[project/luci.git] / libs / web / luasrc / view / cbi / firewall_zonelist.htm
1 <%#
2 LuCI - Lua Configuration Interface
3 Copyright 2009 Jo-Philipp Wich <xm@subsignal.org>
5 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6 you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7 You may obtain a copy of the License at
9 http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11 $Id$
13 -%>
14 <%+cbi/valueheader%>
16 <%-
17 local utl = require "luci.util"
18 local fwm = require "luci.model.firewall".init()
19 local nwm = require "luci.model.network".init()
21 local zone, net, iface
22 local zones = fwm:get_zones()
23 local value = self:formvalue(section)
24 if not value or value == "-" then
25 value = self:cfgvalue(section) or self.default
26 end
28 local selected = false
29 local checked = { }
31 for value in utl.imatch(value) do
32 checked[value] = true
33 end
35 if not next(checked) then
36 checked[""] = true
37 end
38 -%>
40 <ul style="margin:0; list-style-type:none; text-align:left">
41 <% if self.allowlocal then %>
42 <li style="padding:0.5em">
43 <input class="cbi-input-radio" onclick="cbi_d_update(this.id)" onchange="cbi_d_update(this.id)"<%=attr("type", self.widget or "radio") .. attr("id", cbid .. "_empty") .. attr("name", cbid) .. attr("value", "") .. ifattr(checked[""], "checked", "checked")%> /> &#160;
44 <label<%=attr("for", cbid .. "_empty")%> style="background-color:<%=fwm.zone.get_color()%>; padding:0.5em">
45 <strong><%:Device%></strong>
46 </label>
47 </li>
48 <% end %>
49 <%
50 for _, zone in utl.spairs(zones, function(a,b) return (zones[a]:name() < zones[b]:name()) end) do
51 if zone:name() ~= self.exclude then
52 selected = selected or (value == zone:name())
53 %>
54 <li style="padding:0.5em">
55 <input class="cbi-input-radio" onclick="cbi_d_update(this.id)" onchange="cbi_d_update(this.id)"<%=attr("type", self.widget or "radio") .. attr("id", cbid .. "." .. zone:name()) .. attr("name", cbid) .. attr("value", zone:name()) .. ifattr(checked[zone:name()], "checked", "checked")%> /> &#160;
56 <label<%=attr("for", cbid .. "." .. zone:name())%> style="background-color:<%=zone:get_color()%>; padding:0.5em">
57 <strong><%=zone:name()%>:</strong>
58 <%
59 local zempty = true
60 for _, net in ipairs(zone:get_networks()) do
61 net = nwm:get_network(net)
62 if net then
63 zempty = false
64 %>
65 &#160;
66 <%- if net:name() == self.network then -%>
67 <span style="background-color:#FFFFFF; border:1px solid #000000; padding:2px; font-weight:bold"><%=net:name()%>:
68 <%- else -%>
69 <span style="background-color:#FFFFFF; border:1px solid #CCCCCC; padding:2px"><%=net:name()%>:
70 <%- end -%>
71 <%
72 local nempty = true
73 for _, iface in ipairs(net and net:get_interfaces() or {}) do
74 nempty = false
75 %>
76 <img<%=attr("title", iface:get_i18n())%> style="width:16px; height:16px; vertical-align:middle" src="<%=resource%>/icons/<%=iface:type()%><%=iface:is_up() and "" or "_disabled"%>.png" />
77 <% end %>
78 <% if nempty then %><em><%:(empty)%></em><% end %>
79 </span>
80 <% end end %>
81 <% if zempty then %><em><%:(empty)%></em><% end %>
82 </label>
83 </li>
84 <% end end %>
86 <% if self.widget ~= "checkbox" and not self.nocreate then %>
87 <li style="padding:0.5em">
88 <input class="cbi-input-radio" onclick="cbi_d_update(this.id)" onchange="cbi_d_update(this.id)" type="radio"<%=attr("id", cbid .. "_new") .. attr("name", cbid) .. attr("value", "-") .. ifattr(not selected, "checked", "checked")%> /> &#160;
89 <div style="background-color:<%=fwm.zone.get_color()%>; padding:0.5em; display:inline">
90 <label<%=attr("for", cbid .. "_new")%>><em><%:unspecified -or- create:%>&#160;</em></label>
91 <input style="width:6em" type="text"<%=attr("name", cbid .. ".newzone") .. ifattr(not selected, "value", luci.http.formvalue(cbid .. ".newzone") or self.default)%> onfocus="document.getElementById('<%=cbid%>_new').checked=true" />
92 </div>
93 </li>
94 <% end %>
95 </ul>
97 <%+cbi/valuefooter%>