pre>
367 Finally enable E-Mail support and add a valid E-Mail receiver address in LuCI.
369 **Edit, add new banIP sources:**
370 The banIP blocklist sources are stored in an external, compressed JSON file '/etc/banip/banip.sources.gz'.
371 This file is directly parsed in LuCI and accessible via CLI, just call _/etc/init.d/banip list_.
373 To add new or edit existing sources extract the compressed JSON file _gunzip /etc/banip/banip.sources.gz_.
374 A valid JSON source object contains the following required information, e.g.:
375 <pre><code>
376 [...]
377 "tor": {
378 "url_4": "",
379 "url_6": "",
380 "rule_4": "/^(([0-9]{1,3}\\.){3}(1?[0-9][0-9]?|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(\\/(1?[0-9]|2?[0-9]|3?[0-2]))?)([[:space:]]|$)/{print \"add tor_4 \"$1}",
381 "rule_6": "/^(([0-9A-f]{0,4}:){1,7}[0-9A-f]{0,4}:?(\\/(1?[0-2][0-8]|[0-9][0-9]))?)([[:space:]]|$)/{print \"add tor_6 \"$1}",
382 "focus": "Tor exit nodes",
383 "descurl": ""
384 },
385 [...]
386 </code></pre>
387 Add an unique object name, make the required changes to 'url_4', 'rule_4' (and/or 'url_6', 'rule_6'), 'focus' and 'descurl' and finally compress the changed JSON file _gzip /etc/banip/banip.sources.gz_ to use the new source object in banIP.
388 <b>Please note:</b> if you're going to add new sources on your own, please make a copy of the default file and work with that copy further on, cause the default will be overwritten with every banIP update. To reference your copy set the option 'ban\_srcarc' which points by default to '/etc/banip/banip.sources.gz'
390 ## Support
391 Please join the banIP discussion in this [forum thread]( or contact me by mail <>
393 ## Removal
394 * stop all banIP related services with _/etc/init.d/banip stop_
395 * optional: remove the banip package (_opkg remove banip_)
397 Have fun!
398 Dirk