2023-04-01 | Felix Baumann | ramips: mt7621: add migration script for WLAN PCI paths Netgear WAC104 |
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2023-02-25 | Felix Baumann | ramips: correct the PCIe port number for some mt7621... ...port numbers on Netgear R6220, WAC104 and WNDR3700 v5. |
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2022-08-20 | Arınç ÜNAL | ramips: mt7621-dts: mux phy0/4 to gmac1 mt7621_netgear_wac104.dts: lan4 |
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2020-06-12 | Pawel Dembicki | ramips: mt7621: add support for NETGEAR WAC104 ...mt7621: add support for NETGEAR WAC104 NETGEAR WAC104 is an AP based on castrated R6220... |
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