[openwrt/staging/yousong.git] / package / kernel / broadcom-wl / files / lib / wifi / broadcom.sh
1 append DRIVERS "broadcom"
3 scan_broadcom() {
4 local device="$1"
5 local vif vifs wds
6 local adhoc sta apmode mon disabled
7 local adhoc_if sta_if ap_if mon_if
9 config_get vifs "$device" vifs
10 for vif in $vifs; do
11 config_get_bool disabled "$vif" disabled 0
12 [ $disabled -eq 0 ] || continue
14 local mode
15 config_get mode "$vif" mode
16 case "$mode" in
17 adhoc)
18 adhoc=1
19 adhoc_if="$vif"
20 ;;
21 sta)
22 sta=1
23 sta_if="$vif"
24 ;;
25 ap)
26 apmode=1
27 ap_if="${ap_if:+$ap_if }$vif"
28 ;;
29 wds)
30 local addr
31 config_get addr "$vif" bssid
32 [ -z "$addr" ] || {
33 addr=$(echo "$addr" | tr 'A-F' 'a-f')
34 append wds "$addr"
35 }
36 ;;
37 monitor)
38 mon=1
39 mon_if="$vif"
40 ;;
41 *) echo "$device($vif): Invalid mode";;
42 esac
43 done
44 config_set "$device" wds "$wds"
46 local _c=
47 for vif in ${adhoc_if:-$sta_if $ap_if $mon_if}; do
48 config_set "$vif" ifname "${device}${_c:+-$_c}"
49 _c=$((${_c:-0} + 1))
50 done
51 config_set "$device" vifs "${adhoc_if:-$sta_if $ap_if $mon_if}"
53 ap=1
54 infra=1
55 if [ "$_c" -gt 1 ]; then
56 mssid=1
57 else
58 mssid=
59 fi
60 apsta=0
61 radio=1
62 monitor=0
63 case "$adhoc:$sta:$apmode:$mon" in
64 1*)
65 ap=0
66 mssid=
67 infra=0
68 ;;
69 :1:1:)
70 apsta=1
71 wet=1
72 ;;
73 :1::)
74 wet=1
75 ap=0
76 mssid=
77 ;;
78 :::1)
79 wet=1
80 ap=0
81 mssid=
82 monitor=1
83 ;;
84 ::)
85 radio=0
86 ;;
87 esac
88 }
90 disable_broadcom() {
91 local device="$1"
92 set_wifi_down "$device"
93 (
94 include /lib/network
96 local pid_file=/var/run/nas.$device.pid
97 [ -e $pid_file ] && start-stop-daemon -K -q -s SIGKILL -p $pid_file && rm $pid_file
99 # make sure the interfaces are down and removed from all bridges
100 local dev ifname
101 for dev in /sys/class/net/wds${device##wl}-* /sys/class/net/${device}-* /sys/class/net/${device}; do
102 if [ -e "$dev" ]; then
103 ifname=${dev##/sys/class/net/}
104 ifconfig "$ifname" down
105 unbridge "$ifname"
106 fi
107 done
109 # make sure all of the devices are disabled in the driver
110 local ifdown=
111 local vif
112 append ifdown "down" "$N"
113 append ifdown "wds none" "$N"
114 for vif in 3 2 1 0; do
115 append ifdown "vif $vif" "$N"
116 append ifdown "enabled 0" "$N"
117 done
119 wlc ifname "$device" stdin <<EOF
120 $ifdown
121 EOF
122 )
123 true
124 }
126 enable_broadcom() {
127 local device="$1"
128 local channel country maxassoc wds vifs distance slottime rxantenna txantenna
129 local frameburst macfilter maclist macaddr txpower frag rts hwmode htmode
130 config_get channel "$device" channel
131 config_get country "$device" country
132 config_get maxassoc "$device" maxassoc
133 config_get wds "$device" wds
134 config_get vifs "$device" vifs
135 config_get distance "$device" distance
136 config_get slottime "$device" slottime
137 config_get rxantenna "$device" rxantenna
138 config_get txantenna "$device" txantenna
139 config_get_bool frameburst "$device" frameburst
140 config_get macfilter "$device" macfilter
141 config_get maclist "$device" maclist
142 config_get macaddr "$device" macaddr $(wlc ifname "$device" default_bssid)
143 config_get txpower "$device" txpower
144 config_get frag "$device" frag
145 config_get rts "$device" rts
146 config_get hwmode "$device" hwmode
147 config_get htmode "$device" htmode
148 local doth=0
149 local wmm=1
151 [ -z "$slottime" ] && {
152 [ -n "$distance" ] && {
153 # slottime = 9 + (distance / 150) + (distance % 150 ? 1 : 0)
154 slottime="$((9 + ($distance / 150) + 1 - (150 - ($distance % 150)) / 150 ))"
155 }
156 } || {
157 slottime="${slottime:--1}"
158 }
160 case "$macfilter" in
161 allow|2)
162 macfilter=2;
163 ;;
164 deny|1)
165 macfilter=1;
166 ;;
167 disable|none|0)
168 macfilter=0;
169 ;;
170 esac
172 local gmode=2 nmode=0 nreqd=
173 case "$hwmode" in
174 *a) gmode=;;
175 *b) gmode=0;;
176 *bg) gmode=1;;
177 *g) gmode=2;;
178 *gst) gmode=4;;
179 *lrs) gmode=5;;
180 *) nmode=1; nreqd=0;;
181 esac
183 case "$hwmode" in
184 n|11n) nmode=1; nreqd=1;;
185 *n*) nmode=1; nreqd=0;;
186 esac
188 # Use 'nmode' for N-Phy only
189 [ "$(wlc ifname "$device" phytype)" = 4 ] || nmode=
191 local band chanspec
192 [ ${channel:-0} -ge 1 -a ${channel:-0} -le 14 ] && band=2
193 [ ${channel:-0} -ge 36 ] && {
194 band=1
195 gmode=
196 }
198 # Use 'chanspec' instead of 'channel' for 'N' modes (See bcmwifi.h)
199 [ ${nmode:-0} -ne 0 -a -n "$band" -a -n "$channel" ] && {
200 case "$htmode" in
201 HT40-) chanspec=$(printf 0x%x%x%02x $band 0xe $(($channel - 2))); channel=;;
202 HT40+) chanspec=$(printf 0x%x%x%02x $band 0xd $(($channel + 2))); channel=;;
203 HT20) chanspec=$(printf 0x%x%x%02x $band 0xb $channel); channel=;;
204 *) ;;
205 esac
206 }
208 local _c=0
209 local nas="$(which nas)"
210 local if_pre_up if_up nas_cmd
211 local vif vif_pre_up vif_post_up vif_do_up vif_txpower
213 for vif in $vifs; do
214 config_get vif_txpower "$vif" txpower
216 local mode
217 config_get mode "$vif" mode
218 append vif_pre_up "vif $_c" "$N"
219 append vif_post_up "vif $_c" "$N"
220 append vif_do_up "vif $_c" "$N"
222 config_get_bool wmm "$vif" wmm "$wmm"
223 config_get_bool doth "$vif" doth "$doth"
225 [ "$mode" = "sta" ] || {
226 local hidden isolate
227 config_get_bool hidden "$vif" hidden 0
228 append vif_pre_up "closed $hidden" "$N"
229 config_get_bool isolate "$vif" isolate 0
230 append vif_pre_up "ap_isolate $isolate" "$N"
231 }
233 local wsec_r=0
234 local eap_r=0
235 local wsec=0
236 local auth=0
237 local nasopts=
238 local enc key rekey
240 config_get enc "$vif" encryption
241 case "$enc" in
242 *wep*)
243 local def defkey k knr
244 wsec_r=1
245 wsec=1
246 defkey=1
247 config_get key "$vif" key
248 case "$enc" in
249 *shared*) append vif_do_up "wepauth 1" "$N";;
250 *) append vif_do_up "wepauth 0" "$N";;
251 esac
252 case "$key" in
253 [1234])
254 defkey="$key"
255 for knr in 1 2 3 4; do
256 config_get k "$vif" key$knr
257 [ -n "$k" ] || continue
258 [ "$defkey" = "$knr" ] && def="=" || def=""
259 append vif_do_up "wepkey $def$knr,$k" "$N"
260 done
261 ;;
262 "");;
263 *) append vif_do_up "wepkey =1,$key" "$N";;
264 esac
265 ;;
266 *psk*)
267 wsec_r=1
268 config_get key "$vif" key
270 # psk version + default cipher
271 case "$enc" in
272 *mixed*|*psk+psk2*) auth=132; wsec=6;;
273 *psk2*) auth=128; wsec=4;;
274 *) auth=4; wsec=2;;
275 esac
277 # cipher override
278 case "$enc" in
279 *tkip+aes*|*tkip+ccmp*|*aes+tkip*|*ccmp+tkip*) wsec=6;;
280 *aes*|*ccmp*) wsec=4;;
281 *tkip*) wsec=2;;
282 esac
284 # group rekey interval
285 config_get rekey "$vif" wpa_group_rekey
287 eval "${vif}_key=\"\$key\""
288 nasopts="-k \"\$${vif}_key\"${rekey:+ -g $rekey}"
289 ;;
290 *wpa*)
291 local auth_port auth_secret auth_server
292 wsec_r=1
293 eap_r=1
294 config_get auth_server "$vif" auth_server
295 [ -z "$auth_server" ] && config_get auth_server "$vif" server
296 config_get auth_port "$vif" auth_port
297 [ -z "$auth_port" ] && config_get auth_port "$vif" port
298 config_get auth_secret "$vif" auth_secret
299 [ -z "$auth_secret" ] && config_get auth_secret "$vif" key
301 # wpa version + default cipher
302 case "$enc" in
303 *mixed*|*wpa+wpa2*) auth=66; wsec=6;;
304 *wpa2*) auth=64; wsec=4;;
305 *) auth=2; wsec=2;;
306 esac
308 # cipher override
309 case "$enc" in
310 *tkip+aes*|*tkip+ccmp*|*aes+tkip*|*ccmp+tkip*) wsec=6;;
311 *aes*|*ccmp*) wsec=4;;
312 *tkip*) wsec=2;;
313 esac
315 # group rekey interval
316 config_get rekey "$vif" wpa_group_rekey
318 eval "${vif}_key=\"\$auth_secret\""
319 nasopts="-r \"\$${vif}_key\" -h $auth_server -p ${auth_port:-1812}${rekey:+ -g $rekey}"
320 ;;
321 esac
322 append vif_do_up "wsec $wsec" "$N"
323 append vif_do_up "wpa_auth $auth" "$N"
324 append vif_do_up "wsec_restrict $wsec_r" "$N"
325 append vif_do_up "eap_restrict $eap_r" "$N"
327 local ssid
328 config_get ssid "$vif" ssid
329 append vif_post_up "vlan_mode 0" "$N"
330 append vif_pre_up "ssid $ssid" "$N"
332 [ "$mode" = "monitor" ] && {
333 append vif_post_up "monitor $monitor" "$N"
334 }
336 [ "$mode" = "adhoc" ] && {
337 local bssid
338 config_get bssid "$vif" bssid
339 [ -n "$bssid" ] && {
340 append vif_pre_up "bssid $bssid" "$N"
341 append vif_pre_up "ibss_merge 0" "$N"
342 } || {
343 append vif_pre_up "ibss_merge 1" "$N"
344 }
345 }
347 append vif_post_up "enabled 1" "$N"
349 local ifname
350 config_get ifname "$vif" ifname
351 local if_cmd="if_pre_up"
352 [ "$ifname" != "${ifname##${device}-}" ] && if_cmd="if_up"
353 append $if_cmd "macaddr=\$(wlc ifname '$ifname' cur_etheraddr)" ";$N"
354 append $if_cmd "ifconfig '$ifname' \${macaddr:+hw ether \$macaddr}" ";$N"
356 local net_cfg="$(find_net_config "$vif")"
357 [ -z "$net_cfg" ] || {
358 append if_up "set_wifi_up '$vif' '$ifname'" ";$N"
359 append if_up "start_net '$ifname' '$net_cfg'" ";$N"
360 }
361 [ -z "$nas" -o -z "$nasopts" ] || {
362 eval "${vif}_ssid=\"\$ssid\""
363 local nas_mode="-A"
364 [ "$mode" = "sta" ] && nas_mode="-S"
365 [ -z "$nas_cmd" ] && {
366 local pid_file=/var/run/nas.$device.pid
367 nas_cmd="start-stop-daemon -S -b -p $pid_file -x $nas -- -P $pid_file -H 34954"
368 }
369 append nas_cmd "-i $ifname $nas_mode -m $auth -w $wsec -s \"\$${vif}_ssid\" -g 3600 -F $nasopts"
370 }
371 _c=$(($_c + 1))
372 done
373 wlc ifname "$device" stdin <<EOF
374 ${macaddr:+bssid $macaddr}
375 ${macaddr:+cur_etheraddr $macaddr}
376 band ${band:-0}
377 ${nmode:+nmode $nmode}
378 ${nmode:+${nreqd:+nreqd $nreqd}}
379 ${gmode:+gmode $gmode}
380 apsta $apsta
381 ap $ap
382 ${mssid:+mssid $mssid}
383 infra $infra
384 ${wet:+wet 1}
385 802.11d 0
386 802.11h ${doth:-0}
387 wme ${wmm:-1}
388 rxant ${rxantenna:-3}
389 txant ${txantenna:-3}
390 fragthresh ${frag:-2346}
391 rtsthresh ${rts:-2347}
392 monitor ${monitor:-0}
394 radio ${radio:-1}
395 macfilter ${macfilter:-0}
396 maclist ${maclist:-none}
397 ${wds:+wds $wds}
398 country ${country:-US}
399 ${channel:+channel $channel}
400 ${chanspec:+chanspec $chanspec}
401 maxassoc ${maxassoc:-128}
402 slottime ${slottime:--1}
403 ${frameburst:+frameburst $frameburst}
405 $vif_pre_up
406 EOF
407 eval "$if_pre_up"
408 wlc ifname "$device" stdin <<EOF
409 up
410 $vif_post_up
411 EOF
412 eval "$if_up"
413 wlc ifname "$device" stdin <<EOF
414 $vif_do_up
415 EOF
417 # use vif_txpower (from last wifi-iface) instead of txpower (from
418 # wifi-device) if the latter does not exist
419 txpower=${txpower:-$vif_txpower}
420 [ -z "$txpower" ] || iwconfig $device txpower ${txpower}dBm
422 eval "$nas_cmd"
423 }
426 detect_broadcom() {
427 local i=-1
429 while grep -qs "^ *wl$((++i)):" /proc/net/dev; do
430 local channel type
432 config_get type wl${i} type
433 [ "$type" = broadcom ] && continue
434 channel=`wlc ifname wl${i} channel`
435 cat <<EOF
436 config wifi-device wl${i}
437 option type broadcom
438 option channel ${channel:-11}
441 option disabled 1
443 config wifi-iface
444 option device wl${i}
445 option network lan
446 option mode ap
447 option ssid OpenWrt${i#0}
448 option encryption none
450 EOF
451 done
452 }