#!/usr/bin/env ucode 'use strict'; import { basename } from "fs"; let udebug = require("udebug"); let uloop = require("uloop"); let libubus = require("ubus"); uloop.init(); let ubus = libubus.connect(); let opts = { select: [] }; const usage_message = ` Usage: ${basename(sourcepath())} [] [] Options: -f Ignore errors on opening rings -d : Only fetch data up to seconds old -o |- Set output file for snapshot/stream (or '-' for stdout) -i [:] Select debug buffer for snapshot/stream -s Use udebug socket -q Suppress warnings/error messages Commands: list: List available debug buffers snapshot: Create a pcapng snapshot of debug buffers set_flag [=0|1 ...] Set ring buffer flags get_flags Get ring buffer flags `; function _warn(str) { if (opts.quiet) return; warn(str); } function usage() { warn(usage_message); exit(1); } while (substr(ARGV[0], 0, 1) == "-") { let opt = substr(shift(ARGV), 1); switch(opt) { case 'd': opts.duration = 1.0 * shift(ARGV); break; case 's': opts.socket = shift(ARGV); break; case 'i': push(opts.select, shift(ARGV)); break; case 'o': opts.output_file = shift(ARGV); break; case 'q': opts.quiet = true; break; case 'f': opts.force = true; break; default: usage(); } } let procs = {}; let selected = []; let rings = {}; let subscriber; let pcap; function ring_selected(ring) { if (!length(opts.select)) return true; for (let sel in opts.select) { let match = split(sel, ":", 2); if (wildcard(ring.proc_name, match[0]) && (!match[1] || wildcard(ring.ring_name, match[1]))) return true; } return false; } function poll_data() { let data = []; for (let ring_id in rings) { let ring = rings[ring_id]; let s = ring[1].fetch(); if (s) push(data, s); } if (length(data) > 0) pcap.write(data); } function open_ring(ring, poll) { let ring_name =` ${ring.proc_name}:${ring.ring_name}`; let ref = udebug.get_ring(ring); if (!ref) return null; if (opts.duration) ref.set_fetch_duration(opts.duration); if (poll) ref.set_poll_cb(() => { poll_data() }); let ring_id = ring.id + ""; ring = [ ring_name, ref ]; rings[ring_id] = ring; return ring; } function open_output() { if (!opts.output_file) { _warn(`No output file\n`); exit(1); } let out = opts.output_file; if (out == "-") out = null; pcap = udebug.pcap_file(out); if (!pcap) { _warn(`Failed to open output\n`); exit(1); } } let cmds = { list: function() { for (let proc in procs) { print(`Process ${proc}:\n`); for (let ring in procs[proc]) print(` - ${ring.ring_name}\n`); } }, snapshot: function() { open_output(); if (!length(selected)) { _warn(`No available debug buffers\n`); exit(1); } for (let ring in selected) { if (!open_ring(ring)) { _warn(`Failed to open ring ${ring.proc_name}:${ring.ring_name}\n`); if (opts.force) continue; exit(1); } } poll_data(); pcap.close(); }, set_flag: function() { for (let ring in selected) { if (!length(ring.flags)) continue; let mask = 0, set = 0; for (let flag in ring.flags) { for (let change in ARGV) { change = split(change, "=", 2); let name = change[0]; let val = !!int(change[1]); if (flag[0] == name) if (val) set |= flag[1]; else mask |= flag[1]; } } if (!(mask | set)) continue; let r = open_ring(ring); if (!r) continue; r[1].change_flags(mask, set); } }, get_flags: function() { for (let ring in selected) { if (!length(ring.flags)) continue; let r = open_ring(ring); if (!r) continue; print(`${r[0]}\n`); let flags = r[1].get_flags(); for (let flag in ring.flags) print(`\t${flag[0]}=${((flags & flag[1]) == flag[1]) ? 1 : 0 }\n`); } }, stream: function() { open_output(); subscriber = ubus.subscriber((req) => { let type = req.type; let ring = req.data; let ring_id = ring.id + ""; if (type == "remove") { ring = rings[ring_id]; if (!ring) return; ring[1].close(); delete rings[ring_id]; } else if (type == "add") { open_ring(ring, true); poll_data(); } }); subscriber.subscribe("udebug"); for (let ring in selected) { if (!open_ring(ring, true)) { _warn(`Failed to open ring ${ring_name}\n`); if (opts.force) continue; exit(1); } } let done = () => { uloop.done(); }; signal('SIGINT', done); signal('SIGTERM', done); poll_data(); delete opts.duration; uloop.run(); } }; let cmd = shift(ARGV); if (!cmds[cmd]) usage(); let ring_list = ubus.call("udebug", "list"); if (!ring_list || !ring_list.results) { warn("Failed to get ring buffer list from udebugd\n"); exit(1); } ring_list = ring_list.results; for (let ring in ring_list) { if (!ring_selected(ring)) continue; let proc = procs[ring.proc_name]; if (!proc) { proc = []; procs[ring.proc_name] = proc; } push(proc, ring); push(selected, ring); } if (cmd != "list" && !udebug.init(opts.socket)) { _warn(`Failed to connect to udebug socket\n`); exit(1); } cmds[cmd]();