const fs = require("fs"); const uci = require("uci"); const ubus = require("ubus"); const STATEFILE = "/var/run/fw4.state"; const PARSE_LIST = 0x01; const FLATTEN_LIST = 0x02; const NO_INVERT = 0x04; const UNSUPPORTED = 0x08; const REQUIRED = 0x10; const DEPRECATED = 0x20; const ipv4_icmptypes = { "any": [ 0xFF, 0, 0xFF ], "echo-reply": [ 0, 0, 0xFF ], "pong": [ 0, 0, 0xFF ], /* Alias */ "destination-unreachable": [ 3, 0, 0xFF ], "network-unreachable": [ 3, 0, 0 ], "host-unreachable": [ 3, 1, 1 ], "protocol-unreachable": [ 3, 2, 2 ], "port-unreachable": [ 3, 3, 3 ], "fragmentation-needed": [ 3, 4, 4 ], "source-route-failed": [ 3, 5, 5 ], "network-unknown": [ 3, 6, 6 ], "host-unknown": [ 3, 7, 7 ], "network-prohibited": [ 3, 9, 9 ], "host-prohibited": [ 3, 10, 10 ], "TOS-network-unreachable": [ 3, 11, 11 ], "TOS-host-unreachable": [ 3, 12, 12 ], "communication-prohibited": [ 3, 13, 13 ], "host-precedence-violation": [ 3, 14, 14 ], "precedence-cutoff": [ 3, 15, 15 ], "source-quench": [ 4, 0, 0xFF ], "redirect": [ 5, 0, 0xFF ], "network-redirect": [ 5, 0, 0 ], "host-redirect": [ 5, 1, 1 ], "TOS-network-redirect": [ 5, 2, 2 ], "TOS-host-redirect": [ 5, 3, 3 ], "echo-request": [ 8, 0, 0xFF ], "ping": [ 8, 0, 0xFF ], /* Alias */ "router-advertisement": [ 9, 0, 0xFF ], "router-solicitation": [ 10, 0, 0xFF ], "time-exceeded": [ 11, 0, 0xFF ], "ttl-exceeded": [ 11, 0, 0xFF ], /* Alias */ "ttl-zero-during-transit": [ 11, 0, 0 ], "ttl-zero-during-reassembly": [ 11, 1, 1 ], "parameter-problem": [ 12, 0, 0xFF ], "ip-header-bad": [ 12, 0, 0 ], "required-option-missing": [ 12, 1, 1 ], "timestamp-request": [ 13, 0, 0xFF ], "timestamp-reply": [ 14, 0, 0xFF ], "address-mask-request": [ 17, 0, 0xFF ], "address-mask-reply": [ 18, 0, 0xFF ] }; const ipv6_icmptypes = { "destination-unreachable": [ 1, 0, 0xFF ], "no-route": [ 1, 0, 0 ], "communication-prohibited": [ 1, 1, 1 ], "address-unreachable": [ 1, 3, 3 ], "port-unreachable": [ 1, 4, 4 ], "packet-too-big": [ 2, 0, 0xFF ], "time-exceeded": [ 3, 0, 0xFF ], "ttl-exceeded": [ 3, 0, 0xFF ], /* Alias */ "ttl-zero-during-transit": [ 3, 0, 0 ], "ttl-zero-during-reassembly": [ 3, 1, 1 ], "parameter-problem": [ 4, 0, 0xFF ], "bad-header": [ 4, 0, 0 ], "unknown-header-type": [ 4, 1, 1 ], "unknown-option": [ 4, 2, 2 ], "echo-request": [ 128, 0, 0xFF ], "ping": [ 128, 0, 0xFF ], /* Alias */ "echo-reply": [ 129, 0, 0xFF ], "pong": [ 129, 0, 0xFF ], /* Alias */ "router-solicitation": [ 133, 0, 0xFF ], "router-advertisement": [ 134, 0, 0xFF ], "neighbour-solicitation": [ 135, 0, 0xFF ], "neighbor-solicitation": [ 135, 0, 0xFF ], /* Alias */ "neighbour-advertisement": [ 136, 0, 0xFF ], "neighbor-advertisement": [ 136, 0, 0xFF ], /* Alias */ "redirect": [ 137, 0, 0xFF ] }; const dscp_classes = { "CS0": 0x00, "CS1": 0x08, "CS2": 0x10, "CS3": 0x18, "CS4": 0x20, "CS5": 0x28, "CS6": 0x30, "CS7": 0x38, "BE": 0x00, "LE": 0x01, "AF11": 0x0a, "AF12": 0x0c, "AF13": 0x0e, "AF21": 0x12, "AF22": 0x14, "AF23": 0x16, "AF31": 0x1a, "AF32": 0x1c, "AF33": 0x1e, "AF41": 0x22, "AF42": 0x24, "AF43": 0x26, "EF": 0x2e }; function to_mask(bits, v6) { let m = []; if (bits < 0 || bits > (v6 ? 128 : 32)) return null; for (let i = 0; i < (v6 ? 16 : 4); i++) { let b = (bits < 8) ? bits : 8; m[i] = (0xff << (8 - b)) & 0xff; bits -= b; } return arrtoip(m); } function to_bits(mask) { let a = iptoarr(mask); if (!a) return null; let bits = 0; for (let i = 0, z = false; i < length(a); i++) { z ||= !a[i]; while (!z && (a[i] & 0x80)) { a[i] = (a[i] << 1) & 0xff; bits++; } if (a[i]) return null; } return bits; } function apply_mask(addr, mask) { let a = iptoarr(addr); if (!a) return null; if (type(mask) == "int") { for (let i = 0; i < length(a); i++) { let b = (mask < 8) ? mask : 8; a[i] &= (0xff << (8 - b)) & 0xff; mask -= b; } } else { let m = iptoarr(mask); if (!m || length(a) != length(m)) return null; for (let i = 0; i < length(a); i++) a[i] &= m[i]; } return arrtoip(a); } function to_array(x) { if (type(x) == "array") return x; if (x == null) return []; if (type(x) == "object") return [ x ]; x = trim("" + x); return (x == "") ? [] : split(x, /[ \t]+/); } function filter_pos(x) { let rv = filter(x, e => !e.invert); return length(rv) ? rv : null; } function filter_neg(x) { let rv = filter(x, e => e.invert); return length(rv) ? rv : null; } function null_if_empty(x) { return length(x) ? x : null; } function subnets_split_af(x) { let rv = {}; for (let ag in to_array(x)) { for (let a in filter(ag.addrs, a => ( == 4))) push(rv[0] ||= [], { ...a, invert: ag.invert }); for (let a in filter(ag.addrs, a => ( == 6))) push(rv[1] ||= [], { ...a, invert: ag.invert }); } if (rv[0] || rv[1]) = (!rv[0] ^ !rv[1]) ? (rv[0] ? 4 : 6) : 0; return rv; } function subnets_group_by_masking(x) { let groups = [], plain = [], nc = [], invert_plain = [], invert_masked = []; for (let a in to_array(x)) { if (a.bits == -1 && !a.invert) push(nc, a); else if (!a.invert) push(plain, a); else if (a.bits == -1) push(invert_masked, a); else push(invert_plain, a); } for (let a in nc) push(groups, [ null, null_if_empty(invert_plain), [ a, ...invert_masked ] ]); if (length(plain)) { push(groups, [ plain, null_if_empty(invert_plain), null_if_empty(invert_masked) ]); } else if (!length(groups)) { push(groups, [ null, null_if_empty(invert_plain), null_if_empty(invert_masked) ]); } return groups; } function ensure_tcpudp(x) { if (length(filter(x, p => ( == "tcp" || == "udp")))) return true; let rest = filter(x, p => !p.any), any = filter(x, p => p.any); if (length(any) && !length(rest)) { splice(x, 0); push(x, { name: "tcp" }, { name: "udp" }); return true; } return false; } let is_family = (x, v) => (! || == v); let family_is_ipv4 = (x) => (! || == 4); let family_is_ipv6 = (x) => (! || == 6); function infer_family(f, objects) { let res = f; let by = null; for (let i = 0; i < length(objects); i += 2) { let objs = to_array(objects[i]), desc = objects[i + 1]; for (let obj in objs) { if (!obj || ! || == res) continue; if (!res) { res =; by = obj.desc; continue; } return by ? `references IPv${} only ${desc} but is restricted to IPv${res} by ${by}` : `is restricted to IPv${res} but referenced ${desc} is IPv${} only`; } } return res; } function map_setmatch(set, match, proto) { if (!set || (('inet_service' in set.types) && proto != 'tcp' && proto != 'udp')) return null; let fields = []; for (let i, t in set.types) { let dir = ((match.dir?.[i] || set.directions[i] || 'src') == 'src' ? 's' : 'd'); switch (t) { case 'ipv4_addr': fields[i] = `ip ${dir}saddr`; break; case 'ipv6_addr': fields[i] = `ip6 ${dir}saddr`; break; case 'ether_addr': if (dir != 's') return NaN; fields[i] = 'ether saddr'; break; case 'inet_service': fields[i] = `${proto} ${dir}port`; break; } } return fields; } function resolve_lower_devices(devstatus, devname) { let dir = fs.opendir(`/sys/class/net/${devname}`); let devs = []; if (dir) { if (!devstatus || devstatus[devname]?.["hw-tc-offload"]) { push(devs, devname); } else { let e; while ((e = != null) if (index(e, "lower_") === 0) push(devs, ...resolve_lower_devices(devstatus, substr(e, 6))); } dir.close(); } return devs; } function nft_json_command(...args) { let cmd = [ "/usr/sbin/nft", "--terse", "--json", ...args ]; let nft = fs.popen(join(" ", cmd), "r"); let info; if (nft) { try { info = filter(json("all"))?.nftables, item => (type(item) == "object" && !item.metainfo)); } catch (e) { warn(`Unable to parse nftables JSON output: ${e}\n`); } nft.close(); } else { warn(`Unable to popen() ${cmd}: ${fs.error()}\n`); } return info || []; } function nft_try_hw_offload(devices) { let nft_test = ` add table inet fw4-hw-offload-test; add flowtable inet fw4-hw-offload-test ft { hook ingress priority 0; devices = { "${join('", "', devices)}" }; flags offload; } `; let rc = system(`/usr/sbin/nft -c '${replace(nft_test, "'", "'\\''")}' 2>/dev/null`); return (rc == 0); } return { read_kernel_version: function() { let fd ="/proc/version", "r"), v = 0; if (fd) { let m = match("line"), /^Linux version ([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)/); v = m ? (+m[1] << 24) | (+m[2] << 16) | (+m[3] << 8) : 0; fd.close(); } return v; }, resolve_offload_devices: function() { if (!this.default_option("flow_offloading")) return []; let devstatus = null; let devices = []; if (this.default_option("flow_offloading_hw")) { let bus = ubus.connect(); if (bus) { devstatus ="network.device", "status") || {}; bus.disconnect(); } for (let zone in this.zones()) for (let device in zone.related_physdevs) push(devices, ...resolve_lower_devices(devstatus, device)); devices = uniq(devices); if (nft_try_hw_offload(devices)) return devices; this.warn('Hardware flow offloading unavailable, falling back to software offloading'); this.state.defaults.flow_offloading_hw = false; devices = []; } for (let zone in this.zones()) for (let device in zone.match_devices) push(devices, ...resolve_lower_devices(null, device)); return uniq(devices); }, check_set_types: function() { let sets = {}; for (let item in nft_json_command("list", "sets", "inet")) if (item.set?.table == "fw4") sets[] = (type(item.set.type) == "array") ? item.set.type : [ item.set.type ]; return sets; }, check_flowtable: function() { for (let item in nft_json_command("list", "flowtables", "inet")) if (item.flowtable?.table == "fw4" && item.flowtable?.name == "ft") return true; return false; }, read_state: function() { let fd =, "r"); let state = null; if (fd) { try { state = json("all")); } catch (e) { warn(`Unable to parse '${STATEFILE}': ${e}\n`); } fd.close(); } return state; }, read_ubus: function() { let self = this, ifaces, services, rules = [], networks = {}, bus = ubus.connect(); if (bus) { ifaces ="network.interface", "dump"); services ="service", "get_data", { "type": "firewall" }); bus.disconnect(); } else { warn(`Unable to connect to ubus: ${ubus.error()}\n`); } // // Gather logical network information from ubus // if (type(ifaces?.interface) == "array") { for (let ifc in ifaces.interface) { let net = { up: ifc.up, device: ifc.l3_device, physdev: ifc.device, zone: }; if (type(ifc["ipv4-address"]) == "array") { for (let addr in ifc["ipv4-address"]) { push(net.ipaddrs ||= [], { family: 4, addr: addr.address, mask: to_mask(addr.mask, false), bits: addr.mask }); } } if (type(ifc["ipv6-address"]) == "array") { for (let addr in ifc["ipv6-address"]) { push(net.ipaddrs ||= [], { family: 6, addr: addr.address, mask: to_mask(addr.mask, true), bits: addr.mask }); } } if (type(ifc["ipv6-prefix-assignment"]) == "array") { for (let addr in ifc["ipv6-prefix-assignment"]) { if (addr["local-address"]) { push(net.ipaddrs ||= [], { family: 6, addr: addr["local-address"].address, mask: to_mask(addr["local-address"].mask, true), bits: addr["local-address"].mask }); } } } if (type( == "array") { let n = 0; for (let rulespec in { push(rules, { ...rulespec, name: (rulespec.type != 'ipset') ? `ubus:${ifc.interface}[${ifc.proto}] ${rulespec.type || 'rule'} ${n}` :, device: rulespec.device || ifc.l3_device }); n++; } } networks[ifc.interface] = net; } } // // Gather firewall rule definitions from ubus services // if (type(services) == "object") { for (let svcname, service in services) { if (type(service?.firewall) == "array") { let n = 0; for (let rulespec in services[svcname].firewall) { push(rules, { ...rulespec, name: (rulespec.type != 'ipset') ? `ubus:${svcname} ${rulespec.type || 'rule'} ${n}` : }); n++; } } for (let svcinst, instance in service) { if (type(instance?.firewall) == "array") { let n = 0; for (let rulespec in instance.firewall) { push(rules, { ...rulespec, name: (rulespec.type != 'ipset') ? `ubus:${svcname}[${svcinst}] ${rulespec.type || 'rule'} ${n}` : }); n++; } } } } } return { networks: networks, ubus_rules: rules }; }, load: function(use_statefile) { let self = this; this.state = use_statefile ? this.read_state() : null; this.cursor = uci.cursor(); this.cursor.load("firewall"); this.cursor.load("/usr/share/firewall4/helpers"); if (!this.state) this.state = this.read_ubus(); this.kernel = this.read_kernel_version(); // // Read helper mapping // this.cursor.foreach("helpers", "helper", h => self.parse_helper(h)); // // Read default policies // this.cursor.foreach("firewall", "defaults", d => self.parse_defaults(d)); if (!this.state.defaults) this.parse_defaults({}); // // Build list of ipsets // if (!this.state.ipsets) { map(filter(this.state.ubus_rules, n => (n.type == "ipset")), s => self.parse_ipset(s)); this.cursor.foreach("firewall", "ipset", s => self.parse_ipset(s)); } // // Build list of logical zones // if (!this.state.zones) this.cursor.foreach("firewall", "zone", z => self.parse_zone(z)); // // Build list of rules // map(filter(this.state.ubus_rules, r => (r.type == "rule")), r => self.parse_rule(r)); this.cursor.foreach("firewall", "rule", r => self.parse_rule(r)); // // Build list of forwardings // this.cursor.foreach("firewall", "forwarding", f => self.parse_forwarding(f)); // // Build list of redirects // map(filter(this.state.ubus_rules, r => (r.type == "redirect")), r => self.parse_redirect(r)); this.cursor.foreach("firewall", "redirect", r => self.parse_redirect(r)); // // Build list of snats // map(filter(this.state.ubus_rules, n => (n.type == "nat")), n => self.parse_nat(n)); this.cursor.foreach("firewall", "nat", n => self.parse_nat(n)); if (use_statefile) { let fd =, "w"); if (fd) { fd.write({ zones: this.state.zones, ipsets: this.state.ipsets, networks: this.state.networks, ubus_rules: this.state.ubus_rules }); fd.close(); } else { warn(`Unable to write '${STATEFILE}': ${fs.error()}\n`); } } }, warn: function(fmt, ...args) { if (getenv("QUIET")) return; let msg = sprintf(fmt, ...args); if (getenv("TTY")) warn(`\033[33m${msg}\033[m\n`); else warn(`[!] ${msg}\n`); }, get: function(sid, opt) { return this.cursor.get("firewall", sid, opt); }, get_all: function(sid) { return this.cursor.get_all("firewall", sid); }, parse_options: function(s, spec) { let rv = {}; for (let key, val in spec) { let datatype = `parse_${val[0]}`, defval = val[1], flags = val[2] || 0, parsefn = (flags & PARSE_LIST) ? "parse_list" : "parse_opt"; let res = this[parsefn](s, key, datatype, defval, flags); if (res !== res) return false; if (type(res) == "object" && res.invert && (flags & NO_INVERT)) { this.warn_section(s, `option '${key}' must not be negated`); return false; } if (res != null) { if (flags & DEPRECATED) this.warn_section(s, `option '${key}' is deprecated by fw4`); else if (flags & UNSUPPORTED) this.warn_section(s, `option '${key}' is not supported by fw4`); else rv[key] = res; } } for (let opt in s) { if (index(opt, '.') != 0 && opt != 'type' && !exists(spec, opt)) { this.warn_section(s, `specifies unknown option '${opt}'`); } } return rv; }, parse_subnet: function(subnet) { let parts = split(subnet, "/"); let a, b, m, n; switch (length(parts)) { case 2: a = iptoarr(parts[0]); m = iptoarr(parts[1]); if (!a) return null; if (m) { if (length(a) != length(m)) return null; b = to_bits(parts[1]); /* allow non-contiguous masks such as `::ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff` */ if (b == null) { b = -1; for (let i, x in m) a[i] &= x; } m = arrtoip(m); } else { b = +parts[1]; if (type(b) != "int") return null; m = to_mask(b, length(a) == 16); } return [{ family: (length(a) == 16) ? 6 : 4, addr: arrtoip(a), mask: m, bits: b }]; case 1: parts = split(parts[0], "-"); switch (length(parts)) { case 2: a = iptoarr(parts[0]); b = iptoarr(parts[1]); if (a && b && length(a) == length(b)) { return [{ family: (length(a) == 16) ? 6 : 4, addr: arrtoip(a), addr2: arrtoip(b), range: true }]; } break; case 1: a = iptoarr(parts[0]); if (a) { return [{ family: (length(a) == 16) ? 6 : 4, addr: arrtoip(a), mask: to_mask(length(a) * 8, length(a) == 16), bits: length(a) * 8 }]; } n = this.state.networks[parts[0]]; if (n) return [ ...(n.ipaddrs || []) ]; } } return null; }, parse_enum: function(val, choices) { if (type(val) == "string") { val = lc(val); for (let i = 0; i < length(choices); i++) if (lc(substr(choices[i], 0, length(val))) == val) return choices[i]; } return null; }, section_id: function(sid) { let s = this.get_all(sid); if (!s) return null; if (s[".anonymous"]) { let c = 0; this.cursor.foreach("firewall", s[".type"], function(ss) { if (ss[".name"] == s[".name"]) return false; c++; }); return `@${s['.type']}[${c}]`; } return s[".name"]; }, warn_section: function(s, msg) { if (s[".name"]) { if ( this.warn("Section %s (%s) %s", this.section_id(s[".name"]),, msg); else this.warn("Section %s %s", this.section_id(s[".name"]), msg); } else { if ( this.warn("ubus %s (%s) %s", s.type || "rule",, msg); else this.warn("ubus %s %s", s.type || "rule", msg); } }, parse_policy: function(val) { return this.parse_enum(val, [ "accept", "reject", "drop" ]); }, parse_bool: function(val) { if (val == "1" || val == "on" || val == "true" || val == "yes") return true; else if (val == "0" || val == "off" || val == "false" || val == "no") return false; else return null; }, parse_family: function(val) { if (val == 'any' || val == 'all' || val == '*') return 0; else if (val == 'inet' || index(val, '4') > -1) return 4; else if (index(val, '6') > -1) return 6; return null; }, parse_zone_ref: function(val) { if (val == null) return null; if (val == '*') return { any: true }; for (let zone in this.state.zones) { if ( == val) { return { any: false, zone: zone }; } } return null; }, parse_device: function(val) { let rv = this.parse_invert(val); if (!rv) return null; if (rv.val == '*') rv.any = true; else rv.device = rv.val; return rv; }, parse_direction: function(val) { if (val == 'in' || val == 'ingress') return false; else if (val == 'out' || val == 'egress') return true; return null; }, parse_setmatch: function(val) { let rv = this.parse_invert(val); if (!rv) return null; rv.val = trim(replace(rv.val, /^[^ \t]+/, function(m) { = m; return ''; })); let dir = split(rv.val, /[ \t,]/); for (let i = 0; i < 3 && i < length(dir); i++) { if (dir[i] == "dst" || dir[i] == "dest") (rv.dir ||= [])[i] = "dst"; else if (dir[i] == "src") (rv.dir ||= [])[i] = "src"; } return length( ? rv : null; }, parse_cthelper: function(val) { let rv = this.parse_invert(val); if (!rv) return null; let helper = filter(this.state.helpers, h => ( == rv.val))[0]; return helper ? { ...rv, ...helper } : null; }, parse_protocol: function(val) { let p = this.parse_invert(val); if (!p) return null; p.val = lc(p.val); switch (p.val) { case 'all': case 'any': case '*': p.any = true; break; case '1': case 'icmp': = 'icmp'; break; case '58': case 'icmpv6': case 'ipv6-icmp': = 'ipv6-icmp'; break; case 'tcpudp': return [ { invert: p.invert, name: 'tcp' }, { invert: p.invert, name: 'udp' } ]; case '6': = 'tcp'; break; case '17': = 'udp'; break; default: = p.val; } return (p.any || length( ? p : null; }, parse_mac: function(val) { let mac = this.parse_invert(val); let m = mac ? match(mac.val, /^([0-9a-f]{1,2})[:-]([0-9a-f]{1,2})[:-]([0-9a-f]{1,2})[:-]([0-9a-f]{1,2})[:-]([0-9a-f]{1,2})[:-]([0-9a-f]{1,2})$/i) : null; if (!m) return null; mac.mac = sprintf('%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x', hex(m[1]), hex(m[2]), hex(m[3]), hex(m[4]), hex(m[5]), hex(m[6])); return mac; }, parse_port: function(val) { let port = this.parse_invert(val); let m = port ? match(port.val, /^([0-9]{1,5})([-:]([0-9]{1,5}))?$/i) : null; if (!m) return null; if (m[3]) { let min_port = +m[1]; let max_port = +m[3]; if (min_port > max_port || min_port < 0 || max_port < 0 || min_port > 65535 || max_port > 65535) return null; port.min = min_port; port.max = max_port; } else { let pn = +m[1]; if (pn != pn || pn < 0 || pn > 65535) return null; port.min = pn; port.max = pn; } return port; }, parse_network: function(val) { let rv = this.parse_invert(val); if (!rv) return null; let nets = this.parse_subnet(rv.val); if (nets === null) return null; if (length(nets)) rv.addrs = [ ...nets ]; return rv; }, parse_icmptype: function(val) { let rv = {}; if (exists(ipv4_icmptypes, val)) { = 4; rv.type = ipv4_icmptypes[val][0]; rv.code_min = ipv4_icmptypes[val][1]; rv.code_max = ipv4_icmptypes[val][2]; } if (exists(ipv6_icmptypes, val)) { = ? 0 : 6; rv.type6 = ipv6_icmptypes[val][0]; rv.code6_min = ipv6_icmptypes[val][1]; rv.code6_max = ipv6_icmptypes[val][2]; } if (!exists(rv, "family")) { let m = match(val, /^([0-9]+)(\/([0-9]+))?$/); if (!m) return null; if (m[3]) { rv.type = +m[1]; rv.code_min = +m[3]; rv.code_max = rv.code_min; } else { rv.type = +m[1]; rv.code_min = 0; rv.code_max = 0xFF; } if (rv.type > 0xFF || rv.code_min > 0xFF || rv.code_max > 0xFF) return null; = 0; rv.type6 = rv.type; rv.code6_min = rv.code_min; rv.code6_max = rv.code_max; } return rv; }, parse_invert: function(val) { if (val == null) return null; let rv = { invert: false }; rv.val = trim(replace(val, /^[ \t]*!/, () => (rv.invert = true, ''))); return length(rv.val) ? rv : null; }, parse_limit: function(val) { let rv = this.parse_invert(val); let m = rv ? match(rv.val, /^([0-9]+)(\/([a-z]+))?$/) : null; if (!m) return null; let n = +m[1]; let u = m[3] ? this.parse_enum(m[3], [ "second", "minute", "hour", "day" ]) : "second"; if (!u) return null; rv.rate = n; rv.unit = u; return rv; }, parse_int: function(val) { let n = +val; return (n == n) ? n : null; }, parse_date: function(val) { let m = match(val, /^([0-9-]+)T([0-9:]+)$/); let d = m ? match(m[1], /^([0-9]{1,4})(-([0-9]{1,2})(-([0-9]{1,2}))?)?$/) : null; let t = this.parse_time(m[2]); d[3] ||= 1; d[5] ||= 1; if (d == null || d[1] < 1970 || d[1] > 2038 || d[3] < 1 || d[3] > 12 || d[5] < 1 || d[5] > 31) return null; if (m[2] && !t) return null; return { year: +d[1], month: +d[3], day: +d[5], hour: t ? +t[1] : 0, min: t ? +t[3] : 0, sec: t ? +t[5] : 0 }; }, parse_time: function(val) { let t = match(val, /^([0-9]{1,2})(:([0-9]{1,2})(:([0-9]{1,2}))?)?$/); if (t == null || t[1] > 23 || t[3] > 59 || t[5] > 59) return null; return { hour: +t[1], min: +t[3], sec: +t[5] }; }, parse_weekdays: function(val) { let rv = this.parse_invert(val); if (!rv) return null; for (let day in to_array(rv.val)) { day = this.parse_enum(day, [ "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday" ]); if (!day) return null; (rv.days ||= {})[day] = true; } rv.days = keys(rv.days); return rv.days ? rv : null; }, parse_monthdays: function(val) { let rv = this.parse_invert(val); if (!rv) return null; for (let day in to_array(rv.val)) { day = +day; if (day < 1 || day > 31) return null; (rv.days ||= [])[day] = true; } return rv.days ? rv : null; }, parse_mark: function(val) { let rv = this.parse_invert(val); let m = rv ? match(rv.val, /^(0?x?[0-9a-f]+)(\/(0?x?[0-9a-f]+))?$/i) : null; if (!m) return null; let n = +m[1]; if (n != n || n > 0xFFFFFFFF) return null; rv.mark = n; rv.mask = 0xFFFFFFFF; if (m[3]) { n = +m[3]; if (n != n || n > 0xFFFFFFFF) return null; rv.mask = n; } return rv; }, parse_dscp: function(val) { let rv = this.parse_invert(val); if (!rv) return null; rv.val = uc(rv.val); if (exists(dscp_classes, rv.val)) { rv.dscp = dscp_classes[rv.val]; } else { let n = +rv.val; if (n != n || n < 0 || n > 0x3F) return null; rv.dscp = n; } return rv; }, parse_target: function(val) { return this.parse_enum(val, [ "accept", "reject", "drop", "notrack", "helper", "mark", "dscp", "dnat", "snat", "masquerade", "accept", "reject", "drop" ]); }, parse_reject_code: function(val) { return this.parse_enum(val, [ "tcp-reset", "port-unreachable", "admin-prohibited", "host-unreachable", "no-route" ]); }, parse_reflection_source: function(val) { return this.parse_enum(val, [ "internal", "external" ]); }, parse_ipsettype: function(val) { let m = match(val, /^(src|dst|dest)_(.+)$/); let t = this.parse_enum(m ? m[2] : val, [ "ip", "port", "mac", "net", "set" ]); return t ? [ (!m || m[1] == 'src') ? 'src' : 'dst', t ] : null; }, parse_ipsetentry: function(val, set) { let values = split(val, /[ \t]+/); if (length(values) != length(set.types)) return null; let rv = []; let ip, mac, port; for (let i, t in set.types) { switch (t) { case 'ipv4_addr': ip = filter(this.parse_subnet(values[i]), a => ( == 4)); switch (length(ip) ?? 0) { case 0: return null; case 1: break; default: this.warn("Set entry '%s' resolves to multiple addresses, using first one", values[i]); } rv[i] = ("net" in set.fw4types) ? `${ip[0].addr}/${ip[0].bits}` : ip[0].addr; break; case 'ipv6_addr': ip = filter(this.parse_subnet(values[i]), a => ( == 6)); switch(length(ip)) { case 0: return null; case 1: break; case 2: this.warn("Set entry '%s' resolves to multiple addresses, using first one", values[i]); } rv[i] = ("net" in set.fw4types) ? `${ip[0].addr}/${ip[0].bits}` : ip[0].addr; break; case 'ether_addr': mac = this.parse_mac(values[i]); if (!mac || mac.invert) return null; rv[i] = mac.mac; break; case 'inet_service': port = this.parse_port(values[i]); if (!port || port.invert || port.min != port.max) return null; rv[i] = port.min; break; default: rv[i] = values[i]; } } return length(rv) ? rv : null; }, parse_string: function(val) { return "" + val; }, parse_opt: function(s, opt, fn, defval, flags) { let val = s[opt]; if (val === null) { if (flags & REQUIRED) { this.warn_section(s, `option '${opt}' is mandatory but not set`); return NaN; } val = defval; } if (type(val) == "array") { this.warn_section(s, `option '${opt}' must not be a list`); return NaN; } else if (val == null) { return null; } let res = this[fn](val); if (res === null) { this.warn_section(s, `option '${opt}' specifies invalid value '${val}'`); return NaN; } return res; }, parse_list: function(s, opt, fn, defval, flags) { let val = s[opt]; let rv = []; if (val == null) { if (flags & REQUIRED) { this.warn_section(s, `option '${opt}' is mandatory but not set`); return NaN; } val = defval; } for (val in to_array(val)) { let res = this[fn](val); if (res === null) { this.warn_section(s, `option '${opt}' specifies invalid value '${val}'`); return NaN; } if (flags & FLATTEN_LIST) push(rv, ...to_array(res)); else push(rv, res); } return length(rv) ? rv : null; }, quote: function(s, force) { if (force === true || !match(s, /^([0-9A-Fa-f:.\/-]+)( \. [0-9A-Fa-f:.\/-]+)*$/)) return `"${replace(s + "", /(["\\])/g, '\\$1')}"`; return s; }, cidr: function(a) { if (a.range) return `${a.addr}-${a.addr2}`; if (( == 4 && a.bits == 32) || ( == 6 && a.bits == 128)) return a.addr; if (a.bits >= 0) return `${apply_mask(a.addr, a.bits)}/${a.bits}`; return `${a.addr}/${a.mask}`; }, host: function(a, v6brackets) { return a.range ? `${a.addr}-${a.addr2}` : ( == 6 && v6brackets) ? `[${apply_mask(a.addr, a.bits)}]` : apply_mask(a.addr, a.bits); }, port: function(p) { if (p.min == p.max) return `${p.min}`; return `${p.min}-${p.max}`; }, set: function(v, force) { let seen = {}; v = filter(to_array(v), item => !seen[item]++); if (force || length(v) != 1) return `{ ${join(', ', map(v, this.quote))} }`; return this.quote(v[0]); }, concat: function(v) { return join(' . ', to_array(v)); }, ipproto: function(family) { switch (family) { case 4: return "ip"; case 6: return "ip6"; } }, nfproto: function(family, human_readable) { switch (family) { case 4: return human_readable ? "IPv4" : "ipv4"; case 6: return human_readable ? "IPv6" : "ipv6"; default: return human_readable ? "IPv4/IPv6" : null; } }, l4proto: function(family, proto) { switch ( { case 'icmp': switch (family ?? 0) { case 0: return this.set(['icmp', 'ipv6-icmp']); case 6: return 'ipv6-icmp'; } default: return; } }, datetime: function(stamp) { return sprintf('"%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d"', stamp.year, stamp.month,, stamp.hour, stamp.min, stamp.sec); }, date: function(stamp) { return sprintf('"%04d-%02d-%02d"', stamp.year, stamp.month,; }, time: function(stamp) { return sprintf('"%02d:%02d:%02d"', stamp.hour, stamp.min, stamp.sec); }, hex: function(n) { return sprintf('0x%x', n); }, is_loopback_dev: function(dev) { let fd =`/sys/class/net/${dev}/flags`, "r"); if (!fd) return false; let flags ="line"); fd.close(); return !!(flags & 0x8); }, is_loopback_addr: function(addr) { return (index(addr, "127.") == 0 || addr == "::1" || addr == "::1/128"); }, filter_loopback_devs: function(devs, invert) { return null_if_empty(filter(devs, d => (this.is_loopback_dev(d) == invert))); }, filter_loopback_addrs: function(addrs, invert) { return null_if_empty(filter(addrs, a => (this.is_loopback_addr(a) == invert))); }, input_policy: function(reject_as_drop) { return (!reject_as_drop || this.state.defaults.input != 'reject') ? this.state.defaults.input : 'drop'; }, output_policy: function(reject_as_drop) { return (!reject_as_drop || this.state.defaults.output != 'reject') ? this.state.defaults.output : 'drop'; }, forward_policy: function(reject_as_drop) { return (!reject_as_drop || this.state.defaults.forward != 'reject') ? this.state.defaults.forward : 'drop'; }, default_option: function(flag) { return this.state.defaults[flag]; }, helpers: function() { return this.state.helpers; }, zones: function() { return this.state.zones; }, rules: function(chain) { return filter(this.state.rules, r => (r.chain == chain)); }, redirects: function(chain) { return filter(this.state.redirects, r => (r.chain == chain)); }, ipsets: function() { return this.state.ipsets; }, parse_setfile: function(set, cb) { let fd =, "r"); if (!fd) { warn(`Unable to load file '${set.loadfile}' for set '${}': ${fs.error()}\n`); return; } let line = null, count = 0; while ((line ="line")) !== "") { line = trim(line); if (length(line) == 0 || ord(line) == 35) continue; let v = this.parse_ipsetentry(line, set); if (!v) { this.warn(`Skipping invalid entry '${line}' in file '${set.loadfile}' for set '${}'`); continue; } cb(v); count++; } fd.close(); return count; }, print_setentries: function(set) { let first = true; let printer = (entry) => { if (first) { print("\t\telements = {\n"); first = false; } print("\t\t\t", join(" . ", entry), ",\n"); }; map(set.entries, printer); if (set.loadfile) this.parse_setfile(set, printer); if (!first) print("\t\t}\n"); }, parse_helper: function(data) { let helper = this.parse_options(data, { name: [ "string", null, REQUIRED ], description: [ "string" ], module: [ "string" ], family: [ "family" ], proto: [ "protocol", null, PARSE_LIST | FLATTEN_LIST | NO_INVERT ], port: [ "port", null, NO_INVERT ] }); if (helper === false) { this.warn("Helper definition '%s' skipped due to invalid options", || data['.name']); return; } else if (helper.proto.any) { this.warn("Helper definition '%s' must not specify wildcard protocol", || data['.name']); return; } else if (length(helper.proto) > 1) { this.warn("Helper definition '%s' must not specify multiple protocols", || data['.name']); return; } helper.available = (fs.stat(`/sys/module/${helper.module}`)?.type == "directory"); push(this.state.helpers ||= [], helper); }, parse_defaults: function(data) { if (this.state.defaults) { this.warn_section(data, ": ignoring duplicate defaults section"); return; } let defs = this.parse_options(data, { input: [ "policy", "drop" ], output: [ "policy", "drop" ], forward: [ "policy", "drop" ], drop_invalid: [ "bool" ], tcp_reject_code: [ "reject_code", "tcp-reset" ], any_reject_code: [ "reject_code", "port-unreachable" ], syn_flood: [ "bool" ], synflood_protect: [ "bool" ], synflood_rate: [ "limit", "25/second" ], synflood_burst: [ "int", "50" ], tcp_syncookies: [ "bool", "1" ], tcp_ecn: [ "int" ], tcp_window_scaling: [ "bool", "1" ], accept_redirects: [ "bool" ], accept_source_route: [ "bool" ], auto_helper: [ "bool", "1" ], custom_chains: [ "bool", null, UNSUPPORTED ], disable_ipv6: [ "bool", null, UNSUPPORTED ], flow_offloading: [ "bool", "0" ], flow_offloading_hw: [ "bool", "0" ] }); if (defs.synflood_protect === null) defs.synflood_protect = defs.syn_flood; delete defs.syn_flood; this.state.defaults = defs; }, parse_zone: function(data) { let zone = this.parse_options(data, { enabled: [ "bool", "1" ], name: [ "string", null, REQUIRED ], family: [ "family" ], network: [ "device", null, PARSE_LIST ], device: [ "device", null, PARSE_LIST ], subnet: [ "network", null, PARSE_LIST ], input: [ "policy", this.state.defaults ? this.state.defaults.input : "drop" ], output: [ "policy", this.state.defaults ? this.state.defaults.output : "drop" ], forward: [ "policy", this.state.defaults ? this.state.defaults.forward : "drop" ], masq: [ "bool" ], masq_allow_invalid: [ "bool" ], masq_src: [ "network", null, PARSE_LIST ], masq_dest: [ "network", null, PARSE_LIST ], masq6: [ "bool" ], extra: [ "string", null, UNSUPPORTED ], extra_src: [ "string", null, UNSUPPORTED ], extra_dest: [ "string", null, UNSUPPORTED ], mtu_fix: [ "bool" ], custom_chains: [ "bool", null, UNSUPPORTED ], log: [ "int" ], log_limit: [ "limit", null, UNSUPPORTED ], auto_helper: [ "bool", "1" ], helper: [ "cthelper", null, PARSE_LIST ], counter: [ "bool", "1" ] }); if (zone === false) { this.warn_section(data, "skipped due to invalid options"); return; } else if (!zone.enabled) { this.warn_section(data, "is disabled, ignoring section"); return; } else if (zone.helper && !zone.helper.available) { this.warn_section(data, `uses unavailable ct helper '${}', ignoring section`); return; } if (zone.mtu_fix && this.kernel < 0x040a0000) { this.warn_section(data, "option 'mtu_fix' requires kernel 4.10 or later"); return; } if (this.state.defaults?.auto_helper === false) zone.auto_helper = false; let match_devices = []; let related_physdevs = []; let related_subnets = []; let related_ubus_networks = []; let match_subnets, masq_src_subnets, masq_dest_subnets; for (let name, net in this.state.networks) { if ( === push(related_ubus_networks, { invert: false, device: name }); } for (let e in [ ...to_array(, ...related_ubus_networks ]) { if (exists(this.state.networks, e.device)) { let net = this.state.networks[e.device]; if (net.device) { push(match_devices, { invert: e.invert, device: net.device }); } if (net.physdev && !e.invert) push(related_physdevs, net.physdev); push(related_subnets, ...(net.ipaddrs || [])); } } push(match_devices, ...to_array(zone.device)); match_subnets = subnets_split_af(zone.subnet); masq_src_subnets = subnets_split_af(zone.masq_src); masq_dest_subnets = subnets_split_af(zone.masq_dest); push(related_subnets, ...(match_subnets[0] || []), ...(match_subnets[1] || [])); let match_rules = []; let add_rule = (family, devices, subnets, zone) => { let r = {}; = family; r.devices_pos = null_if_empty(devices[0]); r.devices_neg = null_if_empty(devices[1]); r.devices_neg_wildcard = null_if_empty(devices[2]); r.subnets_pos = map(subnets[0], this.cidr); r.subnets_neg = map(subnets[1], this.cidr); r.subnets_masked = subnets[2]; push(match_rules, r); }; let family = infer_family(, [ zone.helper, "ct helper", match_subnets, "subnet list" ]); if (type(family) == "string") { this.warn_section(data, `${family}, skipping`); return; } // group non-inverted device matches into wildcard and non-wildcard ones let devices = [], plain_devices = [], plain_invert_devices = [], wildcard_invert_devices = []; for (let device in match_devices) { let m = match(device.device, /^([^+]*)(\+)?$/); if (!m) { this.warn_section(data, `skipping invalid wildcard pattern '${device.device}'`); continue; } // filter `+` (match any device) since nftables does not support // wildcard only matches if (!device.invert && m[0] == '+') continue; // replace inverted `+` (match no device) with invalid pattern if (device.invert && m[0] == '+') { device.device = '/never/'; device.invert = false; } // replace "name+" matches with "name*" else if (m[2] == '+') device.device = m[1] + '*'; device.wildcard = !!m[2]; if (!device.invert && device.wildcard) push(devices, [ [ device.device ], plain_invert_devices, wildcard_invert_devices ]); else if (!device.invert) push(plain_devices, device.device); else if (device.wildcard) push(wildcard_invert_devices, device.device); else push(plain_invert_devices, device.device); } if (length(plain_devices)) push(devices, [ plain_devices, plain_invert_devices, wildcard_invert_devices ]); else if (!length(devices)) push(devices, [ null, plain_invert_devices, wildcard_invert_devices ]); // emit zone jump rules for each device group if (length(match_devices) || length(match_subnets[0]) || length(match_subnets[1])) { for (let devgroup in devices) { // check if there's no AF specific bits, in this case we can do AF agnostic matching if (!family && !length(match_subnets[0]) && !length(match_subnets[1])) { add_rule(0, devgroup, [], zone); } // we need to emit one or two AF specific rules else { if (!family || family == 4) for (let subnets in subnets_group_by_masking(match_subnets[0])) add_rule(4, devgroup, subnets, zone); if (!family || family == 6) for (let subnets in subnets_group_by_masking(match_subnets[1])) add_rule(6, devgroup, subnets, zone); } } } = family; zone.match_rules = match_rules; zone.masq4_src_subnets = subnets_group_by_masking(masq_src_subnets[0]); zone.masq4_dest_subnets = subnets_group_by_masking(masq_dest_subnets[0]); zone.masq6_src_subnets = subnets_group_by_masking(masq_src_subnets[1]); zone.masq6_dest_subnets = subnets_group_by_masking(masq_dest_subnets[1]); zone.sflags = {}; zone.sflags[zone.input] = true; zone.dflags = {}; zone.dflags[zone.output] = true; zone.dflags[zone.forward] = true; zone.match_devices = map(filter(match_devices, d => !d.invert), d => d.device); zone.match_subnets = map(filter(related_subnets, s => !s.invert && s.bits != -1), this.cidr); zone.related_subnets = related_subnets; zone.related_physdevs = related_physdevs; if (zone.masq || zone.masq6) zone.dflags.snat = true; if ((zone.auto_helper && !(zone.masq || zone.masq6)) || length(zone.helper)) { zone.dflags.helper = true; for (let helper in (length(zone.helper) ? zone.helper : this.state.helpers)) { if (!helper.available) continue; for (let proto in helper.proto) { push(this.state.rules ||= [], { chain: `helper_${}`, family:, name: helper.description ||, proto: proto, src: zone, dports_pos: [ this.port(helper.port) ], target: "helper", set_helper: helper }); } } } push(this.state.zones ||= [], zone); }, parse_forwarding: function(data) { let fwd = this.parse_options(data, { enabled: [ "bool", "1" ], name: [ "string" ], family: [ "family" ], src: [ "zone_ref", null, REQUIRED ], dest: [ "zone_ref", null, REQUIRED ] }); if (fwd === false) { this.warn_section(data, "skipped due to invalid options"); return; } else if (!fwd.enabled) { this.warn_section(data, "is disabled, ignoring section"); return; } let add_rule = (family, fwd) => { let f = { ...fwd, family: family, proto: { any: true } }; ||= `Accept ${fwd.src.any ? "any" :} to ${fwd.dest.any ? "any" :} forwarding`; f.chain = fwd.src.any ? "forward" : `forward_${}`; if (fwd.dest.any) = "accept"; else f.jump_chain = `accept_to_${}`; push(this.state.rules ||= [], f); }; let family =; /* inherit family restrictions from related zones */ if (family === 0 || family === null) { let f1 = ? : 0; let f2 = ? : 0; if (f1 && f2 && f1 != f2) { this.warn_section(data, `references src ${} restricted to ${this.nfproto(f1, true)} and dest ${} restricted to ${this.nfproto(f2, true)}, ignoring forwarding`); return; } else if (f1) { this.warn_section(data, `inheriting ${this.nfproto(f1, true)} restriction from src ${}`); family = f1; } else if (f2) { this.warn_section(data, `inheriting ${this.nfproto(f2, true)} restriction from dest ${}`); family = f2; } } add_rule(family, fwd); if ( = true; }, parse_rule: function(data) { let rule = this.parse_options(data, { enabled: [ "bool", "1" ], name: [ "string", this.section_id(data[".name"]) ], _name: [ "string", null, DEPRECATED ], family: [ "family" ], src: [ "zone_ref" ], dest: [ "zone_ref" ], device: [ "device", null, NO_INVERT ], direction: [ "direction" ], ipset: [ "setmatch" ], helper: [ "cthelper" ], set_helper: [ "cthelper", null, NO_INVERT ], proto: [ "protocol", "tcpudp", PARSE_LIST | FLATTEN_LIST ], src_ip: [ "network", null, PARSE_LIST ], src_mac: [ "mac", null, PARSE_LIST ], src_port: [ "port", null, PARSE_LIST ], dest_ip: [ "network", null, PARSE_LIST ], dest_port: [ "port", null, PARSE_LIST ], icmp_type: [ "icmptype", null, PARSE_LIST ], extra: [ "string", null, UNSUPPORTED ], limit: [ "limit" ], limit_burst: [ "int" ], utc_time: [ "bool" ], start_date: [ "date" ], stop_date: [ "date" ], start_time: [ "time" ], stop_time: [ "time" ], weekdays: [ "weekdays" ], monthdays: [ "monthdays", null, UNSUPPORTED ], mark: [ "mark" ], set_mark: [ "mark", null, NO_INVERT ], set_xmark: [ "mark", null, NO_INVERT ], dscp: [ "dscp" ], set_dscp: [ "dscp", null, NO_INVERT ], counter: [ "bool", "1" ], target: [ "target" ] }); if (rule === false) { this.warn_section(data, "skipped due to invalid options"); return; } else if (!rule.enabled) { this.warn_section(data, "is disabled, ignoring section"); return; } if ( in ["helper", "notrack"] && (!rule.src || ! { this.warn_section(data, `must specify a source zone for target '${}'`); return; } else if ( == "dscp" && !rule.set_dscp) { this.warn_section(data, "must specify option 'set_dscp' for target 'dscp'"); return; } else if ( == "mark" && !rule.set_mark && !rule.set_xmark) { this.warn_section(data, "must specify option 'set_mark' or 'set_xmark' for target 'mark'"); return; } else if ( == "helper" && !rule.set_helper) { this.warn_section(data, "must specify option 'set_helper' for target 'helper'"); return; } else if (rule.device?.any) { this.warn_section(data, "must not specify '*' as device"); return; } let ipset; if (rule.ipset) { ipset = filter(this.state.ipsets, s => ( ==[0]; if (!ipset) { this.warn_section(data, `references unknown set '${}'`); return; } if (('inet_service' in ipset.types) && !ensure_tcpudp(rule.proto)) { this.warn_section(data, "references named set with port match but no UDP/TCP protocol, ignoring section"); return; } } let need_src_action_chain = (rule) => (rule.src?.zone?.log && != "accept"); let add_rule = (family, proto, saddrs, daddrs, sports, dports, icmptypes, icmpcodes, ipset, rule) => { let r = { ...rule, family: family, proto: proto, has_addrs: !!(saddrs[0] || saddrs[1] || saddrs[2] || daddrs[0] || daddrs[1] || daddrs[2]), has_ports: !!(length(sports) || length(dports)), saddrs_pos: map(saddrs[0], this.cidr), saddrs_neg: map(saddrs[1], this.cidr), saddrs_masked: saddrs[2], daddrs_pos: map(daddrs[0], this.cidr), daddrs_neg: map(daddrs[1], this.cidr), daddrs_masked: daddrs[2], sports_pos: map(filter_pos(sports), this.port), sports_neg: map(filter_neg(sports), this.port), dports_pos: map(filter_pos(dports), this.port), dports_neg: map(filter_neg(dports), this.port), smacs_pos: map(filter_pos(rule.src_mac), m => m.mac), smacs_neg: map(filter_neg(rule.src_mac), m => m.mac), icmp_types: map(icmptypes, i => (family == 4 ? i.type : i.type6)), icmp_codes: map(icmpcodes, ic => `${(family == 4) ? ic.type : ic.type6} . ${(family == 4) ? ic.code_min : ic.code6_min}`) }; if (!length(r.icmp_types)) delete r.icmp_types; if (!length(r.icmp_codes)) delete r.icmp_codes; if (r.set_mark) { r.set_xmark = { invert: r.set_mark.invert, mark: r.set_mark.mark, mask: r.set_mark.mark | r.set_mark.mask }; delete r.set_mark; } let set_types = map_setmatch(ipset, rule.ipset,; if (set_types !== set_types) { this.warn_section(data, "destination MAC address matching not supported"); return; } else if (set_types) { r.ipset = { ...r.ipset, fields: set_types }; } if ( == "notrack") { r.chain = `notrack_${}`; = true; } else if ( == "helper") { r.chain = `helper_${}`; = true; } else if ( == "mark" || == "dscp") { if ((r.src?.any && r.dest?.any) || (r.src?.zone && r.dest?.zone)) r.chain = "mangle_forward"; else if (r.src?.any && r.dest?.zone) r.chain = "mangle_postrouting"; else if (r.src?.zone && r.dest?.any) r.chain = "mangle_prerouting"; else if (r.src && !r.dest) r.chain = "mangle_input"; else r.chain = "mangle_output"; if (r.src?.zone) {[] = true; r.iifnames = null_if_empty(; } if (r.dest?.zone) {[] = true; r.oifnames = null_if_empty(; } } else { r.chain = "output"; if (r.src) { if (!r.src.any) r.chain = `${r.dest ? "forward" : "input"}_${}`; else r.chain = r.dest ? "forward" : "input"; } if (r.dest && !r.src) { if (!r.dest.any) r.chain = sprintf("output_%s",; else r.chain = "output"; } if (r.dest && !r.dest.any) { r.jump_chain = `${}_to_${}`;[] = true; } else if (need_src_action_chain(r)) { r.jump_chain = `${}_from_${}`;[] = true; } else if ( == "reject") r.jump_chain = "handle_reject"; } if (r.device) r[r.direction ? "oifnames" : "iifnames"] = [ r.device.device ]; push(this.state.rules ||= [], r); }; for (let proto in rule.proto) { let sip, dip, sports, dports, itypes4, itypes6; let family =; switch ( { case "icmp": itypes4 = filter(rule.icmp_type || [], family_is_ipv4); itypes6 = filter(rule.icmp_type || [], family_is_ipv6); break; case "ipv6-icmp": family = 6; itypes6 = filter(rule.icmp_type || [], family_is_ipv6); break; case "tcp": case "udp": sports = rule.src_port; dports = rule.dest_port; break; } sip = subnets_split_af(rule.src_ip); dip = subnets_split_af(rule.dest_ip); family = infer_family(family, [ ipset, "set match", sip, "source IP", dip, "destination IP", rule.src?.zone, "source zone", rule.dest?.zone, "destination zone", rule.helper, "helper match", rule.set_helper, "helper to set" ]); if (type(family) == "string") { this.warn_section(data, `${family}, skipping`); continue; } let has_ipv4_specifics = (length(sip[0]) || length(dip[0]) || length(itypes4) || rule.dscp !== null); let has_ipv6_specifics = (length(sip[1]) || length(dip[1]) || length(itypes6) || rule.dscp !== null); /* if no family was configured, infer target family from IP addresses */ if (family === null) { if (has_ipv4_specifics && !has_ipv6_specifics) family = 4; else if (has_ipv6_specifics && !has_ipv4_specifics) family = 6; else family = 0; } /* check if there's no AF specific bits, in this case we can do an AF agnostic rule */ if (!family && != "dscp" && !has_ipv4_specifics && !has_ipv6_specifics) { add_rule(0, proto, [], [], sports, dports, null, null, null, rule); } /* we need to emit one or two AF specific rules */ else { if (family == 0 || family == 4) { let icmp_types = filter(itypes4, i => (i.code_min == 0 && i.code_max == 0xFF)); let icmp_codes = filter(itypes4, i => (i.code_min != 0 || i.code_max != 0xFF)); for (let saddrs in subnets_group_by_masking(sip[0])) { for (let daddrs in subnets_group_by_masking(dip[0])) { if (length(icmp_types) || (!length(icmp_types) && !length(icmp_codes))) add_rule(4, proto, saddrs, daddrs, sports, dports, icmp_types, null, ipset, rule); if (length(icmp_codes)) add_rule(4, proto, saddrs, daddrs, sports, dports, null, icmp_codes, ipset, rule); } } } if (family == 0 || family == 6) { let icmp_types = filter(itypes6, i => (i.code_min == 0 && i.code_max == 0xFF)); let icmp_codes = filter(itypes6, i => (i.code_min != 0 || i.code_max != 0xFF)); for (let saddrs in subnets_group_by_masking(sip[1])) { for (let daddrs in subnets_group_by_masking(dip[1])) { if (length(icmp_types) || (!length(icmp_types) && !length(icmp_codes))) add_rule(6, proto, saddrs, daddrs, sports, dports, icmp_types, null, ipset, rule); if (length(icmp_codes)) add_rule(6, proto, saddrs, daddrs, sports, dports, null, icmp_codes, ipset, rule); } } } } } }, parse_redirect: function(data) { let redir = this.parse_options(data, { enabled: [ "bool", "1" ], name: [ "string", this.section_id(data[".name"]) ], _name: [ "string", null, DEPRECATED ], family: [ "family" ], src: [ "zone_ref" ], dest: [ "zone_ref" ], ipset: [ "setmatch" ], helper: [ "cthelper", null, NO_INVERT ], proto: [ "protocol", "tcpudp", PARSE_LIST | FLATTEN_LIST ], src_ip: [ "network" ], src_mac: [ "mac", null, PARSE_LIST ], src_port: [ "port" ], src_dip: [ "network" ], src_dport: [ "port" ], dest_ip: [ "network" ], dest_port: [ "port" ], extra: [ "string", null, UNSUPPORTED ], limit: [ "limit" ], limit_burst: [ "int" ], utc_time: [ "bool" ], start_date: [ "date" ], stop_date: [ "date" ], start_time: [ "time" ], stop_time: [ "time" ], weekdays: [ "weekdays" ], monthdays: [ "monthdays", null, UNSUPPORTED ], mark: [ "mark" ], reflection: [ "bool", "1" ], reflection_src: [ "reflection_source", "internal" ], reflection_zone: [ "zone_ref", null, PARSE_LIST ], counter: [ "bool", "1" ], target: [ "target", "dnat" ] }); if (redir === false) { this.warn_section(data, "skipped due to invalid options"); return; } else if (!redir.enabled) { this.warn_section(data, "is disabled, ignoring section"); return; } if (!( in ["dnat", "snat"])) { this.warn_section(data, "has invalid target specified, defaulting to dnat"); = "dnat"; } let ipset; if (redir.ipset) { ipset = filter(this.state.ipsets, s => ( ==[0]; if (!ipset) { this.warn_section(data, `references unknown set '${}'`); return; } if (('inet_service' in ipset.types) && !ensure_tcpudp(redir.proto)) { this.warn_section(data, "references named set with port match but no UDP/TCP protocol, ignoring section"); return; } } let resolve_dest = (redir) => { for (let zone in this.state.zones) { for (let zone_addr in zone.related_subnets) { for (let dest_addr in redir.dest_ip.addrs) { if ( != continue; let a = apply_mask(dest_addr.addr, zone_addr.mask); let b = apply_mask(zone_addr.addr, zone_addr.mask); if (a != b) continue; redir.dest = { any: false, zone: zone }; return true; } } } return false; }; if ( == "dnat") { if (!redir.src) return this.warn_section(data, "has no source specified"); else if (redir.src.any) return this.warn_section(data, "must not have source '*' for dnat target"); else if (redir.dest_ip && redir.dest_ip.invert) return this.warn_section(data, "must not specify a negated 'dest_ip' value"); else if (redir.dest_ip && length(filter(redir.dest_ip.addrs, a => a.bits == -1))) return this.warn_section(data, "must not use non-contiguous masks in 'dest_ip'"); if (!redir.dest && redir.dest_ip && resolve_dest(redir)) this.warn_section(data, `does not specify a destination, assuming '${}'`); if (!redir.dest_port) redir.dest_port = redir.src_dport; if (redir.reflection && redir.dest?.zone && { = true; = true; = true; } if (redir.helper) = true;[] = true; } else { if (!redir.dest) return this.warn_section(data, "has no destination specified"); else if (redir.dest.any) return this.warn_section(data, "must not have destination '*' for snat target"); else if (!redir.src_dip) return this.warn_section(data, "has no 'src_dip' option specified"); else if (redir.src_dip.invert) return this.warn_section(data, "must not specify a negated 'src_dip' value"); else if (length(filter(redir.src_dip.addrs, a => a.bits == -1))) return this.warn_section(data, "must not use non-contiguous masks in 'src_dip'"); else if (redir.src_mac) return this.warn_section(data, "must not use 'src_mac' option for snat target"); else if (redir.helper) return this.warn_section(data, "must not use 'helper' option for snat target");[] = true; } let add_rule = (family, proto, saddrs, daddrs, raddrs, sport, dport, rport, ipset, redir) => { let r = { ...redir, family: family, proto: proto, has_addrs: !!(saddrs[0] || saddrs[1] || saddrs[2] || daddrs[0] || daddrs[1] || daddrs[2]), has_ports: !!(sport || dport || rport), saddrs_pos: map(saddrs[0], this.cidr), saddrs_neg: map(saddrs[1], this.cidr), saddrs_masked: saddrs[2], daddrs_pos: map(daddrs[0], this.cidr), daddrs_neg: map(daddrs[1], this.cidr), daddrs_masked: daddrs[2], sports_pos: map(filter_pos(to_array(sport)), this.port), sports_neg: map(filter_neg(to_array(sport)), this.port), dports_pos: map(filter_pos(to_array(dport)), this.port), dports_neg: map(filter_neg(to_array(dport)), this.port), smacs_pos: map(filter_pos(redir.src_mac), m => m.mac), smacs_neg: map(filter_neg(redir.src_mac), m => m.mac), raddr: raddrs ? raddrs[0] : null, rport: rport }; let set_types = map_setmatch(ipset, redir.ipset,; if (set_types !== set_types) { this.warn_section(data, "destination MAC address matching not supported"); return; } else if (set_types) { r.ipset = { ...r.ipset, fields: set_types }; } switch ( { case "dnat": r.chain = `dstnat_${}`; = true; if (!r.raddr) = "redirect"; break; case "snat": r.chain = `srcnat_${}`; = true; break; } push(this.state.redirects ||= [], r); }; let to_hostaddr = (a) => { let bits = ( == 4) ? 32 : 128; return { family:, addr: apply_mask(a.addr, bits), bits: bits }; }; for (let proto in redir.proto) { let sip, dip, rip, iip, eip, refip, sport, dport, rport; let family =; if ( == "ipv6-icmp") family = 6; switch ( { case "dnat": sip = subnets_split_af(redir.src_ip); dip = subnets_split_af(redir.src_dip); rip = subnets_split_af(redir.dest_ip); switch ( { case "tcp": case "udp": sport = redir.src_port; dport = redir.src_dport; rport = redir.dest_port; break; } break; case "snat": sip = subnets_split_af(redir.src_ip); dip = subnets_split_af(redir.dest_ip); rip = subnets_split_af(redir.src_dip); switch ( { case "tcp": case "udp": sport = redir.src_port; dport = redir.dest_port; rport = redir.src_dport; break; } break; } family = infer_family(family, [ ipset, "set match", sip, "source IP", dip, "destination IP", rip, "rewrite IP", redir.src?.zone, "source zone", redir.dest?.zone, "destination zone", redir.helper, "helper match" ]); if (type(family) == "string") { this.warn_section(data, `${family}, skipping`); continue; } /* build reflection rules */ if ( == "dnat" && redir.reflection && (length(rip[0]) || length(rip[1])) && redir.src?.zone && redir.dest?.zone) { let refredir = { name: `${} (reflection)`, helper: redir.helper, // XXX: this likely makes no sense for reflection rules //src_mac: redir.src_mac, limit: redir.limit, limit_burst: redir.limit_burst, start_date: redir.start_date, stop_date: redir.stop_date, start_time: redir.start_time, stop_time: redir.stop_time, weekdays: redir.weekdays, mark: redir.mark }; let eaddrs = length(dip) ? dip : subnets_split_af({ addrs: map(, to_hostaddr) }); let rzones = length(redir.reflection_zone) ? redir.reflection_zone : [ redir.dest ]; for (let rzone in rzones) { if (!is_family(rzone, family)) { this.warn_section(data, `is restricted to IPv${family} but referenced reflection zone is IPv${} only, skipping`); continue; } let iaddrs = subnets_split_af({ addrs: }); let refaddrs = (redir.reflection_src == "internal") ? iaddrs : eaddrs; for (let i = 0; i <= 1; i++) { if ([i ? "masq6" : "masq"] && length(rip[i])) { let snat_addr = refaddrs[i]?.[0]; /* For internal reflection sources try to find a suitable candiate IP * among the reflection zone subnets which is within the same subnet * as the original DNAT destination. If we can't find any matching * one then simply take the first candidate. */ if (redir.reflection_src == "internal") { for (let zone_addr in { if ( != rip[i][0].family) continue; let r = apply_mask(rip[i][0].addr, zone_addr.mask); let a = apply_mask(zone_addr.addr, zone_addr.mask); if (r != a) continue; snat_addr = zone_addr; break; } } if (!snat_addr) { this.warn_section(data, `${redir.reflection_src || "external"} rewrite IP cannot be determined, disabling reflection`); } else if (!length(iaddrs[i])) { this.warn_section(data, "internal address range cannot be determined, disabling reflection"); } else if (!length(eaddrs[i])) { this.warn_section(data, "external address range cannot be determined, disabling reflection"); } else { refredir.src = rzone; refredir.dest = null; = "dnat"; for (let saddrs in subnets_group_by_masking(iaddrs[i])) for (let daddrs in subnets_group_by_masking(eaddrs[i])) add_rule(i ? 6 : 4, proto, saddrs, daddrs, rip[i], sport, dport, rport, null, refredir); refredir.src = null; refredir.dest = rzone; = "snat"; for (let daddrs in subnets_group_by_masking(rip[i])) for (let saddrs in subnets_group_by_masking(iaddrs[i])) add_rule(i ? 6 : 4, proto, saddrs, daddrs, [ to_hostaddr(snat_addr) ], null, rport, null, null, refredir); } } } } } if (length(rip[0]) > 1 || length(rip[1]) > 1) this.warn_section(data, "specifies multiple rewrite addresses, using only first one"); let has_ip4_addr = length(sip[0]) || length(dip[0]) || length(rip[0]), has_ip6_addr = length(sip[1]) || length(dip[1]) || length(rip[1]), has_any_addr = has_ip4_addr || has_ip6_addr; /* check if there's no AF specific bits, in this case we can do an AF agnostic rule */ if (!family && !has_any_addr) { /* for backwards compatibility, treat unspecified family as IPv4 unless user explicitly requested any (0) */ if (family == null) family = 4; add_rule(family, proto, [], [], null, sport, dport, rport, null, redir); } /* we need to emit one or two AF specific rules */ else { if ((!family || family == 4) && (!has_any_addr || has_ip4_addr)) { for (let saddrs in subnets_group_by_masking(sip[0])) for (let daddrs in subnets_group_by_masking(dip[0])) add_rule(4, proto, saddrs, daddrs, rip[0], sport, dport, rport, ipset, redir); } if ((!family || family == 6) && (!has_any_addr || has_ip6_addr)) { for (let saddrs in subnets_group_by_masking(sip[1])) for (let daddrs in subnets_group_by_masking(dip[1])) add_rule(6, proto, saddrs, daddrs, rip[1], sport, dport, rport, ipset, redir); } } } }, parse_nat: function(data) { let snat = this.parse_options(data, { enabled: [ "bool", "1" ], name: [ "string", this.section_id(data[".name"]) ], family: [ "family" ], src: [ "zone_ref" ], device: [ "string" ], ipset: [ "setmatch", null, UNSUPPORTED ], proto: [ "protocol", "all", PARSE_LIST | FLATTEN_LIST ], src_ip: [ "network" ], src_port: [ "port" ], snat_ip: [ "network", null, NO_INVERT ], snat_port: [ "port", null, NO_INVERT ], dest_ip: [ "network" ], dest_port: [ "port" ], extra: [ "string", null, UNSUPPORTED ], limit: [ "limit" ], limit_burst: [ "int" ], connlimit_ports: [ "bool" ], utc_time: [ "bool" ], start_date: [ "date" ], stop_date: [ "date" ], start_time: [ "time" ], stop_time: [ "time" ], weekdays: [ "weekdays" ], monthdays: [ "monthdays", null, UNSUPPORTED ], mark: [ "mark" ], target: [ "target", "masquerade" ] }); if (snat === false) { this.warn_section(data, "skipped due to invalid options"); return; } else if (!snat.enabled) { this.warn_section(data, "is disabled, ignoring section"); return; } if (!( in ["accept", "snat", "masquerade"])) { this.warn_section(data, "has invalid target specified, defaulting to masquerade"); = "masquerade"; } if ( == "snat" && !snat.snat_ip && !snat.snat_port) { this.warn_section(data, "needs either 'snat_ip' or 'snat_port' for target snat, ignoring section"); return; } else if ( != "snat" && snat.snat_ip) { this.warn_section(data, "must not use 'snat_ip' for non-snat target, ignoring section"); return; } else if ( != "snat" && snat.snat_port) { this.warn_section(data, "must not use 'snat_port' for non-snat target, ignoring section"); return; } if ((snat.snat_port || snat.src_port || snat.dest_port) && !ensure_tcpudp(snat.proto)) { this.warn_section(data, "specifies ports but no UDP/TCP protocol, ignoring section"); return; } if (snat.snat_ip && length(filter(snat.snat_ip.addrs, a => a.bits == -1 || a.invert))) { this.warn_section(data, "must not use inversion or non-contiguous masks in 'snat_ip', ignoring section"); return; } let add_rule = (family, proto, saddrs, daddrs, raddrs, sport, dport, rport, snat) => { let n = { ...snat, family: family, proto: proto, has_addrs: !!(saddrs[0] || saddrs[1] || saddrs[2] || daddrs[0] || daddrs[1] || daddrs[2]), has_ports: !!(sport || dport), saddrs_pos: map(saddrs[0], this.cidr), saddrs_neg: map(saddrs[1], this.cidr), saddrs_masked: saddrs[2], daddrs_pos: map(daddrs[0], this.cidr), daddrs_neg: map(daddrs[1], this.cidr), daddrs_masked: daddrs[2], sports_pos: map(filter_pos(to_array(sport)), this.port), sports_neg: map(filter_neg(to_array(sport)), this.port), dports_pos: map(filter_pos(to_array(dport)), this.port), dports_neg: map(filter_neg(to_array(dport)), this.port), raddr: raddrs ? raddrs[0] : null, rport: rport, chain: snat.src?.zone ? `srcnat_${}` : "srcnat" }; push(this.state.redirects ||= [], n); }; for (let proto in snat.proto) { let sip, dip, rip, sport, dport, rport; let family =; sip = subnets_split_af(snat.src_ip); dip = subnets_split_af(snat.dest_ip); rip = subnets_split_af(snat.snat_ip); switch ( { case "tcp": case "udp": sport = snat.src_port; dport = snat.dest_port; rport = snat.snat_port; break; } if (length(rip[0]) > 1 || length(rip[1]) > 1) this.warn_section(data, "specifies multiple rewrite addresses, using only first one"); family = infer_family(family, [ sip, "source IP", dip, "destination IP", rip, "rewrite IP", snat.src?.zone, "source zone" ]); if (type(family) == "string") { this.warn_section(data, `${family}, skipping`); continue; } if (snat.src?.zone) = true; /* if no family was configured, infer target family from IP addresses */ if (family === null) { if ((length(sip[0]) || length(dip[0]) || length(rip[0])) && !length(sip[1]) && !length(dip[1]) && !length(rip[1])) family = 4; else if ((length(sip[1]) || length(dip[1]) || length(rip[1])) && !length(sip[0]) && !length(dip[0]) && !length(rip[0])) family = 6; else family = 4; /* default to IPv4 only for backwards compatibility, unless an explict family any was configured */ } /* check if there's no AF specific bits, in this case we can do an AF agnostic rule */ if (!family && !length(sip[0]) && !length(sip[1]) && !length(dip[0]) && !length(dip[1]) && !length(rip[0]) && !length(rip[1])) { add_rule(0, proto, [], [], null, sport, dport, rport, snat); } /* we need to emit one or two AF specific rules */ else { if (family == 0 || family == 4) for (let saddr in subnets_group_by_masking(sip[0])) for (let daddr in subnets_group_by_masking(dip[0])) add_rule(4, proto, saddr, daddr, rip[0], sport, dport, rport, snat); if (family == 0 || family == 6) for (let saddr in subnets_group_by_masking(sip[1])) for (let daddr in subnets_group_by_masking(dip[1])) add_rule(6, proto, saddr, daddr, rip[1], sport, dport, rport, snat); } } }, parse_ipset: function(data) { let ipset = this.parse_options(data, { enabled: [ "bool", "1" ], reload_set: [ "bool" ], counters: [ "bool" ], comment: [ "bool" ], name: [ "string", null, REQUIRED ], family: [ "family", "4" ], storage: [ "string", null, UNSUPPORTED ], match: [ "ipsettype", null, PARSE_LIST ], iprange: [ "string", null, UNSUPPORTED ], portrange: [ "string", null, UNSUPPORTED ], netmask: [ "int", null, UNSUPPORTED ], maxelem: [ "int" ], hashsize: [ "int", null, UNSUPPORTED ], timeout: [ "int", "-1" ], external: [ "string", null, UNSUPPORTED ], entry: [ "string", null, PARSE_LIST ], loadfile: [ "string" ] }); if (ipset === false) { this.warn_section(data, "skipped due to invalid options"); return; } else if (!ipset.enabled) { this.warn_section(data, "is disabled, ignoring section"); return; } if ( == 0) { this.warn_section(data, "must not specify family 'any'"); return; } else if (!length(ipset.match)) { this.warn_section(data, "has no datatypes assigned"); return; } let dirs = map(ipset.match, m => m[0]), types = map(ipset.match, m => m[1]), interval = false; if ("set" in types) { this.warn_section(data, "match type 'set' is not supported"); return; } if ("net" in types) { if (this.kernel < 0x05060000) { this.warn_section(data, "match type 'net' requires kernel 5.6 or later"); return; } interval = true; } let s = { ...ipset, fw4types: types, types: map(types, (t) => { switch (t) { case 'ip': case 'net': return ( == 4) ? 'ipv4_addr' : 'ipv6_addr'; case 'mac': return 'ether_addr'; case 'port': return 'inet_service'; } }), directions: dirs, interval: interval }; s.entries = filter(map(ipset.entry, (e) => { let v = this.parse_ipsetentry(e, s); if (!v) this.warn_section(data, `ignoring invalid ipset entry '${e}'`); return v; }), (e) => (e != null)); push(this.state.ipsets ||= [], s); } };