[general] title = OpenWrt Project title_url = http://openwrt.org/ workdir = /buildbot [phase1] buildbot_url = http://phase1.builds.openwrt.org/ status_bind = tcp:8010:interface= status_user = example status_password = example port = 9989 [irc] host = irc.freenode.net port = 6667 channel = #example-channel nickname = example-builder password = example [repo] url = https://git.openwrt.org/openwrt/openwrt.git # branches should be listed by decreasing build priority order, typically oldest branch first (less build intensive) # branch section name should match branch "name" option until signall.sh is reworked [branch openwrt-21.02] name = openwrt-21.02 gpg_key = -----BEGIN PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK----- Version: GnuPG v2 mQGNBFX4kxkBDACcTUVUl6zbn4r9tDap0/aCpcK9MO+HPatS7p2aBGY51kh78Ixr ... HwHLaFTMvYFY7WJDwA== -----END PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK----- gpg_passphrase = secret password gpg_comment = Unattended build signature usign_key = RWRCSwAAA...OihABfuLvGRVfVaJ6wLf0= usign_comment = Unattended build signature binary_url = user@example.org::upload-binary binary_password = example source_url = user@example.org::upload-sources source_password = example2 config_seed = # Seed configuration CONFIG_BUILDBOT=y CONFIG_DEVEL=y CONFIG_CCACHE=n CONFIG_KERNEL_KALLSYMS=y CONFIG_AUTOREMOVE=y [branch openwrt-22.03] name = openwrt-22.03 [branch master] name = master [worker 1] phase = 1 name = example-worker-1 password = example [worker 2] phase = 1 name = example-worker-2 password = example2 # for workers which share a common pipe, ul/dl resource-access locks can be defined. # if the identifier is the same for both ul/dl, then all ul/dl operations will be serialized between workers having the same id. # if the identifier differs for ul and dl, then dl operations will be serialized independently of ul operations. ul_lock = host1 dl_lock = host1 # tag_only workers will only build forced tag buildrequests (i.e. release builds) tag_only = yes # if rsync operations must prefer ipv4 ('rsync -4'), set the following rsync_ipv4 = yes