--[[ LuCI - Firewall model Copyright 2009 Jo-Philipp Wich Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ]]-- local type, pairs, ipairs, table, luci, math = type, pairs, ipairs, table, luci, math local lmo = require "lmo" local utl = require "luci.util" local uci = require "luci.model.uci" module "luci.model.firewall" local uci_r, uci_s function _valid_id(x) return (x and #x > 0 and x:match("^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$")) end function _get(c, s, o) return uci_r:get(c, s, o) end function _set(c, s, o, v) if v ~= nil then if type(v) == "boolean" then v = v and "1" or "0" end return uci_r:set(c, s, o, v) else return uci_r:del(c, s, o, v) end end function init(cursor) uci_r = cursor or uci_r or uci.cursor() uci_s = uci_r:substate() return _M end function save(self, ...) uci_r:save(...) uci_r:load(...) end function commit(self, ...) uci_r:commit(...) uci_r:load(...) end function add_zone(self, n) if _valid_id(n) and not self:get_zone(n) then local z = uci_r:section("firewall", "zone", nil, { name = n, network = " ", input = defaults:input() or "DROP", forward = defaults:forward() or "DROP", output = defaults:output() or "DROP" }) return z and zone(z) end end function get_zone(self, n) if uci_r:get("firewall", n) == "zone" then return zone(n) else local z uci_r:foreach("firewall", "zone", function(s) if n and s.name == n then z = s['.name'] return false end end) return z and zone(z) end end function get_zones(self) local zones = { } local znl = { } uci_r:foreach("firewall", "zone", function(s) if s.name then znl[s.name] = zone(s['.name']) end end) local z for z in utl.kspairs(znl) do zones[#zones+1] = znl[z] end return zones end function get_zone_by_network(self, net) local z uci_r:foreach("firewall", "zone", function(s) if s.name and net then local n for n in utl.imatch(s.network or s.name) do if n == net then z = s['.name'] return false end end end end) return z and zone(z) end function del_zone(self, n) local r = false if uci_r:get("firewall", n) == "zone" then local z = uci_r:get("firewall", n, "name") r = uci_r:delete("firwall", n) n = z else uci_r:foreach("firewall", "zone", function(s) if n and s.name == n then r = uci_r:delete("firewall", s['.name']) return false end end) end if r then uci_r:foreach("firewall", "rule", function(s) if s.src == n or s.dest == n then uci_r:delete("firewall", s['.name']) end end) uci_r:foreach("firewall", "redirect", function(s) if s.src == n then uci_r:delete("firewall", s['.name']) end end) uci_r:foreach("firewall", "forwarding", function(s) if s.src == n then uci_r:delete("firewall", s['.name']) end end) end return r end function rename_zone(self, old, new) local r = false if _valid_id(new) and not self:get_zone(new) then uci_r:foreach("firewall", "zone", function(s) if n and s.name == old then uci_r:set("firewall", s['.name'], "name", new) r = true return false end end) if r then uci_r:foreach("firewall", "rule", function(s) if s.src == old then uci_r:set("firewall", s['.name'], "src", new) end if s.dest == old then uci_r:set("firewall", s['.name'], "dest", new) end end) uci_r:foreach("firewall", "redirect", function(s) if s.src == old then uci_r:set("firewall", s['.name'], "src", new) end if s.dest == old then uci_r:set("firewall", s['.name'], "dest", new) end end) ub.uci:foreach("firewall", "forwarding", function(s) if s.src == old then ub.uci:set("firewall", s['.name'], "src", new) end if s.dest == old then uci_r:set("firewall", s['.name'], "dest", new) end end) end end return r end function del_network(self, net) local z if net then for _, z in ipairs(self:get_zones()) do z:del_network(net) end end end defaults = utl.class() function defaults.__init__(self) uci_r:foreach("firewall", "defaults", function(s) self.sid = s['.name'] return false end) self.sid = self.sid or uci_r:section("firewall", "defaults", nil, { }) end function defaults.get(self, opt) return _get("firewall", self.sid, opt) end function defaults.set(self, opt, val) return _set("firewall", self.sid, opt, val) end function defaults.syn_flood(self) return (self:get("syn_flood") == "1") end function defaults.drop_invalid(self) return (self:get("drop_invalid") == "1") end function defaults.input(self) return self:get("input") or "DROP" end function defaults.forward(self) return self:get("forward") or "DROP" end function defaults.output(self) return self:get("output") or "DROP" end zone = utl.class() function zone.__init__(self, z) if uci_r:get("firewall", z) == "zone" then self.sid = z self.data = uci_r:get_all("firewall", z) else uci_r:foreach("firewall", "zone", function(s) if s.name == z then self.sid = s['.name'] self.data = s return false end end) end end function zone.get(self, opt) return _get("firewall", self.sid, opt) end function zone.set(self, opt, val) return _set("firewall", self.sid, opt, val) end function zone.masq(self) return (self:get("masq") == "1") end function zone.name(self) return self:get("name") end function zone.network(self) return self:get("network") end function zone.input(self) return self:get("input") or "DROP" end function zone.forward(self) return self:get("forward") or "DROP" end function zone.output(self) return self:get("output") or "DROP" end function zone.add_network(self, net) if uci_r:get("network", net) == "interface" then local nets = { } local n for n in utl.imatch(self:get("network") or self:get("name")) do if n ~= net then nets[#nets+1] = n end end nets[#nets+1] = net if #nets > 0 then self:set("network", table.concat(nets, " ")) else self:set("network", " ") end end end function zone.del_network(self, net) local nets = { } local n for n in utl.imatch(self:get("network") or self:get("name")) do if n ~= net then nets[#nets+1] = n end end if #nets > 0 then self:set("network", table.concat(nets, " ")) else self:set("network", " ") end end function zone.get_networks(self) local nets = { } local n for n in utl.imatch(self:get("network") or self:get("name")) do nets[#nets+1] = n end return nets end function zone.get_forwardings_by(self, what) local name = self:name() local forwards = { } uci_r:foreach("firewall", "forwarding", function(s) if s.src and s.dest and s[what] == name then forwards[#forwards+1] = forwarding(s['.name']) end end) return forwards end function zone.add_forwarding_to(self, dest) local exist, forward for _, forward in ipairs(self:get_forwardings_by('src')) do if forward:dest() == dest then exist = true break end end if not exist and dest ~= self:name() then local s = uci_r:section("firewall", "forwarding", nil, { src = self:name(), dest = dest }) return s and forwarding(s) end end function zone.add_forwarding_from(self, src) local exist, forward for _, forward in ipairs(self:get_forwardings_by('dest')) do if forward:src() == src then exist = true break end end if not exist and src ~= self:name() then local s = uci_r:section("firewall", "forwarding", nil, { src = src, dest = self:name() }) return s and forwarding(s) end end function zone.del_forwardings_by(self, what) local name = self:name() uci_r:foreach("firewall", "forwarding", function(s) if s.src and s.dest and s[what] == name then uci_r:delete("firewall", s['.name']) end end) end function zone.add_redirect(self, options) options = options or { } options.src = self:name() local s = uci_r:section("firewall", "redirect", nil, options) return s and redirect(s) end function zone.add_rule(self, options) options = options or { } options.src = self:name() local s = uci_r:section("firewall", "rule", nil, options) return s and rule(s) end function zone.get_color(self) if self and self:name() == "lan" then return "#90f090" elseif self and self:name() == "wan" then return "#f09090" elseif self then math.randomseed(lmo.hash(self:name())) local r = math.random(128) local g = math.random(128) local min = 0 local max = 128 if ( r + g ) < 128 then min = 128 - r - g else max = 255 - r - g end local b = min + math.floor( math.random() * ( max - min ) ) return "#%02x%02x%02x" % { 0xFF - r, 0xFF - g, 0xFF - b } else return "#eeeeee" end end forwarding = utl.class() function forwarding.__init__(self, f) self.sid = f end function forwarding.src(self) return uci_r:get("firewall", self.sid, "src") end function forwarding.dest(self) return uci_r:get("firewall", self.sid, "dest") end function forwarding.src_zone(self) return zone(self:src()) end function forwarding.dest_zone(self) return zone(self:dest()) end rule = utl.class() function rule.__init__(self, f) self.sid = f end function rule.get(self, opt) return _get("firewall", self.sid, opt) end function rule.set(self, opt, val) return _set("firewall", self.sid, opt, val) end function rule.src(self) return uci_r:get("firewall", self.sid, "src") end function rule.dest(self) return uci_r:get("firewall", self.sid, "dest") end function rule.src_zone(self) return zone(self:src()) end function rule.dest_zone(self) return zone(self:dest()) end redirect = utl.class() function redirect.__init__(self, f) self.sid = f end function redirect.get(self, opt) return _get("firewall", self.sid, opt) end function redirect.set(self, opt, val) return _set("firewall", self.sid, opt, val) end function redirect.src(self) return uci_r:get("firewall", self.sid, "src") end function redirect.dest(self) return uci_r:get("firewall", self.sid, "dest") end function redirect.src_zone(self) return zone(self:src()) end function redirect.dest_zone(self) return zone(self:dest()) end