--[[ Luci configuration model for statistics - collectd rrdtool plugin configuration (c) 2008 Freifunk Leipzig / Jo-Philipp Wich Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 $Id$ ]]-- m = Map("luci_statistics", translate("RRDTool Plugin Configuration"), translate( "The rrdtool plugin stores the collected data in rrd database " .. "files, the foundation of the diagrams.

" .. "Warning: Setting the wrong values will result in a very " .. "high memory consumption in the temporary directory. " .. "This can render the device unusable!" )) -- collectd_rrdtool config section s = m:section( NamedSection, "collectd_rrdtool", "luci_statistics" ) -- collectd_rrdtool.enable enable = s:option( Flag, "enable", translate("Enable this plugin") ) enable.default = 1 -- collectd_rrdtool.datadir (DataDir) datadir = s:option( Value, "DataDir", translate("Storage directory") ) datadir.default = "/tmp" datadir.rmempty = true datadir.optional = true datadir:depends( "enable", 1 ) -- collectd_rrdtool.stepsize (StepSize) stepsize = s:option( Value, "StepSize", translate("RRD step interval"), translate("Seconds") ) stepsize.default = 30 stepsize.isinteger = true stepsize.rmempty = true stepsize.optional = true stepsize:depends( "enable", 1 ) -- collectd_rrdtool.heartbeat (HeartBeat) heartbeat = s:option( Value, "HeartBeat", translate("RRD heart beat interval"), translate("Seconds") ) heartbeat.default = 60 heartbeat.isinteger = true heartbeat.rmempty = true heartbeat.optional = true heartbeat:depends( "enable", 1 ) -- collectd_rrdtool.rrasingle (RRASingle) rrasingle = s:option( Flag, "RRASingle", translate("Only create average RRAs"), translate("reduces rrd size") ) rrasingle.default = true rrasingle.rmempty = true rrasingle.optional = true rrasingle:depends( "enable", 1 ) -- collectd_rrdtool.rratimespans (RRATimespan) rratimespans = s:option( Value, "RRATimespans", translate("Stored timespans"), translate("seconds; multiple separated by space") ) rratimespans.default = "600 86400 604800 2678400 31622400" rratimespans.rmempty = true rratimespans.optional = true rratimespans:depends( "enable", 1 ) -- collectd_rrdtool.rrarows (RRARows) rrarows = s:option( Value, "RRARows", translate("Rows per RRA") ) rrarows.isinteger = true rrarows.default = 100 rrarows.rmempty = true rrarows.optional = true rrarows:depends( "enable", 1 ) -- collectd_rrdtool.xff (XFF) xff = s:option( Value, "XFF", translate("RRD XFiles Factor") ) xff.default = 0.1 xff.isnumber = true xff.rmempty = true xff.optional = true xff:depends( "enable", 1 ) -- collectd_rrdtool.cachetimeout (CacheTimeout) cachetimeout = s:option( Value, "CacheTimeout", translate("Cache collected data for"), translate("Seconds") ) cachetimeout.isinteger = true cachetimeout.default = 100 cachetimeout.rmempty = true cachetimeout.optional = true cachetimeout:depends( "enable", 1 ) -- collectd_rrdtool.cacheflush (CacheFlush) cacheflush = s:option( Value, "CacheFlush", translate("Flush cache after"), translate("Seconds") ) cacheflush.isinteger = true cacheflush.default = 100 cacheflush.rmempty = true cacheflush.optional = true cacheflush:depends( "enable", 1 ) return m