2024-10-21 | Matthew Hagan | bcm53xx: add support for Cisco Meraki MX64/MX65 ... add support for Cisco Meraki MX64/MX65 ...adds support for the Cisco Meraki MX64 and MX65 devices which MX64 Hardware info: - Wireless capability on the MX64W and MX65W exists in the form... otherwise as standard MX64 or MX65 devices. - Early MX64 units use an A0 variant of the... are available for the MX64[3] and MX65[4]. [2] https://dl.meraki.net/wired-14-39-mx64-20190426.tar.bz2 [3] https://github.com/clayface/U-boot-MX64-20190430_MX64 [4] https://github.com/clayface/U-boot-MX64-20190430_MX65 ...or obtain OpenWrt files for the MX64 or MX65, including 3. If installing onto an MX64, set up a local web server. U-boot installation - MX64 Only: higher, use the regular MX64 image. proceed to use the uboot_mx64 image. If the reported size is ...0x80000, please use the uboot_mx64_small image, then follow the ...to serve the appropriate uboot_mx64 from the ...https://github.com/clayface/U-boot-MX64-20190430_MX64 ...wget to retrieve the files on the MX64: ...wget` `dd if=uboot_mx64 of=/dev/mtdblock0` ...wget` `./mtd write uboot_mx64 /dev/mtd0` ...https://github.com/clayface/U-boot-MX64-20190430_MX65 ...Obtain the relevant image from the MX64(A0) or MX65 u-boot repo: ...partition scheme ,where XXXX is mx64, mx64_a0 or mx65 depending on |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2024-10-21 | Lech Perczak | bcm53xx: meraki: backport NVMEM layout syntax patch ...reading MAC address on Meraki MX64/65 |
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2021-08-31 | Matthew Hagan | firmware-utils: mkmerakifw-old: Add le32 support be32 addressing. The MX64/MX65 devices use the same header... |
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