# # This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2. # See /LICENSE for more information. # include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk PKG_NAME:=mpd PKG_VERSION:=0.23.13 PKG_RELEASE:=1 PKG_SOURCE:=$(PKG_NAME)-$(PKG_VERSION).tar.xz PKG_SOURCE_URL:=https://www.musicpd.org/download/mpd/0.23 PKG_HASH:=a96b01e6fbbb7e8ab25eb7c15d5c811c62eb19b76d143a802f51674791f1d519 PKG_MAINTAINER:= PKG_LICENSE:=GPL-2.0-or-later PKG_LICENSE_FILES:=COPYING PKG_CONFIG_DEPENDS:= \ CONFIG_AUDIO_SUPPORT \ CONFIG_BUILD_PATENTED \ CONFIG_IPV6 \ PKG_BUILD_FLAGS:=no-mips16 no-lto include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/package.mk include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/nls.mk include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/meson.mk define Package/mpd/Default SECTION:=sound CATEGORY:=Sound TITLE:=Music Player Daemon URL:=https://www.musicpd.org/ DEPENDS:= +zlib +libcurl +libpthread +libmpdclient +boost $(ICONV_DEPENDS) +libfmt \ +AUDIO_SUPPORT:alsa-lib +libexpat +libflac +libid3tag +libfaad2 +libopus USERID:=mpd:mpd endef define Package/mpd/Default/description Music Player Daemon (MPD) is a flexible, powerful, server-side application for playing music. It is typically controlled over a network using one of it's many clients including mpc (console), gmpc (gnome), phpmp (php), etc... endef define Package/mpd-full $(call Package/mpd/Default) TITLE+= (full) DEPENDS+= +AUDIO_SUPPORT:pulseaudio +libvorbis +libmms +libnpupnp +libshout +yajl \ +libffmpeg +lame-lib +libsoxr +!BUILD_PATENTED:libmad PROVIDES:=mpd VARIANT:=full endef define Package/mpd-full/description $(call Package/mpd/Default/description) . This package contains a full-blown Music Player Daemon. endef define Package/mpd-full/conffiles /etc/mpd.conf endef define Package/mpd-mini $(call Package/mpd/Default) TITLE+= (mini) DEPENDS+= +libmad +libvorbisidec PROVIDES:=mpd VARIANT:=mini endef define Package/mpd-mini/description $(call Package/mpd/Default/description) . This package contains a minimal Music Player Daemon, with support for only FLAC, AAC, MP3 & OGG media types & only file: & http: protocols. endef define Package/mpd-mini/conffiles /etc/mpd.conf endef define Package/mpd-avahi-service $(call Package/mpd/Default) TITLE+= (Avahi service) DEPENDS+=+avahi-dbus-daemon endef define Package/mpd-avahi-service/description $(call Package/mpd/Default/description) . This package contains the service definition for announcing the Music Player Daemon service via mDNS/DNS-SD. endef define Package/mpd-avahi-service/conffiles /etc/avahi/services/mpd.service endef MESON_ARGS += \ -Ddocumentation=disabled \ -Dhtml_manual=false \ -Dmanpages=false \ -Dsyslog=enabled \ -Dinotify=true \ -Dio_uring=disabled \ -Ddaemon=false \ -Dsystemd=disabled \ -Dtest=false \ -Dfuzzer=false \ -Depoll=true \ -Deventfd=true \ -Dsignalfd=true \ -Dtcp=true \ -Dipv6=$(if $(CONFIG_IPV6),en,dis)abled \ -Dlocal_socket=true \ -Ddsd=false \ -Ddatabase=true \ -Dlibmpdclient=enabled \ -Dneighbor=false \ -Dudisks=disabled \ -Dwebdav=enabled \ -Dcue=true \ -Dcdio_paranoia=disabled \ -Dcurl=enabled \ -Dnfs=disabled \ -Dsmbclient=disabled \ -Dqobuz=disabled \ -Dbzip2=disabled \ -Diso9660=disabled \ -Dzzip=disabled \ -Did3tag=enabled \ -Dchromaprint=disabled \ -Dadplug=disabled \ -Daudiofile=disabled \ -Dfaad=enabled \ -Dflac=enabled \ -Dfluidsynth=disabled \ -Dgme=disabled \ -Dmikmod=disabled \ -Dmodplug=disabled \ -Dmpcdec=disabled \ -Dmpg123=disabled \ -Dopenmpt=disabled \ -Dopus=enabled \ -Dsidplay=disabled \ -Dsndfile=disabled \ -Dwavpack=disabled \ -Dwildmidi=disabled \ -Dvorbisenc=disabled \ -Dlame=disabled \ -Dtwolame=disabled \ -Dshine=disabled \ -Dwave_encoder=true \ -Dlibsamplerate=disabled \ -Dalsa=$(if $(CONFIG_AUDIO_SUPPORT),en,dis)abled \ -Dao=disabled \ -Dhttpd=true \ -Djack=disabled \ -Dopenal=disabled \ -Doss=disabled \ -Dpipewire=disabled \ -Dsnapcast=false \ -Dsndio=disabled \ -Dsolaris_output=disabled \ -Ddbus=disabled \ -Dexpat=enabled \ -Dicu=disabled \ -Diconv=enabled \ -Dpcre=disabled \ -Dsqlite=disabled \ -Dzlib=enabled \ -Dzeroconf=disabled ifeq ($(BUILD_VARIANT),full) MESON_ARGS += \ -Dupnp=npupnp \ -Dmms=enabled \ -Dsoundcloud=enabled \ -Dffmpeg=enabled \ -Dmad=$(if $(CONFIG_BUILD_PATENTED),dis,en)abled \ -Dtremor=disabled \ -Dvorbis=enabled \ -Dfifo=true \ -Dpipe=true \ -Dpulse=$(if $(CONFIG_AUDIO_SUPPORT),en,dis)abled \ -Drecorder=true \ -Dshout=enabled \ -Dyajl=enabled \ -Dvorbisenc=enabled \ -Dlame=enabled \ -Dsoxr=enabled ifeq ($(CONFIG_AUDIO_SUPPORT),y) TARGET_LDFLAGS += -Wl,-rpath-link=$(STAGING_DIR)/usr/lib/pulseaudio endif endif ifeq ($(BUILD_VARIANT),mini) # oggflac is not compatible with tremor MESON_ARGS += \ -Dupnp=disabled \ -Dmms=disabled \ -Dsoundcloud=disabled \ -Dffmpeg=disabled \ -Dmad=enabled \ -Dtremor=enabled \ -Dvorbis=disabled \ -Dfifo=false \ -Dpipe=false \ -Dpulse=disabled \ -Drecorder=false \ -Dshout=disabled \ -Dyajl=disabled \ -Dsoxr=disabled endif define Package/mpd/install $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/bin $(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/bin/mpd $(1)/usr/bin/ $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc $(INSTALL_DATA) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/doc/mpdconf.example $(1)/etc/mpd.conf $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/init.d $(INSTALL_BIN) ./files/mpd.init $(1)/etc/init.d/mpd endef define Package/mpd-full/install $(call Package/mpd/install,$1) endef define Package/mpd-mini/install $(call Package/mpd/install,$1) endef define Package/mpd-avahi-service/install $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/avahi/services $(INSTALL_DATA) ./files/mpd.service $(1)/etc/avahi/services/ endef $(eval $(call BuildPackage,mpd-full)) $(eval $(call BuildPackage,mpd-mini)) $(eval $(call BuildPackage,mpd-avahi-service))