--[[ LuCI - Network model Copyright 2009 Jo-Philipp Wich Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ]]-- local type, pairs, ipairs, loadfile, table, i18n = type, pairs, ipairs, loadfile, table, luci.i18n local lmo = require "lmo" local nxo = require "nixio" local nfs = require "nixio.fs" local iwi = require "iwinfo" local ipc = require "luci.ip" local utl = require "luci.util" local uct = require "luci.model.uci.bind" module "luci.model.network" -- load extensions local ext local handler = { } for ext in nfs.glob(utl.libpath() .. "/model/network/*.lua") do if nfs.access(ext) then local m = loadfile(ext) if m then handler[#handler+1] = m() end end end function foreach_handler(code, ...) local h for _, h in ipairs(handler) do if code(h, ...) then return true end end return false end local ub = uct.bind("network") local ifs, brs, sws function init(cursor) if cursor then cursor:unload("network") cursor:load("network") ub:init(cursor) ifs = { } brs = { } sws = { } -- init handler foreach_handler(function(h) h:init(cursor) h:find_interfaces(ifs, brs) end) -- read interface information local n, i for n, i in ipairs(nxo.getifaddrs()) do local name = i.name:match("[^:]+") local prnt = name:match("^([^%.]+)%.") if not _M:ignore_interface(name) then ifs[name] = ifs[name] or { idx = i.ifindex or n, name = name, rawname = i.name, flags = { }, ipaddrs = { }, ip6addrs = { } } if prnt then sws[name] = true sws[prnt] = true end if i.family == "packet" then ifs[name].flags = i.flags ifs[name].stats = i.data ifs[name].macaddr = i.addr elseif i.family == "inet" then ifs[name].ipaddrs[#ifs[name].ipaddrs+1] = ipc.IPv4(i.addr, i.netmask) elseif i.family == "inet6" then ifs[name].ip6addrs[#ifs[name].ip6addrs+1] = ipc.IPv6(i.addr, i.netmask) end end end -- read bridge informaton local b, l for l in utl.execi("brctl show") do if not l:match("STP") then local r = utl.split(l, "%s+", nil, true) if #r == 4 then b = { name = r[1], id = r[2], stp = r[3] == "yes", ifnames = { ifs[r[4]] } } if b.ifnames[1] then b.ifnames[1].bridge = b end brs[r[1]] = b elseif b then b.ifnames[#b.ifnames+1] = ifs[r[2]] b.ifnames[#b.ifnames].bridge = b end end end end end function has_ipv6(self) return nfs.access("/proc/net/ipv6_route") end function add_network(self, n, options) if n and #n > 0 and n:match("^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$") and not self:get_network(n) then if ub.uci:section("network", "interface", n, options) then return network(n) end end end function get_network(self, n) if n and ub.uci:get("network", n) == "interface" then return network(n) end end function get_networks(self) local nets = { } ub.uci:foreach("network", "interface", function(s) nets[#nets+1] = network(s['.name']) end) return nets end function del_network(self, n) local r = ub.uci:delete("network", n) if r then ub.uci:foreach("network", "alias", function(s) if s.interface == n then ub.uci:delete("network", s['.name']) end end) ub.uci:foreach("network", "route", function(s) if s.interface == n then ub.uci:delete("network", s['.name']) end end) ub.uci:foreach("network", "route6", function(s) if s.interface == n then ub.uci:delete("network", s['.name']) end end) foreach_handler(function(h) h:del_network(n) end) end return r end function rename_network(self, old, new) local r if new and #new > 0 and new:match("^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$") and not self:get_network(new) then r = ub.uci:section("network", "interface", new, ub.uci:get_all("network", old)) if r then ub.uci:foreach("network", "alias", function(s) if s.interface == old then ub.uci:set("network", s['.name'], "interface", new) end end) ub.uci:foreach("network", "route", function(s) if s.interface == old then ub.uci:set("network", s['.name'], "interface", new) end end) ub.uci:foreach("network", "route6", function(s) if s.interface == old then ub.uci:set("network", s['.name'], "interface", new) end end) foreach_handler(function(h) h:rename_network(old, new) end) end end return r or false end function get_interface(self, i) return ifs[i] and interface(i) end function get_interfaces(self) local ifaces = { } local iface for iface, _ in pairs(ifs) do ifaces[#ifaces+1] = interface(iface) end return ifaces end function ignore_interface(self, x) if foreach_handler(function(h) return h:ignore_interface(x) end) then return true else return (x:match("^wmaster%d") or x:match("^wifi%d") or x:match("^hwsim%d") or x:match("^imq%d") or x == "lo") end end network = ub:section("interface") network:property("device") network:property("ifname") network:property("proto") network:property("type") function network.name(self) return self.sid end function network.is_bridge(self) return (self:type() == "bridge") end function network.add_interface(self, ifname) local ifaces, iface if type(ifname) ~= "string" then ifaces = { ifname:name() } else ifaces = ub:list(ifname) end for _, iface in ipairs(ifaces) do if ifs[iface] then -- make sure the interface is removed from all networks local i = interface(iface) local n = i:get_network() if n then n:del_interface(iface) end if ifs[iface].handler then ifs[iface].handler:add_interface(self, iface, ifs[iface]) else self:ifname(ub:list((self:ifname() or ''), iface)) end end end end function network.del_interface(self, ifname) if type(ifname) ~= "string" then ifname = ifname:name() end if ifs[ifname] and ifs[ifname].handler then ifs[ifname].handler:del_interface(self, ifname, ifs[ifname]) else self:ifname(ub:list((self:ifname() or ''), nil, ifname)) end end function network.get_interfaces(self) local ifaces = { } local iface for _, iface in ipairs(ub:list(self:ifname())) do iface = iface:match("[^:]+") if ifs[iface] then ifaces[#ifaces+1] = interface(iface) end end for iface, _ in pairs(ifs) do if ifs[iface].network == self:name() then ifaces[#ifaces+1] = interface(iface) end end return ifaces end function network.contains_interface(self, iface) local i local ifaces = ub:list(self:ifname()) if type(iface) ~= "string" then iface = iface:name() end for _, i in ipairs(ifaces) do if i == iface then return true end end for i, _ in pairs(ifs) do if ifs[i].dev and ifs[i].dev.network == self:name() then return true end end return false end interface = utl.class() function interface.__init__(self, ifname) if ifs[ifname] then self.ifname = ifname self.dev = ifs[ifname] self.br = brs[ifname] end end function interface.name(self) return self.ifname end function interface.mac(self) return self.dev.macaddr or "00:00:00:00:00:00" end function interface.ipaddrs(self) return self.dev.ipaddrs or { } end function interface.ip6addrs(self) return self.dev.ip6addrs or { } end function interface.type(self) if self.dev and self.dev.type then return self.dev.type elseif brs[self.ifname] then return "bridge" elseif sws[self.ifname] or self.ifname:match("%.") then return "switch" else return "ethernet" end end function interface.shortname(self) if self.dev and self.dev.handler then return self.dev.handler:shortname(self) else return self.ifname end end function interface.get_i18n(self) if self.dev and self.dev.handler then return self.dev.handler:get_i18n(self) else return "%s: %q" %{ self:get_type_i18n(), self:name() } end end function interface.get_type_i18n(self) local x = self:type() if x == "wifi" then return i18n.translate("a_s_if_wifidev", "Wireless Adapter") elseif x == "bridge" then return i18n.translate("a_s_if_bridge", "Bridge") elseif x == "switch" then return i18n.translate("a_s_if_ethswitch", "Ethernet Switch") else return i18n.translate("a_s_if_ethdev", "Ethernet Adapter") end end function interface.ports(self) if self.br then local iface local ifaces = { } for _, iface in ipairs(self.br.ifnames) do ifaces[#ifaces+1] = interface(iface.name) end return ifaces end end function interface.bridge_id(self) if self.br then return self.br.id else return nil end end function interface.bridge_stp(self) if self.br then return self.br.stp else return false end end function interface.is_up(self) return self.dev.flags and self.dev.flags.up end function interface.is_bridge(self) return (self:type() == "bridge") end function interface.is_bridgeport(self) return self.dev and self.dev.bridge and true or false end function interface.tx_bytes(self) return self.dev and self.dev.stats and self.dev.stats.tx_bytes or 0 end function interface.rx_bytes(self) return self.dev and self.dev.stats and self.dev.stats.rx_bytes or 0 end function interface.tx_packets(self) return self.dev and self.dev.stats and self.dev.stats.tx_packets or 0 end function interface.rx_packets(self) return self.dev and self.dev.stats and self.dev.stats.rx_packets or 0 end function interface.get_network(self) if self.dev and self.dev.network then self.network = _M:get_network(self.dev.network) end if not self.network then local net for _, net in ipairs(_M:get_networks()) do if net:contains_interface(self.ifname) then self.network = net return net end end else return self.network end end