tplink-safeloader: replace hardcoded offsets
[project/firmware-utils.git] / src / seama.c
1 // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
2 /* vi: set sw=4 ts=4: */
3 /*
4 * Copyright (C) 2008, Alpha Networks, Inc.
5 * Created by David Hsieh <>
6 * All right reserved.
7 *
8 * (SEA)ttle i(MA)ge is the image which used in project seattle.
9 */
11 #include <stdio.h>
12 #include <stdint.h>
13 #include <stdlib.h>
14 #include <stdarg.h>
15 #include <sys/types.h>
16 #include <sys/stat.h>
17 #include <unistd.h>
18 #include <string.h>
19 #include <arpa/inet.h>
21 #include "md5.h"
22 #include "seama.h"
24 #define PROGNAME "seama"
25 #define VERSION "0.20"
26 #define MAX_SEAMA_META_SIZE 1024
27 #define MAX_META 128
28 #define MAX_IMAGE 128
30 extern int optind;
31 extern char * optarg;
33 static int o_verbose = 0; /* verbose mode. */
34 static char * o_dump = NULL; /* Seama file to dump. */
35 static char * o_seal = NULL; /* Seal the input images when file name exist. */
36 static char * o_extract = NULL; /* Extract the seama file. */
37 static char * o_images[MAX_IMAGE];/* The image files to pack or seal */
38 static int o_isize = 0; /* number of images */
39 static char * o_meta[MAX_META]; /* meta data array */
40 static int o_msize = 0; /* size of meta array */
42 static void verbose(const char * format, ...)
43 {
44 va_list marker;
45 if (o_verbose)
46 {
47 va_start(marker, format);
48 vfprintf(stdout, format, marker);
49 va_end(marker);
50 }
51 }
53 static void cleanup_exit(int exit_code)
54 {
55 verbose("%s: exit with code %d\n", PROGNAME, exit_code);
56 exit(exit_code);
57 }
59 static void show_usage(int exit_code)
60 {
61 printf( PROGNAME " version " VERSION "\n"
62 "usage: " PROGNAME " [OPTIONS]\n"
63 " -h show this help message.\n"
64 " -v verbose mode.\n"
65 " -m {META data} META data.\n"
66 " -d {file} dump the info of the seama file.\n"
67 " -i {input file} image file name.\n"
68 " -s {file} Seal the images to the seama file.\n"
69 " -x {seama file} Extract the seama file.\n"
70 "\n"
71 " SEAMA can pack the input file (with -i) into a seama file.\n"
72 " ex: seama -i target.file\n"
73 " SEAMA can also seal multiple seama files into a single seama file.\n"
74 " ex: seama -s final.file -i taget1.seama -i target2.seama\n"
75 " To extract the raw image from SEAMA, you need to specify the meta.\n"
76 " The first image match the specified meta will be extract to\n"
77 " the output file which was specified with '-x'.\n"
78 " ex: seama -x output -i seama.image -m file=sealpac\n"
79 );
80 cleanup_exit(exit_code);
81 }
83 static int parse_args(int argc, char * argv[])
84 {
85 int opt;
87 while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "hvd:s:i:m:x:")) > 0)
88 {
89 switch (opt)
90 {
91 default: show_usage(-1); break;
92 case 'h': show_usage(0); break;
93 case 'v': o_verbose++; break;
94 case 'd': o_dump = optarg; break;
95 case 's': o_seal = optarg; break;
96 case 'x': o_extract = optarg; break;
97 case 'i':
98 if (o_isize < MAX_IMAGE) o_images[o_isize++] = optarg;
99 else printf("Exceed the maximum acceptable image files.!\n");
100 break;
101 case 'm':
102 if (o_msize < MAX_META) o_meta[o_msize++] = optarg;
103 else printf("Exceed the maximum acceptable META data.!\n");
104 break;
105 }
106 }
107 return 0;
108 }
110 /*******************************************************************/
112 static size_t calculate_digest(FILE * fh, size_t size, uint8_t * digest)
113 {
114 MD5_CTX ctx;
115 size_t bytes_left, bytes_read, i;
116 uint8_t buf[MAX_SEAMA_META_SIZE];
118 bytes_left = size ? size : sizeof(buf);
119 bytes_read = 0;
121 MD5_Init(&ctx);
122 while (!feof(fh) && !ferror(fh) && bytes_left > 0)
123 {
124 i = bytes_left < sizeof(buf) ? bytes_left : sizeof(buf);
125 i = fread(buf, sizeof(char), i, fh);
126 if (i > 0)
127 {
128 MD5_Update(&ctx, buf, i);
129 bytes_read += i;
130 }
131 if (size) bytes_left -= i;
132 }
133 MD5_Final(digest, &ctx);
134 return bytes_read;
135 }
137 #define READ_BUFF_SIZE 8*1024
138 static size_t copy_file(FILE * to, FILE * from)
139 {
140 size_t i, fsize = 0;
141 uint8_t buf[READ_BUFF_SIZE];
143 while (!feof(from) && !ferror(from))
144 {
145 i = fread(buf, sizeof(uint8_t), READ_BUFF_SIZE, from);
146 if (i > 0)
147 {
148 fsize += i;
149 fwrite(buf, sizeof(uint8_t), i, to);
150 }
151 }
152 return fsize;
153 }
155 static int verify_seama(const char * fname, int msg)
156 {
157 FILE * fh = NULL;
158 struct stat st;
159 seamahdr_t shdr;
160 uint8_t checksum[16];
161 uint8_t digest[16];
162 uint8_t buf[MAX_SEAMA_META_SIZE];
163 size_t msize, isize, i;
164 int ret = -1;
166 #define ERRBREAK(fmt, args...) { if (msg) printf(fmt, ##args); break; }
168 do
169 {
170 if (stat(fname, &st) < 0) ERRBREAK("Unable to get the info of '%s'\n",fname);
171 if ((fh = fopen(fname, "r+"))==NULL) ERRBREAK("Unable to open '%s' for reading!\n",fname);
173 /* Dump SEAMA header */
174 if (msg) printf("FILE - %s (%d bytes)\n", fname, (int)st.st_size);
176 /* SEAMA */
177 while (!feof(fh) && !ferror(fh))
178 {
179 /* read header */
180 if (fread(&shdr, sizeof(shdr), 1, fh) != 1) break;
182 /* Check the magic number */
183 if (shdr.magic != htonl(SEAMA_MAGIC)) ERRBREAK("Invalid SEAMA magic. Probably no more SEAMA!\n");
185 /* Get the size */
186 isize = ntohl(shdr.size);
187 msize = ntohs(shdr.metasize);
189 /* The checksum exist only if size is greater than zero. */
190 if (isize > 0)
191 {
192 if (fread(checksum, sizeof(checksum), 1, fh) != 1)
193 ERRBREAK("Error reading checksum !\n");
194 }
196 /* Check the META size. */
197 if (msize > sizeof(buf)) ERRBREAK("META data in SEAMA header is too large!\n");
199 /* Read META data. */
200 if (fread(buf, sizeof(char), msize, fh) != msize)
201 ERRBREAK("Unable to read SEAMA META data!\n");
203 /* dump header */
204 if (msg)
205 {
206 printf("SEAMA ==========================================\n");
207 printf(" magic : %08x\n", ntohl(shdr.magic));
208 printf(" meta size : %zu bytes\n", msize);
209 for (i=0; i<msize; i+=(strlen((const char *)&buf[i])+1))
210 printf(" meta data : %s\n", &buf[i]);
211 printf(" image size : %zu bytes\n", isize);
212 }
214 /* verify checksum */
215 if (isize > 0)
216 {
217 if (msg)
218 {
219 printf(" checksum : ");
220 for (i=0; i<16; i++) printf("%02X", checksum[i]);
221 printf("\n");
222 }
224 /* Calculate the checksum */
225 calculate_digest(fh, isize, digest);
226 if (msg)
227 {
228 printf(" digest : ");
229 for (i=0; i<16; i++) printf("%02X", digest[i]);
230 printf("\n");
231 }
233 if (memcmp(checksum, digest, 16)!=0) ERRBREAK("!!ERROR!! checksum error !!\n");
234 ret = 0;
235 }
236 }
237 if (msg) printf("================================================\n");
238 } while (0);
239 if (fh) fclose(fh);
240 return ret;
241 }
243 static size_t write_seama_header(FILE * fh, char * meta[], size_t msize, size_t size)
244 {
245 seamahdr_t shdr;
246 size_t i;
247 uint16_t metasize = 0;
249 /* Calculate the META size */
250 for (i=0; i<msize; i++) metasize += (strlen(meta[i]) + 1);
251 //+++ let meta data end on 4 alignment by siyou. 2010/3/1 03:58pm
252 metasize = ((metasize+3)/4)*4;
253 verbose("SEAMA META : %d bytes\n", metasize);
255 /* Fill up the header, all the data endian should be network byte order. */
256 shdr.magic = htonl(SEAMA_MAGIC);
257 shdr.reserved = 0;
258 shdr.metasize = htons(metasize);
259 shdr.size = htonl(size);
261 /* Write the header */
262 return fwrite(&shdr, sizeof(seamahdr_t), 1, fh);
263 }
265 static size_t write_checksum(FILE * fh, uint8_t * checksum)
266 {
267 return fwrite(checksum, sizeof(uint8_t), 16, fh);
268 }
270 static size_t write_meta_data(FILE * fh, char * meta[], size_t size)
271 {
272 size_t i,j;
273 size_t ret = 0;
275 for (i=0; i<size; i++)
276 {
277 verbose("SEAMA META data : %s\n", meta[i]);
278 j = fwrite(meta[i], sizeof(char), strlen(meta[i])+1, fh);
279 if (j != strlen(meta[i])+1) return 0;
280 ret += j;
281 }
282 //+++ let meta data end on 4 alignment by siyou. 2010/3/1 03:58pm
283 j = ((ret+3)/4)*4;
284 for ( ; ret < j; ret++)
285 fwrite("", sizeof(char), 1, fh);
287 return ret;
288 }
290 /*******************************************************************/
292 static void dump_seama(const char * fname)
293 {
294 verify_seama(fname, 1);
295 }
297 static void seal_files(const char * file)
298 {
299 FILE * fh;
300 FILE * ifh;
301 size_t i;
303 /* Each image should be seama. */
304 for (i = 0; i < o_isize; i++)
305 {
306 if (verify_seama(o_images[i], 0) < 0)
307 {
308 printf("'%s' is not a seama file !\n",o_images[i]);
309 return;
310 }
311 }
313 /* Open file for write */
314 fh = fopen(file, "w+");
315 if (fh)
316 {
317 /* Write the header. */
318 write_seama_header(fh, o_meta, o_msize, 0);
319 write_meta_data(fh, o_meta, o_msize);
321 /* Write image files */
322 for (i=0; i<o_isize; i++)
323 {
324 ifh = fopen(o_images[i], "r+");
325 if (ifh)
326 {
327 copy_file(fh, ifh);
328 fclose(ifh);
329 }
330 }
332 fclose(fh);
333 }
334 }
336 static void pack_files(void)
337 {
338 FILE * fh;
339 FILE * ifh;
340 size_t i, fsize;
341 char filename[512];
342 uint8_t digest[16];
344 for (i=0; i<o_isize; i++)
345 {
346 /* Open the input file. */
347 ifh = fopen(o_images[i], "r+");
348 if (ifh)
349 {
350 fsize = calculate_digest(ifh, 0, digest);
351 verbose("file size (%s) : %d\n", o_images[i], fsize);
352 rewind(ifh);
354 /* Open the output file. */
355 sprintf(filename, "%s.seama", o_images[i]);
356 fh = fopen(filename, "w+");
357 if (fh)
358 {
359 write_seama_header(fh, o_meta, o_msize, fsize);
360 write_checksum(fh, digest);
361 write_meta_data(fh, o_meta, o_msize);
362 copy_file(fh, ifh);
363 fclose(fh);
364 }
365 fclose(ifh);
366 }
367 else
368 {
369 printf("Unable to open image file '%s'\n",o_images[i]);
370 }
371 }
372 }
374 /**************************************************************************/
376 static int match_meta(const char * meta, size_t size)
377 {
378 size_t i, j;
379 int match;
381 for (i = 0; i < o_msize; i++)
382 {
383 for (match = 0, j = 0; j < size; j += (strlen(&meta[j])+1))
384 if (strcmp(&meta[j], o_meta[i])==0) { match++; break; }
385 if (!match) return 0;
386 }
387 return 1;
388 }
391 static void extract_file(const char * output)
392 {
393 FILE * ifh = NULL;
394 FILE * ofh = NULL;
395 size_t msize, isize, i, m;
396 seamahdr_t shdr;
397 uint8_t buf[MAX_SEAMA_META_SIZE];
398 int done = 0;
400 /* We need meta for searching the target image. */
401 if (o_msize == 0)
402 {
403 printf("SEAMA: need meta for searching image.\n");
404 return;
405 }
407 /* Walk through each input file */
408 for (i = 0; i < o_isize; i++)
409 {
410 /* verify the input file */
411 if (verify_seama(o_images[i], 0) < 0)
412 {
413 printf("SEAMA: '%s' is not a seama file !\n", o_images[i]);
414 continue;
415 }
416 /* open the input file */
417 ifh = fopen(o_images[i], "r");
418 if (!ifh) continue;
419 /* read file */
420 while (!feof(ifh) && !ferror(ifh))
421 {
422 /* read header */
423 fread(&shdr, sizeof(shdr), 1, ifh);
424 if (shdr.magic != htonl(SEAMA_MAGIC)) break;
425 /* Get the size */
426 isize = ntohl(shdr.size);
427 msize = ntohs(shdr.metasize);
428 if (isize == 0)
429 {
430 while (msize > 0)
431 {
432 m = fread(buf, sizeof(char), (msize < MAX_SEAMA_META_SIZE) ? msize : MAX_SEAMA_META_SIZE, ifh);
433 if (m <= 0) break;
434 msize -= m;
435 }
436 continue;
437 }
438 /* read checksum */
439 fread(buf, sizeof(char), 16, ifh);
440 if (msize > 0)
441 {
442 /* read META */
443 fread(buf, sizeof(char), msize, ifh);
444 if (match_meta((const char *)buf, msize))
445 {
446 printf("SEAMA: found image @ '%s', image size: %zu\n", o_images[i], isize);
447 /* open output file */
448 ofh = fopen(output, "w");
449 if (!ofh) printf("SEAMA: unable to open '%s' for writting.\n",output);
450 else
451 {
452 while (isize > 0)
453 {
454 m = fread(buf, sizeof(char), (isize < MAX_SEAMA_META_SIZE) ? isize : MAX_SEAMA_META_SIZE, ifh);
455 if (m <= 0) break;
456 fwrite(buf, sizeof(char), m, ofh);
457 isize -= m;
458 }
459 fclose(ofh);
460 }
461 done++;
462 break;
463 }
464 }
465 while (isize > 0)
466 {
467 m = fread(buf, sizeof(char), (isize < MAX_SEAMA_META_SIZE) ? isize : MAX_SEAMA_META_SIZE, ifh);
468 if (m <= 0) break;
469 isize -= m;
470 }
471 }
472 /* close the file. */
473 fclose(ifh);
474 if (done) break;
475 }
476 return;
477 }
479 /*******************************************************************/
480 #ifdef RGBIN_BOX
481 int seama_main(int argc, char * argv[], char * env[])
482 #else
483 int main(int argc, char * argv[], char * env[])
484 #endif
485 {
486 verbose("SEAMA version " VERSION "\n");
488 /* parse the arguments */
489 if (parse_args(argc, argv) < 0) show_usage(9);
491 /* Do the works */
492 if (o_dump) dump_seama(o_dump);
493 else if (o_seal) seal_files(o_seal);
494 else if (o_extract) extract_file(o_extract);
495 else pack_files();
497 cleanup_exit(0);
498 return 0;
499 }