# # Copyright (C) 2016 OpenWrt.org # # This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2. # See /LICENSE for more information. # include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/image.mk # On ARC initramfs is put before entry point and so entry point moves # in memory from build to built. Thus we need to extract EP from vmlinux # every time before generation of uImage. define Build/calculate-ep $(eval KERNEL_ENTRY=$(shell $(KERNEL_CROSS)readelf -h $(LINUX_DIR)/vmlinux | grep "Entry point address" | grep -o 0x.*)) endef define Build/patch-dtb $(call Image/BuildDTB,$(DTS_DIR)/$(DEVICE_DTS).dts,$@.dtb) $(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/patch-dtb $@ $@.dtb endef # Shared device definition: applies to every defined device define Device/Default PROFILES = Default $$(DEVICE_PROFILE) KERNEL_DEPENDS = $$(wildcard ../dts/$$(DEVICE_DTS).dts) DEVICE_PROFILE := endef DEVICE_VARS += DEVICE_PROFILE define Device/vmlinux KERNEL_SUFFIX := .elf KERNEL_INITRAMFS := kernel-bin | patch-dtb KERNEL_INITRAMFS_NAME = vmlinux-initramfs.elf endef define Device/uImage KERNEL_SUFFIX := -uImage KERNEL_INITRAMFS := kernel-bin | patch-dtb | calculate-ep | uImage none KERNEL_LOADADDR := 0x80000000 endef define Device/axs101 $(call Device/uImage) DEVICE_PROFILE := axs101 DEVICE_DTS := axs101 endef TARGET_DEVICES += axs101 define Device/nsim $(call Device/vmlinux) DEVICE_PROFILE := nsim DEVICE_DTS := nsim_700 endef TARGET_DEVICES += nsim $(eval $(call BuildImage))