config usteer # The network interface for inter-AP communication option 'network' 'lan' # Log messages to syslog (0/1) option 'syslog' '1' # Disable network communication (0/1) option local_mode '0' # Use IPv6 for remote exchange option 'ipv6' '0' # Minimum level of logged messages # 0 = fatal # 1 = info # 2 = verbose # 3 = some debug messages # 4 = network packet information # 5 = all debug messages option 'debug_level' '2' # Maximum number of neighbor reports set for a node #option max_neighbor_reports 8 # Maximum amount of time (ms) a station may be blocked due to policy decisions #option sta_block_timeout 30000 # Maximum amount of time (ms) a local unconnected station is tracked #option local_sta_timeout 120000 # Maximum amount of time (ms) a measurement report is stored #option measurement_report_timeout 120000 # Local station information update interval (ms) #option local_sta_update 1000 # Maximum number of consecutive times a station may be blocked by policy #option max_retry_band 5 # Maximum idle time of a station entry (ms) to be considered for policy decisions #option seen_policy_timeout 30000 # Minimum number of stations delta between APs before load balancing policy is active #option load_balancing_threshold 0 # Minimum number of stations delta between bands before band steering policy is active #option band_steering_threshold 5 # Interval (ms) between sending state updates to other APs #option remote_update_interval 1000 # Number of remote update intervals after which a remote-node is deleted #option remote_node_timeout 10 # Allow rejecting assoc requests for steering purposes (0/1) #option assoc_steering 0 # Allow ignoring probe requests for steering purposes (0/1) #option probe_steering 1 # Minimum signal-to-noise ratio or signal level (dBm) to allow connections #option min_connect_snr 0 # Minimum signal-to-noise ratio or signal level (dBm) to remain connected #option min_snr 0 # Timeout after which a station with snr < min_snr will be kicked #option min_snr_kick_delay 5000 # Timeout (ms) for which a client will not be steered after rejecting a BSS-transition-request #option steer_reject_timeout 60000 # Timeout (in ms) after which a association following a disassociation is not seen # as a roam #option roam_process_timeout 5000 # Minimum signal-to-noise ratio or signal level (dBm) before attempting to trigger # client scans for roaming #option roam_scan_snr 0 # Maximum number of client roaming scan trigger attempts #option roam_scan_tries 3 # Retry scanning when roam_scan_tries is exceeded after this timeout (in ms) # In case this option is set to 0, the client is kicked instead #option roam_scan_timeout 0 # Minimum time (ms) between client roaming scan trigger attempts #option roam_scan_interval 10000 # Minimum signal-to-noise ratio or signal level (dBm) before attempting to trigger # forced client roaming #option roam_trigger_snr 0 # Minimum time (ms) between client roaming trigger attempts #option roam_trigger_interval 60000 # Timeout (ms) for client roam requests. usteer will kick the client after this times out. #option roam_kick_delay 10000 # Minimum signal strength difference until AP steering policy is active #option signal_diff_threshold 0 # Initial delay (ms) before responding to probe requests (to allow other APs to see packets as well) #option initial_connect_delay 0 # Enable kicking client on excessive channel load (0/1) #option load_kick_enabled 0 # Minimum channel load (%) before kicking clients #option load_kick_threshold 75 # Minimum amount of time (ms) that channel load is above threshold before starting to kick clients #option load_kick_delay 10000 # Minimum number of connected clients before kicking based on channel load #option load_kick_min_clients 10 # Reason code on client kick based on channel load (default: WLAN_REASON_DISASSOC_AP_BUSY) #option load_kick_reason_code 5 # Attempting to steer clients to a higher frequency-band every n ms. # A value of 0 disabled band-steering. #option band_steering_interval 120000 # Minimal SNR or absolute signal a device has to maintain over band_steering_interval to be # steered to a higher frequency band #option band_steering_min_snr -60 # Interval (ms) the device is sent a link-measurement request to help assess # the bi-directional link quality. Setting the interval to 0 disables link-measurements. #option link_measurement_interval 30000 # Script to run after bringing up a node #option node_up_script '' # Message types to include in log # Available types: # - probe_req_accept # - probe_req_deny # - auth_req_accept # - auth_req_deny # - assoc_req_accept # - assoc_req_deny # - load_kick_trigger # - load_kick_reset # - load_kick_min_clients # - load_kick_no_client # - load_kick_client # - signal_kick #list event_log_types '' # List of SSIDs to enable steering on #list ssid_list ''