[project/luci.git] / themes / openwrt / luasrc / view / themes / openwrt.org / header.htm
1 <%#
2 LuCI - Lua Configuration Interface
3 Copyright 2008 Steven Barth <steven@midlink.org>
4 Copyright 2008-2010 Jo-Philipp Wich <xm@subsignal.org>
6 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
7 you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
8 You may obtain a copy of the License at
10 http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12 $Id$
14 -%>
15 <%
16 require("luci.sys")
17 local load1, load5, load15 = luci.sys.loadavg()
18 local request = require("luci.dispatcher").context.path
19 local category = request[1]
20 local request2 = require("luci.dispatcher").context.request
21 local leaf = request2[#request2]
22 local tree = luci.dispatcher.node()
23 local cattree = category and luci.dispatcher.node(category)
24 local node = luci.dispatcher.context.dispatched
25 local hostname = luci.sys.hostname()
27 local c = tree
28 local i, r
29 for i,r in ipairs(request) do
30 if c.nodes and c.nodes[r] then
31 c = c.nodes[r]
32 c._menu_selected = true
33 end
34 end
36 local has_categories = 0
37 for i,r in pairs(tree.nodes) do
38 if r.title and not r.hidden then
39 has_categories = has_categories + 1
40 end
41 end
43 require("luci.i18n").loadc("base")
44 require("luci.http").prepare_content("application/xhtml+xml")
47 local function nodeurl(prefix, name, query)
48 local url = controller .. prefix .. name .. "/"
49 if query then
50 url = url .. luci.http.build_querystring(query)
51 end
52 return pcdata(url)
53 end
55 local function subtree(prefix, node, level)
56 if not node.nodes or node.hidden then
57 return false
58 end
60 if not level then
61 level = 1
62 end
64 local index = {}
65 local count = 0
66 for k, n in pairs(node.nodes) do
67 if n.title and n.target then
68 table.insert(index, {name=k, order=n.order or 100})
69 count = count + 1
70 end
71 end
73 table.sort(index, function(a, b) return a.order < b.order end)
75 if count > 0 then
76 %>
77 <div class="tabmenu<%=level%>">
78 <ul class="tabmenu l<%=level%>">
79 <%
80 local selected_node
81 local selected_name
83 for j, v in pairs(index) do
84 if #v.name > 0 then
85 local nnode = node.nodes[v.name]
87 if nnode._menu_selected then
88 selected_node = nnode
89 selected_name = v.name
90 end
91 %>
92 <li class="tabmenu-item-<%=v.name%><% if nnode._menu_selected or (node.leaf and v.name == leaf) then %> active<% end %>">
93 <a href="<%=nodeurl(prefix, v.name, nnode.query)%>"><%=striptags(translate(nnode.title))%></a>
94 </li>
95 <%
96 end
97 end
98 %>
99 </ul>
100 <br style="clear:both" />
101 <%
102 if selected_node then
103 subtree(prefix .. selected_name .. "/", selected_node, level + 1)
104 end
105 %>
106 </div>
107 <%
108 end
109 end
112 -%>
114 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
115 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
116 <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="<%=luci.i18n.context.lang%>" lang="<%=luci.i18n.context.lang%>">
117 <head>
118 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
119 <meta http-equiv="Content-Script-Type" content="text/javascript" />
120 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="<%=media%>/cascade.css" />
121 <!--[if IE 6]><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="<%=media%>/ie6.css" /><![endif]-->
122 <!--[if IE 7]><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="<%=media%>/ie7.css" /><![endif]-->
123 <!--[if IE 8]><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="<%=media%>/ie8.css" /><![endif]-->
124 <% if node and node.css then %><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="<%=resource%>/<%=node.css%>" />
125 <% end -%>
126 <script type="text/javascript" src="<%=resource%>/xhr.js"></script>
127 <title><%=striptags( hostname .. ( (node and node.title) and ' - ' .. translate(node.title) or '')) %> - LuCI</title>
128 </head>
129 <body class="lang_<%=luci.i18n.context.lang%>">
131 <p class="skiplink">
132 <span id="skiplink1"><a href="#navigation"><%:Skip to navigation%></a></span>
133 <span id="skiplink2"><a href="#content"><%:Skip to content%></a></span>
134 </p>
136 <div id="menubar">
137 <h2 class="navigation"><a id="navigation" name="navigation"><%:Navigation%></a></h2>
139 <div class="hostinfo">
140 <%=hostname%> | <%=luci.version.distversion%> |
141 <%:Load%>: <%="%.2f" % load1%> <%="%.2f" % load5%> <%="%.2f" % load15%>
142 <span id="xhr_poll_status" style="display:none" onclick="XHR.running() ? XHR.halt() : XHR.run()">
143 | <%:Auto Refresh%>:
144 <span id="xhr_poll_status_on"><%:on%></span>
145 <span id="xhr_poll_status_off" style="display:none"><%:off%></span>
146 </span>
147 </div>
149 <% if has_categories > 1 then %>
150 <ul id="modemenu"><%
151 for k,node in pairs(tree.nodes) do
152 if node.title and not node.hidden then %>
153 <li><a<% if request[1] == k then %> class="active"<%end%> href="<%=controller%>/<%=k%>/"><%=striptags(translate(node.title))%></a></li><%
154 end
155 end
156 %>
157 </ul>
158 <% end %>
160 <%
161 if tree.nodes[category] and tree.nodes[category].ucidata then
162 local ucic = 0
163 for i, j in pairs(require("luci.model.uci").cursor():changes()) do
164 for k, l in pairs(j) do
165 for m, n in pairs(l) do
166 ucic = ucic + 1;
167 end
168 end
169 end
170 -%>
171 <div id="savemenu">
172 <% if ucic > 0 then %>
173 <a class="warning" href="<%=controller%>/<%=category%>/uci/changes/?redir=<%=luci.http.urlencode(luci.http.formvalue("redir") or REQUEST_URI)%>"><%:Unsaved Changes%>: <%=ucic%></a>
174 <%- else -%>
175 <a href="#"><%:Changes%>: 0</a>
176 <% end -%>
177 </div><% end %>
179 <div class="clear"></div>
180 </div>
182 <div id="maincontainer">
183 <div id="tabmenu">
184 <% if category then subtree("/" .. category .. "/", cattree) end %>
185 </div>
187 <div id="maincontent">
188 <noscript>
189 <div class="errorbox">
190 <strong><%:Java Script required!%></strong><br />
191 <%:You must enable Java Script in your browser or LuCI will not work properly.%>
192 </div>
193 </noscript>
195 <%- if luci.sys.user.getuser("root") and not luci.sys.user.getpasswd("root") then -%>
196 <div class="errorbox">
197 <strong><%:No password set!%></strong><br />
198 <%:There is no password set on this router. Please configure a root password to protect the web interface and enable SSH.%>
199 </div>
200 <%- end -%>