[project/luci.git] / libs / lucid-http / luasrc / lucid / http / handler / luci.lua
1 --[[
2 LuCId HTTP-Slave
3 (c) 2009 Steven Barth <steven@midlink.org>
5 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6 you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7 You may obtain a copy of the License at
9 http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11 $Id$
12 ]]--
14 local dsp = require "luci.dispatcher"
15 local util = require "luci.util"
16 local http = require "luci.http"
17 local ltn12 = require "luci.ltn12"
18 local srv = require "luci.lucid.http.server"
19 local coroutine = require "coroutine"
20 local type = type
22 --- LuCI web handler
23 -- @cstyle instance
24 module "luci.lucid.http.handler.luci"
26 --- Create a LuCI web handler.
27 -- @class function
28 -- @param name Name
29 -- @param prefix Dispatching prefix
30 -- @return LuCI web handler object
31 Luci = util.class(srv.Handler)
33 function Luci.__init__(self, name, prefix)
34 srv.Handler.__init__(self, name)
35 self.prefix = prefix
36 dsp.indexcache = "/tmp/luci-indexcache"
37 end
39 --- Handle a HEAD request.
40 -- @param request Request object
41 -- @return status code, header table, response source
42 function Luci.handle_HEAD(self, ...)
43 local stat, head = self:handle_GET(...)
44 return stat, head
45 end
47 --- Handle a POST request.
48 -- @param request Request object
49 -- @return status code, header table, response source
50 function Luci.handle_POST(self, ...)
51 return self:handle_GET(...)
52 end
54 --- Handle a GET request.
55 -- @param request Request object
56 -- @return status code, header table, response source
57 function Luci.handle_GET(self, request, sourcein)
58 local r = http.Request(
59 request.env,
60 sourcein
61 )
63 local res, id, data1, data2 = true, 0, nil, nil
64 local headers = {}
65 local status = 200
66 local active = true
68 local x = coroutine.create(dsp.httpdispatch)
69 while not id or id < 3 do
70 res, id, data1, data2 = coroutine.resume(x, r, self.prefix)
72 if not res then
73 status = 500
74 headers["Content-Type"] = "text/plain"
75 return status, headers, ltn12.source.string(id)
76 end
78 if id == 1 then
79 status = data1
80 elseif id == 2 then
81 if not headers[data1] then
82 headers[data1] = data2
83 elseif type(headers[data1]) ~= "table" then
84 headers[data1] = {headers[data1], data2}
85 else
86 headers[data1][#headers[data1]+1] = data2
87 end
88 end
89 end
91 if id == 6 then
92 while (coroutine.resume(x)) do end
93 return status, headers, srv.IOResource(data1, data2)
94 end
96 local function iter()
97 local res, id, data = coroutine.resume(x)
98 if not res then
99 return nil, id
100 elseif not id or not active then
101 return true
102 elseif id == 5 then
103 active = false
104 while (coroutine.resume(x)) do end
105 return nil
106 elseif id == 4 then
107 return data
108 end
109 end
111 return status, headers, iter
112 end