# # Copyright (C) 2007,2008 OpenWrt.org # # This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2. # See /LICENSE for more information. # define Profile/BR6104K NAME:=Edimax BR-6104K (Unofficial) endef define Profile/BR6104K/Description Package set optimized for the Edimax BR-6104K endef define Profile/BR6104KP NAME:=Edimax BR-6104KP (Unofficial) PACKAGES:=kmod-usb-core kmod-usb-adm5120 endef define Profile/BR6104KP/Description Package set optimized for the Edimax BR-6104KP endef define Profile/BR6104WG NAME:=Edimax BR-6104Wg (Unofficial, No WiFi) endef define Profile/BR6104WG/Description Package set optimized for the Edimax BR-6104Wg endef define Profile/BR6114WG NAME:=Edimax BR-6114WG (Unofficial, No WiFi) endef define Profile/BR6114WG/Description Package set optimized for the Edimax BR-6114WG endef $(eval $(call Profile,BR6104K)) $(eval $(call Profile,BR6104KP)) $(eval $(call Profile,BR6104WG)) $(eval $(call Profile,BR6114WG))