[package] firewall: change the order of IPv4/IPv6 address detection, fixes mixed...
[openwrt/svn-archive/archive.git] / package / firewall / files / lib / fw.sh
1 # Copyright (C) 2009-2010 OpenWrt.org
2 # Copyright (C) 2009 Malte S. Stretz
4 export FW_4_ERROR=0
5 export FW_6_ERROR=0
6 export FW_i_ERROR=0
7 export FW_e_ERROR=0
8 export FW_a_ERROR=0
10 #TODO: remove this
11 [ "${-#*x}" == "$-" ] && {
12 fw() {
13 fw__exec "$@"
14 }
15 } || {
16 fw() {
17 local os=$-
18 set +x
19 fw__exec "$@"
20 local rc=$?
21 set -$os
22 return $rc
23 }
24 }
26 fw__exec() { # <action> <family> <table> <chain> <target> <position> { <rules> }
27 local cmd fam tab chn tgt pos
28 local i
29 for i in cmd fam tab chn tgt pos; do
30 if [ "$1" -a "$1" != '{' ]; then
31 eval "$i='$1'"
32 shift
33 else
34 eval "$i=-"
35 fi
36 done
38 fw__rc() {
39 export FW_${fam}_ERROR=$1
40 return $1
41 }
43 fw__dualip() {
44 fw $cmd 4 $tab $chn $tgt $pos "$@"
45 fw $cmd 6 $tab $chn $tgt $pos "$@"
46 fw__rc $((FW_4_ERROR | FW_6_ERROR))
47 }
49 fw__autoip() {
50 local ip4 ip6
51 shift
52 while [ "$1" != '}' ]; do
53 case "$1" in
54 *:*) ip6=1 ;;
55 *.*.*.*) ip4=1 ;;
56 esac
57 shift
58 done
59 shift
60 if [ "${ip4:-4}" == "${ip6:-6}" ]; then
61 echo "fw: can't mix ip4 and ip6" >&2
62 return 1
63 fi
64 local ver=${ip4:+4}${ip6:+6}
65 fam=i
66 fw $cmd ${ver:-i} $tab $chn $tgt $pos "$@"
67 fw__rc $?
68 }
70 fw__has() {
71 local tab=${1:-$tab}
72 if [ $tab == '-' ]; then
73 type $app > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
74 fw__rc $(($? & 1))
75 return
76 fi
77 local mod
78 eval "mod=\$FW_${fam}_${tab}"
79 if [ "$mod" ]; then
80 fw__rc $mod
81 return
82 fi
83 case "$fam" in
84 4) mod=iptable_${tab} ;;
85 6) mod=ip6table_${tab} ;;
86 *) mod=. ;;
87 esac
88 grep -q "^${mod} " /proc/modules
89 mod=$?
90 export FW_${fam}_${tab}=$mod
91 fw__rc $mod
92 }
94 fw__err() {
95 local err
96 eval "err=\$FW_${fam}_ERROR"
97 fw__rc $err
98 }
100 local app=
101 local pol=
102 case "$fam" in
103 4) [ $FW_DISABLE_IPV4 == 0 ] && app=iptables || return ;;
104 6) [ $FW_DISABLE_IPV6 == 0 ] && app=ip6tables || return ;;
105 i) fw__dualip "$@"; return ;;
106 I) fw__autoip "$@"; return ;;
107 e) app=ebtables ;;
108 a) app=arptables ;;
109 -) fw $cmd i $tab $chn $tgt $pos "$@"; return ;;
110 *) return 254 ;;
111 esac
112 case "$tab" in
113 f) tab=filter ;;
114 m) tab=mangle ;;
115 n) tab=nat ;;
116 r) tab=raw ;;
117 -) tab=filter ;;
118 esac
119 case "$cmd:$chn:$tgt:$pos" in
120 add:*:-:*) cmd=new-chain ;;
121 add:*:*:-) cmd=append ;;
122 add:*:*:$) cmd=append ;;
123 add:*:*:*) cmd=insert ;;
124 del:-:*:*) cmd=delete-chain; fw flush $fam $tab ;;
125 del:*:-:*) cmd=delete-chain; fw flush $fam $tab $chn ;;
126 del:*:*:*) cmd=delete ;;
127 flush:*) ;;
128 policy:*) pol=$tgt; tgt=- ;;
129 has:*) fw__has; return ;;
130 err:*) fw__err; return ;;
131 list:*) cmd="numeric --verbose --$cmd" ;;
132 *) return 254 ;;
133 esac
134 case "$chn" in
135 -) chn= ;;
136 esac
137 case "$tgt" in
138 -) tgt= ;;
139 esac
140 case "$pos" in
141 ^) pos=1 ;;
142 $) pos= ;;
143 -) pos= ;;
144 esac
146 if ! fw__has - family || ! fw__has $tab ; then
147 export FW_${fam}_ERROR=0
148 return 0
149 fi
151 if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then
152 shift
153 if [ $cmd == delete ]; then
154 pos=
155 fi
156 fi
157 while [ $# -gt 1 ]; do
158 case "$app:$1" in
159 ip6tables:--icmp-type) echo -n "--icmpv6-type" ;;
160 ip6tables:icmp|ip6tables:ICMP) echo -n "icmpv6" ;;
161 iptables:--icmpv6-type) echo -n "--icmp-type" ;;
162 iptables:icmpv6) echo -n "icmp" ;;
163 *:}|*:{) shift; continue ;;
164 *) echo -n "$1" ;;
165 esac
166 echo -ne "\0"
167 shift
168 done | xargs -0 ${FW_TRACE:+-t} \
169 $app --table ${tab} --${cmd} ${chn} ${pol} ${pos} ${tgt:+--jump "$tgt"}
170 fw__rc $?
171 }
173 fw_get_port_range() {
174 local ports=$1
175 local delim=${2:-:}
176 if [ "$3" ]; then
177 fw_get_port_range "${ports}-${3}" $delim
178 return
179 fi
181 local first=${ports%-*}
182 local last=${ports#*-}
183 if [ "$first" != "$last" ]; then
184 echo "$first$delim$last"
185 else
186 echo "$first"
187 fi
188 }
190 fw_get_family_mode() {
191 local hint="$1"
192 local zone="$2"
193 local mode="$3"
195 local ipv4 ipv6
196 [ -n "$FW_ZONES4$FW_ZONES6" ] && {
197 list_contains FW_ZONES4 $zone && ipv4=1 || ipv4=0
198 list_contains FW_ZONES6 $zone && ipv6=1 || ipv6=0
199 } || {
200 ipv4=$(uci_get_state firewall core ${zone}_ipv4 0)
201 ipv6=$(uci_get_state firewall core ${zone}_ipv6 0)
202 }
204 case "$hint:$ipv4:$ipv6" in
205 *4:1:*|*:1:0) echo 4 ;;
206 *6:*:1|*:0:1) echo 6 ;;
207 *) echo $mode ;;
208 esac
209 }