# -*- python -*- # ex: set syntax=python: import os import re import base64 import subprocess import configparser from dateutil.tz import tzutc from datetime import datetime, timedelta from twisted.internet import defer from twisted.python import log from buildbot import locks from buildbot.data import resultspec from buildbot.changes import filter from buildbot.changes.gitpoller import GitPoller from buildbot.config import BuilderConfig from buildbot.plugins import reporters from buildbot.plugins import schedulers from buildbot.plugins import steps from buildbot.plugins import util from buildbot.process import properties from buildbot.process import results from buildbot.process.factory import BuildFactory from buildbot.process.properties import Interpolate from buildbot.process.properties import Property from buildbot.schedulers.basic import SingleBranchScheduler from buildbot.schedulers.forcesched import BaseParameter from buildbot.schedulers.forcesched import ForceScheduler from buildbot.schedulers.forcesched import ValidationError from buildbot.steps.master import MasterShellCommand from buildbot.steps.shell import SetPropertyFromCommand from buildbot.steps.shell import ShellCommand from buildbot.steps.source.git import Git from buildbot.steps.transfer import FileDownload from buildbot.steps.transfer import FileUpload from buildbot.steps.transfer import StringDownload from buildbot.worker import Worker if not os.path.exists("twistd.pid"): with open("twistd.pid", "w") as pidfile: pidfile.write("{}".format(os.getpid())) # This is a sample buildmaster config file. It must be installed as # 'master.cfg' in your buildmaster's base directory. ini = configparser.ConfigParser() ini.read(os.getenv("BUILDMASTER_CONFIG", "./config.ini")) if "general" not in ini or "phase1" not in ini: raise ValueError("Fix your configuration") inip1 = ini['phase1'] # Globals work_dir = os.path.abspath(ini['general'].get("workdir", ".")) scripts_dir = os.path.abspath("../scripts") repo_url = ini['repo'].get("url") repo_branch = ini['repo'].get("branch", "master") rsync_defopts = ["-v", "-4", "--timeout=120"] #if rsync_bin_url.find("::") > 0 or rsync_bin_url.find("rsync://") == 0: # rsync_bin_defopts += ["--contimeout=20"] branches = {} def ini_parse_branch(section): b = {} name = section.get("name") if not name: raise ValueError("missing 'name' in " + repr(section)) if name in branches: raise ValueError("duplicate branch name in " + repr(section)) b["name"] = name b["bin_url"] = section.get("binary_url") b["bin_key"] = section.get("binary_password") b["src_url"] = section.get("source_url") b["src_key"] = section.get("source_password") b["gpg_key"] = section.get("gpg_key") b["usign_key"] = section.get("usign_key") usign_comment = "untrusted comment: " + name.replace("-", " ").title() + " key" b["usign_comment"] = section.get("usign_comment", usign_comment) b["config_seed"] = section.get("config_seed") b["kmod_archive"] = section.getboolean("kmod_archive", False) branches[name] = b log.msg("Configured branch: {}".format(name)) # PB port can be either a numeric port or a connection string pb_port = inip1.get("port") or 9989 # This is the dictionary that the buildmaster pays attention to. We also use # a shorter alias to save typing. c = BuildmasterConfig = {} ####### PROJECT IDENTITY # the 'title' string will appear at the top of this buildbot # installation's html.WebStatus home page (linked to the # 'titleURL') and is embedded in the title of the waterfall HTML page. c['title'] = ini['general'].get("title") c['titleURL'] = ini['general'].get("title_url") # the 'buildbotURL' string should point to the location where the buildbot's # internal web server (usually the html.WebStatus page) is visible. This # typically uses the port number set in the Waterfall 'status' entry, but # with an externally-visible host name which the buildbot cannot figure out # without some help. c['buildbotURL'] = inip1.get("buildbot_url") ####### BUILDWORKERS # The 'workers' list defines the set of recognized buildworkers. Each element is # a Worker object, specifying a unique worker name and password. The same # worker name and password must be configured on the worker. c['workers'] = [] NetLocks = dict() for section in ini.sections(): if section.startswith("branch "): ini_parse_branch(ini[section]) if section.startswith("worker "): if ini.has_option(section, "name") and ini.has_option(section, "password") and \ (not ini.has_option(section, "phase") or ini.getint(section, "phase") == 1): sl_props = { 'dl_lock':None, 'ul_lock':None } name = ini.get(section, "name") password = ini.get(section, "password") if ini.has_option(section, "dl_lock"): lockname = ini.get(section, "dl_lock") sl_props['dl_lock'] = lockname if lockname not in NetLocks: NetLocks[lockname] = locks.MasterLock(lockname) if ini.has_option(section, "ul_lock"): lockname = ini.get(section, "ul_lock") sl_props['ul_lock'] = lockname if lockname not in NetLocks: NetLocks[lockname] = locks.MasterLock(lockname) c['workers'].append(Worker(name, password, max_builds = 1, properties = sl_props)) c['protocols'] = {'pb': {'port': pb_port}} # coalesce builds c['collapseRequests'] = True # Reduce amount of backlog data c['configurators'] = [util.JanitorConfigurator( logHorizon=timedelta(days=3), hour=6, )] @defer.inlineCallbacks def getNewestCompleteTime(bldr): """Returns the complete_at of the latest completed and not SKIPPED build request for this builder, or None if there are no such build requests. We need to filter out SKIPPED requests because we're using collapseRequests=True which is unfortunately marking all previous requests as complete when new buildset is created. @returns: datetime instance or None, via Deferred """ bldrid = yield bldr.getBuilderId() completed = yield bldr.master.data.get( ('builders', bldrid, 'buildrequests'), [ resultspec.Filter('complete', 'eq', [True]), resultspec.Filter('results', 'ne', [results.SKIPPED]), ], order=['-complete_at'], limit=1) if not completed: return complete_at = completed[0]['complete_at'] last_build = yield bldr.master.data.get( ('builds', ), [ resultspec.Filter('builderid', 'eq', [bldrid]), ], order=['-started_at'], limit=1) if last_build and last_build[0]: last_complete_at = last_build[0]['complete_at'] if last_complete_at and (last_complete_at > complete_at): return last_complete_at return complete_at @defer.inlineCallbacks def prioritizeBuilders(master, builders): """Returns sorted list of builders by their last timestamp of completed and not skipped build. @returns: list of sorted builders """ def is_building(bldr): return bool(bldr.building) or bool(bldr.old_building) def bldr_info(bldr): d = defer.maybeDeferred(getNewestCompleteTime, bldr) d.addCallback(lambda complete_at: (complete_at, bldr)) return d def bldr_sort(item): (complete_at, bldr) = item if not complete_at: date = datetime.min complete_at = date.replace(tzinfo=tzutc()) if is_building(bldr): date = datetime.max complete_at = date.replace(tzinfo=tzutc()) return (complete_at, bldr.name) results = yield defer.gatherResults([bldr_info(bldr) for bldr in builders]) results.sort(key=bldr_sort) for r in results: log.msg("prioritizeBuilders: {:>20} complete_at: {}".format(r[1].name, r[0])) return [r[1] for r in results] c['prioritizeBuilders'] = prioritizeBuilders ####### CHANGESOURCES # find targets targets = [ ] def populateTargets(): sourcegit = work_dir + '/source.git' if os.path.isdir(sourcegit): subprocess.call(["rm", "-rf", sourcegit]) subprocess.call(["git", "clone", "--depth=1", "--branch="+repo_branch, repo_url, sourcegit]) os.makedirs(sourcegit + '/tmp', exist_ok=True) findtargets = subprocess.Popen(['./scripts/dump-target-info.pl', 'targets'], stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.DEVNULL, cwd = sourcegit) while True: line = findtargets.stdout.readline() if not line: break ta = line.decode().strip().split(' ') targets.append(ta[0]) subprocess.call(["rm", "-rf", sourcegit]) populateTargets() # the 'change_source' setting tells the buildmaster how it should find out # about source code changes. Here we point to the buildbot clone of pyflakes. c['change_source'] = [] c['change_source'].append(GitPoller( repo_url, workdir=work_dir+'/work.git', branch=repo_branch, pollinterval=300)) ####### SCHEDULERS # Configure the Schedulers, which decide how to react to incoming changes. In this # case, just kick off a 'basebuild' build class TagChoiceParameter(BaseParameter): spec_attributes = ["strict", "choices"] type = "list" strict = True def __init__(self, name, label=None, **kw): super().__init__(name, label, **kw) self._choice_list = [] @property def choices(self): taglist = [] basever = re.search(r'-([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)$', repo_branch) if basever: findtags = subprocess.Popen( ['git', 'ls-remote', '--tags', repo_url], stdout = subprocess.PIPE) while True: line = findtags.stdout.readline() if not line: break tagver = re.search(r'\brefs/tags/v([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+(?:-rc[0-9]+)?)$', line.decode().strip()) if tagver and tagver[1].find(basever[1]) == 0: taglist.append(tagver[1]) taglist.sort(reverse=True, key=lambda tag: tag if re.search(r'-rc[0-9]+$', tag) else tag + '-z') taglist.insert(0, '') self._choice_list = taglist return self._choice_list def parse_from_arg(self, s): if self.strict and s not in self._choice_list: raise ValidationError("'%s' does not belong to list of available choices '%s'" % (s, self._choice_list)) return s c['schedulers'] = [] c['schedulers'].append(SingleBranchScheduler( name = "all", change_filter = filter.ChangeFilter(branch=repo_branch), treeStableTimer = 60, builderNames = targets)) c['schedulers'].append(ForceScheduler( name = "force", buttonName = "Force builds", label = "Force build details", builderNames = [ "00_force_build" ], codebases = [ util.CodebaseParameter( "", label = "Repository", branch = util.FixedParameter(name = "branch", default = ""), revision = util.FixedParameter(name = "revision", default = ""), repository = util.FixedParameter(name = "repository", default = ""), project = util.FixedParameter(name = "project", default = "") ) ], reason = util.StringParameter( name = "reason", label = "Reason", default = "Trigger build", required = True, size = 80 ), properties = [ util.NestedParameter( name="options", label="Build Options", layout="vertical", fields=[ util.ChoiceStringParameter( name = "target", label = "Build target", default = "all", choices = [ "all" ] + targets ), TagChoiceParameter( name = "tag", label = "Build tag", default = "" ) ] ) ] )) ####### BUILDERS # The 'builders' list defines the Builders, which tell Buildbot how to perform a build: # what steps, and which workers can execute them. Note that any particular build will # only take place on one worker. def IsTaggingRequested(step): tag = step.getProperty("tag") return tag and re.match(r"^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+(?:-rc[0-9]+)?$", tag) def IsNoMasterBuild(step): return step.getProperty("branch") != "master" def IsUsignEnabled(step): branch = step.getProperty("branch") return branch and branches[branch].get("usign_key") def IsSignEnabled(step): branch = step.getProperty("branch") return IsUsignEnabled(step) or branch and branches[branch].get("gpg_key") def IsKmodArchiveEnabled(step): branch = step.getProperty("branch") return branch and branches[branch].get("kmod_archive") def GetBaseVersion(branch): if re.match(r"^[^-]+-[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$", branch): return branch.split('-')[1] else: return "master" @properties.renderer def GetVersionPrefix(props): branch = props.getProperty("branch") basever = GetBaseVersion(branch) if props.hasProperty("tag") and re.match(r"^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+(?:-rc[0-9]+)?$", props["tag"]): return "%s/" % props["tag"] elif basever != "master": return "%s-SNAPSHOT/" % basever else: return "" @util.renderer def GetConfigSeed(props): branch = props.getProperty("branch") return branch and branches[branch].get("config_seed") or "" @util.renderer def GetRsyncParams(props, srcorbin, urlorkey): # srcorbin: 'bin' or 'src'; urlorkey: 'url' or 'key' branch = props.getProperty("branch") opt = srcorbin + "_" + urlorkey return branch and branches[branch].get(opt) @util.renderer def GetUsignKey(props): branch = props.getProperty("branch") return branch and branches[branch].get("usign_key") def GetNextBuild(builder, requests): for r in requests: if r.properties and r.properties.hasProperty("tag"): return r r = requests[0] log.msg("GetNextBuild: {:>20} id: {} bsid: {}".format(builder.name, r.id, r.bsid)) return r def MakeEnv(overrides=None, tryccache=False): env = { 'CCC': Interpolate("%(prop:cc_command:-gcc)s"), 'CCXX': Interpolate("%(prop:cxx_command:-g++)s"), } if tryccache: env['CC'] = Interpolate("%(prop:builddir)s/ccache_cc.sh") env['CXX'] = Interpolate("%(prop:builddir)s/ccache_cxx.sh") env['CCACHE'] = Interpolate("%(prop:ccache_command:-)s") else: env['CC'] = env['CCC'] env['CXX'] = env['CCXX'] env['CCACHE'] = '' if overrides is not None: env.update(overrides) return env @properties.renderer def NetLockDl(props): lock = None if props.hasProperty("dl_lock"): lock = NetLocks[props["dl_lock"]] if lock is not None: return [lock.access('exclusive')] else: return [] @properties.renderer def NetLockUl(props): lock = None if props.hasProperty("ul_lock"): lock = NetLocks[props["ul_lock"]] if lock is not None: return [lock.access('exclusive')] else: return [] @util.renderer def TagPropertyValue(props): if props.hasProperty("options"): options = props.getProperty("options") if type(options) is dict: return options.get("tag") return None def IsTargetSelected(target): def CheckTargetProperty(step): try: options = step.getProperty("options") if type(options) is dict: selected_target = options.get("target", "all") if selected_target != "all" and selected_target != target: return False except KeyError: pass return True return CheckTargetProperty @util.renderer def UsignSec2Pub(props): branch = props.getProperty("branch") try: comment = branches[branch].get("usign_comment") or "untrusted comment: secret key" seckey = branches[branch].get("usign_key") seckey = base64.b64decode(seckey) except: return None return "{}\n{}".format(re.sub(r"\bsecret key$", "public key", comment), base64.b64encode(seckey[0:2] + seckey[32:40] + seckey[72:])) c['builders'] = [] dlLock = locks.WorkerLock("worker_dl") workerNames = [ ] for worker in c['workers']: workerNames.append(worker.workername) force_factory = BuildFactory() c['builders'].append(BuilderConfig( name = "00_force_build", workernames = workerNames, factory = force_factory)) for target in targets: ts = target.split('/') factory = BuildFactory() # setup shared work directory if required factory.addStep(ShellCommand( name = "sharedwd", description = "Setting up shared work directory", command = 'test -L "$PWD" || (mkdir -p ../shared-workdir && rm -rf "$PWD" && ln -s shared-workdir "$PWD")', workdir = ".", haltOnFailure = True)) # find number of cores factory.addStep(SetPropertyFromCommand( name = "nproc", property = "nproc", description = "Finding number of CPUs", command = ["nproc"])) # find gcc and g++ compilers factory.addStep(FileDownload( name = "dlfindbinpl", mastersrc = scripts_dir + '/findbin.pl', workerdest = "../findbin.pl", mode = 0o755)) factory.addStep(SetPropertyFromCommand( name = "gcc", property = "cc_command", description = "Finding gcc command", command = [ "../findbin.pl", "gcc", "", "", ], haltOnFailure = True)) factory.addStep(SetPropertyFromCommand( name = "g++", property = "cxx_command", description = "Finding g++ command", command = [ "../findbin.pl", "g++", "", "", ], haltOnFailure = True)) # see if ccache is available factory.addStep(SetPropertyFromCommand( property = "ccache_command", command = ["which", "ccache"], description = "Testing for ccache command", haltOnFailure = False, flunkOnFailure = False, warnOnFailure = False, )) # Workaround bug when switching from a checked out tag back to a branch # Ref: http://lists.infradead.org/pipermail/openwrt-devel/2019-June/017809.html factory.addStep(ShellCommand( name = "gitcheckout", description = "Ensure that Git HEAD is sane", command = Interpolate("if [ -d .git ]; then git checkout -f %(prop:branch)s && git branch --set-upstream-to origin/%(prop:branch)s || rm -fr .git; else exit 0; fi"), haltOnFailure = True)) # check out the source # Git() runs: # if repo doesn't exist: 'git clone repourl' # method 'clean' runs 'git clean -d -f', method fresh runs 'git clean -d -f x'. Only works with mode='full' # 'git fetch -t repourl branch; git reset --hard revision' factory.addStep(Git( name = "git", repourl = repo_url, mode = 'full', method = 'fresh', locks = NetLockDl, haltOnFailure = True, )) # update remote refs factory.addStep(ShellCommand( name = "fetchrefs", description = "Fetching Git remote refs", command = ["git", "fetch", "origin", Interpolate("+refs/heads/%(prop:branch)s:refs/remotes/origin/%(prop:branch)s")], haltOnFailure = True )) # switch to tag factory.addStep(ShellCommand( name = "switchtag", description = "Checking out Git tag", command = ["git", "checkout", Interpolate("tags/v%(prop:tag:-)s")], haltOnFailure = True, doStepIf = IsTaggingRequested )) # Verify that Git HEAD points to a tag or branch # Ref: http://lists.infradead.org/pipermail/openwrt-devel/2019-June/017809.html factory.addStep(ShellCommand( name = "gitverify", description = "Ensure that Git HEAD is pointing to a branch or tag", command = 'git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD | grep -vxqF HEAD || git show-ref --tags --dereference 2>/dev/null | sed -ne "/^$(git rev-parse HEAD) / { s|^.*/||; s|\\^.*||; p }" | grep -qE "^v[0-9][0-9]\\."', haltOnFailure = True)) factory.addStep(ShellCommand( name = "rmtmp", description = "Remove tmp folder", command=["rm", "-rf", "tmp/"])) # feed factory.addStep(ShellCommand( name = "rmfeedlinks", description = "Remove feed symlinks", command=["rm", "-rf", "package/feeds/"])) factory.addStep(StringDownload( name = "ccachecc", s = '#!/bin/sh\nexec ${CCACHE} ${CCC} "$@"\n', workerdest = "../ccache_cc.sh", mode = 0o755, )) factory.addStep(StringDownload( name = "ccachecxx", s = '#!/bin/sh\nexec ${CCACHE} ${CCXX} "$@"\n', workerdest = "../ccache_cxx.sh", mode = 0o755, )) # feed factory.addStep(ShellCommand( name = "updatefeeds", description = "Updating feeds", command=["./scripts/feeds", "update"], env = MakeEnv(tryccache=True), haltOnFailure = True, locks = NetLockDl, )) # feed factory.addStep(ShellCommand( name = "installfeeds", description = "Installing feeds", command=["./scripts/feeds", "install", "-a"], env = MakeEnv(tryccache=True), haltOnFailure = True )) # seed config factory.addStep(StringDownload( name = "dlconfigseed", s = Interpolate("%(kw:seed)s\n", seed=GetConfigSeed), workerdest = ".config", mode = 0o644 )) # configure factory.addStep(ShellCommand( name = "newconfig", description = "Seeding .config", command = Interpolate("printf 'CONFIG_TARGET_%(kw:target)s=y\\nCONFIG_TARGET_%(kw:target)s_%(kw:subtarget)s=y\\nCONFIG_SIGNED_PACKAGES=%(kw:usign:#?|y|n)s\\n' >> .config", target=ts[0], subtarget=ts[1], usign=GetUsignKey) )) factory.addStep(ShellCommand( name = "delbin", description = "Removing output directory", command = ["rm", "-rf", "bin/"] )) factory.addStep(ShellCommand( name = "defconfig", description = "Populating .config", command = ["make", "defconfig"], env = MakeEnv() )) # check arch factory.addStep(ShellCommand( name = "checkarch", description = "Checking architecture", command = ["grep", "-sq", "CONFIG_TARGET_%s=y" %(ts[0]), ".config"], logEnviron = False, want_stdout = False, want_stderr = False, haltOnFailure = True )) # find libc suffix factory.addStep(SetPropertyFromCommand( name = "libc", property = "libc", description = "Finding libc suffix", command = ["sed", "-ne", '/^CONFIG_LIBC=/ { s!^CONFIG_LIBC="\\(.*\\)"!\\1!; s!^musl$!!; s!.\\+!-&!p }', ".config"])) # install build key factory.addStep(StringDownload( name = "dlkeybuildpub", s = Interpolate("%(kw:sec2pub)s", sec2pub=UsignSec2Pub), workerdest = "key-build.pub", mode = 0o600, doStepIf = IsUsignEnabled, )) factory.addStep(StringDownload( name = "dlkeybuild", s = "# fake private key", workerdest = "key-build", mode = 0o600, doStepIf = IsUsignEnabled, )) factory.addStep(StringDownload( name = "dlkeybuilducert", s = "# fake certificate", workerdest = "key-build.ucert", mode = 0o600, doStepIf = IsUsignEnabled, )) # prepare dl factory.addStep(ShellCommand( name = "dldir", description = "Preparing dl/", command = "mkdir -p $HOME/dl && rm -rf ./dl && ln -sf $HOME/dl ./dl", logEnviron = False, want_stdout = False )) # prepare tar factory.addStep(ShellCommand( name = "dltar", description = "Building and installing GNU tar", command = ["make", Interpolate("-j%(prop:nproc:-1)s"), "tools/tar/compile", "V=s"], env = MakeEnv(tryccache=True), haltOnFailure = True )) # populate dl factory.addStep(ShellCommand( name = "dlrun", description = "Populating dl/", command = ["make", Interpolate("-j%(prop:nproc:-1)s"), "download", "V=s"], env = MakeEnv(), logEnviron = False, locks = properties.FlattenList(NetLockDl, [dlLock.access('exclusive')]), )) factory.addStep(ShellCommand( name = "cleanbase", description = "Cleaning base-files", command=["make", "package/base-files/clean", "V=s"] )) # build factory.addStep(ShellCommand( name = "tools", description = "Building and installing tools", command = ["make", Interpolate("-j%(prop:nproc:-1)s"), "tools/install", "V=s"], env = MakeEnv(tryccache=True), haltOnFailure = True )) factory.addStep(ShellCommand( name = "toolchain", description = "Building and installing toolchain", command=["make", Interpolate("-j%(prop:nproc:-1)s"), "toolchain/install", "V=s"], env = MakeEnv(), haltOnFailure = True )) factory.addStep(ShellCommand( name = "kmods", description = "Building kmods", command=["make", Interpolate("-j%(prop:nproc:-1)s"), "target/compile", "V=s", "IGNORE_ERRORS=n m", "BUILD_LOG=1"], env = MakeEnv(), haltOnFailure = True )) # find kernel version factory.addStep(SetPropertyFromCommand( name = "kernelversion", property = "kernelversion", description = "Finding the effective Kernel version", command = "make --no-print-directory -C target/linux/ val.LINUX_VERSION val.LINUX_RELEASE val.LINUX_VERMAGIC | xargs printf '%s-%s-%s\\n'", env = { 'TOPDIR': Interpolate("%(prop:builddir)s/build") } )) factory.addStep(ShellCommand( name = "pkgclean", description = "Cleaning up package build", command=["make", "package/cleanup", "V=s"] )) factory.addStep(ShellCommand( name = "pkgbuild", description = "Building packages", command=["make", Interpolate("-j%(prop:nproc:-1)s"), "package/compile", "V=s", "IGNORE_ERRORS=n m", "BUILD_LOG=1"], env = MakeEnv(), haltOnFailure = True )) factory.addStep(ShellCommand( name = "pkginstall", description = "Installing packages", command=["make", Interpolate("-j%(prop:nproc:-1)s"), "package/install", "V=s"], env = MakeEnv(), haltOnFailure = True )) factory.addStep(ShellCommand( name = "pkgindex", description = "Indexing packages", command=["make", Interpolate("-j%(prop:nproc:-1)s"), "package/index", "V=s", "CONFIG_SIGNED_PACKAGES="], env = MakeEnv(), haltOnFailure = True )) factory.addStep(ShellCommand( name = "images", description = "Building and installing images", command=["make", Interpolate("-j%(prop:nproc:-1)s"), "target/install", "V=s"], env = MakeEnv(), haltOnFailure = True )) factory.addStep(ShellCommand( name = "buildinfo", description = "Generating config.buildinfo, version.buildinfo and feeds.buildinfo", command = "make -j1 buildinfo V=s || true", env = MakeEnv(), haltOnFailure = True )) factory.addStep(ShellCommand( name = "json_overview_image_info", description = "Generate profiles.json in target folder", command = "make -j1 json_overview_image_info V=s || true", env = MakeEnv(), haltOnFailure = True )) factory.addStep(ShellCommand( name = "checksums", description = "Calculating checksums", command=["make", "-j1", "checksum", "V=s"], env = MakeEnv(), haltOnFailure = True )) factory.addStep(ShellCommand( name = "kmoddir", description = "Creating kmod directory", command=["mkdir", "-p", Interpolate("bin/targets/%(kw:target)s/%(kw:subtarget)s%(prop:libc)s/kmods/%(prop:kernelversion)s", target=ts[0], subtarget=ts[1])], haltOnFailure = True, doStepIf = IsKmodArchiveEnabled, )) factory.addStep(ShellCommand( name = "kmodprepare", description = "Preparing kmod archive", command=["rsync", "--include=/kmod-*.ipk", "--exclude=*", "-va", Interpolate("bin/targets/%(kw:target)s/%(kw:subtarget)s%(prop:libc)s/packages/", target=ts[0], subtarget=ts[1]), Interpolate("bin/targets/%(kw:target)s/%(kw:subtarget)s%(prop:libc)s/kmods/%(prop:kernelversion)s/", target=ts[0], subtarget=ts[1])], haltOnFailure = True, doStepIf = IsKmodArchiveEnabled, )) factory.addStep(ShellCommand( name = "kmodindex", description = "Indexing kmod archive", command=["make", Interpolate("-j%(prop:nproc:-1)s"), "package/index", "V=s", "CONFIG_SIGNED_PACKAGES=", Interpolate("PACKAGE_SUBDIRS=bin/targets/%(kw:target)s/%(kw:subtarget)s%(prop:libc)s/kmods/%(prop:kernelversion)s/", target=ts[0], subtarget=ts[1])], env = MakeEnv(), haltOnFailure = True, doStepIf = IsKmodArchiveEnabled, )) # sign factory.addStep(MasterShellCommand( name = "signprepare", description = "Preparing temporary signing directory", command = ["mkdir", "-p", "%s/signing" %(work_dir)], haltOnFailure = True, doStepIf = IsSignEnabled, )) factory.addStep(ShellCommand( name = "signpack", description = "Packing files to sign", command = Interpolate("find bin/targets/%(kw:target)s/%(kw:subtarget)s%(prop:libc)s/ bin/targets/%(kw:target)s/%(kw:subtarget)s%(prop:libc)s/kmods/ -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 2 -type f -name sha256sums -print0 -or -name Packages -print0 | xargs -0 tar -czf sign.tar.gz", target=ts[0], subtarget=ts[1]), haltOnFailure = True, doStepIf = IsSignEnabled, )) factory.addStep(FileUpload( workersrc = "sign.tar.gz", masterdest = "%s/signing/%s.%s.tar.gz" %(work_dir, ts[0], ts[1]), haltOnFailure = True, doStepIf = IsSignEnabled, )) factory.addStep(MasterShellCommand( name = "signfiles", description = "Signing files", command = ["%s/signall.sh" %(scripts_dir), "%s/signing/%s.%s.tar.gz" %(work_dir, ts[0], ts[1])], env = { 'CONFIG_INI': os.getenv("BUILDMASTER_CONFIG", "./config.ini") }, haltOnFailure = True, doStepIf = IsSignEnabled, )) factory.addStep(FileDownload( name = "dlsigntargz", mastersrc = "%s/signing/%s.%s.tar.gz" %(work_dir, ts[0], ts[1]), workerdest = "sign.tar.gz", haltOnFailure = True, doStepIf = IsSignEnabled, )) factory.addStep(ShellCommand( name = "signunpack", description = "Unpacking signed files", command = ["tar", "-xzf", "sign.tar.gz"], haltOnFailure = True, doStepIf = IsSignEnabled, )) # upload factory.addStep(ShellCommand( name = "dirprepare", description = "Preparing upload directory structure", command = ["mkdir", "-p", Interpolate("tmp/upload/%(kw:prefix)stargets/%(kw:target)s/%(kw:subtarget)s", target=ts[0], subtarget=ts[1], prefix=GetVersionPrefix)], haltOnFailure = True )) factory.addStep(ShellCommand( name = "linkprepare", description = "Preparing repository symlink", command = ["ln", "-s", "-f", Interpolate("../packages-%(kw:basever)s", basever=util.Transform(GetBaseVersion, Property("branch"))), Interpolate("tmp/upload/%(kw:prefix)spackages", prefix=GetVersionPrefix)], doStepIf = IsNoMasterBuild, haltOnFailure = True )) factory.addStep(ShellCommand( name = "kmoddirprepare", description = "Preparing kmod archive upload directory", command = ["mkdir", "-p", Interpolate("tmp/upload/%(kw:prefix)stargets/%(kw:target)s/%(kw:subtarget)s/kmods/%(prop:kernelversion)s", target=ts[0], subtarget=ts[1], prefix=GetVersionPrefix)], haltOnFailure = True, doStepIf = IsKmodArchiveEnabled, )) factory.addStep(ShellCommand( name = "dirupload", description = "Uploading directory structure", command = ["rsync", "-az"] + rsync_defopts + ["tmp/upload/", Interpolate("%(kw:url)s/", url=GetRsyncParams.withArgs("bin", "url"))], env={ 'RSYNC_PASSWORD': Interpolate("%(kw:key)s", key=GetRsyncParams.withArgs("bin", "key")) }, haltOnFailure = True, logEnviron = False, locks = NetLockUl, )) # download remote sha256sums to 'target-sha256sums' factory.addStep(ShellCommand( name = "target-sha256sums", description = "Fetching remote sha256sums for target", command = ["rsync", "-z"] + rsync_defopts + [Interpolate("%(kw:url)s/%(kw:prefix)stargets/%(kw:target)s/%(kw:subtarget)s/sha256sums", url=GetRsyncParams.withArgs("bin", "url"), target=ts[0], subtarget=ts[1], prefix=GetVersionPrefix), "target-sha256sums"], env={ 'RSYNC_PASSWORD': Interpolate("%(kw:key)s", key=GetRsyncParams.withArgs("bin", "key")) }, logEnviron = False, haltOnFailure = False, flunkOnFailure = False, warnOnFailure = False, )) # build list of files to upload factory.addStep(FileDownload( name = "dlsha2rsyncpl", mastersrc = scripts_dir + '/sha2rsync.pl', workerdest = "../sha2rsync.pl", mode = 0o755, )) factory.addStep(ShellCommand( name = "buildlist", description = "Building list of files to upload", command = ["../sha2rsync.pl", "target-sha256sums", Interpolate("bin/targets/%(kw:target)s/%(kw:subtarget)s%(prop:libc)s/sha256sums", target=ts[0], subtarget=ts[1]), "rsynclist"], haltOnFailure = True, )) factory.addStep(FileDownload( name = "dlrsync.sh", mastersrc = scripts_dir + '/rsync.sh', workerdest = "../rsync.sh", mode = 0o755 )) # upload new files and update existing ones factory.addStep(ShellCommand( name = "targetupload", description = "Uploading target files", command=["../rsync.sh", "--exclude=/kmods/", "--files-from=rsynclist", "--delay-updates", "--partial-dir=.~tmp~%s~%s" %(ts[0], ts[1])] + rsync_defopts + ["-a", Interpolate("bin/targets/%(kw:target)s/%(kw:subtarget)s%(prop:libc)s/", target=ts[0], subtarget=ts[1]), Interpolate("%(kw:url)s/%(kw:prefix)stargets/%(kw:target)s/%(kw:subtarget)s/", url=GetRsyncParams.withArgs("bin", "url"), target=ts[0], subtarget=ts[1], prefix=GetVersionPrefix)], env={ 'RSYNC_PASSWORD': Interpolate("%(kw:key)s", key=GetRsyncParams.withArgs("bin", "key")) }, haltOnFailure = True, logEnviron = False, )) # delete files which don't exist locally factory.addStep(ShellCommand( name = "targetprune", description = "Pruning target files", command=["../rsync.sh", "--exclude=/kmods/", "--delete", "--existing", "--ignore-existing", "--delay-updates", "--partial-dir=.~tmp~%s~%s" %(ts[0], ts[1])] + rsync_defopts + ["-a", Interpolate("bin/targets/%(kw:target)s/%(kw:subtarget)s%(prop:libc)s/", target=ts[0], subtarget=ts[1]), Interpolate("%(kw:url)s/%(kw:prefix)stargets/%(kw:target)s/%(kw:subtarget)s/", url=GetRsyncParams.withArgs("bin", "url"), target=ts[0], subtarget=ts[1], prefix=GetVersionPrefix)], env={ 'RSYNC_PASSWORD': Interpolate("%(kw:key)s", key=GetRsyncParams.withArgs("bin", "key")) }, haltOnFailure = True, logEnviron = False, locks = NetLockUl, )) factory.addStep(ShellCommand( name = "kmodupload", description = "Uploading kmod archive", command=["../rsync.sh", "--delete", "--delay-updates", "--partial-dir=.~tmp~%s~%s" %(ts[0], ts[1])] + rsync_defopts + ["-a", Interpolate("bin/targets/%(kw:target)s/%(kw:subtarget)s%(prop:libc)s/kmods/%(prop:kernelversion)s/", target=ts[0], subtarget=ts[1]), Interpolate("%(kw:url)s/%(kw:prefix)stargets/%(kw:target)s/%(kw:subtarget)s/kmods/%(prop:kernelversion)s/", url=GetRsyncParams.withArgs("bin", "url"), target=ts[0], subtarget=ts[1], prefix=GetVersionPrefix)], env={ 'RSYNC_PASSWORD': Interpolate("%(kw:key)s", key=GetRsyncParams.withArgs("bin", "key")) }, haltOnFailure = True, logEnviron = False, locks = NetLockUl, doStepIf = IsKmodArchiveEnabled, )) factory.addStep(ShellCommand( name = "sourcelist", description = "Finding source archives to upload", command = "find dl/ -maxdepth 1 -type f -not -size 0 -not -name '.*' -not -name '*.hash' -not -name '*.dl' -newer .config -printf '%f\\n' > sourcelist", haltOnFailure = True )) factory.addStep(ShellCommand( name = "sourceupload", description = "Uploading source archives", command=["../rsync.sh", "--files-from=sourcelist", "--size-only", "--delay-updates"] + rsync_defopts + [Interpolate("--partial-dir=.~tmp~%(kw:target)s~%(kw:subtarget)s~%(prop:workername)s", target=ts[0], subtarget=ts[1]), "-a", "dl/", Interpolate("%(kw:url)s/", url=GetRsyncParams.withArgs("src", "url"))], env={ 'RSYNC_PASSWORD': Interpolate("%(kw:key)s", key=GetRsyncParams.withArgs("src", "key")) }, haltOnFailure = True, logEnviron = False, locks = NetLockUl, )) factory.addStep(ShellCommand( name = "df", description = "Reporting disk usage", command=["df", "-h", "."], env={'LC_ALL': 'C'}, haltOnFailure = False, flunkOnFailure = False, warnOnFailure = False, alwaysRun = True )) factory.addStep(ShellCommand( name = "du", description = "Reporting estimated file space usage", command=["du", "-sh", "."], env={'LC_ALL': 'C'}, haltOnFailure = False, flunkOnFailure = False, warnOnFailure = False, alwaysRun = True )) factory.addStep(ShellCommand( name = "ccachestat", description = "Reporting ccache stats", command=["ccache", "-s"], env = MakeEnv(overrides={ 'PATH': ["${PATH}", "./staging_dir/host/bin"] }), want_stderr = False, haltOnFailure = False, flunkOnFailure = False, warnOnFailure = False, alwaysRun = True, )) c['builders'].append(BuilderConfig(name=target, workernames=workerNames, factory=factory, nextBuild=GetNextBuild)) c['schedulers'].append(schedulers.Triggerable(name="trigger_%s" % target, builderNames=[ target ])) force_factory.addStep(steps.Trigger( name = "trigger_%s" % target, description = "Triggering %s build" % target, schedulerNames = [ "trigger_%s" % target ], set_properties = { "reason": Property("reason"), "tag": TagPropertyValue }, doStepIf = IsTargetSelected(target) )) ####### STATUS TARGETS # 'status' is a list of Status Targets. The results of each build will be # pushed to these targets. buildbot/status/*.py has a variety to choose from, # including web pages, email senders, and IRC bots. if "status_bind" in inip1: c['www'] = { 'port': inip1.get("status_bind"), 'plugins': { 'waterfall_view': True, 'console_view': True, 'grid_view': True } } if "status_user" in inip1 and "status_password" in inip1: c['www']['auth'] = util.UserPasswordAuth([ (inip1.get("status_user"), inip1.get("status_password")) ]) c['www']['authz'] = util.Authz( allowRules=[ util.AnyControlEndpointMatcher(role="admins") ], roleMatchers=[ util.RolesFromUsername(roles=["admins"], usernames=[inip1.get("status_user")]) ] ) c['services'] = [] if ini.has_section("irc"): iniirc = ini['irc'] irc_host = iniirc.get("host", None) irc_port = iniirc.getint("port", 6667) irc_chan = iniirc.get("channel", None) irc_nick = iniirc.get("nickname", None) irc_pass = iniirc.get("password", None) if irc_host and irc_nick and irc_chan: irc = reporters.IRC(irc_host, irc_nick, port = irc_port, password = irc_pass, channels = [ irc_chan ], notify_events = [ 'exception', 'problem', 'recovery' ] ) c['services'].append(irc) c['revlink'] = util.RevlinkMatch([ r'https://git.openwrt.org/openwrt/(.*).git' ], r'https://git.openwrt.org/?p=openwrt/\1.git;a=commit;h=%s') ####### DB URL c['db'] = { # This specifies what database buildbot uses to store its state. You can leave # this at its default for all but the largest installations. 'db_url' : "sqlite:///state.sqlite", } c['buildbotNetUsageData'] = None