2022-04-15 Petr Štetiarkernel: of-mdio: fix 5.15 fwnode_mdio dependency
2022-04-15 Daniel Gollemtools: update to version 4.0.39
2022-04-15 Daniel Gollescripts/ fix order of files in...
2022-04-14 Linus Walleijgemini: Bump kernel to v5.15
2022-04-14 Linus Walleijgemini: Create patches and config for kernel v5.15
2022-04-14 Linus Walleijgeneric: backport 5.16 RTL8366RB improvements
2022-04-14 Jason A. Donenfeldurandom-seed: go back to seeding with shell script...
2022-04-14 Daniel Gollemediatek: 5.15: re-enable arch timer on MT7623 as well
2022-04-14 Chuanhong Guomediatek: 5.15: enable arm arch timer for mt7629
2022-04-14 Chuanhong Guokernel: 5.15: add support for ESMT F50x1G41LB
2022-04-13 Daniel Gollenetifd: relax check in dhcp proto handler
2022-04-13 Daniel Golleprocd: update to git HEAD
2022-04-13 Daniel Gollemalta: add config-5.15
2022-04-13 Daniel Gollebase-files: more robust sysupgrade on NAND
2022-04-13 Rui Salvaterrafirewall3: bump to latest git HEAD
2022-04-13 Koen Vandeputteath79: nand: add 5.15 support for nand subtarget
2022-04-13 Koen Vandeputtekernel: add missing symbols for 5.15
2022-04-12 Jo-Philipp... netfilter: move nf-log modules into separate packages
2022-04-12 Felix Fietkaumac80211: backport minstrel_ht fix for legacy rates
2022-04-11 Hauke Mehrtenstoolchain: musl: Update to version 1.2.3
2022-04-11 Eneas U de... nftables: add CONFLICT between versions
2022-04-11 Eneas U de... wolfssl: bump to 5.2.0
2022-04-11 Eneas U de... mediatek/mt7622: enable accelerated crypto drivers
2022-04-11 Daniel Gollescripts/ generate reproducible...
2022-04-10 Hauke Mehrtensmac80211: Update to version 5.15.33-1
2022-04-09 Daniel Golleimagebuilder: export SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH to environment
2022-04-09 Daniel Gollearm-trusted-firmware-mediatek: remove no longer needed...
2022-04-09 Daniel make sure include directory...
2022-04-09 John Audiakernel: bump 5.10 to 5.10.110
2022-04-09 Rui Salvaterrakernel: bump 5.15 to 5.15.33
2022-04-09 Rui Salvaterrakernel: bump 5.15 to 5.15.32
2022-04-09 Aleksander... kernel: move some symbols to generic config
2022-04-09 Ansuel Smithgeneric: 5.15: fix aardvak pci pending patch
2022-04-09 Aleksander... armvirt: add 5.15 as testing kernel
2022-04-09 Aleksander... armvirt: move common symbols from subtarget to target...
2022-04-09 Aleksander... armvirt: refresh 5.15 config
2022-04-09 Aleksander... armvirt: copy config files from 5.10
2022-04-09 Aleksander... armvirt: refresh 5.10 config
2022-04-09 Ray Wangipq40xx: add RT-AC2200 alternative name to RT-AC42U...
2022-04-09 Joe Mullallyath79: Move TPLink WPA8630Pv2 to ath79-tiny target
2022-04-09 Robert Markomwlwifi: fix 5.15 kernel support
2022-04-09 Konstantin... dropbear: bump to 2022.82
2022-04-09 Nick Hainkelibmnl: update to 1.0.5
2022-04-09 Nick Hainkelibnfnetlink: update to 1.0.2
2022-04-09 Andrey Erokhingpio-button-hotplug: fix data race
2022-04-09 Rosen Penevtools/meson: update to 0.61.4
2022-04-09 leo chungtools/cmake: fix download url
2022-04-09 Felix Matouschekkernel: Fix oob layout of XTX XT26G0xA
2022-04-09 Felix Matouschekkernel: Fix readid method of XTX XT26G0xA
2022-04-09 Chuanhong Guokernel: mtk_bmt: skip bitflip check if threshold isn...
2022-04-09 Chuanhong Guokernel: v5.10: backport GigaDevice SPI-NAND supports
2022-04-09 Chuanhong Guokernel: v5.15: backport GigaDevice SPI-NAND supports
2022-04-08 Felix Fietkauqosify: update to the latest version
2022-04-08 Rafał Miłeckibcm53xx: refresh kernel 5.15 config
2022-04-08 Jo-Philipp... firewall4: update to latest Git HEAD
2022-04-08 Jo-Philipp... ucode: update to latest Git HEAD
2022-04-07 David Bauerhostapd: add ubus link-measurements notifications
2022-04-07 David Bauerhostapd: add ubus method for requesting link measurements
2022-04-07 David Bauerhostapd: add support for enabling link measurements
2022-04-07 Hauke Mehrtensat91: Automatically detect USB feature
2022-04-07 Hauke Mehrtensat91/sama7: Do not build in Bluetooth
2022-04-07 Hauke Mehrtensat91/sama7: Use ext4 driver for ext2 and ext3
2022-04-07 Hauke Mehrtensat91/sama7: Deactivate certification and key system
2022-04-07 Hauke Mehrtensat91/sama7: Do not activate cgroups and namespaces
2022-04-07 Hauke Mehrtensat91/sama7: Remove config options build as module
2022-04-07 Felix Fietkaukernel: remove duplicate patch that is already in the...
2022-04-07 Felix Fietkaumt76: update to the latest version
2022-04-07 Felix Fietkauubox: add example /etc/modules.conf + conffiles entry
2022-04-07 Piotr Dymaczbcm27xx: include 'rtc' in target's 'FEATURES'
2022-04-07 Piotr Dymaczuboot-imx: build 'u-boot-dtb.img' for SolidRun CuBox-i
2022-04-07 Piotr Dymaczimx: image: use 'u-boot-dtb.img' filename for SPL payload
2022-04-07 Petr Štetiarimx: bootscript-apalis: make it working with U-Boot...
2022-04-07 Piotr Dymaczuboot-imx: bump to 2022.01 release
2022-04-06 Daniel Gollekernel: add missing CONFIG_SECURITY_LANDLOCK symbol...
2022-04-06 Daniel Gollelibselinux: add missing host-build dependency on libsep...
2022-04-06 Daniel Gollescripts: make sure sort-order is independent from locale
2022-04-06 Valentyn Datskodnsmasq: add procd interface index tracking
2022-04-06 Felix Fietkaubridger: add bridge forwarding accelerator
2022-04-06 Daniel Gollekernel: set SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH for initramfs root dir
2022-04-05 Felix Fietkauqosify: update to the latest version
2022-04-05 Felix Fietkauubox: update to the latest version
2022-04-05 Koen Vandeputtekernel: package mhi mbim driver
2022-04-05 Koen Vandeputtekernel: package mhi wwan ctrl driver
2022-04-05 Koen Vandeputtekernel: package mhi network driver
2022-04-05 Koen Vandeputtekernel: package mhi pci driver
2022-04-05 Koen Vandeputtekernel: package mhi bus driver
2022-04-05 Koen Vandeputteath79: mikrotik: enable ecc hamming algorithm for kerne...
2022-04-05 Koen Vandeputteath79: mikrotik: add 5.15 support for mikrotik subtarget
2022-04-05 Koen Vandeputtekernel: add missing symbol for 5.15
2022-04-05 Oskari Lemmelaath79: fix ar934x spi driver delays
2022-04-04 Paul SpoorenCI: usability improvements for tools
2022-04-04 Felix Fietkaubpf-headers: update to linux 5.15
2022-04-04 Paul Spoorengrub2: add missing license
2022-04-03 Stijn Tintelqoriq: enable support for Marvell Alaska PHYs
2022-04-03 Stijn TintelRevert "kernel: backport MT7530 VLAN fix"
2022-04-03 Daniel Gollekernel: load device-mapper early on boot
2022-04-03 Donald Hoskinsocteon: Introduce 5.15 testing kernel
2022-04-03 Stijn TintelRevert "octeon: mark source-only"
2022-04-03 Stijn Tintelkernel: backport pgalloc memory leak fix
2022-04-02 Stijn Tintelkernel: add missing symbol