nginx: bump to 1.26.1 release
[feed/packages.git] / net / banip / files /
1 # banIP shared function library/include - ban incoming and outgoing IPs via named nftables Sets
2 # Copyright (c) 2018-2024 Dirk Brenken (
3 # This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.
5 # (s)hellcheck exceptions
6 # shellcheck disable=all
8 # environment
9 #
10 export LC_ALL=C
11 export PATH="/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin"
13 # initial defaults
14 #
15 ban_basedir="/tmp"
16 ban_backupdir="/tmp/banIP-backup"
17 ban_reportdir="/tmp/banIP-report"
18 ban_feedfile="/etc/banip/banip.feeds"
19 ban_countryfile="/etc/banip/banip.countries"
20 ban_customfeedfile="/etc/banip/banip.custom.feeds"
21 ban_allowlist="/etc/banip/banip.allowlist"
22 ban_blocklist="/etc/banip/banip.blocklist"
23 ban_mailtemplate="/etc/banip/banip.tpl"
24 ban_pidfile="/var/run/"
25 ban_rtfile="/var/run/banip_runtime.json"
26 ban_rdapfile="/var/run/banip_rdap.json"
27 ban_rdapurl=""
28 ban_lock="/var/run/banip.lock"
29 ban_logreadfile="/var/log/messages"
30 ban_logreadcmd=""
31 ban_mailsender="no-reply@banIP"
32 ban_mailreceiver=""
33 ban_mailtopic="banIP notification"
34 ban_mailprofile="ban_notify"
35 ban_mailnotification="0"
36 ban_reportelements="1"
37 ban_remotelog="0"
38 ban_remotetoken=""
39 ban_nftloglevel="warn"
40 ban_nftpriority="-100"
41 ban_nftpolicy="memory"
42 ban_nftexpiry=""
43 ban_loglimit="100"
44 ban_icmplimit="10"
45 ban_synlimit="10"
46 ban_udplimit="100"
47 ban_logcount="1"
48 ban_logterm=""
49 ban_region=""
50 ban_country=""
51 ban_asn=""
52 ban_logprerouting="0"
53 ban_loginput="0"
54 ban_logforwardwan="0"
55 ban_logforwardlan="0"
56 ban_allowurl=""
57 ban_allowflag=""
58 ban_allowlistonly="0"
59 ban_autoallowlist="1"
60 ban_autoallowuplink="subnet"
61 ban_autoblocklist="1"
62 ban_autoblocksubnet="0"
63 ban_deduplicate="1"
64 ban_splitsize="0"
65 ban_autodetect="1"
66 ban_feed=""
67 ban_blockpolicy=""
68 ban_blocktype="drop"
69 ban_blockinput=""
70 ban_blockforwardwan=""
71 ban_blockforwardlan=""
72 ban_protov4="0"
73 ban_protov6="0"
74 ban_ifv4=""
75 ban_ifv6=""
76 ban_dev=""
77 ban_vlanallow=""
78 ban_vlanblock=""
79 ban_uplink=""
80 ban_fetchcmd=""
81 ban_fetchparm=""
82 ban_fetchinsecure=""
83 ban_fetchretry="5"
84 ban_rdapparm=""
85 ban_etagparm=""
86 ban_cores=""
87 ban_memory=""
88 ban_packages=""
89 ban_trigger=""
90 ban_resolver=""
91 ban_enabled="0"
92 ban_debug="0"
94 # gather system information
95 #
96 f_system() {
97 local cpu core
99 if [ -z "${ban_dev}" ]; then
100 ban_debug="$(uci_get banip global ban_debug "0")"
101 ban_cores="$(uci_get banip global ban_cores)"
102 fi
103 ban_packages="$("${ban_ubuscmd}" -S call rpc-sys packagelist '{ "all": true }' 2>/dev/null)"
104 ban_memory="$("${ban_awkcmd}" '/^MemAvailable/{printf "%s",int($2/1000)}' "/proc/meminfo" 2>/dev/null)"
105 ban_ver="$(printf "%s" "${ban_packages}" | "${ban_jsoncmd}" -ql1 -e '@.packages.banip')"
106 ban_sysver="$("${ban_ubuscmd}" -S call system board 2>/dev/null | "${ban_jsoncmd}" -ql1 -e '@.model' -e '@.release.description' |
107 "${ban_awkcmd}" 'BEGIN{RS="";FS="\n"}{printf "%s, %s",$1,$2}')"
108 if [ -z "${ban_cores}" ]; then
109 cpu="$("${ban_grepcmd}" -c '^processor' /proc/cpuinfo 2>/dev/null)"
110 core="$("${ban_grepcmd}" -cm1 '^core id' /proc/cpuinfo 2>/dev/null)"
111 [ "${cpu}" = "0" ] && cpu="1"
112 [ "${core}" = "0" ] && core="1"
113 ban_cores="$((cpu * core))"
114 [ "${ban_cores}" -gt "16" ] && ban_cores="16"
115 fi
116 }
118 # command selector
119 #
120 f_cmd() {
121 local cmd pri_cmd="${1}" sec_cmd="${2}"
123 cmd="$(command -v "${pri_cmd}" 2>/dev/null)"
124 if [ ! -x "${cmd}" ]; then
125 if [ -n "${sec_cmd}" ]; then
126 [ "${sec_cmd}" = "true" ] && return
127 cmd="$(command -v "${sec_cmd}" 2>/dev/null)"
128 fi
129 if [ -x "${cmd}" ]; then
130 printf "%s" "${cmd}"
131 else
132 f_log "emerg" "command '${pri_cmd:-"-"}'/'${sec_cmd:-"-"}' not found"
133 fi
134 else
135 printf "%s" "${cmd}"
136 fi
137 }
139 # create directories
140 #
141 f_mkdir() {
142 local dir="${1}"
144 if [ ! -d "${dir}" ]; then
145 rm -f "${dir}"
146 mkdir -p "${dir}"
147 f_log "debug" "f_mkdir ::: directory: ${dir}"
148 fi
149 }
151 # create files
152 #
153 f_mkfile() {
154 local file="${1}"
156 if [ ! -f "${file}" ]; then
157 : >"${file}"
158 f_log "debug" "f_mkfile ::: file: ${file}"
159 fi
160 }
162 # create temporary files and directories
163 #
164 f_tmp() {
165 f_mkdir "${ban_basedir}"
166 ban_tmpdir="$(mktemp -p "${ban_basedir}" -d)"
167 ban_tmpfile="$(mktemp -p "${ban_tmpdir}" -tu)"
169 f_log "debug" "f_tmp ::: base_dir: ${ban_basedir:-"-"}, tmp_dir: ${ban_tmpdir:-"-"}"
170 }
172 # remove directories
173 #
174 f_rmdir() {
175 local dir="${1}"
177 if [ -d "${dir}" ]; then
178 rm -rf "${dir}"
179 f_log "debug" "f_rmdir ::: directory: ${dir}"
180 fi
181 }
183 # convert chars
184 #
185 f_char() {
186 local char="${1}"
188 if [ "${char}" = "1" ]; then
189 printf "%s" "✔"
190 elif [ "${char}" = "0" ] || [ -z "${char}" ]; then
191 printf "%s" "✘"
192 else
193 printf "%s" "${char}"
194 fi
195 }
197 # trim strings
198 #
199 f_trim() {
200 local string="${1}"
202 string="${string#"${string%%[![:space:]]*}"}"
203 string="${string%"${string##*[![:space:]]}"}"
204 printf "%s" "${string}"
205 }
207 # remove log monitor
208 #
209 f_rmpid() {
210 local ppid pid pids
212 ppid="$("${ban_catcmd}" "${ban_pidfile}" 2>/dev/null)"
213 if [ -n "${ppid}" ]; then
214 pids="$("${ban_pgrepcmd}" -P "${ppid}" 2>/dev/null)"
215 for pid in ${pids}; do
216 pids="${pids} $("${ban_pgrepcmd}" -P "${pid}" 2>/dev/null)"
217 done
218 for pid in ${pids}; do
219 kill -INT "${pid}" >/dev/null 2>&1
220 done
221 fi
222 : >"${ban_rdapfile}" >"${ban_pidfile}"
223 }
225 # write log messages
226 #
227 f_log() {
228 local class="${1}" log_msg="${2}"
230 if [ -n "${log_msg}" ] && { [ "${class}" != "debug" ] || [ "${ban_debug}" = "1" ]; }; then
231 if [ -x "${ban_logcmd}" ]; then
232 "${ban_logcmd}" -p "${class}" -t "banIP-${ban_ver}[${$}]" "${log_msg::512}"
233 else
234 printf "%s %s %s\n" "${class}" "banIP-${ban_ver}[${$}]" "${log_msg::512}"
235 fi
236 fi
237 if [ "${class}" = "err" ] || [ "${class}" = "emerg" ]; then
238 if [ "${class}" = "err" ]; then
239 "${ban_nftcmd}" delete table inet banIP >/dev/null 2>&1
240 if [ "$(uci_get banip global ban_enabled)" = "1" ]; then
241 f_genstatus "error"
242 [ "${ban_mailnotification}" = "1" ] && [ -n "${ban_mailreceiver}" ] && [ -x "${ban_mailcmd}" ] && f_mail
243 else
244 f_genstatus "disabled"
245 fi
246 fi
247 f_rmdir "${ban_tmpdir}"
248 f_rmpid
249 rm -rf "${ban_lock}"
250 exit 1
251 fi
252 }
254 # load config
255 #
256 f_conf() {
257 local rir ccode region country
259 unset ban_dev ban_vlanallow ban_vlanblock ban_ifv4 ban_ifv6 ban_feed ban_allowurl ban_blockinput ban_blockforwardwan ban_blockforwardlan ban_logterm ban_region ban_country ban_asn
260 config_cb() {
261 option_cb() {
262 local option="${1}"
263 local value="${2}"
264 eval "${option}=\"${value}\""
265 }
266 list_cb() {
267 local option="${1}"
268 local value="${2}"
269 case "${option}" in
270 "ban_ifv4")
271 eval "${option}=\"$(printf "%s" "${ban_ifv4}")${value} \""
272 ;;
273 "ban_ifv6")
274 eval "${option}=\"$(printf "%s" "${ban_ifv6}")${value} \""
275 ;;
276 "ban_dev")
277 eval "${option}=\"$(printf "%s" "${ban_dev}")${value} \""
278 ;;
279 "ban_vlanallow")
280 eval "${option}=\"$(printf "%s" "${ban_vlanallow}")${value} \""
281 ;;
282 "ban_vlanblock")
283 eval "${option}=\"$(printf "%s" "${ban_vlanblock}")${value} \""
284 ;;
285 "ban_trigger")
286 eval "${option}=\"$(printf "%s" "${ban_trigger}")${value} \""
287 ;;
288 "ban_feed")
289 eval "${option}=\"$(printf "%s" "${ban_feed}")${value} \""
290 ;;
291 "ban_allowurl")
292 eval "${option}=\"$(printf "%s" "${ban_allowurl}")${value} \""
293 ;;
294 "ban_blockinput")
295 eval "${option}=\"$(printf "%s" "${ban_blockinput}")${value} \""
296 ;;
297 "ban_blockforwardwan")
298 eval "${option}=\"$(printf "%s" "${ban_blockforwardwan}")${value} \""
299 ;;
300 "ban_blockforwardlan")
301 eval "${option}=\"$(printf "%s" "${ban_blockforwardlan}")${value} \""
302 ;;
303 "ban_logterm")
304 eval "${option}=\"$(printf "%s" "${ban_logterm}")${value}\\|\""
305 ;;
306 "ban_region")
307 eval "${option}=\"$(printf "%s" "${ban_region}")${value} \""
308 ;;
309 "ban_country")
310 eval "${option}=\"$(printf "%s" "${ban_country}")${value} \""
311 ;;
312 "ban_asn")
313 eval "${option}=\"$(printf "%s" "${ban_asn}")${value} \""
314 ;;
315 esac
316 }
317 }
318 config_load banip
319 [ -f "${ban_logreadfile}" ] && ban_logreadcmd="$(command -v tail)" || ban_logreadcmd="$(command -v logread)"
321 for rir in ${ban_region}; do
322 while read -r ccode region country; do
323 if [ "${rir}" = "${region}" ] && ! printf "%s" "${ban_country}" | "${ban_grepcmd}" -qw "${ccode}"; then
324 ban_country="${ban_country} ${ccode}"
325 fi
326 done <"${ban_countryfile}"
327 done
328 }
330 # get nft/monitor actuals
331 #
332 f_actual() {
333 local nft monitor ppid pids pid
335 if "${ban_nftcmd}" -t list set inet banIP allowlistv4MAC >/dev/null 2>&1; then
336 nft="$(f_char "1")"
337 else
338 nft="$(f_char "0")"
339 fi
341 ppid="$("${ban_catcmd}" "${ban_pidfile}" 2>/dev/null)"
342 if [ -n "${ppid}" ]; then
343 pids="$("${ban_pgrepcmd}" -P "${ppid}" 2>/dev/null)"
344 for pid in ${pids}; do
345 if "${ban_pgrepcmd}" -f "${ban_logreadcmd##*/}" -P "${pid}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
346 monitor="$(f_char "1")"
347 break
348 else
349 monitor="$(f_char "0")"
350 fi
351 done
352 else
353 monitor="$(f_char "0")"
354 fi
355 printf "%s" "nft: ${nft}, monitor: ${monitor}"
356 }
358 # get fetch utility
359 #
360 f_getfetch() {
361 local item utils insecure update="0"
363 if { [ "${ban_fetchcmd}" = "uclient-fetch" ] && printf "%s" "${ban_packages}" | "${ban_grepcmd}" -q '"libustream-'; } ||
364 { [ "${ban_fetchcmd}" = "wget" ] && printf "%s" "${ban_packages}" | "${ban_grepcmd}" -q '"wget-ssl'; } ||
365 [ "${ban_fetchcmd}" = "curl" ] || [ "${ban_fetchcmd}" = "aria2c" ]; then
366 ban_fetchcmd="$(f_cmd "${ban_fetchcmd}" "true")"
367 fi
369 if [ "${ban_autodetect}" = "1" ] && [ ! -x "${ban_fetchcmd}" ]; then
370 utils="aria2c curl wget uclient-fetch"
371 for item in ${utils}; do
372 if { [ "${item}" = "uclient-fetch" ] && printf "%s" "${ban_packages}" | "${ban_grepcmd}" -q '"libustream-'; } ||
373 { [ "${item}" = "wget" ] && printf "%s" "${ban_packages}" | "${ban_grepcmd}" -q '"wget-ssl'; } ||
374 [ "${item}" = "curl" ] || [ "${item}" = "aria2c" ]; then
375 ban_fetchcmd="$(command -v "${item}")"
376 if [ -x "${ban_fetchcmd}" ]; then
377 update="1"
378 uci_set banip global ban_fetchcmd "${item}"
379 uci_commit "banip"
380 break
381 fi
382 fi
383 done
384 fi
386 [ ! -x "${ban_fetchcmd}" ] && f_log "err" "no download utility with SSL support"
387 case "${ban_fetchcmd##*/}" in
388 "aria2c")
389 [ "${ban_fetchinsecure}" = "1" ] && insecure="--check-certificate=false"
390 ban_fetchparm="${ban_fetchparm:-"${insecure} --timeout=20 --retry-wait=10 --max-tries=${ban_fetchretry} --max-file-not-found=${ban_fetchretry} --allow-overwrite=true --auto-file-renaming=false --log-level=warn --dir=/ -o"}"
391 ban_rdapparm="--timeout=5 --allow-overwrite=true --auto-file-renaming=false --dir=/ -o"
392 ban_etagparm="--timeout=5 --allow-overwrite=true --auto-file-renaming=false --dir=/ --dry-run --log -"
393 ;;
394 "curl")
395 [ "${ban_fetchinsecure}" = "1" ] && insecure="--insecure"
396 ban_fetchparm="${ban_fetchparm:-"${insecure} --connect-timeout 20 --retry-delay 10 --retry ${ban_fetchretry} --retry-max-time $((ban_fetchretry * 20)) --retry-all-errors --fail --silent --show-error --location -o"}"
397 ban_rdapparm="--connect-timeout 5 --silent --location -o"
398 ban_etagparm="--connect-timeout 5 --silent --location --head"
399 ;;
400 "wget")
401 [ "${ban_fetchinsecure}" = "1" ] && insecure="--no-check-certificate"
402 ban_fetchparm="${ban_fetchparm:-"${insecure} --no-cache --no-cookies --timeout=20 --waitretry=10 --tries=${ban_fetchretry} --retry-connrefused -O"}"
403 ban_rdapparm="--timeout=5 -O"
404 ban_etagparm="--timeout=5 --spider --server-response"
405 ;;
406 "uclient-fetch")
407 [ "${ban_fetchinsecure}" = "1" ] && insecure="--no-check-certificate"
408 ban_fetchparm="${ban_fetchparm:-"${insecure} --timeout=20 -O"}"
409 ban_rdapparm="--timeout=5 -O"
410 ;;
411 esac
413 f_log "debug" "f_getfetch ::: auto/update: ${ban_autodetect}/${update}, cmd: ${ban_fetchcmd:-"-"}, fetch_parm: ${ban_fetchparm:-"-"}, rdap_parm: ${ban_rdapparm:-"-"}, etag_parm: ${ban_etagparm:-"-"}"
414 }
416 # get wan interfaces
417 #
418 f_getif() {
419 local iface iface_del update="0"
421 if [ "${ban_autodetect}" = "1" ]; then
422 network_flush_cache
423 network_find_wan iface
424 if [ -n "${iface}" ] && [ "${iface}" != "$(f_trim "${ban_ifv4}")" ] && "${ban_ubuscmd}" -t 10 wait_for network.interface."${iface}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
425 for iface_del in ${ban_ifv4}; do
426 uci_remove_list banip global ban_ifv4 "${iface_del}"
427 f_log "info" "remove IPv4 interface '${iface_del}' from config"
428 done
429 ban_protov4="1"
430 ban_ifv4="${iface}"
431 uci_set banip global ban_protov4 "1"
432 uci_add_list banip global ban_ifv4 "${iface}"
433 f_log "info" "add IPv4 interface '${iface}' to config"
434 fi
435 network_find_wan6 iface
436 if [ -n "${iface}" ] && [ "${iface}" != "$(f_trim "${ban_ifv6}")" ] && "${ban_ubuscmd}" -t 10 wait_for network.interface."${iface}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
437 for iface_del in ${ban_ifv6}; do
438 uci_remove_list banip global ban_ifv6 "${iface_del}"
439 f_log "info" "remove IPv6 interface '${iface_del}' from config"
440 done
441 ban_protov6="1"
442 ban_ifv6="${iface}"
443 uci_set banip global ban_protov6 "1"
444 uci_add_list banip global ban_ifv6 "${iface}"
445 f_log "info" "add IPv6 interface '${iface}' to config"
446 fi
447 fi
448 if [ -n "$(uci -q changes "banip")" ]; then
449 update="1"
450 uci_commit "banip"
451 else
452 for iface in ${ban_ifv4} ${ban_ifv6}; do
453 if ! "${ban_ubuscmd}" -t 10 wait_for network.interface."${iface}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
454 f_log "err" "no wan interface '${iface}'"
455 fi
456 done
457 fi
458 ban_ifv4="$(f_trim "${ban_ifv4}")"
459 ban_ifv6="$(f_trim "${ban_ifv6}")"
460 [ -z "${ban_ifv4}" ] && [ -z "${ban_ifv6}" ] && f_log "err" "no wan interfaces"
462 f_log "debug" "f_getif ::: auto/update: ${ban_autodetect}/${update}, interfaces (4/6): ${ban_ifv4}/${ban_ifv6}, protocols (4/6): ${ban_protov4}/${ban_protov6}"
463 }
465 # get wan devices
466 #
467 f_getdev() {
468 local dev dev_del iface update="0"
470 if [ "${ban_autodetect}" = "1" ]; then
471 network_flush_cache
472 dev_del="${ban_dev}"
473 for iface in ${ban_ifv4} ${ban_ifv6}; do
474 network_get_device dev "${iface}"
475 if [ -n "${dev}" ]; then
476 dev_del="${dev_del/${dev} / }"
477 if ! printf " %s " "${ban_dev}" | "${ban_grepcmd}" -q " ${dev} "; then
478 ban_dev="${ban_dev}${dev} "
479 uci_add_list banip global ban_dev "${dev}"
480 f_log "info" "add device '${dev}' to config"
481 fi
482 fi
483 done
484 for dev in ${dev_del}; do
485 ban_dev="${ban_dev/${dev} / }"
486 uci_remove_list banip global ban_dev "${dev}"
487 f_log "info" "remove device '${dev}' from config"
488 done
489 fi
490 if [ -n "$(uci -q changes "banip")" ]; then
491 update="1"
492 uci_commit "banip"
493 fi
494 ban_dev="$(f_trim "${ban_dev}")"
495 [ -z "${ban_dev}" ] && f_log "err" "no wan devices"
497 f_log "debug" "f_getdev ::: auto/update: ${ban_autodetect}/${update}, wan_devices: ${ban_dev}"
498 }
500 # get local uplink
501 #
502 f_getuplink() {
503 local uplink iface ip update="0"
505 if [ "${ban_autoallowlist}" = "1" ] && [ "${ban_autoallowuplink}" != "disable" ]; then
506 for iface in ${ban_ifv4} ${ban_ifv6}; do
507 network_flush_cache
508 if [ "${ban_autoallowuplink}" = "subnet" ]; then
509 network_get_subnet uplink "${iface}"
510 elif [ "${ban_autoallowuplink}" = "ip" ]; then
511 network_get_ipaddr uplink "${iface}"
512 fi
513 if [ -n "${uplink}" ] && ! printf " %s " "${ban_uplink}" | "${ban_grepcmd}" -q " ${uplink} "; then
514 ban_uplink="${ban_uplink}${uplink} "
515 fi
516 if [ "${ban_autoallowuplink}" = "subnet" ]; then
517 network_get_subnet6 uplink "${iface}"
518 elif [ "${ban_autoallowuplink}" = "ip" ]; then
519 network_get_ipaddr6 uplink "${iface}"
520 fi
521 if [ -n "${uplink}" ] && ! printf " %s " "${ban_uplink}" | "${ban_grepcmd}" -q " ${uplink} "; then
522 ban_uplink="${ban_uplink}${uplink} "
523 fi
524 done
525 for ip in ${ban_uplink}; do
526 if ! "${ban_grepcmd}" -q "${ip} " "${ban_allowlist}"; then
527 if [ "${update}" = "0" ]; then
528 "${ban_sedcmd}" -i "/# uplink added on /d" "${ban_allowlist}"
529 fi
530 printf "%-42s%s\n" "${ip}" "# uplink added on $(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")" >>"${ban_allowlist}"
531 f_log "info" "add uplink '${ip}' to local allowlist"
532 update="1"
533 fi
534 done
535 ban_uplink="$(f_trim "${ban_uplink}")"
536 elif [ "${ban_autoallowlist}" = "1" ] && [ "${ban_autoallowuplink}" = "disable" ]; then
537 "${ban_sedcmd}" -i "/# uplink added on /d" "${ban_allowlist}"
538 update="1"
539 fi
541 f_log "debug" "f_getuplink ::: auto/update: ${ban_autoallowlist}/${update}, uplink: ${ban_uplink:-"-"}"
542 }
544 # get feed information
545 #
546 f_getfeed() {
547 json_init
548 if [ -s "${ban_customfeedfile}" ]; then
549 if json_load_file "${ban_customfeedfile}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
550 return
551 else
552 f_log "info" "can't load banIP custom feed file"
553 fi
554 fi
555 if [ -s "${ban_feedfile}" ] && json_load_file "${ban_feedfile}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
556 return
557 else
558 f_log "err" "can't load banIP feed file"
559 fi
560 }
562 # get Set elements
563 #
564 f_getelements() {
565 local file="${1}"
567 [ -s "${file}" ] && printf "%s" "elements={ $("${ban_catcmd}" "${file}" 2>/dev/null) };"
568 }
570 # handle etag http header
571 #
572 f_etag() {
573 local http_head http_code etag_id etag_rc out_rc="4" feed="${1}" feed_url="${2}" feed_suffix="${3}"
575 if [ -n "${ban_etagparm}" ]; then
576 [ ! -f "${ban_backupdir}/banIP.etag" ] && : >"${ban_backupdir}/banIP.etag"
577 http_head="$("${ban_fetchcmd}" ${ban_etagparm} "${feed_url}" 2>&1)"
578 http_code="$(printf "%s" "${http_head}" | "${ban_awkcmd}" 'tolower($0)~/^http\/[0123\.]+ /{printf "%s",$2}')"
579 etag_id="$(printf "%s" "${http_head}" | "${ban_awkcmd}" 'tolower($0)~/^[[:space:]]*etag: /{gsub("\"","");printf "%s",$2}')"
580 etag_rc="${?}"
582 if [ "${http_code}" = "404" ] || { [ "${etag_rc}" = "0" ] && [ -n "${etag_id}" ] && "${ban_grepcmd}" -q "^${feed}${feed_suffix}[[:space:]]\+${etag_id}\$" "${ban_backupdir}/banIP.etag"; }; then
583 out_rc="0"
584 elif [ "${etag_rc}" = "0" ] && [ -n "${etag_id}" ] && ! "${ban_grepcmd}" -q "^${feed}${feed_suffix}[[:space:]]\+${etag_id}\$" "${ban_backupdir}/banIP.etag"; then
585 "${ban_sedcmd}" -i "/^${feed}${feed_suffix}/d" "${ban_backupdir}/banIP.etag"
586 printf "%-20s%s\n" "${feed}${feed_suffix}" "${etag_id}" >>"${ban_backupdir}/banIP.etag"
587 out_rc="2"
588 fi
589 fi
591 f_log "debug" "f_etag ::: feed: ${feed}, suffix: ${feed_suffix:-"-"}, http_code: ${http_code:-"-"}, etag_id: ${etag_id:-"-"} , etag_rc: ${etag_rc:-"-"}, rc: ${out_rc}"
592 return "${out_rc}"
593 }
595 # build initial nft file with base table, chains and rules
596 #
597 f_nftinit() {
598 local wan_dev vlan_allow vlan_block log_ct log_icmp log_syn log_udp log_tcp feed_log feed_rc flag tmp_proto tmp_port allow_dport file="${1}"
600 wan_dev="$(printf "%s" "${ban_dev}" | "${ban_sedcmd}" 's/^/\"/;s/$/\"/;s/ /\", \"/g')"
601 [ -n "${ban_vlanallow}" ] && vlan_allow="$(printf "%s" "${ban_vlanallow%%?}" | "${ban_sedcmd}" 's/^/\"/;s/$/\"/;s/ /\", \"/g')"
602 [ -n "${ban_vlanblock}" ] && vlan_block="$(printf "%s" "${ban_vlanblock%%?}" | "${ban_sedcmd}" 's/^/\"/;s/$/\"/;s/ /\", \"/g')"
604 for flag in ${ban_allowflag}; do
605 if [ "${flag}" = "tcp" ] || [ "${flag}" = "udp" ]; then
606 if [ -z "${tmp_proto}" ]; then
607 tmp_proto="${flag}"
608 elif ! printf "%s" "${tmp_proto}" | "${ban_grepcmd}" -qw "${flag}"; then
609 tmp_proto="${tmp_proto}, ${flag}"
610 fi
611 elif [ -n "${flag//[![:digit:]-]/}" ]; then
612 if [ -z "${tmp_port}" ]; then
613 tmp_port="${flag}"
614 elif ! printf "%s" "${tmp_port}" | "${ban_grepcmd}" -qw "${flag}"; then
615 tmp_port="${tmp_port}, ${flag}"
616 fi
617 fi
618 done
619 if [ -n "${tmp_proto}" ] && [ -n "${tmp_port}" ]; then
620 allow_dport="meta l4proto { ${tmp_proto} } th dport { ${tmp_port} }"
621 fi
623 if [ "${ban_logprerouting}" = "1" ]; then
624 log_icmp="log level ${ban_nftloglevel} prefix \"banIP/pre-icmp/drop: \""
625 log_syn="log level ${ban_nftloglevel} prefix \"banIP/pre-syn/drop: \""
626 log_udp="log level ${ban_nftloglevel} prefix \"banIP/pre-udp/drop: \""
627 log_tcp="log level ${ban_nftloglevel} prefix \"banIP/pre-tcp/drop: \""
628 log_ct="log level ${ban_nftloglevel} prefix \"banIP/pre-ct/drop: \""
629 fi
631 {
632 # nft header (tables and chains)
633 #
634 printf "%s\n\n" "#!/usr/sbin/nft -f"
635 if "${ban_nftcmd}" -t list set inet banIP allowlistv4MAC >/dev/null 2>&1; then
636 printf "%s\n" "delete table inet banIP"
637 fi
638 printf "%s\n" "add table inet banIP"
639 printf "%s\n" "add counter inet banIP cnt-icmpflood"
640 printf "%s\n" "add counter inet banIP cnt-udpflood"
641 printf "%s\n" "add counter inet banIP cnt-synflood"
642 printf "%s\n" "add counter inet banIP cnt-tcpinvalid"
643 printf "%s\n" "add counter inet banIP cnt-ctinvalid"
644 printf "%s\n" "add chain inet banIP pre-routing { type filter hook prerouting priority -150; policy accept; }"
645 printf "%s\n" "add chain inet banIP wan-input { type filter hook input priority ${ban_nftpriority}; policy accept; }"
646 printf "%s\n" "add chain inet banIP wan-forward { type filter hook forward priority ${ban_nftpriority}; policy accept; }"
647 printf "%s\n" "add chain inet banIP lan-forward { type filter hook forward priority ${ban_nftpriority}; policy accept; }"
648 printf "%s\n" "add chain inet banIP reject-chain"
650 # default reject chain rules
651 #
652 printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP reject-chain meta l4proto tcp reject with tcp reset"
653 printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP reject-chain reject"
655 # default pre-routing rules
656 #
657 printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP pre-routing iifname != { ${wan_dev} } counter accept"
658 printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP pre-routing ct state invalid ${log_ct} counter name cnt-ctinvalid drop"
659 if [ "${ban_icmplimit}" -gt "0" ]; then
660 printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP pre-routing ip protocol icmp limit rate over ${ban_icmplimit}/second ${log_icmp} counter name cnt-icmpflood drop"
661 printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP pre-routing ip6 nexthdr icmpv6 limit rate over ${ban_icmplimit}/second ${log_icmp} counter name cnt-icmpflood drop"
662 fi
663 [ "${ban_udplimit}" -gt "0" ] && printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP pre-routing meta l4proto udp ct state new limit rate over ${ban_udplimit}/second ${log_udp} counter name cnt-udpflood drop"
664 [ "${ban_synlimit}" -gt "0" ] && printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP pre-routing tcp flags & (fin|syn|rst|ack) == syn limit rate over ${ban_synlimit}/second ${log_syn} counter name cnt-synflood drop"
665 printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP pre-routing tcp flags & (fin|syn) == (fin|syn) ${log_tcp} counter name cnt-tcpinvalid drop"
666 printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP pre-routing tcp flags & (syn|rst) == (syn|rst) ${log_tcp} counter name cnt-tcpinvalid drop"
667 printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP pre-routing tcp flags & (fin|syn|rst|psh|ack|urg) < (fin) ${log_tcp} counter name cnt-tcpinvalid drop"
668 printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP pre-routing tcp flags & (fin|syn|rst|psh|ack|urg) == (fin|psh|urg) ${log_tcp} counter name cnt-tcpinvalid drop"
670 # default wan-input rules
671 #
672 printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP wan-input iifname != { ${wan_dev} } counter accept"
673 printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP wan-input ct state established,related counter accept"
674 printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP wan-input meta nfproto ipv4 udp sport 67-68 udp dport 67-68 counter accept"
675 printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP wan-input meta nfproto ipv6 udp sport 547 udp dport 546 counter accept"
676 printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP wan-input meta nfproto ipv6 icmpv6 type { nd-neighbor-advert, nd-neighbor-solicit, nd-router-advert} ip6 hoplimit 1 counter accept"
677 printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP wan-input meta nfproto ipv6 icmpv6 type { nd-neighbor-advert, nd-neighbor-solicit, nd-router-advert} ip6 hoplimit 255 counter accept"
678 [ -n "${allow_dport}" ] && printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP wan-input ${allow_dport} counter accept"
680 # default wan-forward rules
681 #
682 printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP wan-forward iifname != { ${wan_dev} } counter accept"
683 printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP wan-forward ct state established,related counter accept"
684 [ -n "${allow_dport}" ] && printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP wan-forward ${allow_dport} counter accept"
686 # default lan-forward rules
687 #
688 printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP lan-forward oifname != { ${wan_dev} } counter accept"
689 printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP lan-forward ct state established,related counter accept"
690 [ -n "${vlan_allow}" ] && printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP lan-forward iifname { ${vlan_allow} } counter accept"
691 [ -n "${vlan_block}" ] && printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP lan-forward iifname { ${vlan_block} } counter goto reject-chain"
692 } >"${file}"
694 # load initial banIP table within nft (atomic load)
695 #
696 feed_log="$("${ban_nftcmd}" -f "${file}" 2>&1)"
697 feed_rc="${?}"
699 if [ "${feed_rc}" = "0" ]; then
700 f_log "info" "initialize banIP nftables namespace"
701 else
702 f_log "err" "can't initialize banIP nftables namespace (rc: ${feed_rc}, log: ${feed_log})"
703 fi
705 f_log "debug" "f_nftinit ::: wan_dev: ${wan_dev}, vlan_allow: ${vlan_allow:-"-"}, vlan_block: ${vlan_block:-"-"}, allowed_dports: ${allow_dport:-"-"}, priority: ${ban_nftpriority}, policy: ${ban_nftpolicy}, icmp_limit: ${ban_icmplimit}, syn_limit: ${ban_synlimit}, udp_limit: ${ban_udplimit}, loglevel: ${ban_nftloglevel}, rc: ${feed_rc:-"-"}, log: ${feed_log:-"-"}"
706 : >"${file}"
707 return "${feed_rc}"
708 }
710 # handle downloads
711 #
712 f_down() {
713 local log_input log_forwardwan log_forwardlan start_ts end_ts tmp_raw tmp_load tmp_file split_file ruleset_raw handle rc etag_rc
714 local expr cnt_set cnt_dl restore_rc feed_direction feed_rc feed_log feed_comp feed_target feed_dport tmp_proto tmp_port flag
715 local feed="${1}" proto="${2}" feed_url="${3}" feed_rule="${4}" feed_flag="${5}"
717 start_ts="$(date +%s)"
718 feed="${feed}v${proto}"
719 tmp_load="${ban_tmpfile}.${feed}.load"
720 tmp_raw="${ban_tmpfile}.${feed}.raw"
721 tmp_split="${ban_tmpfile}.${feed}.split"
722 tmp_file="${ban_tmpfile}.${feed}.file"
723 tmp_flush="${ban_tmpfile}.${feed}.flush"
724 tmp_nft="${ban_tmpfile}.${feed}.nft"
725 tmp_allow="${ban_tmpfile}.${feed%v*}"
727 [ "${ban_loginput}" = "1" ] && log_input="log level ${ban_nftloglevel} prefix \"banIP/inp-wan/${ban_blocktype}/${feed}: \""
728 [ "${ban_logforwardwan}" = "1" ] && log_forwardwan="log level ${ban_nftloglevel} prefix \"banIP/fwd-wan/${ban_blocktype}/${feed}: \""
729 [ "${ban_logforwardlan}" = "1" ] && log_forwardlan="log level ${ban_nftloglevel} prefix \"banIP/fwd-lan/reject/${feed}: \""
731 # set feed target
732 #
733 if [ "${ban_blocktype}" = "reject" ]; then
734 feed_target="goto reject-chain"
735 else
736 feed_target="drop"
737 fi
739 # set feed block direction
740 #
741 if [ "${ban_blockpolicy}" = "input" ]; then
742 if ! printf "%s" "${ban_blockinput}" | "${ban_grepcmd}" -q "${feed%v*}" &&
743 ! printf "%s" "${ban_blockforwardwan}" | "${ban_grepcmd}" -q "${feed%v*}" &&
744 ! printf "%s" "${ban_blockforwardlan}" | "${ban_grepcmd}" -q "${feed%v*}"; then
745 ban_blockinput="${ban_blockinput} ${feed%v*}"
746 fi
747 elif [ "${ban_blockpolicy}" = "forwardwan" ]; then
748 if ! printf "%s" "${ban_blockinput}" | "${ban_grepcmd}" -q "${feed%v*}" &&
749 ! printf "%s" "${ban_blockforwardwan}" | "${ban_grepcmd}" -q "${feed%v*}" &&
750 ! printf "%s" "${ban_blockforwardlan}" | "${ban_grepcmd}" -q "${feed%v*}"; then
751 ban_blockforwardwan="${ban_blockforwardwan} ${feed%v*}"
752 fi
753 elif [ "${ban_blockpolicy}" = "forwardlan" ]; then
754 if ! printf "%s" "${ban_blockinput}" | "${ban_grepcmd}" -q "${feed%v*}" &&
755 ! printf "%s" "${ban_blockforwardwan}" | "${ban_grepcmd}" -q "${feed%v*}" &&
756 ! printf "%s" "${ban_blockforwardlan}" | "${ban_grepcmd}" -q "${feed%v*}"; then
757 ban_blockforwardlan="${ban_blockforwardlan} ${feed%v*}"
758 fi
759 fi
760 if printf "%s" "${ban_blockinput}" | "${ban_grepcmd}" -q "${feed%v*}"; then
761 feed_direction="input"
762 fi
763 if printf "%s" "${ban_blockforwardwan}" | "${ban_grepcmd}" -q "${feed%v*}"; then
764 feed_direction="${feed_direction} forwardwan"
765 fi
766 if printf "%s" "${ban_blockforwardlan}" | "${ban_grepcmd}" -q "${feed%v*}"; then
767 feed_direction="${feed_direction} forwardlan"
768 fi
770 # prepare feed flags
771 #
772 for flag in ${feed_flag}; do
773 if [ "${flag}" = "gz" ]; then
774 feed_comp="${flag}"
775 elif [ "${flag}" = "tcp" ] || [ "${flag}" = "udp" ]; then
776 if [ -z "${tmp_proto}" ]; then
777 tmp_proto="${flag}"
778 elif ! printf "%s" "${tmp_proto}" | "${ban_grepcmd}" -qw "${flag}"; then
779 tmp_proto="${tmp_proto}, ${flag}"
780 fi
781 elif [ -n "${flag//[![:digit:]-]/}" ]; then
782 if [ -z "${tmp_port}" ]; then
783 tmp_port="${flag}"
784 elif ! printf "%s" "${tmp_port}" | "${ban_grepcmd}" -qw "${flag}"; then
785 tmp_port="${tmp_port}, ${flag}"
786 fi
787 fi
788 done
789 if [ -n "${tmp_proto}" ] && [ -n "${tmp_port}" ]; then
790 feed_dport="meta l4proto { ${tmp_proto} } th dport { ${tmp_port} }"
791 fi
793 # chain/rule maintenance
794 #
795 if [ "${ban_action}" = "reload" ] && "${ban_nftcmd}" -t list set inet banIP "${feed}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
796 ruleset_raw="$("${ban_nftcmd}" -tj list ruleset 2>/dev/null)"
797 {
798 printf "%s\n" "flush set inet banIP ${feed}"
799 for expr in 0 1; do
800 handle="$(printf "%s\n" "${ruleset_raw}" | "${ban_jsoncmd}" -ql1 -e "@.nftables[@.rule.table=\"banIP\"&&@.rule.chain=\"wan-input\"][@.expr[${expr}].match.right=\"@${feed}\"].handle")"
801 [ -n "${handle}" ] && printf "%s\n" "delete rule inet banIP wan-input handle ${handle}"
802 handle="$(printf "%s\n" "${ruleset_raw}" | "${ban_jsoncmd}" -ql1 -e "@.nftables[@.rule.table=\"banIP\"&&@.rule.chain=\"wan-forward\"][@.expr[${expr}].match.right=\"@${feed}\"].handle")"
803 [ -n "${handle}" ] && printf "%s\n" "delete rule inet banIP wan-forward handle ${handle}"
804 handle="$(printf "%s\n" "${ruleset_raw}" | "${ban_jsoncmd}" -ql1 -e "@.nftables[@.rule.table=\"banIP\"&&@.rule.chain=\"lan-forward\"][@.expr[${expr}].match.right=\"@${feed}\"].handle")"
805 [ -n "${handle}" ] && printf "%s\n" "delete rule inet banIP lan-forward handle ${handle}"
806 done
807 } >"${tmp_flush}"
808 fi
810 # restore local backups
811 #
812 if [ "${feed%v*}" != "blocklist" ]; then
813 if [ -n "${ban_etagparm}" ] && [ "${ban_action}" = "reload" ] && [ "${feed_url}" != "local" ] && [ "${feed%v*}" != "allowlist" ]; then
814 etag_rc="0"
815 if [ "${feed%v*}" = "country" ]; then
816 for country in ${ban_country}; do
817 f_etag "${feed}" "${feed_url}${country}" ".${country}"
818 rc="${?}"
819 [ "${rc}" = "4" ] && break
820 etag_rc="$((etag_rc + rc))"
821 done
822 elif [ "${feed%v*}" = "asn" ]; then
823 for asn in ${ban_asn}; do
824 f_etag "${feed}" "${feed_url}AS${asn}" ".${asn}"
825 rc="${?}"
826 [ "${rc}" = "4" ] && break
827 etag_rc="$((etag_rc + rc))"
828 done
829 else
830 f_etag "${feed}" "${feed_url}"
831 etag_rc="${?}"
832 fi
833 fi
834 if [ "${etag_rc}" = "0" ] || [ "${ban_action}" != "reload" ] || [ "${feed_url}" = "local" ]; then
835 if [ "${feed%v*}" = "allowlist" ] && [ ! -f "${tmp_allow}" ]; then
836 f_restore "allowlist" "-" "${tmp_allow}" "${etag_rc}"
837 else
838 f_restore "${feed}" "${feed_url}" "${tmp_load}" "${etag_rc}"
839 fi
840 restore_rc="${?}"
841 feed_rc="${restore_rc}"
842 fi
843 fi
845 # prepare local/remote allowlist
846 #
847 if [ "${feed%v*}" = "allowlist" ] && [ ! -f "${tmp_allow}" ]; then
848 "${ban_catcmd}" "${ban_allowlist}" 2>/dev/null >"${tmp_allow}"
849 feed_rc="${?}"
850 for feed_url in ${ban_allowurl}; do
851 feed_log="$("${ban_fetchcmd}" ${ban_fetchparm} "${tmp_load}" "${feed_url}" 2>&1)"
852 feed_rc="${?}"
853 if [ "${feed_rc}" = "0" ] && [ -s "${tmp_load}" ]; then
854 "${ban_catcmd}" "${tmp_load}" 2>/dev/null >>"${tmp_allow}"
855 else
856 f_log "info" "download for feed '${feed%v*}' failed (rc: ${feed_rc:-"-"}/log: ${feed_log})"
857 break
858 fi
859 done
861 if [ "${feed_rc}" = "0" ]; then
862 f_backup "allowlist" "${tmp_allow}"
863 elif [ -z "${restore_rc}" ] && [ "${feed_rc}" != "0" ]; then
864 f_restore "allowlist" "-" "${tmp_allow}" "${feed_rc}"
865 fi
866 feed_rc="${?}"
867 fi
869 # handle local feeds
870 #
871 if [ "${feed%v*}" = "allowlist" ]; then
872 {
873 printf "%s\n\n" "#!/usr/sbin/nft -f"
874 [ -s "${tmp_flush}" ] && "${ban_catcmd}" "${tmp_flush}"
875 if [ "${proto}" = "4MAC" ]; then
876 "${ban_awkcmd}" '/^([0-9A-f]{2}:){5}[0-9A-f]{2}(\/([0-9]|[1-3][0-9]|4[0-8]))?([[:space:]]+([1-9][0-9]?[0-9]?\.){1}([0-9]{1,3}\.){2}(1?[0-9][0-9]?|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(\/(1?[0-9]|2?[0-9]|3?[0-2]))?[[:space:]]*$|[[:space:]]+$|$)/{if(!$2)$2="";if(!seen[$1]++)printf "%s . %s, ",tolower($1),$2}' "${tmp_allow}" >"${tmp_file}"
877 printf "%s\n" "add set inet banIP ${feed} { type ether_addr . ipv4_addr; flags interval; auto-merge; policy ${ban_nftpolicy}; $(f_getelements "${tmp_file}") }"
878 [ -z "${feed_direction##*forwardlan*}" ] && printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP lan-forward ether saddr . ip saddr @${feed} counter accept"
879 elif [ "${proto}" = "6MAC" ]; then
880 "${ban_awkcmd}" '/^([0-9A-f]{2}:){5}[0-9A-f]{2}(\/([0-9]|[1-3][0-9]|4[0-8]))?([[:space:]]+([0-9A-f]{0,4}:){1,7}[0-9A-f]{0,4}:?(\/(1?[0-2][0-8]|[0-9][0-9]))?[[:space:]]*$|[[:space:]]+$|$)/{if(!$2)$2="::/0";if(!seen[$1]++)printf "%s . %s, ",tolower($1),$2}' "${tmp_allow}" >"${tmp_file}"
881 printf "%s\n" "add set inet banIP ${feed} { type ether_addr . ipv6_addr; flags interval; auto-merge; policy ${ban_nftpolicy}; $(f_getelements "${tmp_file}") }"
882 [ -z "${feed_direction##*forwardlan*}" ] && printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP lan-forward ether saddr . ip6 saddr @${feed} counter accept"
883 elif [ "${proto}" = "4" ]; then
884 "${ban_awkcmd}" '/^127\./{next}/^(([1-9][0-9]?[0-9]?\.){1}([0-9]{1,3}\.){2}(1?[0-9][0-9]?|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(\/(1?[0-9]|2?[0-9]|3?[0-2]))?)([[:space:]].*|$)/{printf "%s, ",$1}' "${tmp_allow}" >"${tmp_file}"
885 printf "%s\n" "add set inet banIP ${feed} { type ipv4_addr; flags interval; auto-merge; policy ${ban_nftpolicy}; $(f_getelements "${tmp_file}") }"
886 if [ -z "${feed_direction##*input*}" ]; then
887 if [ "${ban_allowlistonly}" = "1" ]; then
888 printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP wan-input ip saddr != @${feed} ${log_input} counter ${feed_target}"
889 else
890 printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP wan-input ip saddr @${feed} counter accept"
891 fi
892 fi
893 if [ -z "${feed_direction##*forwardwan*}" ]; then
894 if [ "${ban_allowlistonly}" = "1" ]; then
895 printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP wan-forward ip saddr != @${feed} ${log_forwardwan} counter ${feed_target}"
896 else
897 printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP wan-forward ip saddr @${feed} counter accept"
898 fi
899 fi
900 if [ -z "${feed_direction##*forwardlan*}" ]; then
901 if [ "${ban_allowlistonly}" = "1" ]; then
902 printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP lan-forward ip daddr != @${feed} ${log_forwardlan} counter goto reject-chain"
903 else
904 printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP lan-forward ip daddr @${feed} counter accept"
905 fi
906 fi
907 elif [ "${proto}" = "6" ]; then
908 "${ban_awkcmd}" '!/^([0-9A-f]{2}:){5}[0-9A-f]{2}.*/{printf "%s\n",$1}' "${tmp_allow}" |
909 "${ban_awkcmd}" '/^(([0-9A-f]{0,4}:){1,7}[0-9A-f]{0,4}:?(\/(1?[0-2][0-8]|[0-9][0-9]))?)([[:space:]].*|$)/{printf "%s, ",tolower($1)}' >"${tmp_file}"
910 printf "%s\n" "add set inet banIP ${feed} { type ipv6_addr; flags interval; auto-merge; policy ${ban_nftpolicy}; $(f_getelements "${tmp_file}") }"
911 if [ -z "${feed_direction##*input*}" ]; then
912 if [ "${ban_allowlistonly}" = "1" ]; then
913 printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP wan-input ip6 saddr != @${feed} ${log_input} counter ${feed_target}"
914 else
915 printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP wan-input ip6 saddr @${feed} counter accept"
916 fi
917 fi
918 if [ -z "${feed_direction##*forwardwan*}" ]; then
919 if [ "${ban_allowlistonly}" = "1" ]; then
920 printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP wan-forward ip6 saddr != @${feed} ${log_forwardwan} counter ${feed_target}"
921 else
922 printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP wan-forward ip6 saddr @${feed} counter accept"
923 fi
924 fi
925 if [ -z "${feed_direction##*forwardlan*}" ]; then
926 if [ "${ban_allowlistonly}" = "1" ]; then
927 printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP lan-forward ip6 daddr != @${feed} ${log_forwardlan} counter ${feed_target}"
928 else
929 printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP lan-forward ip6 daddr @${feed} counter accept"
930 fi
931 fi
932 fi
933 } >"${tmp_nft}"
934 : >"${tmp_flush}" >"${tmp_raw}" >"${tmp_file}"
935 feed_rc="0"
936 elif [ "${feed%v*}" = "blocklist" ]; then
937 {
938 printf "%s\n\n" "#!/usr/sbin/nft -f"
939 [ -s "${tmp_flush}" ] && "${ban_catcmd}" "${tmp_flush}"
940 if [ "${proto}" = "4MAC" ]; then
941 "${ban_awkcmd}" '/^([0-9A-f]{2}:){5}[0-9A-f]{2}(\/([0-9]|[1-3][0-9]|4[0-8]))?([[:space:]]+([1-9][0-9]?[0-9]?\.){1}([0-9]{1,3}\.){2}(1?[0-9][0-9]?|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(\/(1?[0-9]|2?[0-9]|3?[0-2]))?[[:space:]]*$|[[:space:]]+$|$)/{if(!$2)$2="";if(!seen[$1]++)printf "%s . %s, ",tolower($1),$2}' "${ban_blocklist}" >"${tmp_file}"
942 printf "%s\n" "add set inet banIP ${feed} { type ether_addr . ipv4_addr; flags interval; auto-merge; policy ${ban_nftpolicy}; $(f_getelements "${tmp_file}") }"
943 [ -z "${feed_direction##*forwardlan*}" ] && printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP lan-forward ether saddr . ip saddr @${feed} counter goto reject-chain"
944 elif [ "${proto}" = "6MAC" ]; then
945 "${ban_awkcmd}" '/^([0-9A-f]{2}:){5}[0-9A-f]{2}(\/([0-9]|[1-3][0-9]|4[0-8]))?([[:space:]]+([0-9A-f]{0,4}:){1,7}[0-9A-f]{0,4}:?(\/(1?[0-2][0-8]|[0-9][0-9]))?[[:space:]]*$|[[:space:]]+$|$)/{if(!$2)$2="::/0";if(!seen[$1]++)printf "%s . %s, ",tolower($1),$2}' "${ban_blocklist}" >"${tmp_file}"
946 printf "%s\n" "add set inet banIP ${feed} { type ether_addr . ipv6_addr; flags interval; auto-merge; policy ${ban_nftpolicy}; $(f_getelements "${tmp_file}") }"
947 [ -z "${feed_direction##*forwardlan*}" ] && printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP lan-forward ether saddr . ip6 saddr @${feed} counter goto reject-chain"
948 elif [ "${proto}" = "4" ]; then
949 if [ "${ban_deduplicate}" = "1" ]; then
950 "${ban_awkcmd}" '/^127\./{next}/^(([1-9][0-9]?[0-9]?\.){1}([0-9]{1,3}\.){2}(1?[0-9][0-9]?|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(\/(1?[0-9]|2?[0-9]|3?[0-2]))?)([[:space:]].*|$)/{printf "%s,\n",$1}' "${ban_blocklist}" >"${tmp_raw}"
951 "${ban_awkcmd}" 'NR==FNR{member[$0];next}!($0 in member)' "${ban_tmpfile}.deduplicate" "${tmp_raw}" 2>/dev/null >"${tmp_split}"
952 "${ban_awkcmd}" 'BEGIN{FS="[ ,]"}NR==FNR{member[$1];next}!($1 in member)' "${ban_tmpfile}.deduplicate" "${ban_blocklist}" 2>/dev/null >"${tmp_raw}"
953 "${ban_catcmd}" "${tmp_raw}" 2>/dev/null >"${ban_blocklist}"
954 else
955 "${ban_awkcmd}" '/^127\./{next}/^(([1-9][0-9]?[0-9]?\.){1}([0-9]{1,3}\.){2}(1?[0-9][0-9]?|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(\/(1?[0-9]|2?[0-9]|3?[0-2]))?)([[:space:]].*|$)/{printf "%s,\n",$1}' "${ban_blocklist}" >"${tmp_split}"
956 fi
957 "${ban_awkcmd}" '{ORS=" ";print}' "${tmp_split}" 2>/dev/null >"${tmp_file}"
958 printf "%s\n" "add set inet banIP ${feed} { type ipv4_addr; flags interval, timeout; auto-merge; policy ${ban_nftpolicy}; $(f_getelements "${tmp_file}") }"
959 [ -z "${feed_direction##*input*}" ] && printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP wan-input ip saddr @${feed} ${log_input} counter ${feed_target}"
960 [ -z "${feed_direction##*forwardwan*}" ] && printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP wan-forward ip saddr @${feed} ${log_forwardwan} counter ${feed_target}"
961 [ -z "${feed_direction##*forwardlan*}" ] && printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP lan-forward ip daddr @${feed} ${log_forwardlan} counter goto reject-chain"
962 elif [ "${proto}" = "6" ]; then
963 if [ "${ban_deduplicate}" = "1" ]; then
964 "${ban_awkcmd}" '!/^([0-9A-f]{2}:){5}[0-9A-f]{2}.*/{printf "%s\n",$1}' "${ban_blocklist}" |
965 "${ban_awkcmd}" '/^(([0-9A-f]{0,4}:){1,7}[0-9A-f]{0,4}:?(\/(1?[0-2][0-8]|[0-9][0-9]))?)([[:space:]].*|$)/{printf "%s,\n",tolower($1)}' >"${tmp_raw}"
966 "${ban_awkcmd}" 'NR==FNR{member[$0];next}!($0 in member)' "${ban_tmpfile}.deduplicate" "${tmp_raw}" 2>/dev/null >"${tmp_split}"
967 "${ban_awkcmd}" 'BEGIN{FS="[ ,]"}NR==FNR{member[$1];next}!($1 in member)' "${ban_tmpfile}.deduplicate" "${ban_blocklist}" 2>/dev/null >"${tmp_raw}"
968 "${ban_catcmd}" "${tmp_raw}" 2>/dev/null >"${ban_blocklist}"
969 else
970 "${ban_awkcmd}" '!/^([0-9A-f]{2}:){5}[0-9A-f]{2}.*/{printf "%s\n",$1}' "${ban_blocklist}" |
971 "${ban_awkcmd}" '/^(([0-9A-f]{0,4}:){1,7}[0-9A-f]{0,4}:?(\/(1?[0-2][0-8]|[0-9][0-9]))?)([[:space:]].*|$)/{printf "%s,\n",tolower($1)}' >"${tmp_split}"
972 fi
973 "${ban_awkcmd}" '{ORS=" ";print}' "${tmp_split}" 2>/dev/null >"${tmp_file}"
974 printf "%s\n" "add set inet banIP ${feed} { type ipv6_addr; flags interval, timeout; auto-merge; policy ${ban_nftpolicy}; $(f_getelements "${tmp_file}") }"
975 [ -z "${feed_direction##*input*}" ] && printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP wan-input ip6 saddr @${feed} ${log_input} counter ${feed_target}"
976 [ -z "${feed_direction##*forwardwan*}" ] && printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP wan-forward ip6 saddr @${feed} ${log_forwardwan} counter ${feed_target}"
977 [ -z "${feed_direction##*forwardlan*}" ] && printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP lan-forward ip6 daddr @${feed} ${log_forwardlan} counter goto reject-chain"
978 fi
979 } >"${tmp_nft}"
980 : >"${tmp_flush}" >"${tmp_raw}" >"${tmp_file}"
981 feed_rc="0"
983 # handle external feeds
984 #
985 elif [ "${restore_rc}" != "0" ] && [ "${feed_url}" != "local" ]; then
986 # handle country downloads
987 #
988 if [ "${feed%v*}" = "country" ]; then
989 for country in ${ban_country}; do
990 feed_log="$("${ban_fetchcmd}" ${ban_fetchparm} "${tmp_raw}" "${feed_url}${country}" 2>&1)"
991 feed_rc="${?}"
992 [ "${feed_rc}" = "0" ] && "${ban_catcmd}" "${tmp_raw}" 2>/dev/null >>"${tmp_load}"
993 done
994 : >"${tmp_raw}"
996 # handle asn downloads
997 #
998 elif [ "${feed%v*}" = "asn" ]; then
999 for asn in ${ban_asn}; do
1000 feed_log="$("${ban_fetchcmd}" ${ban_fetchparm} "${tmp_raw}" "${feed_url}AS${asn}" 2>&1)"
1001 feed_rc="${?}"
1002 [ "${feed_rc}" = "0" ] && "${ban_catcmd}" "${tmp_raw}" 2>/dev/null >>"${tmp_load}"
1003 done
1004 : >"${tmp_raw}"
1006 # handle compressed downloads
1007 #
1008 elif [ "${feed_comp}" = "gz" ]; then
1009 feed_log="$("${ban_fetchcmd}" ${ban_fetchparm} "${tmp_raw}" "${feed_url}" 2>&1)"
1010 feed_rc="${?}"
1011 [ "${feed_rc}" = "0" ] && "${ban_zcatcmd}" "${tmp_raw}" 2>/dev/null >"${tmp_load}"
1012 : >"${tmp_raw}"
1014 # handle normal downloads
1015 #
1016 else
1017 feed_log="$("${ban_fetchcmd}" ${ban_fetchparm} "${tmp_load}" "${feed_url}" 2>&1)"
1018 feed_rc="${?}"
1019 fi
1020 fi
1021 [ "${feed_rc}" != "0" ] && f_log "info" "download for feed '${feed}' failed (rc: ${feed_rc:-"-"}/log: ${feed_log})"
1023 # backup/restore
1024 #
1025 if [ "${restore_rc}" != "0" ] && [ "${feed_rc}" = "0" ] && [ "${feed_url}" != "local" ] && [ ! -s "${tmp_nft}" ]; then
1026 f_backup "${feed}" "${tmp_load}"
1027 feed_rc="${?}"
1028 elif [ -z "${restore_rc}" ] && [ "${feed_rc}" != "0" ] && [ "${feed_url}" != "local" ] && [ ! -s "${tmp_nft}" ]; then
1029 f_restore "${feed}" "${feed_url}" "${tmp_load}" "${feed_rc}"
1030 feed_rc="${?}"
1031 fi
1033 # final file & Set preparation for regular downloads
1034 #
1035 if [ "${feed_rc}" = "0" ] && [ ! -s "${tmp_nft}" ]; then
1036 # deduplicate Sets
1037 #
1038 if [ "${ban_deduplicate}" = "1" ] && [ "${feed_url}" != "local" ]; then
1039 "${ban_awkcmd}" '{sub("\r$", "");print}' "${tmp_load}" 2>/dev/null | "${ban_awkcmd}" "${feed_rule}" 2>/dev/null >"${tmp_raw}"
1040 "${ban_awkcmd}" 'NR==FNR{member[$0];next}!($0 in member)' "${ban_tmpfile}.deduplicate" "${tmp_raw}" 2>/dev/null | tee -a "${ban_tmpfile}.deduplicate" >"${tmp_split}"
1041 feed_rc="${?}"
1042 else
1043 "${ban_awkcmd}" '{sub("\r$", "");print}' "${tmp_load}" 2>/dev/null | "${ban_awkcmd}" "${feed_rule}" 2>/dev/null >"${tmp_split}"
1044 feed_rc="${?}"
1045 fi
1046 : >"${tmp_raw}" >"${tmp_load}"
1048 # split Sets
1049 #
1050 if [ "${feed_rc}" = "0" ]; then
1051 if [ -n "${ban_splitsize//[![:digit:]]/}" ]; then
1052 [ "${ban_splitsize//[![:digit:]]/}" -lt "512" ] && ban_splitsize="512"
1053 if ! "${ban_awkcmd}" "NR%${ban_splitsize//[![:digit:]]/}==1{file=\"${tmp_file}.\"++i;}{ORS=\" \";print > file}" "${tmp_split}" 2>/dev/null; then
1054 feed_rc="${?}"
1055 rm -f "${tmp_file}".*
1056 f_log "info" "can't split Set '${feed}' to size '${ban_splitsize//[![:digit:]]/}'"
1057 fi
1058 else
1059 "${ban_awkcmd}" '{ORS=" ";print}' "${tmp_split}" 2>/dev/null >"${tmp_file}.1"
1060 feed_rc="${?}"
1061 fi
1062 fi
1064 # build nft file
1065 #
1066 if [ "${feed_rc}" = "0" ] && [ -s "${tmp_file}.1" ]; then
1067 if [ "${proto}" = "4" ]; then
1068 {
1069 # nft header (IPv4 Set) input and forward rules
1070 #
1071 printf "%s\n\n" "#!/usr/sbin/nft -f"
1072 [ -s "${tmp_flush}" ] && "${ban_catcmd}" "${tmp_flush}"
1073 printf "%s\n" "add set inet banIP ${feed} { type ipv4_addr; flags interval; auto-merge; policy ${ban_nftpolicy}; $(f_getelements "${tmp_file}.1") }"
1074 [ -z "${feed_direction##*input*}" ] && printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP wan-input ${feed_dport} ip saddr @${feed} ${log_input} counter ${feed_target}"
1075 [ -z "${feed_direction##*forwardwan*}" ] && printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP wan-forward ${feed_dport} ip saddr @${feed} ${log_forwardwan} counter ${feed_target}"
1076 [ -z "${feed_direction##*forwardlan*}" ] && printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP lan-forward ${feed_dport} ip daddr @${feed} ${log_forwardlan} counter goto reject-chain"
1077 } >"${tmp_nft}"
1078 elif [ "${proto}" = "6" ]; then
1079 {
1080 # nft header (IPv6 Set) plus input and forward rules
1081 #
1082 printf "%s\n\n" "#!/usr/sbin/nft -f"
1083 [ -s "${tmp_flush}" ] && "${ban_catcmd}" "${tmp_flush}"
1084 printf "%s\n" "add set inet banIP ${feed} { type ipv6_addr; flags interval; auto-merge; policy ${ban_nftpolicy}; $(f_getelements "${tmp_file}.1") }"
1085 [ -z "${feed_direction##*input*}" ] && printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP wan-input ${feed_dport} ip6 saddr @${feed} ${log_input} counter ${feed_target}"
1086 [ -z "${feed_direction##*forwardwan*}" ] && printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP wan-forward ${feed_dport} ip6 saddr @${feed} ${log_forwardwan} counter ${feed_target}"
1087 [ -z "${feed_direction##*forwardlan*}" ] && printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP lan-forward ${feed_dport} ip6 daddr @${feed} ${log_forwardlan} counter goto reject-chain"
1088 } >"${tmp_nft}"
1089 fi
1090 fi
1091 : >"${tmp_flush}" >"${tmp_file}.1"
1092 fi
1094 # load generated nft file in banIP table
1095 #
1096 if [ "${feed_rc}" = "0" ]; then
1097 if [ "${feed%v*}" = "allowlist" ]; then
1098 cnt_dl="$("${ban_awkcmd}" 'END{printf "%d",NR}' "${tmp_allow}" 2>/dev/null)"
1099 else
1100 cnt_dl="$("${ban_awkcmd}" 'END{printf "%d",NR}' "${tmp_split}" 2>/dev/null)"
1101 : >"${tmp_split}"
1102 fi
1103 if [ "${cnt_dl:-"0"}" -gt "0" ] || [ "${feed_url}" = "local" ] || [ "${feed%v*}" = "allowlist" ] || [ "${feed%v*}" = "blocklist" ]; then
1104 feed_log="$("${ban_nftcmd}" -f "${tmp_nft}" 2>&1)"
1105 feed_rc="${?}"
1107 # load additional split files
1108 #
1109 if [ "${feed_rc}" = "0" ]; then
1110 for split_file in "${tmp_file}".*; do
1111 if [ -s "${split_file}" ]; then
1112 "${ban_sedcmd}" -i "1 i #!/usr/sbin/nft -f\nadd element inet banIP "${feed}" { " "${split_file}"
1113 printf "%s\n" "}" >>"${split_file}"
1114 if ! "${ban_nftcmd}" -f "${split_file}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
1115 f_log "info" "can't add split file '${split_file##*.}' to Set '${feed}'"
1116 fi
1117 : >"${split_file}"
1118 fi
1119 done
1120 if [ "${ban_debug}" = "1" ] && [ "${ban_reportelements}" = "1" ]; then
1121 cnt_set="$("${ban_nftcmd}" -j list set inet banIP "${feed}" 2>/dev/null | "${ban_jsoncmd}" -qe '@.nftables[*].set.elem[*]' | wc -l 2>/dev/null)"
1122 fi
1123 else
1124 f_log "info" "can't initialize Set for feed '${feed}' (rc: ${feed_rc}, log: ${feed_log})"
1125 fi
1126 else
1127 f_log "info" "skip empty feed '${feed}'"
1128 fi
1129 fi
1130 : >"${tmp_nft}"
1131 end_ts="$(date +%s)"
1133 f_log "debug" "f_down ::: feed: ${feed}, cnt_dl: ${cnt_dl:-"-"}, cnt_set: ${cnt_set:-"-"}, split_size: ${ban_splitsize:-"-"}, time: $((end_ts - start_ts)), rc: ${feed_rc:-"-"}, log: ${feed_log:-"-"}"
1134 }
1136 # backup feeds
1137 #
1138 f_backup() {
1139 local backup_rc="4" feed="${1}" feed_file="${2}"
1141 if [ -s "${feed_file}" ]; then
1142 gzip -cf "${feed_file}" >"${ban_backupdir}/banIP.${feed}.gz"
1143 backup_rc="${?}"
1144 fi
1146 f_log "debug" "f_backup ::: feed: ${feed}, file: banIP.${feed}.gz, rc: ${backup_rc}"
1147 return "${backup_rc}"
1148 }
1150 # restore feeds
1151 #
1152 f_restore() {
1153 local tmp_feed restore_rc="4" feed="${1}" feed_url="${2}" feed_file="${3}" in_rc="${4}"
1155 [ "${feed_url}" = "local" ] && tmp_feed="${feed%v*}v4" || tmp_feed="${feed}"
1156 if [ -s "${ban_backupdir}/banIP.${tmp_feed}.gz" ]; then
1157 "${ban_zcatcmd}" "${ban_backupdir}/banIP.${tmp_feed}.gz" 2>/dev/null >"${feed_file}"
1158 restore_rc="${?}"
1159 fi
1161 f_log "debug" "f_restore ::: feed: ${feed}, file: banIP.${tmp_feed}.gz, in_rc: ${in_rc:-"-"}, rc: ${restore_rc}"
1162 return "${restore_rc}"
1163 }
1165 # remove disabled Sets
1166 #
1167 f_rmset() {
1168 local expr feedlist tmp_del ruleset_raw item table_sets handle del_set feed_log feed_rc
1170 f_getfeed
1171 json_get_keys feedlist
1172 tmp_del="${ban_tmpfile}.final.delete"
1173 ruleset_raw="$("${ban_nftcmd}" -tj list ruleset 2>/dev/null)"
1174 table_sets="$(printf "%s\n" "${ruleset_raw}" | "${ban_jsoncmd}" -qe '@.nftables[@.set.table="banIP"&&"inet"]')"
1175 {
1176 printf "%s\n\n" "#!/usr/sbin/nft -f"
1177 for item in ${table_sets}; do
1178 if ! printf "%s" "allowlist blocklist ${ban_feed}" | "${ban_grepcmd}" -q "${item%v*}" ||
1179 ! printf "%s" "allowlist blocklist ${feedlist}" | "${ban_grepcmd}" -q "${item%v*}"; then
1180 [ -z "${del_set}" ] && del_set="${item}" || del_set="${del_set}, ${item}"
1181 rm -f "${ban_backupdir}/banIP.${item}.gz"
1182 printf "%s\n" "flush set inet banIP ${item}"
1183 for expr in 0 1; do
1184 handle="$(printf "%s\n" "${ruleset_raw}" | "${ban_jsoncmd}" -ql1 -e "@.nftables[@.rule.table=\"banIP\"&&@.rule.chain=\"wan-input\"][@.expr[${expr}].match.right=\"@${item}\"].handle")"
1185 [ -n "${handle}" ] && printf "%s\n" "delete rule inet banIP wan-input handle ${handle}"
1186 handle="$(printf "%s\n" "${ruleset_raw}" | "${ban_jsoncmd}" -ql1 -e "@.nftables[@.rule.table=\"banIP\"&&@.rule.chain=\"wan-forward\"][@.expr[${expr}].match.right=\"@${item}\"].handle")"
1187 [ -n "${handle}" ] && printf "%s\n" "delete rule inet banIP wan-forward handle ${handle}"
1188 handle="$(printf "%s\n" "${ruleset_raw}" | "${ban_jsoncmd}" -ql1 -e "@.nftables[@.rule.table=\"banIP\"&&@.rule.chain=\"lan-forward\"][@.expr[${expr}].match.right=\"@${item}\"].handle")"
1189 [ -n "${handle}" ] && printf "%s\n" "delete rule inet banIP lan-forward handle ${handle}"
1190 done
1191 printf "%s\n\n" "delete set inet banIP ${item}"
1192 fi
1193 done
1194 } >"${tmp_del}"
1196 if [ -n "${del_set}" ]; then
1197 feed_log="$("${ban_nftcmd}" -f "${tmp_del}" 2>&1)"
1198 feed_rc="${?}"
1199 fi
1200 : >"${tmp_del}"
1202 f_log "debug" "f_rmset ::: Set: ${del_set:-"-"}, rc: ${feed_rc:-"-"}, log: ${feed_log:-"-"}"
1203 }
1205 # generate status information
1206 #
1207 f_genstatus() {
1208 local object end_time duration table_sets cnt_elements="0" custom_feed="0" split="0" status="${1}"
1210 [ -z "${ban_dev}" ] && f_conf
1211 if [ "${status}" = "active" ]; then
1212 if [ -n "${ban_starttime}" ] && [ "${ban_action}" != "boot" ]; then
1213 end_time="$(date "+%s")"
1214 duration="$(((end_time - ban_starttime) / 60))m $(((end_time - ban_starttime) % 60))s"
1215 fi
1216 table_sets="$("${ban_nftcmd}" -tj list ruleset 2>/dev/null | "${ban_jsoncmd}" -qe '@.nftables[@.set.table="banIP"&&"inet"]')"
1217 if [ "${ban_reportelements}" = "1" ]; then
1218 for object in ${table_sets}; do
1219 cnt_elements="$((cnt_elements + $("${ban_nftcmd}" -j list set inet banIP "${object}" 2>/dev/null | "${ban_jsoncmd}" -qe '@.nftables[*].set.elem[*]' | wc -l 2>/dev/null)))"
1220 done
1221 fi
1222 runtime="action: ${ban_action:-"-"}, log: ${ban_logreadcmd##*/}, fetch: ${ban_fetchcmd##*/}, duration: ${duration:-"-"}, date: $(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")"
1223 fi
1224 [ -s "${ban_customfeedfile}" ] && custom_feed="1"
1225 [ "${ban_splitsize:-"0"}" -gt "0" ] && split="1"
1227 : >"${ban_rtfile}"
1228 json_init
1229 json_load_file "${ban_rtfile}" >/dev/null 2>&1
1230 json_add_string "status" "${status}"
1231 json_add_string "version" "${ban_ver}"
1232 json_add_string "element_count" "${cnt_elements}"
1233 json_add_array "active_feeds"
1234 for object in ${table_sets:-"-"}; do
1235 json_add_string "${object}" "${object}"
1236 done
1237 json_close_array
1238 json_add_array "wan_devices"
1239 for object in ${ban_dev:-"-"}; do
1240 json_add_string "${object}" "${object}"
1241 done
1242 json_close_array
1243 json_add_array "wan_interfaces"
1244 for object in ${ban_ifv4:-"-"} ${ban_ifv6:-"-"}; do
1245 json_add_string "${object}" "${object}"
1246 done
1247 json_close_array
1248 json_add_array "vlan_allow"
1249 for object in ${ban_vlanallow:-"-"}; do
1250 json_add_string "${object}" "${object}"
1251 done
1252 json_close_array
1253 json_add_array "vlan_block"
1254 for object in ${ban_vlanblock:-"-"}; do
1255 json_add_string "${object}" "${object}"
1256 done
1257 json_close_array
1258 json_add_array "active_uplink"
1259 for object in ${ban_uplink:-"-"}; do
1260 json_add_string "${object}" "${object}"
1261 done
1262 json_close_array
1263 json_add_string "nft_info" "priority: ${ban_nftpriority}, policy: ${ban_nftpolicy}, loglevel: ${ban_nftloglevel}, expiry: ${ban_nftexpiry:-"-"}, limit (icmp/syn/udp): ${ban_icmplimit}/${ban_synlimit}/${ban_udplimit}"
1264 json_add_string "run_info" "base: ${ban_basedir}, backup: ${ban_backupdir}, report: ${ban_reportdir}"
1265 json_add_string "run_flags" "auto: $(f_char ${ban_autodetect}), proto (4/6): $(f_char ${ban_protov4})/$(f_char ${ban_protov6}), log (pre/inp/fwd/lan): $(f_char ${ban_logprerouting})/$(f_char ${ban_loginput})/$(f_char ${ban_logforwardwan})/$(f_char ${ban_logforwardlan}), dedup: $(f_char ${ban_deduplicate}), split: $(f_char ${split}), custom feed: $(f_char ${custom_feed}), allowed only: $(f_char ${ban_allowlistonly})"
1266 json_add_string "last_run" "${runtime:-"-"}"
1267 json_add_string "system_info" "cores: ${ban_cores}, memory: ${ban_memory}, device: ${ban_sysver}"
1268 json_dump >"${ban_rtfile}"
1269 }
1271 # get status information
1272 #
1273 f_getstatus() {
1274 local key keylist value values
1276 [ -z "${ban_dev}" ] && f_conf
1277 json_load_file "${ban_rtfile}" >/dev/null 2>&1
1278 if json_get_keys keylist; then
1279 printf "%s\n" "::: banIP runtime information"
1280 for key in ${keylist}; do
1281 if [ "${key}" = "active_feeds" ] || [ "${key}" = "active_uplink" ]; then
1282 json_get_values values "${key}" >/dev/null 2>&1
1283 value="${values// /, }"
1284 elif [ "${key}" = "wan_devices" ]; then
1285 json_get_values values "${key}" >/dev/null 2>&1
1286 value="wan: ${values// /, } / "
1287 json_get_values values "wan_interfaces" >/dev/null 2>&1
1288 value="${value}wan-if: ${values// /, } / "
1289 json_get_values values "vlan_allow" >/dev/null 2>&1
1290 value="${value}vlan-allow: ${values// /, } / "
1291 json_get_values values "vlan_block" >/dev/null 2>&1
1292 value="${value}vlan-block: ${values// /, }"
1293 key="active_devices"
1294 else
1295 json_get_var value "${key}" >/dev/null 2>&1
1296 if [ "${key}" = "status" ]; then
1297 [ "${value}" = "active" ] && value="${value} ($(f_actual))" || value="${value}"
1298 fi
1299 fi
1300 if [ "${key}" != "wan_interfaces" ] && [ "${key}" != "vlan_allow" ] && [ "${key}" != "vlan_block" ]; then
1301 printf " + %-17s : %s\n" "${key}" "${value:-"-"}"
1302 fi
1303 done
1304 else
1305 printf "%s\n" "::: no banIP runtime information available"
1306 fi
1307 }
1309 # domain lookup
1310 #
1311 f_lookup() {
1312 local cnt list domain lookup ip elementsv4 elementsv6 start_time end_time duration cnt_domain="0" cnt_ip="0" feed="${1}"
1314 [ -z "${ban_dev}" ] && f_conf
1315 start_time="$(date "+%s")"
1316 if [ "${feed}" = "allowlist" ]; then
1317 list="$("${ban_awkcmd}" '/^([[:alnum:]_-]{1,63}\.)+[[:alpha:]]+([[:space:]]|$)/{printf "%s ",tolower($1)}' "${ban_allowlist}" 2>/dev/null)"
1318 elif [ "${feed}" = "blocklist" ]; then
1319 list="$("${ban_awkcmd}" '/^([[:alnum:]_-]{1,63}\.)+[[:alpha:]]+([[:space:]]|$)/{printf "%s ",tolower($1)}' "${ban_blocklist}" 2>/dev/null)"
1320 fi
1322 for domain in ${list}; do
1323 lookup="$("${ban_lookupcmd}" "${domain}" ${ban_resolver} 2>/dev/null | "${ban_awkcmd}" '/^Address[ 0-9]*: /{if(!seen[$NF]++)printf "%s ",$NF}' 2>/dev/null)"
1324 for ip in ${lookup}; do
1325 if [ "${ip%%.*}" = "127" ] || [ "${ip%%.*}" = "0" ] || [ -z "${ip%%::*}" ]; then
1326 continue
1327 else
1328 [ "${ip##*:}" = "${ip}" ] && elementsv4="${elementsv4} ${ip}," || elementsv6="${elementsv6} ${ip},"
1329 if [ "${feed}" = "allowlist" ] && [ "${ban_autoallowlist}" = "1" ] && ! "${ban_grepcmd}" -q "^${ip}[[:space:]]*#" "${ban_allowlist}"; then
1330 printf "%-42s%s\n" "${ip}" "# '${domain}' added on $(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")" >>"${ban_allowlist}"
1331 elif [ "${feed}" = "blocklist" ] && [ "${ban_autoblocklist}" = "1" ] && ! "${ban_grepcmd}" -q "^${ip}[[:space:]]*#" "${ban_blocklist}"; then
1332 printf "%-42s%s\n" "${ip}" "# '${domain}' added on $(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")" >>"${ban_blocklist}"
1333 fi
1334 cnt_ip="$((cnt_ip + 1))"
1335 fi
1336 done
1337 cnt_domain="$((cnt_domain + 1))"
1338 done
1339 if [ -n "${elementsv4}" ]; then
1340 if ! "${ban_nftcmd}" add element inet banIP "${feed}v4" { ${elementsv4} } >/dev/null 2>&1; then
1341 f_log "info" "can't add lookup file to Set '${feed}v4'"
1342 fi
1343 fi
1344 if [ -n "${elementsv6}" ]; then
1345 if ! "${ban_nftcmd}" add element inet banIP "${feed}v6" { ${elementsv6} } >/dev/null 2>&1; then
1346 f_log "info" "can't add lookup file to Set '${feed}v6'"
1347 fi
1348 fi
1349 end_time="$(date "+%s")"
1350 duration="$(((end_time - start_time) / 60))m $(((end_time - start_time) % 60))s"
1352 f_log "info" "domain lookup finished in ${duration} (${feed}, ${cnt_domain} domains, ${cnt_ip} IPs)"
1353 }
1355 # table statistics
1356 #
1357 f_report() {
1358 local report_jsn report_txt tmp_val ruleset_raw item table_sets set_cnt set_input set_forwardwan set_forwardlan set_cntinput set_cntforwardwan set_cntforwardlan set_proto set_dport set_details
1359 local expr detail jsnval timestamp autoadd_allow autoadd_block sum_sets sum_setinput sum_setforwardwan sum_setforwardlan sum_setelements sum_cntinput sum_cntforwardwan sum_cntforwardlan
1360 local sum_synflood sum_udpflood sum_icmpflood sum_ctinvalid sum_tcpinvalid output="${1}"
1362 [ -z "${ban_dev}" ] && f_conf
1363 f_mkdir "${ban_reportdir}"
1364 report_jsn="${ban_reportdir}/ban_report.jsn"
1365 report_txt="${ban_reportdir}/ban_report.txt"
1367 # json output preparation
1368 #
1369 ruleset_raw="$("${ban_nftcmd}" -tj list ruleset 2>/dev/null)"
1370 table_sets="$(printf "%s" "${ruleset_raw}" | "${ban_jsoncmd}" -qe '@.nftables[@.set.table="banIP"&&"inet"]')"
1371 sum_sets="0"
1372 sum_setinput="0"
1373 sum_setforwardwan="0"
1374 sum_setforwardlan="0"
1375 sum_setelements="0"
1376 sum_cntinput="0"
1377 sum_cntforwardwan="0"
1378 sum_cntforwardlan="0"
1379 sum_synflood="$(printf "%s" "${ruleset_raw}" | "${ban_jsoncmd}" -qe '@.nftables["cnt-synflood"].*.packets')"
1380 sum_udpflood="$(printf "%s" "${ruleset_raw}" | "${ban_jsoncmd}" -qe '@.nftables["cnt-udpflood"].*.packets')"
1381 sum_icmpflood="$(printf "%s" "${ruleset_raw}" | "${ban_jsoncmd}" -qe '@.nftables["cnt-icmpflood"].*.packets')"
1382 sum_ctinvalid="$(printf "%s" "${ruleset_raw}" | "${ban_jsoncmd}" -qe '@.nftables["cnt-ctinvalid"].*.packets')"
1383 sum_tcpinvalid="$(printf "%s" "${ruleset_raw}" | "${ban_jsoncmd}" -qe '@.nftables["cnt-tcpinvalid"].*.packets')"
1384 timestamp="$(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")"
1385 : >"${report_jsn}"
1386 {
1387 printf "%s\n" "{"
1388 printf "\t%s\n" '"sets":{'
1389 for item in ${table_sets}; do
1390 set_cntinput=""
1391 set_cntforwardwan=""
1392 set_cntforwardlan=""
1393 set_proto=""
1394 set_dport=""
1395 for expr in 0 1; do
1396 [ -z "${set_cntinput}" ] && set_cntinput="$(printf "%s" "${ruleset_raw}" | "${ban_jsoncmd}" -ql1 -e "@.nftables[@.rule.table=\"banIP\"&&@.rule.chain=\"wan-input\"][@.expr[${expr}].match.right=\"@${item}\"].expr[*].counter.packets")"
1397 [ "${expr}" = "1" ] && [ -z "${set_dport}" ] && set_dport="$(printf "%s" "${ruleset_raw}" | "${ban_jsoncmd}" -ql1 -e "@.nftables[@.rule.table=\"banIP\"&&@.rule.chain=\"wan-input\"][@.expr[${expr}].match.right=\"@${item}\"].expr[*].match.right.set")"
1398 [ "${expr}" = "1" ] && [ -z "${set_proto}" ] && set_proto="$(printf "%s" "${ruleset_raw}" | "${ban_jsoncmd}" -ql1 -e "@.nftables[@.rule.table=\"banIP\"&&@.rule.chain=\"wan-input\"][@.expr[${expr}].match.right=\"@${item}\"].expr[*].match.left.payload.protocol")"
1399 [ -z "${set_cntforwardwan}" ] && set_cntforwardwan="$(printf "%s" "${ruleset_raw}" | "${ban_jsoncmd}" -ql1 -e "@.nftables[@.rule.table=\"banIP\"&&@.rule.chain=\"wan-forward\"][@.expr[${expr}].match.right=\"@${item}\"].expr[*].counter.packets")"
1400 [ "${expr}" = "1" ] && [ -z "${set_dport}" ] && set_dport="$(printf "%s" "${ruleset_raw}" | "${ban_jsoncmd}" -ql1 -e "@.nftables[@.rule.table=\"banIP\"&&@.rule.chain=\"wan-forward\"][@.expr[${expr}].match.right=\"@${item}\"].expr[*].match.right.set")"
1401 [ "${expr}" = "1" ] && [ -z "${set_proto}" ] && set_proto="$(printf "%s" "${ruleset_raw}" | "${ban_jsoncmd}" -ql1 -e "@.nftables[@.rule.table=\"banIP\"&&@.rule.chain=\"wan-forward\"][@.expr[${expr}].match.right=\"@${item}\"].expr[*].match.left.payload.protocol")"
1402 [ -z "${set_cntforwardlan}" ] && set_cntforwardlan="$(printf "%s" "${ruleset_raw}" | "${ban_jsoncmd}" -ql1 -e "@.nftables[@.rule.table=\"banIP\"&&@.rule.chain=\"lan-forward\"][@.expr[${expr}].match.right=\"@${item}\"].expr[*].counter.packets")"
1403 [ "${expr}" = "1" ] && [ -z "${set_dport}" ] && set_dport="$(printf "%s" "${ruleset_raw}" | "${ban_jsoncmd}" -ql1 -e "@.nftables[@.rule.table=\"banIP\"&&@.rule.chain=\"lan-forward\"][@.expr[${expr}].match.right=\"@${item}\"].expr[*].match.right.set")"
1404 [ "${expr}" = "1" ] && [ -z "${set_proto}" ] && set_proto="$(printf "%s" "${ruleset_raw}" | "${ban_jsoncmd}" -ql1 -e "@.nftables[@.rule.table=\"banIP\"&&@.rule.chain=\"lan-forward\"][@.expr[${expr}].match.right=\"@${item}\"].expr[*].match.left.payload.protocol")"
1405 done
1406 if [ "${ban_reportelements}" = "1" ]; then
1407 set_cnt="$("${ban_nftcmd}" -j list set inet banIP "${item}" 2>/dev/null | "${ban_jsoncmd}" -qe '@.nftables[*].set.elem[*]' | wc -l 2>/dev/null)"
1408 sum_setelements="$((sum_setelements + set_cnt))"
1409 else
1410 set_cnt=""
1411 sum_setelements="n/a"
1412 fi
1413 if [ -n "${set_dport}" ]; then
1414 set_dport="${set_dport//[\{\}\":]/}"
1415 set_dport="${set_dport#\[ *}"
1416 set_dport="${set_dport%* \]}"
1417 set_dport="${set_proto}: $(f_trim "${set_dport}")"
1418 fi
1419 if [ -n "${set_cntinput}" ]; then
1420 set_input="ON"
1421 sum_setinput="$((sum_setinput + 1))"
1422 sum_cntinput="$((sum_cntinput + set_cntinput))"
1423 else
1424 set_input="-"
1425 set_cntinput=""
1426 fi
1427 if [ -n "${set_cntforwardwan}" ]; then
1428 set_forwardwan="ON"
1429 sum_setforwardwan="$((sum_setforwardwan + 1))"
1430 sum_cntforwardwan="$((sum_cntforwardwan + set_cntforwardwan))"
1431 else
1432 set_forwardwan="-"
1433 set_cntforwardwan=""
1434 fi
1435 if [ -n "${set_cntforwardlan}" ]; then
1436 set_forwardlan="ON"
1437 sum_setforwardlan="$((sum_setforwardlan + 1))"
1438 sum_cntforwardlan="$((sum_cntforwardlan + set_cntforwardlan))"
1439 else
1440 set_forwardlan="-"
1441 set_cntforwardlan=""
1442 fi
1443 [ "${sum_sets}" -gt "0" ] && printf "%s\n" ","
1444 printf "\t\t%s\n" "\"${item}\":{"
1445 printf "\t\t\t%s\n" "\"cnt_elements\": \"${set_cnt}\","
1446 printf "\t\t\t%s\n" "\"cnt_input\": \"${set_cntinput}\","
1447 printf "\t\t\t%s\n" "\"input\": \"${set_input}\","
1448 printf "\t\t\t%s\n" "\"cnt_forwardwan\": \"${set_cntforwardwan}\","
1449 printf "\t\t\t%s\n" "\"wan_forward\": \"${set_forwardwan}\","
1450 printf "\t\t\t%s\n" "\"cnt_forwardlan\": \"${set_cntforwardlan}\","
1451 printf "\t\t\t%s\n" "\"lan_forward\": \"${set_forwardlan}\"",
1452 printf "\t\t\t%s\n" "\"port\": \"${set_dport:-"-"}\""
1453 printf "\t\t%s" "}"
1454 sum_sets="$((sum_sets + 1))"
1455 done
1456 printf "\n\t%s\n" "},"
1457 printf "\t%s\n" "\"timestamp\": \"${timestamp}\","
1458 printf "\t%s\n" "\"autoadd_allow\": \"$("${ban_grepcmd}" -c "added on ${timestamp% *}" "${ban_allowlist}")\","
1459 printf "\t%s\n" "\"autoadd_block\": \"$("${ban_grepcmd}" -c "added on ${timestamp% *}" "${ban_blocklist}")\","
1460 printf "\t%s\n" "\"sum_synflood\": \"${sum_synflood}\","
1461 printf "\t%s\n" "\"sum_udpflood\": \"${sum_udpflood}\","
1462 printf "\t%s\n" "\"sum_icmpflood\": \"${sum_icmpflood}\","
1463 printf "\t%s\n" "\"sum_ctinvalid\": \"${sum_ctinvalid}\","
1464 printf "\t%s\n" "\"sum_tcpinvalid\": \"${sum_tcpinvalid}\","
1465 printf "\t%s\n" "\"sum_sets\": \"${sum_sets}\","
1466 printf "\t%s\n" "\"sum_setinput\": \"${sum_setinput}\","
1467 printf "\t%s\n" "\"sum_setforwardwan\": \"${sum_setforwardwan}\","
1468 printf "\t%s\n" "\"sum_setforwardlan\": \"${sum_setforwardlan}\","
1469 printf "\t%s\n" "\"sum_setelements\": \"${sum_setelements}\","
1470 printf "\t%s\n" "\"sum_cntinput\": \"${sum_cntinput}\","
1471 printf "\t%s\n" "\"sum_cntforwardwan\": \"${sum_cntforwardwan}\","
1472 printf "\t%s\n" "\"sum_cntforwardlan\": \"${sum_cntforwardlan}\""
1473 printf "%s\n" "}"
1474 } >>"${report_jsn}"
1476 # text output preparation
1477 #
1478 if [ "${output}" != "json" ] && [ -s "${report_jsn}" ]; then
1479 : >"${report_txt}"
1480 json_init
1481 if json_load_file "${report_jsn}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
1482 json_get_var timestamp "timestamp" >/dev/null 2>&1
1483 json_get_var autoadd_allow "autoadd_allow" >/dev/null 2>&1
1484 json_get_var autoadd_block "autoadd_block" >/dev/null 2>&1
1485 json_get_var sum_synflood "sum_synflood" >/dev/null 2>&1
1486 json_get_var sum_udpflood "sum_udpflood" >/dev/null 2>&1
1487 json_get_var sum_icmpflood "sum_icmpflood" >/dev/null 2>&1
1488 json_get_var sum_ctinvalid "sum_ctinvalid" >/dev/null 2>&1
1489 json_get_var sum_tcpinvalid "sum_tcpinvalid" >/dev/null 2>&1
1490 json_get_var sum_sets "sum_sets" >/dev/null 2>&1
1491 json_get_var sum_setinput "sum_setinput" >/dev/null 2>&1
1492 json_get_var sum_setforwardwan "sum_setforwardwan" >/dev/null 2>&1
1493 json_get_var sum_setforwardlan "sum_setforwardlan" >/dev/null 2>&1
1494 json_get_var sum_setelements "sum_setelements" >/dev/null 2>&1
1495 json_get_var sum_cntinput "sum_cntinput" >/dev/null 2>&1
1496 json_get_var sum_cntforwardwan "sum_cntforwardwan" >/dev/null 2>&1
1497 json_get_var sum_cntforwardlan "sum_cntforwardlan" >/dev/null 2>&1
1498 {
1499 printf "%s\n%s\n%s\n" ":::" "::: banIP Set Statistics" ":::"
1500 printf "%s\n" " Timestamp: ${timestamp}"
1501 printf "%s\n" " ------------------------------"
1502 printf "%s\n" " blocked syn-flood packets : ${sum_synflood}"
1503 printf "%s\n" " blocked udp-flood packets : ${sum_udpflood}"
1504 printf "%s\n" " blocked icmp-flood packets : ${sum_icmpflood}"
1505 printf "%s\n" " blocked invalid ct packets : ${sum_ctinvalid}"
1506 printf "%s\n" " blocked invalid tcp packets: ${sum_tcpinvalid}"
1507 printf "%s\n" " ---"
1508 printf "%s\n" " auto-added IPs to allowlist: ${autoadd_allow}"
1509 printf "%s\n\n" " auto-added IPs to blocklist: ${autoadd_block}"
1510 json_select "sets" >/dev/null 2>&1
1511 json_get_keys table_sets >/dev/null 2>&1
1512 if [ -n "${table_sets}" ]; then
1513 printf "%-25s%-15s%-24s%-24s%-24s%s\n" " Set" "| Elements" "| WAN-Input (packets)" "| WAN-Forward (packets)" "| LAN-Forward (packets)" "| Port/Protocol Limit"
1514 printf "%s\n" " ---------------------+--------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------------------------"
1515 for item in ${table_sets}; do
1516 printf " %-21s" "${item}"
1517 json_select "${item}"
1518 json_get_keys set_details
1519 for detail in ${set_details}; do
1520 json_get_var jsnval "${detail}" >/dev/null 2>&1
1521 case "${detail}" in
1522 "cnt_elements")
1523 printf "%-15s" "| ${jsnval}"
1524 ;;
1525 "cnt_input" | "cnt_forwardwan" | "cnt_forwardlan")
1526 [ -n "${jsnval}" ] && tmp_val=": ${jsnval}"
1527 ;;
1528 *)
1529 printf "%-24s" "| ${jsnval}${tmp_val}"
1530 tmp_val=""
1531 ;;
1532 esac
1533 done
1534 printf "\n"
1535 json_select ".."
1536 done
1537 printf "%s\n" " ---------------------+--------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------------------------"
1538 printf "%-25s%-15s%-24s%-24s%s\n" " ${sum_sets}" "| ${sum_setelements}" "| ${sum_setinput} (${sum_cntinput})" "| ${sum_setforwardwan} (${sum_cntforwardwan})" "| ${sum_setforwardlan} (${sum_cntforwardlan})"
1539 fi
1540 } >>"${report_txt}"
1541 fi
1542 fi
1544 # output channel (text|json|mail)
1545 #
1546 case "${output}" in
1547 "text")
1548 [ -s "${report_txt}" ] && "${ban_catcmd}" "${report_txt}"
1549 ;;
1550 "json")
1551 [ -s "${report_jsn}" ] && "${ban_catcmd}" "${report_jsn}"
1552 ;;
1553 "mail")
1554 [ -n "${ban_mailreceiver}" ] && [ -x "${ban_mailcmd}" ] && f_mail
1555 ;;
1556 esac
1557 : >"${report_txt}"
1558 }
1560 # Set search
1561 #
1562 f_search() {
1563 local item table_sets ip proto hold cnt result_flag="/var/run/" input="${1}"
1565 if [ -n "${input}" ]; then
1566 ip="$(printf "%s" "${input}" | "${ban_awkcmd}" 'BEGIN{RS="(([1-9][0-9]{0,2}\\.){1}([0-9]{1,3}\\.){2}(1?[0-9][0-9]?|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(\\/(1?[0-9]|2?[0-9]|3?[0-2]))?[[:space:]]*$)"}{printf "%s",RT}')"
1567 [ -n "${ip}" ] && proto="v4"
1568 if [ -z "${proto}" ]; then
1569 ip="$(printf "%s" "${input}" | "${ban_awkcmd}" 'BEGIN{RS="(([0-9A-f]{0,4}:){1,7}[0-9A-f]{0,4}:?(\\/(1?[0-2][0-8]|[0-9][0-9]))?)([[:space:]].*|$)"}{printf "%s",RT}')"
1570 [ -n "${ip}" ] && proto="v6"
1571 fi
1572 fi
1573 if [ -n "${proto}" ]; then
1574 table_sets="$("${ban_nftcmd}" -tj list ruleset 2>/dev/null | "${ban_jsoncmd}" -qe "@.nftables[@.set.table=\"banIP\"&&@.set.type=\"ip${proto}_addr\"]")"
1575 else
1576 printf "%s\n%s\n%s\n" ":::" "::: no valid search input" ":::"
1577 return
1578 fi
1579 cnt="1"
1580 for item in ${table_sets}; do
1581 [ -f "${result_flag}" ] && break
1582 (
1583 if "${ban_nftcmd}" get element inet banIP "${item}" "{ ${ip} }" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
1584 printf "%s\n%s\n%s\n" ":::" "::: banIP Search" ":::"
1585 printf " %s\n" "Looking for IP '${ip}' on $(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")"
1586 printf " %s\n" "---"
1587 printf " %s\n" "IP found in Set '${item}'"
1588 : >"${result_flag}"
1589 fi
1590 ) &
1591 hold="$((cnt % ban_cores))"
1592 [ "${hold}" = "0" ] && wait
1593 cnt="$((cnt + 1))"
1594 done
1595 wait
1596 if [ -f "${result_flag}" ]; then
1597 rm -f "${result_flag}"
1598 else
1599 printf "%s\n%s\n%s\n" ":::" "::: banIP Search" ":::"
1600 printf " %s\n" "Looking for IP '${ip}' on $(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")"
1601 printf " %s\n" "---"
1602 printf " %s\n" "IP not found"
1603 fi
1604 }
1606 # Set survey
1607 #
1608 f_survey() {
1609 local set_elements input="${1}"
1611 if [ -z "${input}" ]; then
1612 printf "%s\n%s\n%s\n" ":::" "::: no valid survey input" ":::"
1613 return
1614 fi
1615 set_elements="$("${ban_nftcmd}" -j list set inet banIP "${input}" 2>/dev/null | "${ban_jsoncmd}" -qe '@.nftables[*].set.elem[*]')"
1616 printf "%s\n%s\n%s\n" ":::" "::: banIP Survey" ":::"
1617 printf " %s\n" "List of elements in the Set '${input}' on $(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")"
1618 printf " %s\n" "---"
1619 [ -n "${set_elements}" ] && printf "%s\n" "${set_elements}" || printf " %s\n" "empty Set"
1620 }
1622 # send status mail
1623 #
1624 f_mail() {
1625 local msmtp_debug
1627 # load mail template
1628 #
1629 if [ -r "${ban_mailtemplate}" ]; then
1630 . "${ban_mailtemplate}"
1631 else
1632 f_log "info" "no mail template"
1633 fi
1634 [ -z "${mail_text}" ] && f_log "info" "no mail content"
1635 [ "${ban_debug}" = "1" ] && msmtp_debug="--debug"
1637 # send mail
1638 #
1639 ban_mailhead="From: ${ban_mailsender}\nTo: ${ban_mailreceiver}\nSubject: ${ban_mailtopic}\nReply-to: ${ban_mailsender}\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8\nContent-Disposition: inline\n\n"
1640 printf "%b" "${ban_mailhead}${mail_text}" | "${ban_mailcmd}" --timeout=10 ${msmtp_debug} -a "${ban_mailprofile}" "${ban_mailreceiver}" >/dev/null 2>&1
1641 f_log "info" "send status mail (${?})"
1643 f_log "debug" "f_mail ::: notification: ${ban_mailnotification}, template: ${ban_mailtemplate}, profile: ${ban_mailprofile}, receiver: ${ban_mailreceiver}, rc: ${?}"
1644 }
1646 # log monitor
1647 #
1648 f_monitor() {
1649 local daemon logread_cmd loglimit_cmd nft_expiry line proto ip log_raw log_count rdap_log rdap_rc rdap_prefix rdap_length rdap_info
1651 if [ -f "${ban_logreadfile}" ]; then
1652 logread_cmd="${ban_logreadcmd} -qf ${ban_logreadfile} 2>/dev/null | ${ban_grepcmd} -e \"${ban_logterm%%??}\" 2>/dev/null"
1653 loglimit_cmd="${ban_logreadcmd} -qn ${ban_loglimit} ${ban_logreadfile} 2>/dev/null"
1654 elif printf "%s" "${ban_packages}" | "${ban_grepcmd}" -q '"logd'; then
1655 logread_cmd="${ban_logreadcmd} -fe \"${ban_logterm%%??}\" 2>/dev/null"
1656 loglimit_cmd="${ban_logreadcmd} -l ${ban_loglimit} 2>/dev/null"
1657 fi
1659 if [ -x "${ban_logreadcmd}" ] && [ -n "${logread_cmd}" ] && [ -n "${loglimit_cmd}" ] && [ -n "${ban_logterm%%??}" ] && [ "${ban_loglimit}" != "0" ]; then
1660 f_log "info" "start detached banIP log service (${ban_logreadcmd})"
1661 [ -n "${ban_nftexpiry}" ] && nft_expiry="timeout $(printf "%s" "${ban_nftexpiry}" | "${ban_grepcmd}" -oE "([0-9]+[d|h|m|s])+$")"
1662 eval "${logread_cmd}" |
1663 while read -r line; do
1664 proto=""
1665 : >"${ban_rdapfile}"
1666 if [ -z "${daemon}" ]; then
1667 daemon="$(printf "%s" "${line}" | "${ban_awkcmd}" 'BEGIN{RS="dropbear"}{if(!seen[RT]++)printf "%s",RT}')"
1668 [ -z "${daemon}" ] && daemon="sshd"
1669 fi
1670 ip="$(printf "%s" "${line}" | "${ban_awkcmd}" 'BEGIN{RS="(([1-9][0-9]{0,2}\\.){1}([0-9]{1,3}\\.){2}(1?[0-9][0-9]?|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5]))+"}{if(!seen[RT]++)printf "%s ",RT}')"
1671 ip="$(f_trim "${ip}")"
1672 ip="${ip##* }"
1673 [ -n "${ip}" ] && [ "${ip%%.*}" != "127" ] && [ "${ip%%.*}" != "0" ] && proto="v4"
1674 if [ -z "${proto}" ]; then
1675 if [ "${daemon}" = "dropbear" ]; then
1676 ip="$(printf "%s" "${line}" | "${ban_awkcmd}" 'BEGIN{RS="([A-Fa-f0-9]{1,4}::?){3,7}([A-Fa-f0-9]:?)+"}{if(!seen[RT]++)printf "%s ",RT}')"
1677 ip="${ip%:*}"
1678 else
1679 ip="$(printf "%s" "${line}" | "${ban_awkcmd}" 'BEGIN{RS="([A-Fa-f0-9]{1,4}::?){3,7}[A-Fa-f0-9]{1,4}"}{if(!seen[RT]++)printf "%s ",RT}')"
1680 fi
1681 ip="$(f_trim "${ip}")"
1682 ip="${ip##* }"
1683 [ -n "${ip%%::*}" ] && proto="v6"
1684 fi
1685 if [ -n "${proto}" ] && ! "${ban_nftcmd}" get element inet banIP allowlist"${proto}" "{ ${ip} }" >/dev/null 2>&1 && ! "${ban_nftcmd}" get element inet banIP blocklist"${proto}" "{ ${ip} }" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
1686 f_log "info" "suspicious IP '${ip}'"
1687 log_raw="$(eval ${loglimit_cmd})"
1688 log_count="$(printf "%s\n" "${log_raw}" | "${ban_grepcmd}" -c "suspicious IP '${ip}'")"
1689 if [ "${log_count}" -ge "${ban_logcount}" ]; then
1690 if "${ban_nftcmd}" add element inet banIP "blocklist${proto}" { ${ip} ${nft_expiry} } >/dev/null 2>&1; then
1691 f_log "info" "add IP '${ip}' (expiry: ${ban_nftexpiry:-"-"}) to blocklist${proto} set"
1692 fi
1693 if [ "${ban_autoblocksubnet}" = "1" ]; then
1694 rdap_log="$("${ban_fetchcmd}" ${ban_rdapparm} "${ban_rdapfile}" "${ban_rdapurl}${ip}" 2>&1)"
1695 rdap_rc="${?}"
1696 if [ "${rdap_rc}" = "0" ] && [ -s "${ban_rdapfile}" ]; then
1697 [ "${proto}" = "v4" ] && rdap_prefix="$(jsonfilter -l1 -i "${ban_rdapfile}" -qe '@.cidr0_cidrs.*.v4prefix')"
1698 [ "${proto}" = "v6" ] && rdap_prefix="$(jsonfilter -l1 -i "${ban_rdapfile}" -qe '@.cidr0_cidrs.*.v6prefix')"
1699 rdap_length="$(jsonfilter -l1 -i "${ban_rdapfile}" -qe '@.cidr0_cidrs.*.length')"
1700 rdap_info="$(jsonfilter -l1 -i "${ban_rdapfile}" -qe '' -qe '@.notices[@.title="Source"].description[1]' | awk 'BEGIN{RS="";FS="\n"}{printf "%s, %s",$1,$2}')"
1701 [ -z "${rdap_info}" ] && rdap_info="$(jsonfilter -l1 -i "${ban_rdapfile}" -qe '@.notices[0].links[0].value' | awk 'BEGIN{FS="[/.]"}{printf"%s, %s","n/a",toupper($4)}')"
1702 if [ -n "${rdap_prefix}" ] && [ -n "${rdap_length}" ]; then
1703 if "${ban_nftcmd}" add element inet banIP "blocklist${proto}" { ${rdap_prefix}/${rdap_length} ${nft_expiry} } >/dev/null 2>&1; then
1704 f_log "info" "add IP range '${rdap_prefix}/${rdap_length}' (source: ${rdap_info:-"n/a"} ::: expiry: ${ban_nftexpiry:-"-"}) to blocklist${proto} set"
1705 fi
1706 fi
1707 else
1708 f_log "info" "rdap request failed (rc: ${rdap_rc:-"-"}/log: ${rdap_log})"
1709 fi
1710 fi
1711 if [ -z "${ban_nftexpiry}" ] && [ "${ban_autoblocklist}" = "1" ] && ! "${ban_grepcmd}" -q "^${ip}" "${ban_blocklist}"; then
1712 printf "%-42s%s\n" "${ip}" "# added on $(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")" >>"${ban_blocklist}"
1713 f_log "info" "add IP '${ip}' to local blocklist"
1714 fi
1715 fi
1716 fi
1717 done
1718 else
1719 f_log "info" "start detached no-op banIP service"
1720 sleep infinity
1721 fi
1722 }
1724 # initial sourcing
1725 #
1726 if [ -r "/lib/" ] && [ -r "/lib/functions/" ] && [ -r "/usr/share/libubox/" ]; then
1727 . "/lib/"
1728 . "/lib/functions/"
1729 . "/usr/share/libubox/"
1730 else
1731 f_log "emerg" "system libraries not found"
1732 fi
1734 # initial system calls
1735 #
1736 ban_awkcmd="$(f_cmd gawk awk)"
1737 ban_catcmd="$(f_cmd cat)"
1738 ban_fw4cmd="$(f_cmd fw4)"
1739 ban_grepcmd="$(f_cmd grep)"
1740 ban_jsoncmd="$(f_cmd jsonfilter)"
1741 ban_logcmd="$(f_cmd logger)"
1742 ban_lookupcmd="$(f_cmd nslookup)"
1743 ban_mailcmd="$(f_cmd msmtp true)"
1744 ban_nftcmd="$(f_cmd nft)"
1745 ban_pgrepcmd="$(f_cmd pgrep)"
1746 ban_sedcmd="$(f_cmd sed)"
1747 ban_ubuscmd="$(f_cmd ubus)"
1748 ban_zcatcmd="$(f_cmd zcat)"
1750 f_system
1751 if [ "${ban_action}" != "stop" ]; then
1752 [ ! -d "/etc/banip" ] && f_log "err" "no banIP config directory"
1753 [ ! -r "/etc/config/banip" ] && f_log "err" "no banIP config"
1754 [ "$(uci_get banip global ban_enabled)" = "0" ] && f_log "err" "banIP is disabled"
1755 fi