2025-01-19 | Aleksander Jan Bajkowski | mediatek: EX5601-T0 add Zyxel EX5601-T1 and T-56 alias ...EX5601-T0 add Zyxel EX5601-T1 and T-56 alias Define EX5601-T1 and T-56 as alternative name, to explicitly... is hardwired to the WAN port. The Zyxel T-56 is the odido-branded |
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2016-08-01 | Daniel Gonzalez | brcm63xx: fix CT-536p/CT-5621T support brcm63xx: fix CT-536p/CT-5621T support ...Comtrend CT-536+, CT-5361 and CT-5621T routers support. |
commit | commitdiff | tree |