Class: Hosts Hosts

The class encapsulates host information aggregated from multiple sources and provides convenience functions to access the host information by different criteria.




Lookup the hostname associated with the given IPv6 address.

Name Type Description
ipaddr string

The IPv6 address to lookup.

Type Description
null | string Returns the hostname associated with the given IPv6 or null if no matching host could be found or if no hostname is known for the corresponding host.


Lookup the hostname associated with the given IPv4 address.

Name Type Description
ipaddr string

The IPv4 address to lookup.

Type Description
null | string Returns the hostname associated with the given IPv4 or null if no matching host could be found or if no hostname is known for the corresponding host.


Lookup the hostname associated with the given MAC address.

Name Type Description
mac string

The MAC address to lookup.

Type Description
null | string Returns the hostname associated with the given MAC or null if no matching host could be found or if no hostname is known for the corresponding host.


Lookup the IPv6 address associated with the given MAC address.

Name Type Description
mac string

The MAC address to lookup.

Type Description
null | string Returns the IPv6 address associated with the given MAC or null if no matching host could be found or if no IPv6 address is known for the corresponding host.


Lookup the IPv4 address associated with the given MAC address.

Name Type Description
mac string

The MAC address to lookup.

Type Description
null | string Returns the IPv4 address associated with the given MAC or null if no matching host could be found or if no IPv4 address is known for the corresponding host.


Lookup the MAC address associated with the given IPv6 address.

Name Type Description
ipaddr string

The IPv6 address to lookup.

Type Description
null | string Returns the MAC address associated with the given IPv6 or null if no matching host could be found or if no MAC address is known for the corresponding host.


Lookup the MAC address associated with the given IPv4 address.

Name Type Description
ipaddr string

The IPv4 address to lookup.

Type Description
null | string Returns the MAC address associated with the given IPv4 or null if no matching host could be found or if no MAC address is known for the corresponding host.


Return an array of (MAC address, name hint) tuples sorted by MAC address.

Name Type Default Description
preferIp6 boolean false optional

Whether to prefer IPv6 addresses (true) or IPv4 addresses (false) as name hint when no hostname is known for a specific MAC address.

Type Description
Array.<Array.<string>> Returns an array of arrays containing a name hint for each found MAC address on the system. The array is sorted ascending by MAC. Each item of the resulting array is a two element array with the MAC being the first element and the name hint being the second element. The name hint is either the hostname, an IPv4 or an IPv6 address related to the MAC address. If no hostname but both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are known, the preferIP6 flag specifies whether the IPv6 or the IPv4 address is used as hint.