lua-eco: update to 3.1.2
[feed/packages.git] / net / snort3 / files / local.lua
1 -- This file is no longer used if you are using 'snort-mgr' to create the
2 -- configuration. It is left as a sample.
3 --
4 -- use ths file to customize any functions defined in /etc/snort/snort.lua
6 -- switch tap to inline in ips and uncomment the below to run snort in inline mode
7 --snort = {}
8 --snort["-Q"] = true
10 ips = {
11 mode = tap,
12 -- mode = inline,
13 variables = default_variables,
14 -- uncomment and change the below to reflect rules or symlinks to rules on your filesystem
15 -- include = RULE_PATH .. '/snort.rules',
16 }
18 daq = {
19 module_dirs = {
20 '/usr/lib/daq',
21 },
22 modules = {
23 {
24 name = 'afpacket',
25 mode = 'inline',
26 }
27 }
28 }
30 alert_syslog = {
31 level = 'info',
32 }
34 -- To log to a file, uncomment the below and manually create the dir defined in output.logdir
35 --output.logdir = '/var/log/snort'
36 --alert_fast = {
37 -- file = true,
38 -- packet = false,
39 --}
41 normalizer = {
42 tcp = {
43 ips = true,
44 }
45 }
47 file_policy = {
48 enable_type = true,
49 enable_signature = true,
50 rules = {
51 use = {
52 verdict = 'log', enable_file_type = true, enable_file_signature = true
53 }
54 }
55 }
57 -- To use openappid with snort, install the openappid package and uncomment the below
58 --appid = {
59 -- app_detector_dir = '/usr/lib/openappid',
60 -- log_stats = true,
61 -- app_stats_period = 60,
62 --}