-- This example demonstrates the action dispatcher which invokes -- an appropriate action function named action_"action" -- This example consists of: -- ffluci/controller/index/example-action.lua (this file) -- Try the following address(es) in your browser: -- ffluci/index/example-action -- ffluci/index/example-action/sp -- ffluci/index/example-action/redir module(..., package.seeall) dispatcher = require("ffluci.dispatcher").action menu = { descr = "Example Action", order = 30, entries = { {action = "index", descr = "Action-Dispatcher Example"}, {action = "sp", descr = "Simple View Template Stealing"}, {action = "redir", descr = "Hello World Redirector"} } } function action_index() require("ffluci.template").render("header") local formvalue = require("ffluci.http").formvalue local x = formvalue("x", nil, true) print(x and "x*x: "..tostring(x*x) or "Set ?x= any number") require("ffluci.template").render("footer") end function action_sp() require("ffluci.http") require("ffluci.i18n") require("ffluci.config") require("ffluci.template") -- Try uncommenting the next line -- ffluci.i18n.loadc("example-simpleview") ffluci.template.render("example-simpleview/index") end function action_redir() require("ffluci.http").request_redirect("public", "index", "foobar") end