# # Copyright (C) 2006 OpenWrt.org # # This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2. # See /LICENSE for more information. # # $Id$ include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk PKG_NAME:=nsca PKG_VERSION:=2.7.2 PKG_RELEASE:=1 PKG_SOURCE:=$(PKG_NAME)-$(PKG_VERSION).tar.gz PKG_SOURCE_URL:=@SF/nagios PKG_MD5SUM:=33a98e7975f633a9489d7a8938ed6131 include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/package.mk define Package/send-nsca SECTION:=net CATEGORY:=Network DEPENDS:=+libmcrypt TITLE:=Nagios Service Check Acceptor (NSCA) client URL:=http://www.nagios.org/ endef define Package/send-nsca/description This is the client program that is used to send service check information from a remote machine to the nsca daemon on the central machine that runs Nagios. endef define Package/send-nsca/conffiles /etc/send_nsca.cfg endef define Build/Configure $(call Build/Configure/Default, \ --with-nsca-user="root" \ --with-nsca-grp="root" \ --with-libmcrypt-prefix="$(STAGING_DIR)/usr" \ , \ CFLAGS="$$$$CFLAGS $$$$CPPFLAGS" \ ) endef define Build/Compile $(MAKE) -C $(PKG_BUILD_DIR) \ send_nsca endef define Package/send-nsca/install $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc $(INSTALL_CONF) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/sample-config/send_nsca.cfg $(1)/etc/ $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/sbin $(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/src/send_nsca $(1)/usr/sbin/ endef $(eval $(call BuildPackage,send-nsca))