* luci/i18n: various translation fixes, thanks Carlos!
[project/luci.git] / build / cbi2uvl.lua
1 #!/usr/bin/lua
2 local cbi = require "luci.cbi"
3 local i18n = require "luci.i18n"
4 local util = require "luci.util"
6 if not arg[1] then
7 util.perror("Usage %s path/to/cbi/model.lua [i18nfilename]" % arg[0])
8 os.exit(1)
9 end
11 i18n.load("default", "en")
12 i18n.load("admin-core", "en")
13 i18n.load("wifi", "en")
15 if arg[2] then
16 i18n.load(arg[2], "en")
17 end
19 local map = cbi.load(arg[1])[1]
20 assert(map)
22 print ("package "..map.config)
23 print ("\nconfig package")
25 if #map.title > 0 then
26 print (" option title '%s'" % util.striptags(map.title))
27 end
29 if #map.description > 0 then
30 print (" option description '%s'" % util.striptags(map.description))
31 end
33 for i, sec in pairs(map.children) do if util.instanceof(sec, cbi.TypedSection) then
34 print ("\nconfig section")
35 print (" option name '%s'" % sec.sectiontype)
36 print (" option package '%s'" % map.config)
38 if #sec.title > 0 then
39 print (" option title '%s'" % util.striptags(sec.title))
40 end
42 if #sec.description > 0 then
43 print (" option description '%s'" % util.striptags(sec.description))
44 end
46 if not sec.addremove then
47 print (" option unique true")
48 print (" option required true")
49 end
51 if not sec.anonymous then
52 print (" option named true")
53 end
55 if sec.dynamic then
56 print (" option dynamic true")
57 end
59 for j, opt in ipairs(sec.children) do
60 if opt.option:sub(1,1) ~= "_" or util.instanceof(opt, cbi.Value) then
61 print ("\nconfig variable")
62 print (" option name '%s'" % opt.option)
63 print (" option section '%s.%s'" % {map.config, sec.sectiontype})
64 if #opt.title > 0 then
65 print (" option title '%s'" % util.striptags(opt.title))
66 end
68 if #opt.description > 0 then
69 print (" option description '%s'" % util.striptags(opt.description))
70 end
72 if not opt.rmempty and not opt.optional then
73 print (" option required true")
74 end
76 if util.instanceof(opt, cbi.Flag) then
77 print (" option datatype boolean")
78 elseif util.instanceof(opt, cbi.DynamicList) then
79 print (" option type list")
80 elseif util.instanceof(opt, cbi.ListValue) then
81 print (" option type enum")
82 util.perror("*** Warning: Please verify '%s.%s.%s' ***" %
83 {map.config, sec.sectiontype, opt.option} )
84 end
86 for i, dep in ipairs(opt.deps) do
87 if not dep.add or dep.add == "" then
88 local depstring
89 for k, v in pairs(dep.deps) do
90 depstring = (depstring and depstring .. "," or "") .. "%s=%s" % {k, v}
91 end
92 print (" list depends '%s'" % depstring)
93 else
94 util.perror("*** Warning: Unable to decode dependency '%s' in '%s.%s.%s[%s]' ***" %
95 {util.serialize_data(dep.deps), map.config, sec.sectiontype, opt.option, dep.add})
96 end
97 end
99 if util.instanceof(opt, cbi.ListValue) then
100 for k, key in ipairs(opt.keylist) do
101 print ("\nconfig enum")
102 print (" option variable '%s.%s.%s'" % {map.config, sec.sectiontype, opt.option})
103 print (" option value '%s'" % key)
104 if opt.vallist[k] and opt.vallist[k] ~= opt.keylist[k] then
105 print (" option title '%s'" % util.striptags(opt.vallist[k]))
106 end
107 end
108 end
109 end
110 end
111 end end