Redesigned firmware upgrade process
[project/luci.git] / i18n / english / luasrc / i18n / admin-core.en.lua
1 uci_applied = 'The following changes have been applied'
2 uci_reverted = 'The following changes have been reverted'
3 a_i_ui = 'User Interface'
4 c_lucidesc = '<abbr title="Lua Configuration Interface">LuCI</abbr> is a collection of free Lua software including an <abbr title="Model-View-Controller">MVC</abbr>-Webframework and webinterface for embedded devices. <abbr title="Lua Configuration Interface">LuCI</abbr> is licensed under the Apache-License.'
5 c_projecthome = 'Project Homepage'
6 c_leaddev = 'Lead Development'
7 c_contributors = 'Contributing Developers'
8 c_thanksto = 'Thanks To'
9 a_i_i_hello = 'Hello!'
10 a_i_i_admin1 = 'This is the administration area of <abbr title="Lua Configuration Interface">LuCI</abbr>.'
11 a_i_i_admin2 = '<abbr title="Lua Configuration Interface">LuCI</abbr> is a free, flexible, and user friendly graphical interface for configuring OpenWRT Kamikaze.'
12 a_i_i_admin3 = 'On the following pages you can adjust all important settings of your router.'
13 a_i_i_admin4 = 'Notice: In <abbr title="Lua Configuration Interface">LuCI</abbr> changes have to be confirmed by clicking Changes - Save &amp; Apply before being applied.'
14 a_i_i_admin5 = 'As we are always want to improve this interface we are looking forward to your feedback and suggestions.'
15 a_i_i_admin6 = 'And now have fun with your router!'
16 a_i_i_team = 'The <abbr title="Lua Configuration Interface">LuCI</abbr> Team'
17 a_i_luci1 = 'Here you can customize the settings and the functionality of <abbr title="Lua Configuration Interface">LuCI</abbr>.'
18 a_i_ucicommit = 'Post-commit actions'
19 a_i_ucicommit1 = 'These commands will be executed automatically when a given <abbr title="Unified Configuration Interface">UCI</abbr> configuration is committed allowing changes to be applied instantly.'
20 a_i_keepflash = 'Files to be kept when flashing a new firmware'
21 a_i_keepflash1 = 'When flashing a new firmware with <abbr title="Lua Configuration Interface">LuCI</abbr> these files will be added to the new firmware installation.'
22 a_st_i_status1 = 'Here you can find information about the current system status like <abbr title="Central Processing Unit">CPU</abbr> clock frequency, memory usage or network interface data.'
23 a_st_i_status2 = 'Also kernel or service logfiles can be viewed here to get an overview over their current state.'
24 iwscan = '<abbr title="Wireless Local Area Network">WLAN</abbr>-Scan'
25 iwscan1 = 'Wifi networks in your local environment'
26 iwscan_encr = '<abbr title="Encrypted">Encr.</abbr>'
27 iwscan_link = 'Link'
28 iwscan_signal = 'Signal'
29 iwscan_noise = 'Noise'
30 routes = 'Routes'
31 routes_netmask = 'Netmask'
32 routes_gateway = 'Gateway'
33 routes_metric = 'Metric'
34 a_s_desc = 'Here you can configure the basic aspects of your device like its hostname or the timezone.'
35 a_s_packages = 'Software'
36 a_s_changepw = 'Admin Password'
37 a_s_p_ipkg = 'IPKG-Configuration'
38 a_s_sshkeys = '<abbr title="Secure Shell">SSH</abbr>-Keys'
39 a_s_fstab = 'Mount Points'
40 a_s_flash = 'Flash Firmware'
41 a_s_i_system1 = 'Change settings related to the system itself, its identification, installed hard- and software, authentication or mount points.'
42 a_s_i_system2 = 'These settings define the base of your system.'
43 a_s_i_system3 = 'Pay attention as any misconfiguration here may prevent your device from booting or may lock yourself out of it.'
44 a_s_packages_do = 'Perform Actions'
45 a_s_packages_install = 'Install'
46 a_s_packages_installurl = 'Download and install package'
47 a_s_packages_ipkg = 'Edit package lists and installation targets'
48 a_s_packages_name = 'Paketname'
49 a_s_packages_remove = 'Remove'
50 a_s_packages_search = 'Find package'
51 a_s_packages_update = 'Package lists updated'
52 a_s_packages_updatelist = 'Update package lists'
53 a_s_packages_upgrade = 'Upgrade installed packages'
54 a_s_p_ipkg_pkglists = 'Package lists'
55 a_s_p_ipkg_targets = 'Installation targets'
56 a_s_changepw1 = 'Change the password of the system administrator (User <code>root</code>)'
57 a_s_changepw_changed = 'Password successfully changed'
58 a_s_changepw_nomatch = 'Error: Passwords do not match'
59 a_s_sshkeys1 = 'Here you can paste public <abbr title="Secure Shell">SSH</abbr>-Keys (one per line) for <abbr title="Secure Shell">SSH</abbr> public-key authentication.'
60 a_s_fstab_mountpoints = 'Mount Points'
61 a_s_fstab_mountpoints1 = 'Mount Points define at which point a memory device will be attached to the filesystem'
62 a_s_fstab_active = 'Mounted file systems&quot;'
63 a_s_fstab_used = 'Used&quot;'
64 a_s_fstab_avail = 'Available&quot;'
65 a_s_fstab_mountpoint = 'Mount Point'
66 a_s_fstab_device1 = 'The device file of the memory or partition (<abbr title="for example">e.g.</abbr> <code>/dev/sda1</code>)'
67 a_s_fstab_fs1 = 'The filesystem that was used to format the memory (<abbr title="for example">e.g.</abbr> <samp><abbr title="Third Extended Filesystem">ext3</abbr></samp>)'
68 a_s_fstab_swap1 = 'If your physical memory is insufficient unused data can be temporarily swapped to a swap-device resulting in a higher amount of usable <abbr title="Random Access Memory">RAM</abbr>. Be aware that swapping data is a very slow process as the swap-device cannot be accessed with the high datarates of the <abbr title="Random Access Memory">RAM</abbr>.'
69 a_s_flash_flashed = 'Firmware successfully flashed. Rebooting device...'
70 a_s_flash_flasherr = 'Failed to flash'
71 a_s_flash_fwimage = 'Firmwareimage'
72 a_s_flash_received = 'Image received. About to start flashing process. DO NOT POWER OFF THE DEVICE!'
73 a_s_flash_inprogress = 'Now writing firmware. Depending on your hardware this can take up to 20 minutes or more. Please check your device from time to time to see whether the writing process has completed.'
74 a_s_flash_fwupgrade = 'Flash Firmware'
75 a_s_flash_keepcfg = 'Keep configuration files'
76 a_s_flash_notimplemented = 'Sorry, this function is not (yet) available for your platform.'
77 a_s_flash_upgrade1 = 'Replaces the installed firmware with a new one. The firmware format is platform-dependent.'
78 a_s_reboot1 = 'Reboots the operating system of your device'
79 a_s_reboot_do = 'Perform reboot'
80 a_s_reboot_running = 'Please wait: Device rebooting...'
81 a_s_reboot_u = 'Warning: There are unsaved changes that will be lost while rebooting!'
82 a_s_applyreboot1 = 'Changes applied.'
83 a_s_backup = 'Backup / Restore'
84 a_s_backup_backup = 'Create backup'
85 a_s_backup_archive = 'Backup Archive'
86 a_s_backup_reset = 'Reset router to defaults'
87 a_s_backup_reset1 = 'Proceed reverting all settings and resetting to firmware defaults?'
88 a_s_backup_restore = 'Restore backup'
89 a_s_backup1 = 'Here you can backup and restore your router configuration and - if possible - reset the router to the default settings.'
90 a_srv_http = '<abbr title="Hypertext Transfer Protocol">HTTP</abbr>-Server'
91 a_srv_ssh = '<abbr title="Secure Shell">SSH</abbr>-Server'
92 a_srv_services1 = 'Services and daemons perform certain tasks on your device.'
93 a_srv_services2 = 'Most of them are network servers, that offer a certain service for your device or network like shell access, serving webpages like <abbr title="Lua Configuration Interface">LuCI</abbr>, doing mesh routing, sending e-mails, ...'
94 a_srv_http1 = 'A small webserver which can be used to serve <abbr title="Lua Configuration Interface">LuCI</abbr>.'
95 a_srv_http_authrealm = 'Authentication Realm'
96 a_srv_http_authrealm1 = 'The realm which will be displayed at the authentication prompt for protected pages.'
97 a_srv_http_config1 = 'defaults to <code>/etc/httpd.conf</code>'
98 a_srv_http_root = 'Document root'
99 a_srv_dropbear1 = 'Dropbear offers <abbr title="Secure Shell">SSH</abbr> network shell access and an integrated <abbr title="Secure Copy">SCP</abbr> server'
100 a_srv_d_pwauth = 'Password authentication'
101 a_srv_d_pwauth1 = 'Allow <abbr title="Secure Shell">SSH</abbr> password authentication'
102 a_w_channel = 'Channel'
103 a_w_wifi1 = 'On this pages you find confiugration options for <abbr title="Wireless Local Area Network">WLAN</abbr> based wireless networks.'
104 a_w_wifi2 = 'You can easily integrate your 802.11a/b/g/n-devices into your physical network and use the virtual adapter support to build wireless repeaters or offer several networks with one device.'
105 a_w_wifi3 = 'There is support for Managed, Client, Ad-Hoc and <abbr title="Wireless Distribution System">WDS</abbr> operating modes as well as <abbr title="Wi-Fi Protected Access">WPA</abbr> and <abbr title="Wi-Fi Protected Access 2">WPA2</abbr> encryption for secure communnication.'
106 a_w_devices1 = 'Here you can configure installed wifi devices.'
107 a_w_txantenna = 'Transmit Antenna'
108 a_w_rxantenna = 'Receive Antenna'
109 a_w_distance1 = 'Distance to furthest station (in meter)'
110 a_w_diversity = 'Diversity'
111 a_w_countrycode = 'Country Code'
112 a_w_connlimit = 'Connection Limit'
113 a_w_networks1 = 'You can run several wifi networks with one device. Be aware that there are certain hardware and driverspecific restrictions. Normally you can operate 1 Ad-Hoc or up to 3 Master-Mode and 1 Client-Mode network simultaneously.'
114 a_w_netid = 'Network Name (<abbr title="Extended Service Set Identifier">ESSID</abbr>)'
115 a_w_network1 = 'Add the Wifi network to physical network'
116 a_w_netmanual = ' - Create new Network - '
117 a_w_txpwr = 'Transmit Power'
118 a_w_brcmburst = 'Broadcom Frameburst'
119 a_w_athburst = 'Atheros Frameburst'
120 a_w_radiussrv = 'RadiusServer'
121 a_w_radiusport = 'Radius-Port'
122 a_w_apisolation = 'AP-Isolation'
123 a_w_apisolation1 = 'Prevents Client to Client communication'
124 a_w_hideessid = 'Hide <abbr title="Extended Service Set Identifier">ESSID</abbr>'
125 a_w_ap = 'Access Point'
126 a_w_adhoc = 'Ad-Hoc'
127 a_w_ahdemo = 'Pseudo Ad-Hoc (ahdemo)'
128 a_w_client = 'Client'
129 a_w_wds = 'WDS'
130 a_w_monitor = 'Monitor'
131 dhcp_dnsmasq_desc = 'Dnsmasq is a combined <abbr title="Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol">DHCP</abbr>-Server and <abbr title="Domain Name System">DNS</abbr>-Forwarder for <abbr title="Network Address Translation">NAT</abbr> firewalls'
132 dhcp_dnsmasq_domainneeded = 'Domain required'
133 dhcp_dnsmasq_domainneeded_desc = 'Don&#39;t forward <abbr title="Domain Name System">DNS</abbr>-Requests without <abbr title="Domain Name System">DNS</abbr>-Name'
134 dhcp_dnsmasq_authoritative = 'Authoritative'
135 dhcp_dnsmasq_authoritative_desc = 'This is the only <abbr title="Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol">DHCP</abbr> in the local network'
136 dhcp_dnsmasq_boguspriv = 'Filter private'
137 dhcp_dnsmasq_boguspriv_desc = 'Don&#39;t forward reverse lookups for local networks'
138 dhcp_dnsmasq_filterwin2k = 'Filter useless'
139 dhcp_dnsmasq_filterwin2k_desc = 'filter useless <abbr title="Domain Name System">DNS</abbr>-queries of Windows-systems'
140 dhcp_dnsmasq_localisequeries = 'Localise queries'
141 dhcp_dnsmasq_localisequeries_desc = 'localises the hostname depending on its subnet'
142 dhcp_dnsmasq_local = 'Local Server'
143 dhcp_dnsmasq_domain = 'Local Domain'
144 dhcp_dnsmasq_expandhosts = 'Expand Hosts'
145 dhcp_dnsmasq_expandhosts_desc = 'adds domain names to hostentries in the resolv file'
146 dhcp_dnsmasq_nonegcache = 'don&#39;t cache unknown'
147 dhcp_dnsmasq_nonegcache_desc = 'prevents caching of negative <abbr title="Domain Name System">DNS</abbr>-replies'
148 dhcp_dnsmasq_readethers = 'Use <code>/etc/ethers</code>'
149 dhcp_dnsmasq_readethers_desc = 'Read <code>/etc/ethers</code> to configure the <abbr title="Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol">DHCP</abbr>-Server'
150 dhcp_dnsmasq_leasefile = 'Leasefile'
151 dhcp_dnsmasq_leasefile_desc = 'file where given <abbr title="Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol">DHCP</abbr>-leases will be stored'
152 dhcp_dnsmasq_resolvfile = 'Resolvfile'
153 dhcp_dnsmasq_resolvfile_desc = 'local <abbr title="Domain Name System">DNS</abbr> file'
154 dhcp_dnsmasq_nohosts = 'Ignore <code>/etc/hosts</code>'
155 dhcp_dnsmasq_strictorder = 'Strict order'
156 dhcp_dnsmasq_strictorder_desc = '<abbr title="Domain Name System">DNS</abbr>-Server will be queried in the order of the resolvfile'
157 dhcp_dnsmasq_logqueries = 'Log queries'
158 dhcp_dnsmasq_noresolv = 'Ignore resolve file'
159 dhcp_dnsmasq_dnsforwardmax = 'concurrent queries'
160 dhcp_dnsmasq_port = '<abbr title="Domain Name System">DNS</abbr>-Port'
161 dhcp_dnsmasq_ednspacket_max = '<abbr title="maximal">max.</abbr> <abbr title="Extension Mechanisms for Domain Name System">EDNS0</abbr> paket size'
162 dhcp_dnsmasq_dhcpleasemax = '<abbr title="maximal">max.</abbr> <abbr title="Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol">DHCP</abbr>-Leases'
163 dhcp_dnsmasq_addnhosts = 'additional hostfile'
164 dhcp_dnsmasq_queryport = 'query port'
165 a_n_switch = 'Switch'
166 a_n_routes = 'Routes'
167 a_network1 = 'In this area you find all network-related settings.'
168 a_network2 = 'On most routers the network switch can be freely configured and splitted up into several <abbr title="Virtual Local Area Network">VLAN</abbr>s.'
169 a_network3 = 'Interfaces and <abbr title="Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet">PPPoE</abbr> / <abbr title="Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol">PPTP</abbr>-Settings allow a custom organisation of the network and connections to other networks like the internet.'
170 a_network4 = 'With <abbr title="Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol">DHCP</abbr> devices in your local network can be automatically configured for network communication.'
171 a_network5 = 'Firewall and portforwarding can be used to secure your network while providing services to external networks.'
172 a_n_switch1 = 'The network ports on your router can be combined to several <abbr title="Virtual Local Area Network">VLAN</abbr>s in which computers can communicate directly with each other. <abbr title="Virtual Local Area Network">VLAN</abbr>s are often used to separate different network segments. Often there is by default one Uplink port for a connection to the next greater network like the internet and other ports for a local network.'
173 network_switch_desc = 'Ports belonging to a <abbr title="Virtual Local Area Network">VLAN</abbr> are separated with spaces. The port with the highest number (usually 5) is oftern the connection to the internal network interface of the router. On devices with 5 ports often the one with the lowest number (0) is the predefined Uplink port.'
174 a_n_ifaces1 = 'On this page you can configure the network interfaces. You can bridge several interfaces by ticking the &quot;bridge interfaces&quot; field and enter the names of several network interfaces separated by spaces. You can also use <abbr title="Virtual Local Area Network">VLAN</abbr> notation <samp>INTERFACE.VLANNR</samp> (<abbr title="for example">e.g.</abbr>: <samp>eth0.1</samp>).'
175 a_n_i_bridge = 'Bridge interfaces'
176 a_n_i_bridge1 = 'creates a bridge over specified interface(s)'
177 dhcp_desc = 'With <abbr title="Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol">DHCP</abbr> network members can automatically receive their network settings (<abbr title="Internet Protocol">IP</abbr>-address, netmask, <abbr title="Domain Name System">DNS</abbr>-server, ...).'
178 dhcp_dhcp_leasetime = 'Leasetime'
179 dhcp_dhcp_dynamicdhcp = 'Dynamic <abbr title="Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol">DHCP</abbr>'
180 dhcp_dhcp_ignore = 'Ignore interface'
181 dhcp_dhcp_ignore_desc = 'disable <abbr title="Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol">DHCP</abbr> for this interface'
182 dhcp_dhcp_force = 'Force'
183 dhcp_dhcp_start_desc = 'first address (last octet)'
184 dhcp_dhcp_limit_desc = 'number of leased addresses -1'
185 dhcp_dhcp_dhcpoption = 'DHCP-Options'
186 dhcp_dhcp_dhcpoption_desc = 'See &quot;dnsmasq --help dhcp&quot; for a list of available options.'
187 dhcp_leases = 'Leases'
188 luci_ethers = 'Static Leases'
189 dhcp_timeremain = 'Leasetime remaining'
190 dhcp_leases_active = 'Active Leases'
191 a_n_ptp = 'Point-to-Point Connections'
192 a_n_ptp1 = 'Point-to-Point connections with <abbr title="Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet">PPPoE</abbr> or <abbr title="Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol">PPTP</abbr> are often used to connect a device over <abbr title="Digital Subscriber Line">DSL</abbr> or similar technologies to an internet access point.'
193 network_interface_server = '<abbr title="Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol">PPTP</abbr>-Server'
194 network_interface_demand = 'Automatic Disconnect'
195 network_interface_demand_desc = 'Time (in seconds) after which an unused connection will be closed'
196 network_interface_keepalive = 'Keep-Alive'
197 network_interface_keepalive_desc = 'Number of failed connection tests to initiate automatic reconnect'
198 a_n_r_routes1 = 'Routes specify over which interface and gateway a certain host or network can be reached.'
199 a_n_routes_static = 'Static Routes'
200 a_n_routes_kernel4 = 'Active <abbr title="Internet Protocol Version 4">IPv4</abbr>-Routes'
201 a_n_r_target1 = 'host-<abbr title="Internet Protocol Address">IP</abbr> or network'
202 a_n_r_netmask1 = 'if target is a network'
203 m_n_inet = 'Internet Connection'
204 m_n_local = 'Local Network'
205 m_n_route = 'Route'
206 m_n_brdige = 'Bridge'
207 m_w_ap = 'Provide (Access Point)'
208 m_w_adhoc = 'Independent (Ad-Hoc)'
209 m_w_client = 'Join (Client)'
210 m_w_wds = 'Distributed (<abbr title="Wireless Distribution System">WDS</abbr>)'
211 m_w_clientmode = 'Clientmode'
212 system_system_logsize = 'System log buffer size'
213 system_system_logip = 'External system log server'
214 system_system_conloglevel = 'Log output level'
215 system_system_conloglevel_desc = 'Level of log messages on the console'
216 m_i_processor = 'Processor'
217 m_i_memory = 'Memory'
218 m_i_systemtime = 'Local Time'
219 m_i_uptime = 'Uptime'
220 m_n_d_firstaddress = 'First leased address'
221 m_n_d_numleases = 'Number of leased addresses'
222 routingtable = 'Routing table'
223 wlanscan = 'Wifi scan'
224 frequency = 'Frequency'
225 power = 'Power'
226 noise = 'Noise'
227 signal = 'Signal'
228 link = 'Link'
229 frag = '<abbr title="Fragmentation">Frag.</abbr>'
230 rts = '<abbr title="Request To Send">RTS</abbr>'
231 bitrate = 'Bitrate'
232 m_n_keepalive = 'automatically reconnect'
233 m_n_dialondemand = 'disconnect when idle for'
234 m_n_pptp_server = '<abbr title="Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol">PPTP</abbr>-Server'
235 leds = '<abbr title="Light Emitting Diode">LED</abbr> Configuration'
236 leds_desc = 'Customizes the behaviour of the device <abbr title="Light Emitting Diode">LED</abbr>s if possible.'
237 system_led_name = '<abbr title="Light Emitting Diode">LED</abbr> Name'
238 system_led_sysfs = '<abbr title="Light Emitting Diode">LED</abbr> Device'
239 system_led_default = 'Default state'
240 system_led_default_desc = 'ticked = on'
241 system_led_trigger = 'Trigger'
242 system_led_trigger_none = 'None'
243 system_led_trigger_defaulton = 'Default On'
244 system_led_trigger_timer = 'Timer'
245 system_led_trigger_heartbeat = 'Heartbeat (Load Average)'
246 system_led_trigger_netdev = 'Network Device'
247 system_led_delayoff = 'Off-State Delay'
248 system_led_delayoff_desc = 'Time (in ms) the <abbr title="Light Emitting Diode">LED</abbr> is off'
249 system_led_delayon = 'On-State Delay'
250 system_led_delayon_desc = 'Time (in ms) the <abbr title="Light Emitting Diode">LED</abbr> is on'
251 system_led_dev = 'Device'
252 system_led_mode = 'Trigger Mode'
253 system_led_mode_link = 'Link On'
254 system_led_mode_tx = 'Transmit'
255 system_led_mode_rx = 'Receive'
256 network_interface_up = 'Active'
257 network_interface_hwaddr = '<abbr title="Media Access Control">MAC</abbr>-Address'
258 network_interface_hwaddr_desc = 'Hardware Address'
259 network_interface_txrx = 'Traffic'
260 network_interface_txrx_desc = 'transmitted / received'
261 network_interface_err = 'Errors'
262 network_interface_err_desc = 'TX / RX'
263 network_interface_fwzone = 'Create / Assign firewall-zone'
264 network_interface_fwzone_desc = 'This interface does not belong to any firewall zone yet.'
265 process_head = 'Processes'
266 process_descr = 'This list gives an overview over currently running system processes and their status.'
267 process_pid = 'PID'
268 process_owner = 'Owner'
269 process_command = 'Command'
270 process_cpu = 'CPU usage (%)'
271 process_mem = 'Memory usage (%)'
272 process_hup = 'Hang Up'
273 process_term = 'Terminate'
274 process_kill = 'Kill'
275 mem_cached = 'cached'
276 mem_buffered = 'buffered'
277 mem_free = 'free'
278 a_s_crontab = 'Scheduled Tasks'
279 a_s_crontab1 = 'This is the system crontab in which scheduled tasks can be defined.'
280 a_w_nasid = 'NAS ID'
281 a_w_cacert = 'Path to CA-Certificate'
282 a_w_eaptype = 'EAP-Method'
283 a_w_tlsprivkey = 'Path to Private Key'
284 a_w_tlsprivkeypwd = 'Password of Private Key'
285 a_w_peapauth = 'PEAP-Authentication'
286 a_w_peapidentity = 'PEAP-Identity'
287 a_w_peappassword = 'PEAP-Password'
288 a_w_create = 'Create Network'
289 hostnames = 'Hostnames'
290 hostnames_entries = 'Host entries'
291 hostnames_hostname = 'Hostname'
292 hostnames_address = 'IP address'