include: - local: '.gitlab/ci/prebuild.yml' - remote: stages: - pre-build - test check HTML, JS, CSS with eslint and prettier: stage: pre-build image: node cache: paths: - node_modules/ script: - yarn install - yarn prettier --check www/ - yarn eslint www/ check HTML, CSS and SVG with html5validator: stage: pre-build image: cyb3rjak3/html5validator:latest script: - html5validator --root www --also-check-css --show-warnings --log INFO .build python: stage: pre-build image: python:$CI_PYTHON_VERSION-slim-buster before_script: - apt-get update; apt-get install -y make script: - cp -R ./www ./build - misc/ scrape build artifacts: expire_in: 1 week when: always paths: - build build site on Python 3.6: extends: .build python variables: CI_PYTHON_VERSION: "3.6" build site on Python 3.8: extends: .build python variables: CI_PYTHON_VERSION: "3.8" test site with selenium: stage: test image: selenium/standalone-firefox:latest script: - /opt/bin/ & - sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install -y python3-pip python3-pytest - pip3 install selenium-firefox - (cd build; python3 -m http.server &) - pytest-3 tests build site for target environment: stage: test image: debian:9 before_script: - apt-get update; apt-get install -y make python3 script: - cp -R ./www ./build - misc/ scrape build