Testing zone helper assignments -- Testcase -- {% include("./root/usr/share/firewall4/main.uc", { getenv: function(varname) { switch (varname) { case 'ACTION': return 'print'; } } }) %} -- End -- -- File fs/open~_sys_class_net_zone1_flags.txt -- 0x1103 -- End -- -- File fs/open~_sys_class_net_zone2_flags.txt -- 0x1103 -- End -- -- File fs/open~_sys_class_net_zone3_flags.txt -- 0x1103 -- End -- -- File fs/open~_sys_class_net_zone4_flags.txt -- 0x1103 -- End -- -- File fs/open~_sys_class_net_zone5_flags.txt -- 0x1103 -- End -- -- File uci/firewall.json -- { "zone": [ { ".description": "Setting masq to true for a zone with a helper should emit a helper chain for the zone with the configured helper", "name": "test1", "device": "zone1", "masq": "1", "helper": [ "tftp" ] }, { ".description": "Setting masq6 to true for a zone with a helper should emit a helper chain for the zone with the configured helper", "name": "test2", "device": "zone2", "masq6": "1", "helper": [ "tftp" ] }, { ".description": "Disabling both masq and masq6 for a zone with a helper should emit a helper chain for the zone with the configured helper", "name": "test3", "device": "zone3", "masq": "0", "masq6": "0", "helper": [ "tftp" ] }, { ".description": "Disabling both masq and masq6 for a zone with a helper should configure default helper assignment", "name": "test4", "device": "zone4", "masq": "0", "masq6": "0", }, { ".description": "Specifying an invalid helper should write a warning to stderr", "name": "test5", "device": "zone5", "masq": "0", "masq6": "0", "helper": [ "foo" ] } ] } -- End -- -- Expect stdout -- table inet fw4 flush table inet fw4 table inet fw4 { # # Set definitions # # # Defines # define test1_devices = { "zone1" } define test2_devices = { "zone2" } define test3_devices = { "zone3" } define test4_devices = { "zone4" } # # User includes # include "/etc/nftables.d/*.nft" # # Filter rules # chain input { type filter hook input priority filter; policy drop; iifname "lo" accept comment "!fw4: Accept traffic from loopback" ct state established,related accept comment "!fw4: Allow inbound established and related flows" iifname "zone1" jump input_test1 comment "!fw4: Handle test1 IPv4/IPv6 input traffic" iifname "zone2" jump input_test2 comment "!fw4: Handle test2 IPv4/IPv6 input traffic" iifname "zone3" jump input_test3 comment "!fw4: Handle test3 IPv4/IPv6 input traffic" iifname "zone4" jump input_test4 comment "!fw4: Handle test4 IPv4/IPv6 input traffic" } chain forward { type filter hook forward priority filter; policy drop; ct state established,related accept comment "!fw4: Allow forwarded established and related flows" iifname "zone1" jump forward_test1 comment "!fw4: Handle test1 IPv4/IPv6 forward traffic" iifname "zone2" jump forward_test2 comment "!fw4: Handle test2 IPv4/IPv6 forward traffic" iifname "zone3" jump forward_test3 comment "!fw4: Handle test3 IPv4/IPv6 forward traffic" iifname "zone4" jump forward_test4 comment "!fw4: Handle test4 IPv4/IPv6 forward traffic" } chain output { type filter hook output priority filter; policy drop; oifname "lo" accept comment "!fw4: Accept traffic towards loopback" ct state established,related accept comment "!fw4: Allow outbound established and related flows" oifname "zone1" jump output_test1 comment "!fw4: Handle test1 IPv4/IPv6 output traffic" oifname "zone2" jump output_test2 comment "!fw4: Handle test2 IPv4/IPv6 output traffic" oifname "zone3" jump output_test3 comment "!fw4: Handle test3 IPv4/IPv6 output traffic" oifname "zone4" jump output_test4 comment "!fw4: Handle test4 IPv4/IPv6 output traffic" } chain handle_reject { meta l4proto tcp reject with tcp reset comment "!fw4: Reject TCP traffic" reject with icmpx type port-unreachable comment "!fw4: Reject any other traffic" } chain input_test1 { jump drop_from_test1 } chain output_test1 { jump drop_to_test1 } chain forward_test1 { jump drop_to_test1 } chain drop_from_test1 { iifname "zone1" counter drop comment "!fw4: drop test1 IPv4/IPv6 traffic" } chain drop_to_test1 { oifname "zone1" counter drop comment "!fw4: drop test1 IPv4/IPv6 traffic" } chain input_test2 { jump drop_from_test2 } chain output_test2 { jump drop_to_test2 } chain forward_test2 { jump drop_to_test2 } chain drop_from_test2 { iifname "zone2" counter drop comment "!fw4: drop test2 IPv4/IPv6 traffic" } chain drop_to_test2 { oifname "zone2" counter drop comment "!fw4: drop test2 IPv4/IPv6 traffic" } chain input_test3 { jump drop_from_test3 } chain output_test3 { jump drop_to_test3 } chain forward_test3 { jump drop_to_test3 } chain drop_from_test3 { iifname "zone3" counter drop comment "!fw4: drop test3 IPv4/IPv6 traffic" } chain drop_to_test3 { oifname "zone3" counter drop comment "!fw4: drop test3 IPv4/IPv6 traffic" } chain input_test4 { jump drop_from_test4 } chain output_test4 { jump drop_to_test4 } chain forward_test4 { jump drop_to_test4 } chain drop_from_test4 { iifname "zone4" counter drop comment "!fw4: drop test4 IPv4/IPv6 traffic" } chain drop_to_test4 { oifname "zone4" counter drop comment "!fw4: drop test4 IPv4/IPv6 traffic" } # # NAT rules # chain dstnat { type nat hook prerouting priority dstnat; policy accept; } chain srcnat { type nat hook postrouting priority srcnat; policy accept; oifname "zone1" jump srcnat_test1 comment "!fw4: Handle test1 IPv4/IPv6 srcnat traffic" oifname "zone2" jump srcnat_test2 comment "!fw4: Handle test2 IPv4/IPv6 srcnat traffic" } chain srcnat_test1 { meta nfproto ipv4 masquerade comment "!fw4: Masquerade IPv4 test1 traffic" } chain srcnat_test2 { meta nfproto ipv6 masquerade comment "!fw4: Masquerade IPv6 test2 traffic" } # # Raw rules (notrack & helper) # chain raw_prerouting { type filter hook prerouting priority raw; policy accept; iifname "zone1" jump helper_test1 comment "!fw4: test1 IPv4/IPv6 CT helper assignment" iifname "zone2" jump helper_test2 comment "!fw4: test2 IPv4/IPv6 CT helper assignment" iifname "zone3" jump helper_test3 comment "!fw4: test3 IPv4/IPv6 CT helper assignment" iifname "zone4" jump helper_test4 comment "!fw4: test4 IPv4/IPv6 CT helper assignment" } chain raw_output { type filter hook output priority raw; policy accept; } ct helper amanda { type "amanda" protocol udp; } ct helper ftp { type "ftp" protocol tcp; } ct helper RAS { type "RAS" protocol udp; } ct helper Q.931 { type "Q.931" protocol tcp; } ct helper irc { type "irc" protocol tcp; } ct helper netbios-ns { type "netbios-ns" protocol udp; } ct helper pptp { type "pptp" protocol tcp; } ct helper sane { type "sane" protocol tcp; } ct helper sip { type "sip" protocol udp; } ct helper snmp { type "snmp" protocol udp; } ct helper tftp { type "tftp" protocol udp; } ct helper rtsp { type "rtsp" protocol tcp; } chain helper_test1 { meta l4proto udp udp dport 69 ct helper set "tftp" comment "!fw4: TFTP connection tracking" } chain helper_test2 { meta l4proto udp udp dport 69 ct helper set "tftp" comment "!fw4: TFTP connection tracking" } chain helper_test3 { meta l4proto udp udp dport 69 ct helper set "tftp" comment "!fw4: TFTP connection tracking" } chain helper_test4 { meta l4proto udp udp dport 10080 ct helper set "amanda" comment "!fw4: Amanda backup and archiving proto" meta l4proto tcp tcp dport 21 ct helper set "ftp" comment "!fw4: FTP passive connection tracking" meta l4proto udp udp dport 1719 ct helper set "RAS" comment "!fw4: RAS proto tracking" meta l4proto tcp tcp dport 1720 ct helper set "Q.931" comment "!fw4: Q.931 proto tracking" meta nfproto ipv4 meta l4proto tcp tcp dport 6667 ct helper set "irc" comment "!fw4: IRC DCC connection tracking" meta nfproto ipv4 meta l4proto udp udp dport 137 ct helper set "netbios-ns" comment "!fw4: NetBIOS name service broadcast tracking" meta nfproto ipv4 meta l4proto tcp tcp dport 1723 ct helper set "pptp" comment "!fw4: PPTP VPN connection tracking" meta l4proto tcp tcp dport 6566 ct helper set "sane" comment "!fw4: SANE scanner connection tracking" meta l4proto udp udp dport 5060 ct helper set "sip" comment "!fw4: SIP VoIP connection tracking" meta nfproto ipv4 meta l4proto udp udp dport 161 ct helper set "snmp" comment "!fw4: SNMP monitoring connection tracking" meta l4proto udp udp dport 69 ct helper set "tftp" comment "!fw4: TFTP connection tracking" meta nfproto ipv4 meta l4proto tcp tcp dport 554 ct helper set "rtsp" comment "!fw4: RTSP connection tracking" } # # Mangle rules # chain mangle_prerouting { type filter hook prerouting priority mangle; policy accept; } chain mangle_postrouting { type filter hook postrouting priority mangle; policy accept; } chain mangle_input { type filter hook input priority mangle; policy accept; } chain mangle_output { type route hook output priority mangle; policy accept; } chain mangle_forward { type filter hook forward priority mangle; policy accept; } } -- End -- -- Expect stderr -- [!] Section @zone[4] (test5) option 'helper' specifies invalid value 'foo' [!] Section @zone[4] (test5) skipped due to invalid options -- End --